Replace logon/uw/mmt with a soft link to matrix/gmmt
Create an input file with test sentences in matrix/gmmt, called <src-lg>.txt
(be sure to put blank lines between each item).

In the logon/ directory, replacing <src-lg> and <tgt-lg> as appropriate:

./batch --from <src-lg> --to <tgt-lg> --ascii ./uw/mmt/test_sentences/<src-lg>.txt

Point your tsdb Database Root at 


to see the profile created.

There will also be a .fan file and a .fan.log file in your home
directory.  .fan.log has the stuff that printed out on stdout (and
perhaps a bit more).  .fan has the results.  You can take a quick
look by doing:

 $LOGONROOT/summarize -o 10 <.fan file>

If you want to add a language-specific accommodation transfer grammar:

create <lg>-acm in matrix/gmmt on the model of isl-acm or hau-acm

edit logon/mmt/setup.lisp (i.e., matrix/gmmt/setup.lisp) to use
that one when translating from :any to :<lg>