#!/bin/csh -f # # $Id: debugger,v 1.1 1996/09/23 21:15:39 pvmsrc Exp $ # # debugger.csh # # this script is invoked by the pvmd when a task is spawned with # the PvmTaskDebug flag set. it execs an xterm with script # debugger2 running inside. # # 06 Apr 1993 Manchek # if ($#argv < 1) then echo "usage: debugger command [args]" exit 1 endif set noglob if ($PVM_ARCH == "SUN4SOL2" || $PVM_ARCH == "SUNMP" || $PVM_ARCH == "X86SOL2") then set hn=`uname -n` else set hn=`hostname` endif exec xterm -title "${hn}:$argv[1]" -e $PVM_ROOT/lib/debugger2 $argv