#!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use CGI; use DBI; my $query = new CGI; my $dbroot = "Jacy_2008-11-05"; my $cssdir = "/lextypedb"; my $cgidir = "/cgi-bin/lextypedb_tools"; my $charset = "utf-8"; my $version = "???"; if(-e "params"){ open(PARAM, "params"); while(<PARAM>){ chomp; (my $para, my $val) = split /=/;#/ if($para eq "dbroot"){ $dbroot = $val; }elsif($para eq "charset"){ $charset = $val; }elsif($para eq "cssdir"){ $cssdir = $val; }elsif($para eq "cgidir"){ $cgidir = $val; }elsif($para eq "version"){ $version = $val; } } close(PARAM); } #Receive the lextype param. my $type = $query->param("type"); my $dbname = $dbroot."/"."lt.db"; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbname", "", "", {AutoCommit => 0}); # # Retrieve the linguistic discussion # # Format and store in the string $linguisitcs # my $linguistics_table = "linguistics_tbl"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "select name,description,criteria,reference,todo from $linguistics_table where type=? limit 1" ); $sth->execute($type); my $linguistics =""; my $name; my $todo; if (my ($name, $description, $criteria, $reference, $todo) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $linguistics = "<p>$description\n<p>$criteria\n<p>$reference\n"; } #Retrieve example words, the number of types, and the number of tokens. my $list_table = "list_tbl"; $sth = $dbh->prepare( "select words,typefreq,tokenfreq from $list_table where lextype=?" ); $sth->execute($type); my @words; my @word_ids; my $typefreq; my $tokenfreq; while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array){ my @word_and_id_tmp = split /@/, $row[0]; my @examples_a = (); foreach (@word_and_id_tmp){ my @word_and_id = split /:/, $_; #/ push(@word_ids, $word_and_id[0]); push(@words, $word_and_id[1]); } $typefreq = $row[1]; $tokenfreq = $row[2]; } my $words_s = join(", ", @words); my @words_and_ids; for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@words); $i++){ push(@words_and_ids, $words[$i]." (".$word_ids[$i].")"); } my $words_and_ids_s = join(", ", @words_and_ids); #Retrieve three example sentences for each example word. my $sentences; my $treebank_table = "treebank_tbl"; $sth = $dbh->prepare( "select sid from $treebank_table where lextype=? and wordid=? limit 3" ); my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare( "select wordid,orth from $treebank_table where sid=?" ); for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@word_ids); $i++){ $sentences .= "<h4>Examples for ".$words[$i]." (".$word_ids[$i].")</h4>"; my @sids; $sth->execute($type,$word_ids[$i]); while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array){ push(@sids, $row[0]); } $sentences .= "<ul>"; foreach my $sid (@sids){ my $sentence = ""; $sth2->execute($sid); while(my @row = $sth2->fetchrow_array){ if($row[0] eq $word_ids[$i]){ $sentence .= "<match>".$row[1]."</match>"; }else{ $sentence .= $row[1]; } $sentence .= " "; } $sentences .= "<li>$sentence (<a href = '$cssdir/trees/$sid.html'>parse</a>)\n"; } $sentences .= "</ul>\n"; } #Retrieve the TDL definition for the type. my $tdl_definition; my $types_table = "types_tbl"; $sth = $dbh->prepare( "select parents,children,cat,val,cont,definition from $types_table where type=? limit 1" ); $sth->execute($type); my ($parents, $children, $cat, $val, $cont, $definition) = $sth->fetchrow_array; my @supertype_a = split / /, $parents; my @subtype_a = split / /, $children; $definition =~ s/<br \/>/\n/g; $definition =~ s/^/<xmp>/; $definition =~ s/$/<\/xmp>/; $tdl_definition .= $definition; $tdl_definition .= "<table>"; $tdl_definition .