;;; -*- Mode: tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1994-2018 ;;; Dan Flickinger, Rob Malouf, Emily M. Bender ;;; see LICENSE for conditions ;;; ;;; lexrules_sgshort.tdl ;;; ;;; Inflectional affixes and derivational lexical rules ;;; Additions to the Singlish branch of the English Resource Grammar ;;; ;;; Created: Rob Malouf, 3-Nov-1994 ;;; ;;; $Id: lexrules.tdl 7479 2010-02-21 23:11:30Z danf $ ;;; Chow Siew Yeng 2020, 2021 ; 18-4-2021 - should the VFORM be changed to just fin #totest ; 10-6-2021 change subject OPT ; 6-10-2021 remove present tense in ADDTAM bse_or_fin_verb := local & """ CSY 2-11-2020 for Singlish, no inflection verbs (take away no_aspect) optional SUBJ, took away person number he eat already. """ [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin_or_bse_or_imp, PRD -, ;TAM.ASPECT no_aspect, --ADDIN [ ;ADDPN -3s, ADDTAM indic_tam ] ], POSTHD +, VAL.SUBJ < synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.CASE nom, CONT nom-obj, CONJ cnil, AGR #agr ] ] > ], AGR #agr ]. ; 30-7-2021 add in the change in 3SGINFL value so that verbs that pass through this can ; be distinguished from verbs that pass through v_3s-fin_inflrule ; this was used for the opt subject because I wanted 3sg inflected verbs to not be able to have opt Subj ; but it is not currently implemented well in this grammar and should probably be commented out ;v_n3s-bse_inflrule := lex_rule_infl_affixed & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.3SGINFL 3sg_unk ]. ; CSY 29-12-2020 for the count nouns that don't need specifier in Singlish ; DIV value not specified. Even though this allows for unusual NPs like "much cats" ; This is also allowed in the ERG. ; 2-3-2021 - add nonc-hm to prevent this from taking proper names ; so that Abrams works does not undergo this, and end up with a BNP Abrams ; preserve DIV bool instead of - because i want Many cat sleep. ; removed nonc-hm singlish_count_noun := sing_or_plur_noun & [ CAT [ HEAD noun_or_ttl, VAL.SPR.FIRST [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3, DIV - ] ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG png & [ PN 3 ] ] ]. ; CSY 13-9-2020 - rule to allow predicative adj to take subjects ; 10-9-2020 - change DTR from aj_-_i-prd_le to norm_adj_word (not sure if overgenerates) ; added SYNSEM intrans_pred_adj_synsem to DTR ; 17-11-2020 - changed DTR from aj_-_i-prd_le to its supertype to prevent undergenerating ; 3-12-2020 - added COMPS to the mother and hd daughter to ensure COMPS value is passed up, ; prevents over-generation ; 11-12-2020 - add nonloc and inherit semantics instead of syntax ; 9-1-2021 - replaced DTR's SYNSEM norm_adj_synsem to try to allow it to apply to aj_pp_i-er_le ; other adjs like 'happy' can go through the rule when the COMPS value is not passed up pred_adj_subj_lexrule:= norm_lex_rule & aj_nocop_i-prd_le & [ ORTH #orth, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS #minors, VAL [ SUBJ < synsem_min & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, NONLOC #nonloc ] >, COMPS #comps ] ], DTR norm_adj_word & [ ORTH #orth, SYNSEM adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS #minors, MOD < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, NONLOC #nonloc & non-local_none ] > ], VAL.COMPS #comps ] ] ] ]. ; 2-11-2021 #test to try to implement the pumping rule for pred adj to fin VP ; so that adjectives can be without VFORM and sentences like They very happy ; can parse nocop_pred_lexrule:= norm_lex_rule & [ ORTH #orth, SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verbal & [ VFORM fin, PRD - ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min >, SUBJ < synsem_min & [ --SIND #subjind & basic_non_expl, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD supnoun, VAL.SPR *olist*], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], NONLOC #nonloc ] > ] ], CONT #cont & [ HOOK.XARG #subjind ] ], DTR norm_adj_word & [ ORTH #orth, SYNSEM adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ PRD +, MOD < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, NONLOC #nonloc & non-local_none ] > ], VAL [ COMPS < > ] ], CONT #cont ] ] ] ]. ; CSY 9-11-2020 Don't assign PRD + for Singlish, to allow "he eating" ; CSY 18-3-2021 - supertype of lex_rule_affixed that the prp_verb will inherit ; from supertype without SLASH 0-dlist, so that VPs headed by prp verbs can ; undergo hd_xsb-finprp_c verb_participle_super_affix := local & [ CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL.SUBJ < synsem & [ LOCAL.AGR #agr ] >, HC-LEX - ], AGR #agr ]. ;; DPF 23-02-21 - Removed PRD +, since subtypes assign value verb_participle_affix := verb_participle_super_affix & [ CAT [ VAL.SUBJ < synsem & [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ] ]. ; 18-3-2021 new prp verb that inherits instead from verb_participle_super_affix prp_verb := non_fin_verb & verb_participle_super_affix & [ CAT.HEAD [ VFORM prp, TAM.ASPECT [ PROGR + ] ] ]. ; CSY 29-12-2020 new inflectional rule for singlish nouns that have underspec number ; and don't need SPR ; 9-3-2021 pass up minors for to make sure proper nouns get the bnp_pn rule only n_singlish_inflrule := lex_rule_infl_affixed & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS #minors, DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS #minors ]. ;;; commented out because instead of making this rule, changed the VFORM in subjh rule ;;; to the newly created fin_or_prp ; CSY 7-1-2020 - rule for allowing Ving verbs to be finite ;v_prp-to-fin_lexrule := norm_lex_rule & ;""" ;For the present participle to be finite ;for sentences like "He admiring the cat" in Singlish ;admiring ;""" ; [ ORTH #orth, ; SYNSEM.LOCAL fin_verb & ; [ CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps ], ; DTR [ ORTH #orth, ; SYNSEM norm_adj_synsem & ; [ LOCAL prp_verb & ; CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps ] ] ]. ; 28-7-2021 need to change the 3sginfl value to 3sg_plus ; but the basic_lex_rule_infl_affixed ensures that the daughter and mother have the ; same SYNSEM values. ; 29-7-2021 - branch the basic_lex_rule into 2 and change one such that every part of SYNSEM except 3SGINFL is inherited basic_lex_rule_infl_affixed_super := basic_lex_rule_basic & word_or_infl_rule. basic_lex_rule_infl_affixed := basic_lex_rule_infl_affixed_super & [ KEY-ARG #keyarg, SYNSEM #synsem, ARGS < #dtr >, DTR #dtr & word_or_nonpunct_rule & [ INFLECTD -, KEY-ARG #keyarg, SYNSEM #synsem ], C-CONT.RELS ]. ;basic_3sglex_rule_infl_affixed := basic_lex_rule_infl_affixed_super & ; [ KEY-ARG #keyarg, ; SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CONT #cont, ; CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS #minors, ; MOD #mod, ; PRD #prd, ; AUX #aux, ; INV #inv, ; TAM #tam, ; CASE #case, ; POSS #poss, ; --ADDIN #addin, ; VFORM #vform ], ; VAL #val, ; MC #mc, ; POSTHD #posthd, ; HC-LEX #hc-lex, ; HS-LEX #hs-lex, ; NEGPOL #negpol ], ; AGR #agr, ; ARG-S #arg-s, ; CONJ #conj, ; CTXT #ctxt ], ; LKEYS #lkeys, ; NONLOC #nonloc, ; OPT #opt, ; --SIND #sind, ; --MIN #min, ; LEX #lex, ; MODIFD #modifd, ; PHON #phon, ; PUNCT #punct ], ; ARGS < #dtr >, ; DTR #dtr & word_or_nonpunct_rule & ; [ INFLECTD -, ; KEY-ARG #keyarg, ; SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CONT #cont, ; CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS #minors, ; MOD #mod, ; PRD #prd, ; AUX #aux, ; INV #inv, ; TAM #tam, ; CASE #case, ; POSS #poss, ; --ADDIN #addin, ; VFORM #vform ], ; VAL #val, ; MC #mc, ; POSTHD #posthd, ; HC-LEX #hc-lex, ; HS-LEX #hs-lex, ; NEGPOL #negpol ], ; AGR #agr, ; ARG-S #arg-s, ; CONJ #conj, ; CTXT #ctxt ], ; LKEYS #lkeys, ; NONLOC #nonloc, ; OPT #opt, ; --SIND #sind, ; --MIN #min, ; LEX #lex, ; MODIFD #modifd, ; PHON #phon, ; PUNCT #punct ] ], ; C-CONT.RELS ]. ;3sglex_rule_infl_affixed := basic_3sglex_rule_infl_affixed & ; [ INFLECTD + ]. ;v_3s-fin_inflrule := 3sglex_rule_infl_affixed & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.3SGINFL 3sg_plus ]. ;16-11-2021 #temporary ;v_3s-fin_inflrule := lex_rule_infl_affixed & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.3SGINFL 3sg_plus ].