(in-package :mt) ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2004 -- 2020 Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no) ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License for more details. ;;; (defparameter *semis* nil) (defparameter *semi-test* '(:predicates :roles :arity :properties)) (defparameter *semi-ignore-roles* (list (mrs::vsym "CARG") (mrs::vsym "LNK"))) (defparameter *semi-generalize-ignore-properties* nil) (defparameter %semi-patches% nil) (defstruct semi name signature (roles (make-hash-table)) (predicates (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (aliases (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (properties (make-hash-table)) (ges (make-hash-table)) (types (make-hash-table :test #'eq))) (defmethod print-object ((object semi) stream) (declare (special %transfer-raw-output-p%)) (if %transfer-raw-output-p% (call-next-method) (let ((roles (hash-table-count (semi-roles object))) (predicates (hash-table-count (semi-predicates object))) (properties (hash-table-count (semi-properties object))) (ges (hash-table-count (semi-ges object)))) (format stream "#[SEM-I {~a ge~p}: ~a role~p; ~a predicate~p; ~a propertie~p]" ges ges roles roles predicates predicates properties properties)))) (defstruct sps predicate synopses forms spes active type flags context parents children ancestors descendants compatible) (defmethod print-object ((object sps) stream) (declare (special %transfer-raw-output-p%)) (if %transfer-raw-output-p% (call-next-method) (let ((*print-circle* nil) (*print-readably* nil)) (format stream "#[SPS ~a~@[ < ~{~a~^ ~}~]~@[ > ~{~a~^ ~}~]~ ~@[ << ~{~a~^ ~}~]~@[ >> ~{~a~^ ~}~]]" (sps-predicate object) (loop for parent in (sps-parents object) collect (if (sps-p parent) (sps-predicate parent) parent)) (loop for child in (sps-children object) collect (sps-predicate child)) (loop for ancestor in (sps-ancestors object) unless (member ancestor (sps-parents object) :test #'eq) collect (sps-predicate ancestor)) (loop for descendant in (sps-descendants object) unless (member descendant (sps-children object) :test #'eq) collect (sps-predicate descendant)))))) (defstruct spe id stem forms type ep index mrs) (defstruct ges spes mrs) (defmacro ignored-role-p (role) `(member ,role *semi-ignore-roles* :test #'eq)) (defmacro glbp (predicate) `(ppcre:scan "^glbtype[0-9]+$" (string-downcase ,predicate))) (defmacro lookup-predicate (predicate semi) `(gethash ,predicate (semi-predicates ,semi))) (defmacro lookup-alias (predicate semi) `(gethash (string-downcase ,predicate) (semi-aliases ,semi))) (defun semi-lookup (&key (semi (first *semis*)) predicate alias) (or (and predicate (lookup-predicate predicate semi)) (and alias (lookup-alias alias semi)))) (defmacro patches-blocked-p (predicate) `(when (stringp ,predicate) (loop for (key . rest) in %semi-patches% thereis (and (eq key :block) (string= ,predicate (first rest)))))) (defmacro patches-alias (predicate) `(when (stringp ,predicate) (loop for (key . rest) in %semi-patches% when (and (eq key :alias) (string= ,predicate (first rest))) return (second rest)))) (defmacro patches-parents () `(loop for (key . rest) in %semi-patches% when (eq key :parent) collect rest)) (defmacro patches-links (name) `(loop for (key . rest) in %semi-patches% when (and (eq key :link) (eq (first rest) ,name)) collect (second rest))) (defun read-predicate (line &optional n) (let* ((pred (if n (subseq line 0 n) line)) (pred (and pred (string-trim '(#\space #\tab) pred)))) (if mrs::*normalize-predicates-p* (mrs::normalize-predicate pred) (let ((i (length pred))) (if (and (> i 2) (char= (schar pred 0) #\") (char= (schar pred (- i 1)) #\")) (string-downcase (read-from-string pred nil nil)) pred))))) (defun read-synopsis (line &optional (offset 0)) (let ((stream (make-string-input-stream line