;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: LKB -*- ;;; Copyright (c) 2004--2017 ;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen; ;;; see `LICENSE' for conditions. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: unpack.lsp ;;; module: selective unpacking from parse or generation forests ;;; version: 0.0 (29-nov-04) ;;; written by: oe, university of sussex ;;; last update: ;;; updated by: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; author | date | modification ;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------ ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package :lkb) #+:udebug (defvar %edges%) (defvar *debug-stream* t) (defun cross-product (lists) ;; Output lists ordered such that items containing earlier elements in each input list ;; precede items containing later elements, e.g. ((1 2) (3)) -> ((1 3) (2 3)). ;; Result is the empty list in degenerate case of no input lists. (if (null (cdr lists)) (loop for first in (car lists) collect (list first)) (loop with rests = (cross-product (cdr lists)) for first in (car lists) nconc (loop for rest in rests collect (cons first rest))))) #+:fdebug (defparameter *unpacking-failure-paths* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (defun explode! (edges adjuncts) (append edges (loop for active in adjuncts for atdfs = (edge-dag active) for path = (first (g-edge-needed active)) for forwardp = (first (edge-children active)) for new = (loop for passive in edges for ptdfs = (edge-dag passive) for result = (unless (logtest (g-edge-rels-covered active) (g-edge-rels-covered passive)) (with-unification-context (ignore) (let ((result (yadu! atdfs ptdfs path))) (when result (restrict-and-copy-tdfs result))))) when result collect (make-g-edge :id (next-edge :unpack) :rule (edge-rule active) :dag result :category (indef-type-of-tdfs result) :children (if forwardp (append (loop for foo in (edge-children active) when (listp foo) append foo else collect foo) (list passive)) (cons passive (rest (edge-children active)))) :leaves (let ((foo (loop for foo in (edge-leaves active) append foo))) (if forwardp (append foo (edge-leaves passive)) (append (edge-leaves passive) foo))) :lex-ids (let ((foo (loop for foo in (edge-lex-ids active) append foo))) (if forwardp (append foo (edge-lex-ids passive)) (append (edge-lex-ids passive) foo))) :lexemes (append (g-edge-lexemes active) (g-edge-lexemes passive)) :mod-index (g-edge-mod-index active) :rels-covered (logior (g-edge-rels-covered active) (g-edge-rels-covered passive)))) when new append (explode! new adjuncts)))) (defun unpack-edges (edges) (loop for edge in edges append (unpack-edge! edge))) (defun unpack-edge! (edge) (or (edge-foo edge) (setf (edge-foo edge) (unpack-edge!! edge)))) (defun unpack-edge!! (edge &optional insidep) (declare (special mrs:*lnkp*)) #+:fdebug (clrhash *unpacking-failure-paths*) (labels ((instantiate (edge children) (let (#+:fdebug (*unify-debug* :return)) (with-unification-context (ignore) (loop with id with rule = (edge-rule edge) with paths = (rest (rule-order rule)) with result = (rule-full-fs rule) with leaves = nil with lex-ids = nil with rels = #+:mrs (if (mrs::found-rule-p rule) (mrs::found-rule-main-rels rule) 0) #-:mrs 0 with lexemes = nil for path in paths for child in children for tdfs = (edge-dag child) when (and (g-edge-p child) (logtest rels (g-edge-rels-covered child))) do (setf result nil) while result do (setf leaves (append leaves (edge-leaves child))) (setf lex-ids (append lex-ids (edge-lex-ids child))) (setf result (yadu! result tdfs path)) when (g-edge-p child) do (setf rels (logior rels (g-edge-rels-covered child))) (setf lexemes (append lexemes (g-edge-lexemes child))) finally (when result (setf id (next-edge :unpack)) (when mrs:*lnkp* (lnk-tdfs result (list id))) (setf result (restrict-and-copy-tdfs result)) (return (cond (result (if (g-edge-p edge) (make-g-edge :id id :rule rule :dag result :category (indef-type-of-tdfs result) :orth-tdfs (g-edge-orth-tdfs edge) :children