(0) unpacking for i in events opinion negation; do /projects/ltg/python/bin/python /projects/ltg/epe/2018/real/pack.py \ -mode unpack --task $i --infile ${i}.conllu --outpath .; done (1) conversion from CoNLL-U to EPE format cd /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/log sbatch /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/bin/epe UiO/00 (2) run TEES cd /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/log; for i in $(cat /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/RUNS); do for pos in upos xpos none; do sbatch /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/bin/tees \ --pos ${pos} --testSet \ -i /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/${i}/events \ -o /projects/ltg/epe/2018/results/events/${i}/${pos}; done done cd /projects/ltg/epe/2018/results; for i in events/*/*/{upos,xpos,none}/log.txt; do echo -n ${i} cat ${i} | grep -m 1 -A 1000 "Check devel classification" \ | grep -m 1 -A 1000 "Evaluating GENIA sub task 1" \ | grep -m 1 -A 19 "##### approximate span and recursive mode #####" \ | grep "ALL-TOTAL" | sed -e 's/.*==\[ALL-TOTAL\]==//g'; done > /tmp/development.tsv for i in events/*/*/{upos,xpos,none}/log.txt; do echo -n ${i} cat ${i} | grep -m 1 -A 1000 "Test set classification" \ | grep -m 1 -A 1000 "Evaluating GENIA sub task 1" \ | grep -m 1 -A 19 "##### approximate span and recursive mode #####" \ | grep "ALL-TOTAL" | sed -e 's/.*==\[ALL-TOTAL\]==//g'; done > /tmp/evaluation.tsv (3) run Sherlock # # run a dumb grid search over the development set # cd /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/log for i in $(cat ../RUNS); do for j in xpos upos none; do sbatch /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/bin/grid \ /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/${i} lemma ${j} development; done done # # prepare sorted summaries, one per run, PoS value, and metric # cd /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions ./bin/summarize cd /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions for i in $(cat RUNS); do for pos in xpos upos none; do python ./bin/tune.py -full ${i}.${pos}.full --scope ${i}.${pos}.scopes \ --out ${i}/negation/training/Sherlock.${pos}; done; done cd /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/log for i in $(cat ../RUNS); do sbatch /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/bin/sherlock $i lemma "upos,xpos,none"; done for i in development evaluation; do for j in /projects/ltg/epe/2018/results/negation/*/*/*/${i}/score; do awk -f /projects/ltg/epe/sherlock/evaluation/summarize.awk ${j}; done > /tmp/${i}.tsv done (4) run TNGO cd /projects/ltg/epe/richard/workdirs python make_jobs_2018.py dev python make_jobs_2018.py test for i in $(cat /projects/ltg/epe/2018/submissions/RUNS); do python /projects/ltg/epe/richard/workdirs/summarize.py /projects/ltg/epe/2018/results/opinion/${i}; done > /tmp/scores.tsv