A is a cube. B is smaller than A. C is between A and D. D is large. E is larger than A. B is a tetrahedron. E is a dodecahedron. E is right of B. E is to the right of B. A is smaller than E. D is in back of A. B is in the same row as D. B is the same size as C. F is not in front of A. F is to the right of A and to the left of B. F is either in back of or smaller than A. E and D are between C and A. Neither E nor D is larger than C. E is neither larger than nor smaller than D. C is smaller than A but larger than E. C is in front of F; moreover, it is smaller than F. B is in the same row as A but is not in the same column as F. E is not in the same column as either C or D. Either A is small or both C and D are large. D and E are both in back of B. D and E are both in back of B and larger than it. Both D and C are cubes; however neither of them is small. Neither E nor A is to the right of C and to the left of B. Either E is not large or it is in back of A. C is neither between A and B, nor in front of either of them. Either both A and E are tetrahedra or both A and F are. Neither D nor C is in front of either C or B. C is either between D and F or smaller than both of them. It is not the case that B is in the same row as C. B is in the same column as E, which is in the same row as D, which in turn is in the same column as A. If C is a tetrahedron, then A is not a tetrahedron. If B is a tetrahedron, then D isn't. If B is a tetrahedron, then C isn't. If A is a cube and B is a dodecahedron, then A is to the left of B. If B and C are both cubes, then they are in the same row but not in the same column. B is a tetrahedron only if it is small. If A and D are both cubes, then one is to the left of the other. D is a cube if and only if it is either medium or large. If B is neither to the right nor left of D, then one of them is a tetrahedron. B and C are the same size if and only if one is a tetrahedron and the other is a dodecahedron. If A is a tetrahedron then it is in front of D. A is to the left of or right of D only if it's a cube. C is between either A and E or A and D. C is to the right of A, provided it (i.e., C) is small. C is to the right of D only if B is to the right of C and left of E. If E is a tetrahedron, then it's to the right of B if and only if it is also in front of B. If B is a dodecahedron, then if it isn't in front of D then it isn't in back of D either. C is in back of A but in front of E. E is in front of D unless it (i.e., E) is a large tetrahedron. At least one of A, C, and E is a cube. A is a tetrahedron only if it is in front of B. B is larger than both A and E. A and E are both larger than C, but neither is large. D is the same shape as B only if they are the same size. A is large if and only if it's a cube. B is a cube unless C is a tetrahedron. If E isn't a cube, either B or D is large. B or D is a cube if either A or C is a tetrahedron. A is large just in case D is small. A is large just in case E is. If A is a tetrahedron, then B is also a tetrahedron. C is a tetrahedron if B is. A and C are both tetrahedra only if at least one of them is large. A is a tetrahedron but C isn't large. If C is small and D is a dodecahedron, then D is neither large nor small. C is medium only if none of D, E, and F are cubes. D is a small dodecahedron unless A is small. E is large just in case it is a fact that D is large if and only if F is. D and E are the same size. D and E are the same shape. F is either a cube or a dodecahedron, if it is large. C is larger than E only if B is larger than C.