children :leaves leaves :lex-ids lex-ids :index (g-edge-index edge) :mod-index (g-edge-mod-index edge) :rels-covered rels :lexemes lexemes) (make-edge :id id :rule rule :dag result :category (indef-type-of-tdfs result) :orth-tdfs (edge-orth-tdfs edge) :from (edge-from edge) :to (edge-to edge) :children children :leaves leaves :lex-ids lex-ids))) (t (incf (statistics-failures *statistics*)) nil))))))))) #+:udebug (format *debug-stream* "unpack-edge(): ~a~%" edge) (let ((children (edge-children edge)) (adjuncts ;; ;; adjoined modifiers may themselves be packed; for now, unpack them ;; before attempting to insert them into our trees; the caching, we ;; believe, we take care of the combinatorics, such that there is no ;; expected gain in postponing modifier unpacking into another phase ;; --- unless we somehow ended up building large numbers of trees ;; that ultimately fail and were otherwise unneeded; after an hour ;; or so over coffee (at Frederik), neither john nor i expect that ;; to be the case, though. (15-dec-03; oe) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; for now, we assume modifier (active) edges are exactly binary; ;; the rest of the generator rather strongly makes that assumption ;; already. in general, unpack-edge!() should be able to unpack ;; active edges too, however. (15-dec-03; oe) ;; (loop for edge in (and (g-edge-p edge) (g-edge-adjuncts edge)) for rule = (edge-rule edge) for rtdfs = (rule-full-fs rule) for path = (first (rule-daughters-apply-order rule)) for forwardp = (first (edge-children edge)) for new = (unpack-edge! (if forwardp (first (edge-children edge)) (second (edge-children edge)))) append (loop with *deleted-daughter-features* = nil for child in new for tdfs = (edge-dag child) for result = (with-unification-context (ignore) (let ((result (yadu! rtdfs tdfs path))) (when result (restrict-and-copy-tdfs result)))) when result collect (make-g-edge :id (next-edge :unpack) :rule (edge-rule edge) :dag result :category (indef-type-of-tdfs result) :orth-tdfs (edge-orth-tdfs edge) :needed (g-edge-needed edge) :children (if forwardp (list child nil) (list nil child)) :leaves (if forwardp (list (edge-leaves child) nil) (list nil (edge-leaves child))) :lex-ids (if forwardp (list (edge-lex-ids child) nil) (list nil (edge-lex-ids child))) :lexemes (g-edge-lexemes child) :mod-index (g-edge-mod-index edge) :rels-covered (logior (g-edge-rels-covered edge) (g-edge-rels-covered child))))))) (cond ;; ;; ignore genuinely frozen edges; now that we are into the unpacking ;; phase, frosted edges represent valid alternatives again. ;; ((and (edge-frozen edge) (minusp (edge-frozen edge))) #+:udebug (format t "~&unpack-edge!(): ignoring <~d> (frozen for <~d>)~%" (edge-id edge) (edge-frozen edge)) nil) ;; ;; unless we are inside of a recursive call on this edge already, make ;; sure we recurse on all packed nodes and accumulate results. ;; ((and (null insidep) (or (edge-packed edge) (edge-equivalent edge))) (nconc (unpack-edge!! edge t) (loop for edge in (edge-packed edge) append (unpack-edge! edge)) ; JAC 14-05-2018 - was nconc (loop for edge in (edge-equivalent edge) append (unpack-edge! edge)))) ; ditto ;; ;; the (default) recursive case: for each daughter, unfold it and build ;; list of unfolding results, one per daughter. then compute all ways ;; in which this edge can be unfolded (`decomposed') and instantiate ;; each one in turn; feed total number of decompositions and index into ;; instantiate() to support cache maintenance. ;; (children (explode! (loop with daughters = (loop for edge in children collect (unpack-edge! edge)) with decompositions = (cross-product daughters) for decomposition in decompositions for instantiation = (instantiate edge decomposition) when instantiation collect instantiation) adjuncts)) ;; ;; at the leafs of the tree, terminate the recursion. ;; (t (when (edge-odag edge) (setf (edge-dag edge) (edge-odag edge))) (when mrs:*lnkp* (setf (edge-dag edge) (lnk-tdfs (edge-dag edge) (list (edge-id