# # $Id: Makefile,v 1.4 1998/10/01 21:09:20 pvmsrc Exp $ # # Makefile for PVM group library example programs. # # Set PVM_ROOT to the path where PVM includes and libraries are installed. # Set PVM_ARCH to your architecture type (SUN4, HP9K, RS6K, SGI, etc.) # Set ARCHLIB to any special libs needed on PVM_ARCH (-lrpc, -lsocket, etc.) # otherwise leave ARCHLIB blank # # PVM_ARCH and ARCHLIB, among other things, are set for you if you # use "$PVM_ROOT/lib/aimk" instead of "make". # PVM_ARCH = CSPP ARCHLIB = -lcnx_syscall /lib/libail.sl PVMDIR = ../.. SDIR = $(PVMDIR)/gexamples BDIR = $(PVMDIR)/bin XDIR = $(BDIR)/$(PVM_ARCH) PVMIDIR = $(PVMDIR)/include PVMLDIR = $(PVMDIR)/lib/$(PVM_ARCH) PVMLIB = -Wl,-aarchive -lgpvm3 -lpvm3 $(ARCHLIB) CC = /usr/convex/bin/cc -Wl,+tmspp1 CFLAGS = $(CFLOPTS) -cxdb -no -I$(PVMIDIR) -L$(PVMLDIR) FORT = /usr/convex/bin/fc -Wl,+tmspp1 FFLAGS = $(FFLOPTS) -cxdb -no -I$(PVMIDIR) -L$(PVMLDIR) PVMFLIB = -Wl,-aarchive -lfpvm3 $(PVMLIB) all: joinleave gexamp tst thb tnb ge tjl tjf trsg frsg gs joinleave: $(SDIR)/joinleave.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o joinleave $(SDIR)/joinleave.c $(PVMLIB) mv joinleave $(XDIR) tst: $(SDIR)/tst.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o tst $(SDIR)/tst.c $(PVMLIB) mv tst $(XDIR) gs: $(SDIR)/gs.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o gs $(SDIR)/gs.c $(PVMLIB) mv gs $(XDIR) ge: $(SDIR)/ge.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ge $(SDIR)/ge.c $(PVMLIB) mv ge $(XDIR) gexamp: $(SDIR)/gexamp.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o gexamp $(SDIR)/gexamp.c $(PVMLIB) mv gexamp $(XDIR) thb: $(SDIR)/thb.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o thb $(SDIR)/thb.c $(PVMLIB) mv thb $(XDIR) tnb: $(SDIR)/tnb.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o tnb $(SDIR)/tnb.c $(PVMLIB) mv tnb $(XDIR) tjl: $(SDIR)/tjl.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o tjl $(SDIR)/tjl.c $(PVMLIB) mv tjl $(XDIR) tjf: $(SDIR)/tjf.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o tjf $(SDIR)/tjf.c $(PVMLIB) mv tjf $(XDIR) trsg: $(SDIR)/trsg.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o trsg $(SDIR)/trsg.c $(PVMLIB) mv trsg $(XDIR) frsg: $(SDIR)/frsg.f $(FORT) $(FFLAGS) -o frsg $(SDIR)/frsg.f $(PVMFLIB) mv frsg $(XDIR) clean: rm -f *.o tst thb tnb tjl tjf ge gexamp gs joinleave trsg frsg