;;; Copyright (c) 1997-2018 John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen, Frederik Fouvry ;;; see LICENSE for conditions (in-package :lkb) (define-lkb-frame chart-window ((root :initform nil :accessor chart-window-root) (nodes :initform nil :accessor chart-window-nodes) (selected-words :initform nil :accessor chart-window-selected-words) (selected-edge :initform nil :accessor chart-window-selected-edge)) :info-bar t :display-function 'draw-chart-window :text-style (lkb-parse-tree-font) :width :compute :height :compute) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) (clim:define-presentation-type word ()) (clim:define-presentation-type edge ())) ;;; make sure that a chart window is not left open after ;;; a new sentence is parsed, since the interactions sometimes ;;; get confused if there's a window which corresponds to an ;;; old parse ;;; also remove record of window if user closes it (defun close-existing-chart-windows nil (invalidate-chart-commands) (when *main-chart-frame* (clim:execute-frame-command *main-chart-frame* '(com-close-frame))) (loop for frame in *sub-chart-window-frames* do (clim:execute-frame-command frame '(com-close-frame))) (setf *main-chart-frame* nil) (setf *sub-chart-window-frames* nil)) (defmethod clim:frame-exit :before ((frame chart-window) #+:allegro &rest #+:allegro keys) ;; !!! the &rest argument in Allegro CLIM is undocumented and conflicts with the CLIM 2 spec #+:allegro (declare (ignore keys)) (if (eq frame *main-chart-frame*) (setq *main-chart-frame* nil) (setq *sub-chart-window-frames* (remove frame *sub-chart-window-frames*)))) ;;; (defun draw-chart-lattice (node title &key (horizontalp t) (subframe-p nil)) (declare (ignore horizontalp)) (when (and *main-chart-frame* (not subframe-p)) (clim:execute-frame-command *main-chart-frame* '(com-close-frame))) (mp:run-function title #'draw-chart-lattice-really node title subframe-p)) (defun draw-chart-lattice-really (node title subframe-p) (let ((chart-window (clim:make-application-frame 'chart-window :pretty-name title))) (if subframe-p (push chart-window *sub-chart-window-frames*) (setf *main-chart-frame* chart-window)) (setf (chart-window-root chart-window) node) (clim:run-frame-top-level chart-window))) (defun draw-chart-window (window stream &key max-width max-height) (declare (ignore max-width max-height)) (let ((root (chart-window-root window)) (chart-nodes nil)) ;; Don't bother if there's no chart (when (get root 'chart-edge-descendants) (clim:format-graph-from-roots (get root 'chart-edge-descendants) #'(lambda (node stream) (let ((s (get node 'chart-edge-name))) (if (member node (get root 'chart-edge-descendants) :test #'eq) (with-text-style-bold-face (stream) (clim:with-output-as-presentation (stream (symbol-name node) 'word) (write-string s stream))) (progn (push node chart-nodes) (clim:with-output-as-presentation (stream node 'edge) (write-string s stream)))))) #'(lambda (node) (get node 'chart-edge-descendants)) :stream stream :graph-type :dag :merge-duplicates t :orientation :horizontal :maximize-generations t :generation-separation *tree-level-sep* :within-generation-separation *tree-node-sep* :center-nodes nil) (setf (chart-window-nodes window) chart-nodes) (finish-output stream) ; wait for graph drawing to finish ;; drawing finished flag below tested in wait-until-chart-ready #+:mcclim (setf (clim:frame-properties window 'finished) t) #-:mcclim (setf (getf (clim:frame-properties window) 'finished) t)))) ;;; Update the yield pane when we are over an edge (define-info-bar edge (node stream) (let ((yield (get node 'chart-edge-leaves))) (when yield (dolist (word yield) (write-string (string-downcase word) stream) (write-char #\space stream))))) ;;; Click on background to clear selection (define-chart-window-command (com-background-menu) ((obj 'clim:blank-area :gesture (:select :menu nil))) (declare (ignore obj)) (clim:with-application-frame (frame) (setf (chart-window-selected-words frame) nil) (setf (chart-window-selected-edge frame) nil) (unhighlight-objects frame))) ;;; Click on a word to add to highlighted words (define-chart-window-command (com-word-menu) ((str 'word :gesture (:select :menu nil))) (clim:with-application-frame (frame) (with-slots (selected-words) frame (setf (chart-window-selected-edge frame) nil) (unhighlight-objects frame) (if (member str selected-words :test #'string=) (setf selected-words (delete str selected-words :test #'string=)) (push str selected-words)) (highlight-words frame)))) ;;; Highlight selected words and all edges that cover selected words (defun highlight-words (frame) (let* ((stream (clim:frame-standard-output frame)) (words (chart-window-selected-words frame)) (objects (nconc (loop for node in (chart-window-nodes frame) for edge-leaves = (get node 'chart-edge-leaves) when (and (= (length words) (length edge-leaves)) (subsetp edge-leaves words :test #'string=)) collect (find-object stream #'(lambda (x) (eq x node)))) (loop for word in words collect (find-object stream #'(lambda (x) (string= x word))))))) (highlight-objects objects frame))) ;;; Pop-up menu for chart edges (define-chart-window-command (com-edge-menu) ((node 'edge :gesture (:select :menu nil))) (clim:with-application-frame (frame) (let ((edge-rec (if (search "Generator Chart" (clim:frame-pretty-name frame)) (find-gen-edge-given-id (get node 'chart-edge-id)) (find-edge-given-id (get node 'chart-edge-id))))) (when edge-rec (pop-up-menu (append '(("Highlight nodes" :value highlight)) '(("Feature structure" :value fs)) '(("Unfilled feature structure" :value ufs)) (when (rule-p (edge-rule edge-rec)) `((,(format nil "Rule ~A" (rule-id (edge-rule edge-rec))) :value rule))) '(("New chart" :value new)) `((,(format nil "Tree ~A" (edge-id edge-rec)) :value edge)) `(("Compare" :value compare :active ,(chart-window-selected-edge frame))) `(("Unify" :value unify :active ,*fs1*))) (fs (display-fs (edge-dag edge-rec) (format nil "Edge ~A ~A - FS" (edge-id edge-rec) (if (g-edge-p edge-rec) "G" "P")))) (ufs (display-fs (unfilled-tdfs (copy-tdfs-completely (edge-dag edge-rec))) (format nil "Edge ~A ~A - Unfilled FS" (edge-id edge-rec) (if (g-edge-p edge-rec) "G" "P")))) (edge (display-parse-tree edge-rec nil)) (rule (let* ((item (edge-rule edge-rec)) (rule (and (rule-p item) item))) (when rule (display-fs (rule-full-fs rule) (format nil "~A" (rule-id rule)))))) (highlight (setf (chart-window-selected-edge frame) edge-rec) (highlight-edge edge-rec frame)) (new (display-edge-in-new-window frame edge-rec)) (compare (compare (list (chart-window-selected-edge frame) edge-rec))) (unify (try-unify-fs-in-chart (edge-dag edge-rec)))))))) (defun try-unify-fs-in-chart (fs) ;; very similar to the function in activefs (let* ((fs1 *fs1*) (path1 *path1*) (result nil)) (when (and fs1 (listp path1)) (setq result (unify-paths-with-fail-messages (create-path-from-feature-list path1) fs1 (create-path-from-feature-list nil) (tdfs-indef fs) :selected1 path1 :selected2 nil)) (terpri) (when result (display-fs result "Unification result"))) (setq *fs1* nil))) ;;; Highlight an edge in the chart - find topmost chart window on screen, ;;; locate the edge, ask for chart window to be scrolled so edge is visible in ;;; the center, and then highlight the edge (defun display-edge-in-chart (edge) (let ((frame *main-chart-frame*)) (when frame (highlight-edge edge frame :scroll-to t)))) (defun highlight-edge (edge frame &key (scroll-to nil)) (let* ((stream (clim:frame-standard-output frame)) (record (find-object stream #'(lambda (x) (and (symbolp x) (= (get x 'chart-edge-id) (edge-id edge)))))) (on-path (append (cdr (collect-subs edge stream)) (collect-supers edge frame stream)))) (setf (chart-window-selected-words frame) nil) (cond (record (when scroll-to (scroll-to record stream)) (highlight-objects-mark (cons record on-path) frame)) (t (highlight-objects on-path frame))))) (defun collect-subs (edge stream) ;; displayed to the left of .edge. in chart window (when edge (let ((record (find-object stream #'(lambda (x) (and (symbolp x) (eql (get x 'chart-edge-id) (edge-id edge))))))) (append (when record (list record)) (mapcan #'(lambda (e) (collect-subs e stream)) (edge-children edge)))))) (defun collect-supers (edge frame stream) ;; displayed to the right of .edge. (when edge (let ((node (loop for n in (chart-window-nodes frame) when (eql (get n 'chart-edge-id) (edge-id edge)) return n))) (when node (labels ((node-descendants (n) (cons n (mapcan #'node-descendants (get n 'chart-edge-descendants))))) (loop for desc in (delete-duplicates (cdr (node-descendants node))) ; inefficient collect (find-object stream #'(lambda (x) (eq x desc))))))))) ;;; Create a new chart window and display just the descendants and ancestors ;;; of the edge in it (defun display-edge-in-new-window (parent-frame edge) (if edge (draw-chart-lattice (filtered-chart-lattice (chart-window-root parent-frame) edge nil) (symbol-name (gentemp (format nil "~A-" (clim:frame-pretty-name parent-frame)))) :subframe-p t) (lkb-beep))) (defun display-partial-chart (root edge subframe-p) ;; same as above, but called without drawing the full chart (if edge (draw-chart-lattice (filtered-chart-lattice root edge nil) "Partial Chart" :subframe-p subframe-p) (lkb-beep)))