edge))))) (explode! (list edge) adjuncts)))))) #+:null (let ((*active-parsing-p* t) (*show-parse-p* nil) (*first-only-p* nil) (*chart-packing-p* t) contemplated filtered executed successful) (reset-statistics) (time (multiple-value-setq (contemplated filtered executed successful) (do-parse-tty "so we will have an evening there to go over things or relax."))) (format t "~&~d trees; (=~d, >~d, <~d) packings; ~d [~d] edges~%" (length *parse-record*) (statistics-equivalent *statistics*) (statistics-proactive *statistics*) (statistics-retroactive *statistics*) (tsdb::get-field :pedges (summarize-chart)) (loop with mark = (gensym) for edge in *parse-record* sum (count-nodes edge :mark mark :packingp *chart-packing-p* :chartp t)))) (declaim (inline make-unpacking)) (defstruct unpacking decompositions hypotheses instantiations (agenda (new-agenda))) (defmethod print-object ((object unpacking) stream) (format stream "#[U <~{~a~^ ~}>]" (unpacking-decompositions object))) (declaim (inline make-decomposition)) (defstruct decomposition lhs rhs (done nil)) (defmethod print-object ((object decomposition) stream) (format stream "#[D ~(~a~) < ~(~{~a ~^~}~)>]" (decomposition-lhs object) (decomposition-rhs object))) (defun decomposition-record-indices (decomposition indices) (let ((done (decomposition-done decomposition))) (if (listp done) (loop for d in done for i from 0 when (equal d indices) return t finally (if (> i 20) ; switch over from list to hash table (let ((new (make-hash-table :test #'equal :size 40))) (loop for d in done do (setf (gethash d new) t)) (setf (gethash indices new) t) (setf (decomposition-done decomposition) new)) (push indices (decomposition-done decomposition)))) (setf (gethash indices done) t)))) (defun decomposition-indices-done-p (decomposition indices) (let ((done (decomposition-done decomposition))) (if (listp done) (member indices done :test #'equal) (gethash indices done)))) (defun indices<= (indices1 indices2) (loop for index1 in indices1 for index2 in indices2 always (<= index1 index2))) (declaim (inline make-hypothesis)) (defstruct hypothesis (id (let* ((stats *statistics*) (n (statistics-hypotheses stats))) (declare (fixnum n)) (setf (statistics-hypotheses stats) (1+ n)) n)) score decomposition indices parents daughters edge) (defmethod print-object ((object hypothesis) stream) (format stream "#[H [~a] ~a~@[ ~a~]]" (hypothesis-id object) (hypothesis-indices object) (hypothesis-edge object))) (defun new-hypothesis (decomposition indices daughters) (let ((new (make-hypothesis :decomposition decomposition :indices indices :daughters daughters))) (loop for daughter in daughters do (push new (hypothesis-parents daughter))) new)) (defun clone-top-edge (e) (let ((clone (etypecase e (g-edge (copy-g-edge e)) (edge (copy-edge e))))) (setf (edge-packed clone) (mapcar #'clone-top-edge (edge-packed clone))) (setf (edge-equivalent clone) (mapcar #'clone-top-edge (edge-equivalent clone))) clone)) (defun unpack-and-select-edges (edges &optional n &key test robust limit) (declare (special *gen-packing-p*)) ;; ;; If .n. is non-nil, return the first up to .n. results (in order of likelihood if ;; the unpacking scoring hook is set). If a .test. function is specified, then each ;; of these results must pass it. ;; ;; If no results pass the test, if .robust. is non-nil and the test returns a second ;; distance value that's numeric, then return up to .limit. failing results (or an ;; unlimited number if .limit. is nil). If .robust. is a number, then only return ;; failures with minumum distance value (also filtering out those whose distance ;; value is greater than .robust.) ;; #+:udebug (setf %edges% edges) (unless (or (null n) (and (integerp n) (> n 0))) (error "Second argument ~S to ~A is not a positive integer or NIL" n 'unpack-and-select-edges)) (flet ((unpack-and-select-edges-1 (edge-generator) (loop with result = nil with candidates = nil for edge = (funcall edge-generator) do (when edge (if test (multiple-value-bind (success distance) (funcall test