;; ;; Omit punctuation rules which do not add an EP, and which can re-apply ;; w_drop-iright_plr w_drop-ileft_plr w_italleft_plr w_italright_plr w_mwe-wb_dlr w_mwe-3-wb_dlr ;; ;; Omit the informal |-in'| suffix ;; v_prp-nf_olr ;; ;; Omit parentheticals, since they require parentheses, which we don't bound ;; hdn-cl_prnth_c hdn-n_prnth_c ;; ;; Don't generate parenthetical plurals: "cat(s)" n_pl-paren_olr ;; ;; The following rules allow variation in usage of commas ;; aj-hd_scp-pr_c hd-aj_scp-pr_c hdn-np_app_c hdn-aj_redrel-pr_c cl-cl_crd-im_c pp-pp_crd-im_c r-r_crd-im_c np-np_crd-im_c n-n_crd-im_c j-j_crd-prd-im_c flr-hd_nwh-nc_c flr-hd_nwh-nc-np_c ;; ;; The following rule allows that-S as a fragment, but with MRS the same ;; as for an ordinary matrix S, so we don't use it for generation. ;; cl_cp-frg_c ;; ;; The following rule allows relative clause fragments - probably should ;; add some semantics of its own; block for now ;; cl_rel-frg_c ;; ;; The following rule allows inverted quoting verbs, as in |said Kim|, ;; giving unnecessary variation in generation. ;; v_inv-quot_dlr ;; ;; The following rules allow adverbs and PPs after verbs but preceding ;; complements (one part of 'heavy-NP shift' phenomena) hd-aj_vmod_c hd-aj_vmod-s_c ;; ;; suggested in email by dan (9-feb-08), suppress in-situ WH pronouns. ;; sb-hd_q_c ;; ;; Let's try doing without these variants that add commas around ;; relative clauses, which should really only be for non-restrictives, ;; a distinction the grammar does not currently make. ;; But now notice that without these, we cannot generate e.g. ;; |Kim, who arrived, ...| because we require comma-marked rel-cl for ;; proper names, to avoid spurious ambiguity without the commas. So ;; don't block the full rel-cl with commas. ;; ; hdn-aj_rc-pr_c ;; ;; For debugging, block punctuation rules ;; ;w_comma_plr ;w_qmark_plr ;w_bang_plr ;; ;; Block rule that re-orders complements; generally not useful paraphrases ;; hd-cmp_2_c xp_brck-pr_c xp_str-brck-pr_c ;; ACE says this rule is "loopy" hd-pct_c ;; ;; Omit punctuation rules which do not add an EP, and which can re-apply ;; w_bang_plr w_semicol_plr w_sqright_plr w_sqleft_plr w_dqleft_plr w_rparen_plr w_lparen_plr w_dqright_plr w_asterisk_plr w_asterisk-pre_plr w_rbrack_plr w_lbrack_plr w_comma-rp_plr w_comma-sdwch_plr w_comma-prefix_plr_rbst w_comma-sdwch_plr_rbst w_hyphen_plr w_lefthyphen_plr w_comma-nf_plr w_double_semicol_plr w_qqmark_plr w_qmark-bang_plr w_qmark-period_plr w_drop-iright_plr w_drop-ileft_plr w_italleft_plr w_italright_plr w_threedot_plr ;; ;; Omit the informal |-in'| suffix ;; v_prp-nf_olr ;; ;; Omit parentheticals, since they require parentheses, which we don't bound ;; hdn-cl_prnth_c hdn-n_prnth_c ;; ;; The following rules allow variation in usage of commas ;; aj-hd_scp-pr_c