offset))) (labels ((read-role () (let ((c (peek-char t stream nil nil))) (when (eql c #\.) (return-from read-role)) (when (eql c #\,) (read-char stream nil nil))) (let* ((*package* (find-package mrs:*mrs-package*)) (c (peek-char t stream nil nil)) (optionality (and (eql c #\[) (read-char stream))) (name (ignore-errors (read stream nil nil))) (type (ignore-errors (read stream nil nil))) properties) (when (eql (peek-char t stream nil nil) #\{) (read-char stream nil nil) (loop for c = (peek-char t stream nil nil) while (and c (not (eql c #\}))) when (eql c #\,) do (read-char stream nil nil) else do (let ((name (read stream nil nil)) (value (read stream nil nil))) (when (and name value) (push (make-property :name name :value value) properties))) finally (loop for c = (read-char stream nil nil) while (and c (not (eql c #\})))))) (unless (or (null optionality) (let ((c (read-char stream nil nil))) (and c (eql c #\])))) (return-from read-synopsis)) (when (and name type) (let ((variable (make-variable :type (string-downcase (string type)) :properties properties :optionality optionality))) (make-role :name name :value variable :optionality optionality)))))) (make-ep :roles (loop for role = (read-role) while role collect role))))) (defun read-semi (file &key semi (encoding :utf-8) resetp (recordp t) (includep t) (finalizep t)) (when resetp (setf *semis* nil)) (let* ((file (pathname file)) (name (format nil "~a~@[.~a~]" (pathname-name file) (pathname-type file))) (id (subseq name 0 (search ".smi" name))) (id (intern (string-upcase id) :keyword)) (inclusionp semi) (semi (or semi (make-semi :name id)))) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input) #+:allegro (setf (stream-external-format stream) (excl:find-external-format encoding)) (format t "read-semi(): reading file `~a'.~%" name) (loop with *readtable* = (copy-readtable) with *package* = (find-package :lkb) with context = :top initially (set-syntax-from-char #\: #\space) (set-syntax-from-char #\, #\space) (set-syntax-from-char #\. #\space) (set-syntax-from-char #\[ #\space) (set-syntax-from-char #\] #\space) for c = (peek-char t stream nil nil) while c do (cond ((char= c #\;) (read-line stream)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; this should do full detection of `#|' comments instead. ;; (8-oct-03; oe) ((char= c #\#) (lkb::read-tdl-comment stream)) (t (let* ((line (read-line stream nil nil)) (line (string-trim '(#\space #\tab #\return) line))) (cond ((search "predicates:" line :start2 0) (setf context :predicates)) ((search "include:" line :start2 0) (let* ((name (ignore-errors (subseq line (+ (search "include" line) 8)))) (name (when name (string-trim '(#\space #\tab) name))) (path (when name (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name name) (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory file)))))) (if (and path (probe-file path)) (when includep (read-semi path :semi semi :encoding encoding)) (format t "read-semi(): invalid `~a'.~%" line)))) (t (case context (:predicates (let* ((n (length line)) (i (search " <" line)) (j (search " :" line :start2 (if i (+ i 1) 0))) (parents (when i (let ((strings (ppcre:split " ?& ?" line :start (+ i 2) :end (or j n)))) (loop for string in strings for foo = (read-from-string string nil nil) for pred = (if mrs::*normalize-predicates-p* (mrs::normalize-predicate foo) (if (stringp foo) (string-downcase foo) foo)) collect pred)))) (pred (read-predicate line (or i j))) (alias (and pred (predicate-alias pred))) (synopsis (and pred j (read-synopsis line (+ j 2)))) (bucket (and pred (lookup-predicate pred semi)))) (when synopsis (setf (ep-pred synopsis) pred)) (if (or parents synopsis) (cond (bucket (when synopsis (push synopsis (sps-synopses bucket))) (loop for parent in parents do (pushnew parent (sps-parents bucket) :test #'string=))) (t (let ((sps (make-sps :predicate pred :synopses (and synopsis (list synopsis)) :parents parents))) (setf (lookup-predicate pred semi) sps) (when alias (setf (lookup-alias alias semi) sps))))) (format t "read-semi(): ignoring |~a|.