edge) (push (cons :distance distance) (edge-flags edge)) ; useful later? (if success (progn (when n (decf n)) (push edge result)) (when (and robust (numberp distance)) (when limit (decf limit)) (push (cons distance edge) candidates) (when (numberp robust) (setq robust (min robust distance)))))) (progn (when n (decf n)) (push edge result)))) while (and edge (or (null n) (>= n 1)) (or (null limit) (>= limit 1))) finally (return (or (nreverse result) (when robust (nreverse (loop for (distance . edge) in candidates when (or (not (numberp robust)) (<= distance robust)) collect edge)))))))) (cond ((null edges) nil) (*unpacking-scoring-hook* ;; ;; ignore genuinely frozen edges; now that we are into the unpacking ;; phase, frosted edges represent valid alternatives again. since we are ;; interested in the probability distribution over all results, use one of ;; the packed edges as the `representative' for all of them, i.e. make sure ;; that all non-frozen edges are hypothesized against the agenda of that ;; one special edge. ;; ;; JAC 20-Apr-2020: we can lose parses from a 'top' edge (or edge packed into ;; one) that is also dominated by another top edge in the parse forest; this ;; can happen particularly when a unary rule S -> S has been applied. We ;; therefore 'clone' each top edge and any edges packed into them to ensure ;; all such edges are distinct. ;; (let* ((active (loop for edge in edges unless (and (edge-frozen edge) (minusp (edge-frozen edge))) collect (clone-top-edge edge))) (representative (first active)) (i 0)) (hypothesize-edge representative 0 :top (or (rest active) t)) (unpack-and-select-edges-1 #'(lambda () (loop (let ((hypothesis (hypothesize-edge representative i))) (incf i) (if hypothesis (let ((edge (instantiate-hypothesis hypothesis))) (when edge (return edge))) (return nil)))))))) ((if (g-edge-p (car edges)) *gen-packing-p* *chart-packing-p*) ;; ;; edges packed, unpacking without ranking ;; (let ((unpacked nil)) (unpack-and-select-edges-1 #'(lambda () (loop (cond (unpacked (return (pop unpacked))) (edges (setq unpacked (unpack-edges (list (pop edges))))) (t (return nil)))))))) (t ;; ;; edges not packed, no parse/realisation ranking ;; (unpack-and-select-edges-1 #'(lambda () (and edges (pop edges)))))))) (defun hypothesize-edge (edge i &key top agenda) ;; ;; returns expected score for .i.-th instantiation of this .edge., where some ;; of these might turn out inconsistent later. whenever we are called with a ;; new (aka previously unseen) value for .i., we assume it is the immediately ;; following index from the previous call, i.e. we will search for the next ;; best hypothesis. ;; (when (null (edge-unpacking edge)) (unless (= i 0) (error "hypothesize-edge(): first time call with i == ~a" i)) (let* ((unpacking (make-unpacking)) (agenda (or agenda (unpacking-agenda unpacking)))) (setf (edge-unpacking edge) unpacking) (decompose-edge edge) (loop for decomposition in (unpacking-decompositions unpacking) for indices = (make-list (length (decomposition-rhs decomposition)) :initial-element 0) for daughters = (loop for edge in (decomposition-rhs decomposition) for daughter = (hypothesize-edge edge 0) if daughter collect daughter else do ; we have a serious inconsistency here since... (error "hypothesize-edge() failed to build even the 0th tree from a root")) do (let ((new (new-hypothesis decomposition indices daughters))) #+:hdebug (format t "~&>> ~a~%" new) (decomposition-record-indices decomposition indices) (agenda-insert agenda (score-hypothesis new) new))) ;; ;; for the special case that we are working on `top' edges, i.e. those in ;; *parse-record* or *gen-record*, we need to ensure that decompositions ;; corresponding to all top edges and top-level packings are hypothesized ;; into the agenda of the special representative top edge. ;; (when top (loop for edge in (edge-packed edge) unless (and (edge-frozen edge) (minusp (edge-frozen edge))) do (hypothesize-edge edge 0 :agenda agenda)) (loop for edge in (edge-equivalent edge) unless (and (edge-frozen edge) (minusp (edge-frozen edge))) do (hypothesize-edge edge 0 :agenda agenda)) (when (consp top) (loop for edge in top do (hypothesize-edge edge 0 :agenda agenda :top t)))))) (let* ((unpacking (edge-unpacking edge)) (agenda (unpacking-agenda unpacking)) (hypothesis (if (< i (length (unpacking-hypotheses unpacking))) (aref (unpacking-hypotheses unpacking) i)))) (if hypothesis ;; ;; if we have hypothesized this decomposition before, just reuse it; ;; hypothesis ;; ;; otherwise, retrieve the current best candidate, try generating new ;; hypotheses from `vertical' search, i.e. advancing either one of the ;; daughter indices on the current best, put those on the agenda, and ;; return the one just retrieved. ;; (unless (agenda-empty-p agenda) (let ((hypothesis (agenda-extract-max agenda))) #+:hdebug (format t "~&<< ~a~%" hypothesis) (loop with decomposition = (hypothesis-decomposition hypothesis) with advanced-indices = (loop for (i . itail) on (hypothesis-indices hypothesis) collect (append prefix (cons (1+ i) itail)) collect i into prefix) for indices in advanced-indices for daughters = (if (or (decomposition-indices-done-p decomposition indices) (do-agenda (h agenda nil) (when (and (eq (hypothesis-decomposition h) decomposition) (indices<= (hypothesis-indices h) indices)) (return t)))) :done (loop for edge in (decomposition-rhs decomposition) for i in indices for daughter = (hypothesize-edge edge i) if daughter collect daughter else return :exhausted)) ; we've run out of hypotheses when (listp daughters) do (let ((new (new-hypothesis decomposition indices daughters))) #+:hdebug (format t "~&>> ~a~%" new) (decomposition-record-indices decomposition indices) (agenda-insert agenda (score-hypothesis new) new))) (unless (unpacking-hypotheses unpacking) (setf (unpacking-hypotheses unpacking) (make-array 1 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (vector-push-extend hypothesis (unpacking-hypotheses unpacking)) hypothesis))))) (defun decompose-edge (edge) ;; ;; entirely called for its side effect: populate the `decomposition' set in the ;; `unpacking' record of .edge. ;; (when (null (edge-unpacking edge)) (setf (edge-unpacking edge) (make-unpacking))) (let ((unpacking (edge-unpacking edge)) (children (edge-children edge))) (when (null children) (let ((decomposition (make-decomposition :lhs edge))) (incf (statistics-decompositions *statistics*)) (push decomposition (unpacking-decompositions unpacking)))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; possibly we could save some cons()es here, essentially doing the cross ;; product on-the-fly, i.e. as we go along. (3-dec-04; oe) ;; (loop for child in children for packed = (loop for foo in (edge-packed child) for frozen = (edge-frozen foo) unless (and frozen (minusp frozen)) collect foo) for equivalent = (loop for foo in (edge-equivalent child) for frozen = (edge-frozen foo) unless (and frozen (minusp frozen)) collect foo) collect (cons child (nconc packed equivalent)) into foo finally (loop for rhs in (cross-product foo) for decomposition = (make-decomposition :lhs edge :rhs rhs) do (incf (statistics-decompositions *statistics*)) (push decomposition (unpacking-decompositions unpacking)))))) (defun score-hypothesis (hypothesis) (setf (hypothesis-score hypothesis) (+ (loop for daughter in (hypothesis-daughters hypothesis) for score = (or (hypothesis-score daughter) (score-hypothesis daughter)) sum score) (let ((decomposition (hypothesis-decomposition hypothesis))) (if *unpacking-scoring-hook* (funcall *unpacking-scoring-hook* (decomposition-lhs decomposition) (decomposition-rhs decomposition)) 0))))) (defun instantiate-hypothesis (hypothesis) (declare (special mrs:*lnkp*)) (let ((cache (hypothesis-edge hypothesis))) (cond (cache (unless (eq cache :fail) cache)) ((null (hypothesis-daughters hypothesis)) (let* ((decomposition (hypothesis-decomposition hypothesis)) (edge (decomposition-lhs decomposition))) (when (edge-odag edge) (setf (edge-dag edge) (edge-odag edge))) (case