;;; -*- Mode: tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1994-2013 ;;; Dan Flickinger, Rob Malouf, Emily M. Bender ;;; see LICENSE for conditions ;;; ;;; lexrinst.tdl ;;; ;;; Instances of lexical rules defined in lexrules.tdl ;;; ;;; Created: Ann Copestake, 30-Sept-97 ;;; ;;; $Id: lexrinst.tdl 7043 2009-09-03 18:26:55Z oe $ #| v_aux-sb-inv_dlr := sai & [ RNAME lsai ]. v_cond-inv_dlr := cond_sai & [ RNAME csai ]. |# v_aux-advadd_dlr := adv_addition & [ RNAME ladv ]. v_aux-neg-ell_dlr := adv_add_neg_ellipt & [ RNAME lnav ]. v_aux-ell-ref_dlr := vp_ellipsis_ref & [ RNAME lver ]. v_aux-ell-xpl_dlr := vp_ellipsis_expl & [ RNAME lvex ]. j_att_dlr := attr_adj_lexrule & [ RNAME lja ]. det_prt-of-agr_dlr := part_ppof_agr_constr & [ RNAME lpca ]. det_prt-of-nagr_dlr := part_ppof_noagr_constr & [ RNAME lpcn ]. det_prt-nocmp_dlr := part_nocomp_constr & [ RNAME lpn ]. j_n-pre_odlr := %prefix (* pre) (* pre-) pre_noun_adj_lexrule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME ljnp ]. v_v-re_dlr := %prefix (* re) (* re-) """ Verb with *re-* prefix He re-tied his shoe. """ v_v-re_rule & [ RNAME lre ]. v_v-pre_dlr := %prefix (* pre) (* pre-) """ Verb with *pre-* prefix He pre-signed the check. """ v_v-pre_rule & [ RNAME lpre ]. v_v-mis_dlr := %prefix (* mis) (* mis-) """ Verb with *mis-* prefix He mis-tied his shoe. """ v_v-mis_rule & [ RNAME lmis ]. ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; to make this rule functional, token mapping would have to not separate off ;;; *co-* (in `derivational_prefix_tmr'). however, doing that would then mean ;;; that either (a) we provide a prefixation rule for other parts of speech too ;;; (`co-author', maybe `co-educational') or minimally adjust existing lexical ;;; entries (currently MWEs); or (b) that we create a token-level ambiguity; i ;;; hesitate doing the latter. but maybe it would not be so bad, in the end? ;;; the same problem applies to other derivational rules, of course. ;;; (13-mar-09; oe) v_v-co_dlr := %prefix (* co-) (* co) """ Verb with *co-* prefix He co-wrote the paper. """ v_v-co_rule & [ ND-AFF + ]. v_v-un_dlr := %prefix (* un) (* un-) """ Verb with *un-* prefix He untied his shoe. """ v_v-un_rule & [ RNAME lunv ]. v_v-counter_dlr := %prefix (* counter) (* counter-) """ Verb with *counter-* prefix He counter-signed the bill. """ v_v-counter_rule & [ RNAME lctv ] . v_v-over_dlr := %prefix (* over) (* over-) """ Verb with *over-* prefix He over-built the porch. """ v_v-over_rule & [ RNAME lovtv ]. v_v-out_dlr := %prefix (* out) (* out-) """ Verb with *out-* prefix He out-played his opponent. """ v_v-out_rule & [ RNAME lotv ]. v_v-self_dlr := %prefix (* self) (* self-) """ Verb with *self-* prefix He was self-insured. """ v_v-self_rule & [ RNAME lsfv ]. v_v-cross_dlr := %prefix (* cross) (* cross-) """ Verb with *cross-* prefix He cross-examined the witness. """ v_v-cross_rule & [ RNAME lcsv ]. v_v-under_dlr := %prefix (* under) (* under-) """ Verb with *under-* prefix The area is under-developed """ v_v-under_rule & [ RNAME luvtv ]. n_n-co_dlr := %prefix (* co) (* co-) """ Noun with *co-* prefix Our co-teacher arrived. """ n_n-co_rule & [ RNAME lnco ]. n_n-co-ni_dlr := %prefix (* co) (* co-) """ Noun with *co-* prefix, non-inflecting Our co-derivatives group arrived. """ n_n-co-ni_rule & [ RNAME lncon ]. n_n-counter_dlr := %prefix (* counter) (* counter-) """ Noun with *counter-* prefix The counter-proposal arrived. """ n_n-counter_rule & [ RNAME lctn ]. n_n-counter-ni_dlr := %prefix (* counter) (* counter-) """ Noun with *counter-* prefix, non-inflecting The counter-narcotics team arrived. """ n_n-counter-ni_rule & [ RNAME lctnn ]. n_n-mini_dlr := %prefix (* mini) (* mini-) """ Noun with *mini-* prefix The mini-car arrived. """ n_n-mini_rule & [ RNAME lctn ]. n_n-mini-ni_dlr := %prefix (* mini) (* mini-) """ Noun with *mini-* prefix, non-inflecting The mini-car transporter arrived. """ n_n-mini-ni_rule & [ RNAME lctnn ]. j_j-co_dlr := %prefix (* co-) (* co) """ Adjective with *co-* prefix The co-educational hall opened. """ j_j-co_rule & [ RNAME ljco ]. j_j-un_dlr := %prefix (* un-) (* un) """ Adjective with *un-* prefix The unhappy cat arose. """ j_j-un_rule & [ RNAME lunj ]. j_j-non_dlr := %prefix (* non) """ Adjective with *non* prefix The nonlinear solution failed. """ j_j-non_rule & [ RNAME lnnj ]. j_j-over_dlr := %prefix (* over-) (* over) """ Adjective with *over-* prefix The over-optimistic player arrived. """ j_j-over_rule & [ RNAME ljco ]. w_period_plr := %suffix (!. !..) punctuation_period_rule & [ RNAME lpp ]. w_comma_plr := %suffix (* ,) punctuation_comma_rule & [ RNAME lpcm ]. w_semicol_plr := %suffix (!. !.;) punctuation_semicol_rule & [ RNAME lpsc ].