~%" line)))))))))))) (unless inclusionp (anchor-semi semi) (when finalizep (finalize-semi semi)) (when recordp (push semi *semis*))) semi)) (defun anchor-semi (semi) (loop for sps being each hash-value in (semi-predicates semi) do (anchor-sps semi sps))) (defun anchor-sps (semi sps) #+:lkb (unless (sps-type sps) (let* ((predicate (sps-predicate sps)) (alias (patches-alias predicate)) (string (concatenate 'string (string predicate) mrs::*sem-relation-suffix*)) (type (lkb::get-type-entry (or alias (mrs:vsym string))))) (setf (sps-type sps) type) (setf (gethash type (semi-types semi)) sps)))) (defun embed-semi (semi &key (stream t)) (loop for link in (patches-parents) for child = (lookup-predicate (first link) semi) for parent = (second link) when (and child (lookup-predicate parent semi)) do (pushnew parent (sps-parents child)) else do (format stream "embed-semi(): invalid parent patch: ~a < ~a.~%" (first link) parent)) ;; ;; for just now, a naive pairwise comparison: we do not expect these sets ;; to be large, as the SEM-I is selective about which nodes to expose in ;; its external hierarchy. ;; _fix_me_ ;; the current code is actually more naive than i originally realized; there ;; is no need to drive the embedding of ‘pairwise comparison’; instead, one ;; single traversal of all SEM-I entries, expanding parent links on visited ;; entries, should suffice. (19-apr-16; oe) ;; (let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'eq))) (labels ((link (types) (loop for type in types for match = (gethash type (semi-types semi)) when match collect match)) (minimize (ancestors) (loop for candidate in ancestors for type = (sps-type candidate) unless (loop for ancestor in ancestors thereis (and (not (eq ancestor candidate)) (sps-type ancestor) (member type (lkb::ltype-ancestors (sps-type ancestor))))) collect candidate)) (ancestors (sps) (let* ((parents (sps-parents sps)) (ancestors (loop for parent in parents for sps = (lookup-predicate parent semi) append (and sps (ancestors sps))))) (append parents ancestors))) (patch (type) (loop for name in (patches-links (lkb::ltype-name type)) for link = (lkb::get-type-entry name) unless link do (format t "embed-semi(): ignoring invalid link `~(~a~)'." name) else append (cons link (lkb::ltype-ancestors type)))) (embed (sps1 sps2) (let* ((type1 (sps-type sps1)) (type2 (sps-type sps2)) (ancestors2 (lkb::ltype-ancestors type2)) (ancestors2 (append ancestors2 (loop for type in ancestors2 append (patch type)))) (parents (when (member type1 ancestors2 :test #'eq) (or (gethash type2 cache) (setf (gethash type2 cache) (minimize (link ancestors2))))))) (loop with ancestors = (remove-duplicates (ancestors sps2) :test #'string=) for parent in parents for predicate = (sps-predicate parent) unless (member predicate ancestors :test #'string=) do (format t "embed-semi(): ~a < ~a.~%" (sps-predicate sps2) predicate) (push predicate (sps-parents sps2)))))) (loop for sps1 being each hash-value in (semi-predicates semi) when (and (sps-type sps1) #+:null (member :entity (sps-flags sps1) :test #'eq)) do (loop for sps2 being each hash-value in (semi-predicates semi) when (and (sps-type sps2) (not (eq sps1 sps2)) (member :entity (sps-flags sps2) :test #'eq)) do (embed sps1 sps2))) ;; ;; the above can result in ‘redundant’ parent links, e.g. ‘_at_p_temp’ ;; ending up with both ‘_at_p’ and ‘unspec_loc’, where the latter is the ;; parent of ‘_at_p’ already. given we are not imposing any ordering ;; constraints on the embedding (currently) such redundancy needs to be ;; eliminated after the fact ... ;; (loop for sps being each