(in-package :mrs) ;;; ;;; these are general MRS variables, irrespective of the AVM encoding used in ;;; a particular grammar. ;;; (setf *rel-name-path* `(,(vsym "PRED") )) (setf *rel-handel-path* (list (vsym "LBL"))) (setf *sc-arg-feature* (vsym "HARG")) (setf *outscpd-feature* (vsym "LARG")) (setf *bv-feature* (vsym "ARG0")) (setf *scope-feat* (vsym "BODY")) (setf *top-semantics-type* (vsym "predsort")) (setf *value-feats* (list (vsym "CARG"))) ;;; ;;; the following are grammar-specific paths ;;; (setf *sem-relation-suffix* "_rel") (setf *initial-semantics-path* nil) (setf *main-semantics-path* (append *initial-semantics-path* (list (vsym "RELS")))) (setf *construction-semantics-path* nil) (setf *psoa-top-h-path* (list (vsym "TOP"))) (setf *psoa-index-path* (list (vsym "INDEX"))) (setf *psoa-liszt-path* (list (vsym "RELS"))) (setf *psoa-rh-cons-path* (list (vsym "HCONS"))) ;;; ;;; supress old-style use of determine-variable-type(), as it does not know ;;; about the transfer-specific `anti-'type. requesting VPM-based type mapping ;;; without an actual (named) VPM will result in MRS variable types being the ;;; same as the TFS-level names. ;;; (setf *variable-type-mapping* t) ;;; ;;; for better debugging, print MRS structures readably, by default ;;; #-:debug (setf mrs::*mrs-raw-output-p* nil)