mrs:*lnkp* (:id (setf (edge-dag edge) (lnk-tdfs (edge-dag edge) (list (edge-id edge)))))) (setf (edge-score edge) (hypothesis-score hypothesis)) (setf (hypothesis-edge hypothesis) edge))) (t (setf (hypothesis-edge hypothesis) (let* ((children (loop for daughter in (hypothesis-daughters hypothesis) for child = (instantiate-hypothesis daughter) when (null child) return nil collect child))) (if children (with-unification-context (ignore) (loop with id with score = (hypothesis-score hypothesis) with decomposition = (hypothesis-decomposition hypothesis) with edge = (decomposition-lhs decomposition) with rule = (edge-rule edge) with paths = (rest (rule-order rule)) with result = (rule-full-fs rule) with leaves = nil with lex-ids = nil with rels = (if (mrs::found-rule-p rule) (mrs::found-rule-main-rels rule) 0) with lexemes = nil for path in paths for child in children for tdfs = (edge-dag child) when (and (g-edge-p child) (logtest rels (g-edge-rels-covered child))) do (setf result nil) while result do (setf leaves (append leaves (edge-leaves child))) (setf lex-ids (append lex-ids (edge-lex-ids child))) (setf result (yadu! result tdfs path)) when (g-edge-p child) do (setf rels (logior rels (g-edge-rels-covered child))) (setf lexemes (append lexemes (g-edge-lexemes child))) finally (when result (setf id (next-edge :unpack)) (when (eq mrs:*lnkp* :id) (lnk-tdfs result (list id))) (setf result (restrict-and-copy-tdfs result))) (return (if result (if (g-edge-p edge) (make-g-edge :id id :score score :rule rule :dag result :category (indef-type-of-tdfs result) :orth-tdfs (g-edge-orth-tdfs edge) :children children :leaves leaves :lex-ids lex-ids :index (g-edge-index edge) :mod-index (g-edge-mod-index edge) :rels-covered rels :lexemes lexemes) (make-edge :id id :score score :rule rule :dag result :category (indef-type-of-tdfs result) :orth-tdfs (edge-orth-tdfs edge) :from (edge-from edge) :to (edge-to edge) :children children :leaves leaves :lex-ids lex-ids)) :fail)))) :fail))) (let ((result (hypothesis-edge hypothesis))) (cond ((eq result :fail) (incf (statistics-failures *statistics*)) nil) (t result))))))) (defun hypothesis-derivation (hypothesis) (let* ((decomposition (hypothesis-decomposition hypothesis)) (edge (decomposition-lhs decomposition)) (id (edge-id edge)) (from (edge-from edge)) (to (edge-to edge)) (score (hypothesis-score hypothesis))) (if (hypothesis-daughters hypothesis) (list* id (rule-id (edge-rule edge)) score from to (loop for daughter in (hypothesis-daughters hypothesis) collect (hypothesis-derivation daughter))) (list id (first (edge-lex-ids edge)) score from to (list (edge-rule edge) from to))))) #+:null (progn (setf *parse-record* nil) (excl:gc) (excl:gc t) (excl:gc) (do-parse-tty "kim saw the cat in the hotel near the lake ~ when sandy arrived with abrams ") (let ((estart *edge-id*) (ustart (statistics-unifications *statistics*)) (cstart (statistics-copies *statistics*))) (setf all (time (unpack-edges *parse-record*))) (loop for edge in all for score = (tsdb::mem-score-edge edge) do (setf (edge-score edge) score)) (setf all (sort all #'> :key #'edge-score)) (format t "~%~a result~p: ~a edges; ~a unifications; ~a copies.~%" (length all) (length all) (- *edge-id* estart) (- (statistics-unifications *statistics*) ustart) (- (statistics-copies *statistics*) cstart)) (let ((estart *edge-id*) (ustart (statistics-unifications *statistics*)) (cstart (statistics-copies *statistics*))) (setf best (time (selectively-unpack-edges *parse-record* 5))) (format t "~%~a result~p: ~a edges; ~a unifications; ~a copies.~%" (length best) (length best) (- *edge-id* estart) (- (statistics-unifications *statistics*) ustart) (- (statistics-copies *statistics*) cstart))) (loop for i from 0 for edge in best for ederivation = (compute-derivation-tree edge) for target in all for tderivation = (compute-derivation-tree target) unless (tsdb::derivation-equal ederivation tderivation) do (format t "[~a] derivation mismatch:~% ~s~% ~s~%~%" i ederivation tderivation))))