hash-value in (semi-predicates semi) for parents = (loop for parent in (sps-parents sps) collect (lookup-predicate parent semi)) do (setf (sps-parents sps) (loop for sps in (minimize parents) collect (sps-predicate sps))))))) (defun finalize-semi (semi) (loop for sps being each hash-value in (semi-predicates semi) using (hash-key predicate) for parents = (sps-parents sps) when (and parents (not (sps-p (first parents)))) do (setf (sps-parents sps) (loop for name in (remove-duplicates parents :test #'string=) for parent = (lookup-predicate name semi) when parent do (pushnew sps (sps-children parent) :test #'eq) and collect parent else do (format t "finalize-semi(): ignoring invalid parent ‘~a’ for ‘~a’.~%" name predicate)))) (labels ((walk (node ancestors) (loop for ancestor in ancestors do (pushnew ancestor (sps-ancestors node) :test #'eq)) (or (sps-descendants node) (setf (sps-descendants node) (append (sps-children node) (loop with ancestors = (cons node ancestors) for child in (sps-children node) append (walk child ancestors))))))) (loop for sps being each hash-value in (semi-predicates semi) when (and (sps-children sps) (null (sps-parents sps))) do (setf (sps-descendants sps) (walk sps nil)))) (loop for sps being each hash-value in (semi-predicates semi) do (setf (sps-descendants sps) (sort (sps-descendants sps) #'< :key #'(lambda (sps) (length (sps-descendants sps))))))) (defun test-semi-compliance (mrs &optional semi &key tags) (if (null semi) (setf semi (first *semis*)) (unless (semi-p semi) (setf semi (loop for foo in *semis* when (eq (semi-name foo) semi) return foo)))) (unless (and (semi-p semi) (mrs::psoa-p mrs)) (return-from test-semi-compliance)) (labels ((test-ep (ep) (let* ((pred (mrs:rel-pred ep)) (pred (if (stringp pred) (string-downcase pred) pred))) (or (member pred *semi-fragment-relations* :test #'eq) (member (mrs:rel-pred ep) *semi-punctuation-relations* :test #'eq) (member pred *semi-token-relations* :test #'eq) (loop with sps = (lookup-predicate pred semi) for test = (loop for test in *semi-test* when (or (eq test :roles) (eq test :properties)) collect test) for synopsis in (when sps (sps-synopses sps)) thereis (or (null test) (test-synopsis ep synopsis)))))) (test-synopsis (ep synopsis) #+:debug (pprint (list ep synopsis)) (loop with matched with rolep = (member :roles *semi-test* :test #'eq) for role in (mrs:rel-flist ep) for name = (mrs:fvpair-feature role) for ignorep = (ignored-role-p name) for match = (unless ignorep (loop for role in (ep-roles synopsis) when (eq name (role-name role)) return role)) always (or ignorep (null rolep) match) unless (or ignorep (null rolep) (unify-types (mrs::var-type (mrs:fvpair-value role)) (variable-type (role-value match)) :internp t)) do (return-from test-synopsis) else do (push match matched) #+:debug (pprint role) finally (return (or (not (member :arity *semi-test* :test #'eq)) (loop for role in (and rolep (ep-roles synopsis)) always (or (member role matched :test #'eq) (ignored-role-p (role-name role)) (role-optionality role)))))))) (loop with tags = (loop for tag in tags collect (format nil "_~a_" tag)) for ep in (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs) unless (or (null *semi-test*) (when tags (loop with pred = (string (mrs::rel-pred ep)) for tag in (when (char= (char pred 0) #\_) tags) never (search tag pred :test #'string-equal))) (test-ep ep)) collect ep))) (defun construct-semi (&key (ids t) semi (rules t) patches embedp descendp finalizep (warn '(:collision)) (stream t)) (let* ((semi (or semi (make-semi))) (ids (if (eq ids t) (lkb::collect-psort-ids lkb::*lexicon*) ids)) (%semi-patches% (if patches (with-open-file (stream patches) (let ((*package* (find-package :lkb))) (read stream))) %semi-patches%))) (loop for id in ids for le = (lkb::get-lex-entry-from-id id :cache