;;; -*- Mode: tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; in SciBorg text, it appears, superscripts appear as regular text, and what ;;; presumably once was a minus sign (#x2212) now is an n-dash (#x2013). if ;;; possible, these should be corrected in the actual text extraction (from ;;; PDF, SGML, or XML, i presume). but then we would also have to define more ;;; GML syntax to represent superscripts in the parser input. (3-un-09; oe) ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; chemistry_measure_ne_1_tmr := two_one_tmt & [ +INPUT < [ +FORM ^(mA|mol|C|µg)$, +CLASS non_ne ], [ +FORM ^((?:cm|nm|s|L|mL)–[12])$, +CLASS non_ne, +PRED #pred, +CARG #carg ] >, +OUTPUT < [ +FORM "${I1:+FORM:1} ${I2:+FORM:1}", +CLASS meas_noun_ne, +TRAIT generic_trait, +PRED #pred, +CARG #carg, +TNT null_tnt ] > ]. chemistry_measure_ne_2_tmr := one_one_tmt & [ +INPUT < [ +FORM #form & ^(?:cm|nm|d|s|g|M|L|mol|min|kcal mol)–[12]$, +CLASS non_ne, +PRED #pred, +CARG #carg ] >, +OUTPUT < [ +FORM #form, +CLASS meas_noun_ne, +TRAIT generic_trait, +PRED #pred, +CARG #carg, +TNT null_tnt ] > ].