;;; -*- Mode: tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1994-2018 ;;; Dan Flickinger, Rob Malouf, Emily M. Bender ;;; see LICENSE for conditions ;;; ;;; constructions_sgshort.tdl ;;; ;;; The instances of phrases defined in syntax.tdl ;;; Additions to the Singlish branch of the English Resource Grammar ;;; ;;; Created: Ann Copestake, 30-Sept-97 ;;; ;;; $Id: constructions.tdl 7479 2010-02-21 23:11:30Z danf $ ;;; Chow Siew Yeng 2020, 2021 ;; ;; Constructions ; CSY 19-10-2020 - for Singlish j-j_nocop_crd_c := a_nocop_coord_phr_fin & """ Conjnd pred Adj, no preceding cop He smart and fast. """ [ RNAME ctaps ]. ; CSY 3-12-2020 for sg questions flr-hd_wh-mc := filler_head_rule_wh_mc & [ RNAME fhw ]. ; 9-3-2021 for the new head filler rule with the filler at the back ; only for 'one' hd-flr_rel-fin_c := head_filler_fin_np_rel_rule & """ head-filler, non-wh, only 'one' The person [we admire one] """ [ RNAME fhhf ]. ; 9-3-2021 for RC with relpro 'one' to become NP hdn_onenp_c := one_np_rule & """ noun phrase with relative pronoun "one" [We like one] is this. '(the one that we like) is this.' """ [ RNAME onp ]. ; 16-3-2021 to replace hd_xsb-fin_c hd_xsb-finprp_c := extrasubj_finorprp_rule & """ Extract subject from finite or prp head Who do you think [going]? """ [ RNAME shxp ]. ; 25-3-2021 - to replace flr-hd_rel-fin_c flr-hd_rel-finprp_c := filler_head_finprp_np_rel_rule & """ The person [who eating cake] admires me. """ [ RNAME fhfp ]. ; 20-4-2021 for the possessive one ;sp-hd_o_c := hspec_one_rule & ;""" ;Hd(only one)+specifier, nonhd = sem hd ;or nonhd introduces sem hd(?) ; ;The cake is [Kim one]. ;""" ; ; [ RNAME spoh ]. pn-sp_o_c := pn_spec_one_rule & """ Change proper noun into a det for poss one Kim one is going. """ [ RNAME pnsp ]. ;pn-sp_k_c := pn_spec_kin_rule & ;""" ;Change proper noun into a det for kinship terms ; ;Kim father is going. ;""" ; [ RNAME pnsk ]. ;np_gomod_c := gomod_rule & ;""" ;Modifier phrase for 'go' from loc NP ; ;B go [market.] ;""" ; [ RNAME ngom ]. ; 23-5-2021 comp head rule just for sfp cmp-hd_u_c := comph_rule & """ Complement-head that is only used on particles and sentences The person admires me sia. """ [ RNAME cph ]. ; 24-8-2021 using all the cmp hd rule for both sfa and sfp. comp marker can be used for ; verbal attachments in the future maybe ;cmp-mrkr_u_c := compm_rule & ;""" ; Complement-marker that is only used on adverbs markiing verbs where the verb remains the head ; Probably to try in the future if analysis makes sense for this example. ; The person finish already the homework. ; """ ; [ RNAME cpm ]. cmp-hd_sfpi_c := comph_sfpi_rule & """ Complement-head that is only used on particle1_rel particles and particle-headed sentences The person admires me lah hah. """ [ RNAME cphp ]. cmp-hd_sfp2b_c := comph_sfp2b_rule & """ Complement-head that is only used on particle2b_rel particles and particle-headed sentences. Cannot be followed by sfpi The person admires me one sia. """ [ RNAME cphb ]. cmp-hd_sfp2a_c := comph_sfp2a_rule & """ Complement-head that is only used on particle2a_rel particles and particle-headed sentences. Can be followed by sfpi The person admires me one lah. """ [ RNAME cpha ]. cmp-hd_sfp3_c := comph_sfp3_rule & """ Complement-head that is only used on particle3_rel particles and sfadverb-headed sentences. Can be followed by sfp2 The person eat already one. """ [ RNAME cpha ]. ;pro-drp_c := prodrop_rule & ;""" ;pronoun dropping ; ;want to eat. ;""" ; [ RNAME pdp ]. ; 20-10-2021 for nouns after going through singlish infl ; so that they don't need specifiers ; If I take away the DIV - constraint in singlish_noun, those nouns can pass through ; the regular hdn_bnp_c also.. ; #temporarily commented out to reduce overgeneration hdn_bnp-unsp_c := bare_np_unspec_rule & """ Cat sleeps. for common noun cat """ [ RNAME bnun ]. #| ; 2-11-2021 new rule test ; #test for predicative adj without copula nocop_c := nocop_pred_lexrule & """ Converts pred adj (after passing through subj rule) into a finite VP They happy """ [ RNAME pradj ]. |# ;;;;;;;;;;;;; the never unifies ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; flr-hd_rel-fin_c := never_unify_rule. ; get rid of this np_nb-frg_c := never_unify_rule. ; CSY 7-8-2021 - remove rules that cause overgeneration in singlish sentences ; esp those with adj j_frg_c := never_unify_rule. hd_xsb-fin_c := never_unify_rule. ; Avoid spurious parse for "Cat slept." This rule is unnecessary since Singlish ; provides a more general mechanism for bare singulars as in ; "She will be president." hdn_bnp-prd_c := never_unify_rule.