nil) when le do (record-le semi id le)) (when rules (loop with ids = (if (listp rules) rules (loop for id being each hash-key in lkb::*rules* collect id)) for id in ids for rule = (gethash id lkb::*rules*) when rule do (record-rule semi id rule)) (loop with ids = (if (listp rules) rules (loop for id being each hash-key in lkb::*lexical-rules* collect id)) for id in ids for rule = (gethash id lkb::*lexical-rules*) when rule do (record-rule semi id rule))) ;; ;; when requested, provide some sanity tests on the predicate inventory ;; (when (member :collision warn :test #'eq) (let* ((predicates (loop for predicate being each hash-key in (semi-predicates semi) collect (string-downcase predicate))) (predicates (remove-duplicates predicates :test #'string=)) (predicates (sort predicates #'string<))) (loop for predicate in predicates for variant = (mrs:vsym predicate) when (and (lookup-predicate predicate semi) (lookup-predicate variant semi)) do (format stream "construct-semi(): predicate collision for ‘~(~a~)’.~%" predicate)))) ;; ;; now, construct `generalized synopses' (i.e. folding multiple frames ;; into one, where possible using optionality and type underspecification). ;; (loop for sps being each hash-value in (semi-predicates semi) do (generalize-sps sps)) ;; ;; connect the SEM-I Predicate Structures to the grammar-internal type ;; hierarchy; when requested, descend into sub-types; add parent links ;; among SEM-I entries according to the type hierarchy; and expand parent ;; links into inverse children and transitive ancestor and descendant ;; links. ;; (anchor-semi semi) (when descendp (loop for sps being each hash-value in (semi-predicates semi) when (and (find :entity (sps-flags sps)) (not (patches-blocked-p (sps-predicate sps)))) do (sps-descend semi sps))) (when embedp (embed-semi semi)) (when finalizep (finalize-semi semi)) semi)) (defun predicate-alias (predicate) (let* ((string (string-downcase predicate)) (n (search mrs::*sem-relation-suffix* string :from-end t)) (alias (subseq string 0 n))) (unless (string= predicate alias) alias))) (defun record-le (semi id le &key (flags '(:entity))) (let* ((tdfs (lkb::lex-entry-full-fs le)) (dag (lkb::tdfs-indef tdfs)) (type (lkb::type-of-fs dag)) (stem (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (lkb::lex-entry-orth le))) (forms (list (list :base stem))) (mrs (when tdfs ;; ;; the following is slightly round-about: use the LKB construction ;; code to read off a PSOA from the lexical entry FS, but then use ;; some of its internal state to construct an enriched MRS. when ;; building the full ERG SEM-I (in jan-06), one fourth of the time ;; goes in mrs::construct-mrs(): investigate further one day ... ;; (let* ((mrs::*restart-variable-generator* nil) (mrs::*named-nodes* nil) (mrs::*ref-ind-type* mrs::*non_expl-ind-type*) (generator (let ((n 0)) #'(lambda () (decf n)))) (cont (mrs::path-value dag mrs::*initial-semantics-path*)) (psoa (when (mrs::is-valid-fs cont) (mrs::construct-mrs cont generator))) (psoa (and psoa (map-mrs psoa :abstract)))) (import-mrs psoa :externals mrs::*named-nodes*))))) (when (mrs-p mrs) (loop with externals = (loop for variable in (mrs-variables mrs) collect (variable-external variable)) for optionality in (lkb::determine-argument-optionality dag externals) for variable in (mrs-variables mrs) do (setf (variable-optionality variable) optionality)) ;; ;; at this point, dis-associate the MRS from the FS universe and add its ;; information into the SEM-I. ;; (loop for variable in (mrs-variables mrs) do (setf (variable-external variable) nil)) (loop with ges = (make-ges :mrs mrs) for i from 0 for ep in (mrs-eps mrs) for pred = (ep-pred ep) for alias = (and pred (predicate-alias pred)) for sps = (or (lookup-predicate pred semi) (setf (lookup-predicate pred semi) (make-sps :predicate pred))) for