= "<tr><th>Supertypes</th><th>Head Category</th><th>Valence</th><th>Content</th><th>Subtypes</th></tr>\n"; $tdl_definition .= "<tr>"; $tdl_definition .= "<td>"; for my $type (@supertype_a){ $tdl_definition .= "<a href=\'$cgidir/description.cgi?type=$type\'>$type</a> "; } $tdl_definition .= "</td>"; $tdl_definition .= "<td>$cat</td>"; $tdl_definition .= "<td>$val</td>"; $tdl_definition .= "<td>$cont</td>"; $tdl_definition .= "<td>"; for my $type (@subtype_a) { $tdl_definition .= "<a href=\'$cgidir/description.cgi?type=$type\'>$type</a> "; } $tdl_definition .= "</td>"; $tdl_definition .= "</tr>\n"; $tdl_definition .= "</table>\n"; # # Retrieve the Other Lexicon Mapping information for the lextype. # my $otherlex_table = "otherlex_tbl"; # $sth = $dbh->prepare( # "select lexicon, otherlextype, dice from $otherlex_table where lextype=\'$lextype\'" # ); # $sth->execute; # my %lexMap_tmp; # while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array){ # $lexMap_tmp{$row[0]}{$row[1]} = $row[2]; # } # my %lexMap; # foreach my $lxcn (keys(%lexMap_tmp)){ # my @sorted_types = sort { # $lexMap_tmp{$lxcn}{$b} <=> $lexMap_tmp{$lxcn}{$a} # } keys %{$lexMap_tmp{$lxcn}}; # push(@{$lexMap{$lxcn}}, ($sorted_types[0], sprintf("%.3f",$lexMap_tmp{$lxcn}{$sorted_types[0]}))); # } # # Retrieve the GOLD Mapping information for the lextype. # my $gold; # my $gold_table = "gold_tbl"; # $sth = $dbh->prepare( # "select gold from $gold_table where lextype=\'$lextype\'" # ); # $sth->execute; # while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array){ # $gold = $row[0]; # } # Message ------------------------------------- print $query->header(-type => 'text/html;charset='.$charset), $query->start_html(-title=>$type.' (description)', -style=>{'src' => $cssdir.'/lextypedb.css'}); print <<"HEADER"; <div id="outline"> <div id="header"> <div id="menu"> <a href=$cssdir/index.html>Home</a> <a href="$cgidir/list.cgi">List</a> </div> <!-- end of menu --> </div> <!-- end of header --> <div id="confusing"> <form name="frm1" action="$cgidir/searchWord.cgi" method="POST"> Word Search: <input type="text" name="confusing"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submitbtn"> <input type="reset" value="Reset" /> </form> </div> <!-- end of confusing --> <div id="contents"> <h1>$name $type ($words_s)</h1> HEADER if ($linguistics) { print "<h2>Linguistic Discussion</h2>\n$linguistics\n"; } if ($typefreq > 0 || $tokenfreq > 0) { print "<h2>Examples</h2>"; if ($typefreq > 0) { print "<h3>Example Words ($typefreq)</h3>\n"; print $words_and_ids_s; } if ($tokenfreq > 0) { print "<h3>Example Sentences ($tokenfreq)</h3>"; print $sentences; print "<div align=right>\n"; print "<a href=\"$cgidir/moreExamples.cgi?lextype=$type\">More Examples</a>\n"; print "</div>\n"; } } print <<"HTML_VIEW"; <h2>TDL Summary</h2> <h3>TDL Definition</h3> $tdl_definition <h3>TODO</h3> $todo </div> <!-- end of contents --> <div id="c-both"><br></div> </div> <!-- end of outline --> HTML_VIEW print $query->end_html; $sth->finish; $dbh->disconnect; exit; # Error report ----------------------------------- sub error { my ($mes) = @_; print $query->header(-type => 'text/html;charset='.$charset), $query->start_html(-title=>'Creation Error', -style=>{'src' => $cssdir.'/lextypedb.css'}); print <<"HTML_VIEW"; <div id="outline"> <div id="header"> <div id="menu"> <a href=$cssdir/index.html>Home</a> List <a href=$cssdir/admin.html>Admin</a> </div> <!-- end of menu --> </div> <!-- end of header --> <div id="contents"> <h1>Lexical Type Database: ERROR</h1> <p>$mes</p> </div> <!-- end of contents --> <div id="c-both"><br></div> </div> <!-- end of outline --> HTML_VIEW print $query->end_html; exit; } __END__