# # Notes on readline Usage: # # If your Linux system has readline, then you may append the # following flags to the defines below: # # ARCHCFLAGS = . . . -DHASREADLINE # ARCHLIB = . . . -lreadline # # and recompile PVM. # # On some Linux systems, readline requires ncurses, so you # must also add "-lncurses" to the ARCHLIB define. # # Add define of HASSTDLIB for LINUX64 (copied from the LINUX template) # new definitions to allow, at least, "malloc.h" heder file include # and thus not generate 32-bits truncating (thru "sxt4" assembly # instruction ...) code, leading to Linux64 Virtual Memory addresses # to be corrupted ("segments" bits are located in the highest weighted # word/bits !!), on IA-64/Linux64 platforms. # # For some x86-64 systems (like LINUXX86_64 on Fedora 5), you need # to add -DSYSVSTR to ARCHCFLAGS, or else strerror() will bomb. # (Thanks to Bill Schell for this report!) # # For building shared libraries, swap the SHAREDCFLAGS define below # to use the -fpic (or -fPIC, usually equivalent) setting, # (be sure $(SHAREDCFLAGS) is included in $(ARCHCFLAGS) below) # and then do a "make clean ; make shared" in $PVM_ROOT. # SHAREDCFLAGS = -fpic # SHAREDCFLAGS = SHAREDLDFLAGS = -shared # ARCHCFLAGS = -DSYSVSIGNAL -DNOWAIT3 -DRSHCOMMAND=\"/usr/bin/rsh\" \ -DNEEDENDIAN -DFDSETNOTSTRUCT -DHASERRORVARS \ -DHASSTDLIB -DCTIMEISTIMET -DSYSERRISCONST -DNOTMPNAM \ -DSYSVSTR -DUSESTRERROR -DSHAREDTMP $(SHAREDCFLAGS) ARCHDLIB = ARCHDOBJ = ARCHLIB = HASRANLIB = t AR = ar PVM_ARCH = LINUX64 MAKE = make