hd-aj_scp-pr_c hdn-np_app_c hdn-aj_redrel-pr_c cl-cl_crd-im_c pp-pp_crd-im_c r-r_crd-im_c np-np_crd-im_c n-n_crd-im_c j-j_crd-prd-im_c flr-hd_nwh-nc_c flr-hd_nwh-nc-np_c ;; ;; The following rule allows that-S as a fragment, but with MRS the same ;; as for an ordinary matrix S, so we don't use it for generation. ;; cl_cp-frg_c ;; ;; The following rule allows relative clause fragments - probably should ;; add some semantics of its own; block for now ;; cl_rel-frg_c ;; ;; The following rule allows inverted quoting verbs, as in |said Kim|, ;; giving unnecessary variation in generation. ;; v_inv-quot_dlr ;; ;; The following rules allow adverbs and PPs after verbs but preceding ;; complements (one part of 'heavy-NP shift' phenomena) hd-aj_vmod_c hd-aj_vmod-s_c ;; ;; suggested in email by dan (9-feb-08), suppress in-situ WH pronouns. ;; sb-hd_q_c ;; ;; Let's try doing without these variants that add commas around ;; relative clauses, which should really only be for non-restrictives, ;; a distinction the grammar does not currently make. ;; But now notice that without these, we cannot generate e.g. ;; |Kim, who arrived, ...| because we require comma-marked rel-cl for ;; proper names, to avoid spurious ambiguity without the commas. So ;; don't block the full rel-cl with commas. ;; ; hdn-aj_rc-pr_c ;; ;; For debugging, block punctuation rules ;; ;; w_comma_plr w_qmark_plr ;; ;; Block rule that re-orders complements; generally not useful paraphrases ;; hd-cmp_2_c xp_brck-pr_c xp_str-brck-pr_c ;; ACE says this rule is "loopy" hd-pct_c ;; For educ generation w_paren_comma-nf_plr hd-hd_rnr_c n_pl_olr_rbst v_pst-irreg_olr v_pst_olr_rbst v_psp_olr_rbst v_pas_odlr_rbst v_pas-p_odlr_rbst v_pas-p-t_odlr_rbst v_pas-prt-t_odlr_rbst v_pas-dat_odlr_rbst v_pas-cp_odlr_rbst v_prp_olr_rbst v_3s-fin_olr_rbst w_hasinitcap_dlr w_noinitcap_dlr_rbst w_ne_cap_dlr w_init_num_dlr w_hasnoninitcap_dlr_rbst subjh_bse_rbst sb-hd_mc-ques_c_rbst sb-hd_mc-cma_c_rbst aj-hdn_c_rbst adv-hdn_c_rbst vmod_i_rbst vp_sbrd-prd-aj_rbst n-hdn_cpd-cap_c_rbst n-hdn_cpd-pl_rbst n-hdn_cpd-mnp_c_rbst n-hdn_j-n-cpd_c_rbst hdn-np_app-pnr-rbc_c_rbst hdn-np_app-rbc_c_rbst hdn-np_app-idf-rbc_c_rbst flr-hd_nwh-nc-ap_c_rbst flr-hd_nwh-inv_c_rbst vp-vp_crd-asym-t_c_rbst np-np_crd-me-i-and_c_rbst np-np_crd-and-acc_c_rbst mnp_deg-prd_c_rbst mnp_deg-attr_c_rbst cl_np-wh_c_rbst cl_np-wh-if_c_rbst cl-cl_runon-nocap_c_rbst cl-cl_runon-cma_c_rbst cl-cl_runon-dash_c_rbst cl-cl_runon-malcma_c_rbst cl-np_runon-malcma_c_rbst cl-cl_frg-runon_c_rbst n-v_j-cpd_c_rbst n-j_j-t-cpd_c_rbst n-j_j-cpd_c_rbst hdn_bnp_c_rbst pp_fillhead_non_wh_rbst num_det_1_rbst num_det_2_rbst v-v_crd-fin-ncj_c_rbst v-v_crd-nfin-ncj_c_rbst num_prt-of_c_rbst num_prt-of-def_c_rbst pp-pp_mod_c_rbst np-np_crd-i-and_c_rbst np-np_crd-i-me-and_c_rbst cl_cnj-frg_rbst w_comma_plr