spe = (make-spe :id id :stem stem :forms forms :type type :ep ep :index i :mrs mrs) do (setf (sps-flags sps) (union (sps-flags sps) flags :test #'equal)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; for the current ERG, subjects to verbs are [OPT bool]. fix ;; this up here, so we get a more conventional looking SEM-I, but ;; really this should be adjusted in the grammar proper. ;; (27-jan-06; oe) (let ((arg1 (mrs::vsym "ARG1")) (pred (string pred))) (when (search "_v_" pred) (loop for role in (ep-roles ep) for value = (role-value role) when (and (eq (role-name role) arg1) (variable-p value)) do #+:null (setf (variable-type value) *semi-p-type*) (setf (variable-optionality value) nil)))) (push spe (sps-spes sps)) (push spe (ges-spes ges)) (when alias (setf (lookup-alias alias semi) sps)) finally (setf (ges-spes ges) (nreverse (ges-spes ges))) (setf (gethash id (semi-ges semi)) ges))))) (defun record-rule (semi id &optional rule &key (flags '(:entity))) (let* ((rule (or rule (gethash id lkb::*rules*) (gethash id lkb::*lexical-rules*))) (tdfs (lkb::rule-full-fs rule)) (dag (lkb::tdfs-indef tdfs)) (type (lkb::type-of-fs dag)) (mrs (when tdfs ;; ;; the following is slightly round-about: use the LKB construction ;; code to read off a PSOA from the lexical entry FS, but then use ;; some of its internal state to construct an enriched MRS. when ;; building the full ERG SEM-I (in jan-06), one fourth of the time ;; goes in mrs::construct-mrs(): investigate further one day ... ;; (let* ((mrs::*restart-variable-generator* nil) (mrs::*named-nodes* nil) (mrs::*ref-ind-type* mrs::*non_expl-ind-type*) (generator (let ((n 0)) #'(lambda () (decf n)))) (cont (mrs::path-value dag mrs::*construction-semantics-path*)) (rels (when (mrs::is-valid-fs cont) (mrs::extract-relations-from-liszt cont id mrs::*construction-semantics-path* dag :indexingp nil :generator generator))) (psoa (and rels (mrs::make-psoa :liszt rels))) (psoa (and psoa (map-mrs psoa :semi))) (psoa (and psoa (map-mrs psoa :abstract)))) (when psoa (import-mrs psoa)))))) (when (mrs-p mrs) ;; ;; at this point, dis-associate the MRS from the FS universe and add its ;; information into the SEM-I. ;; (loop for variable in (mrs-variables mrs) do (setf (variable-external variable) nil)) (loop with ges = (make-ges :mrs mrs) for i from 0 for ep in (mrs-eps mrs) for pred = (ep-pred ep) for alias = (predicate-alias pred) for sps = (or (lookup-predicate pred semi) (setf (lookup-predicate pred semi) (make-sps :predicate pred))) for spe = (make-spe :id id :type type :ep ep :index i :mrs mrs) do (setf (sps-flags sps) (union (sps-flags sps) flags :test #'equal)) (push spe (sps-spes sps)) (push spe (ges-spes ges)) (when alias (setf (lookup-alias alias semi) sps)) finally (setf (ges-spes ges) (nreverse (ges-spes ges))) (setf (gethash id (semi-ges semi)) ges))))) (defun sps-descend (semi sps &optional (top sps) (type (sps-type sps))) #+:lkb (loop for descendant in (and type (lkb::ltype-descendants type)) for predicate = (if mrs:*normalize-predicates-p* (mrs:normalize-predicate (lkb::ltype-name descendant)) (lkb::ltype-name descendant)) for old = (lookup-predicate predicate semi) for new = (unless (or (glbp predicate) (patches-blocked-p predicate) (when old (member (sps-predicate sps) (sps-parents old) :test #'string=))) (or old (setf (lookup-predicate predicate semi) (make-sps :predicate predicate :synopses (sps-synopses sps) :flags (acons :descend (list top) nil))))) when new do #+:debug (format t "sps-descend(): ~a > ~a.~%" (sps-predicate sps) predicate) (anchor-sps semi new) (push (sps-predicate sps) (sps-parents new)) (when old (loop for flag in (sps-flags old) when (and (consp flag) (eq (first flag) :descend)) do (push top (rest flag)))) do (sps-descend semi (or new sps) top (unless new descendant)))) (defun record-mrs (semi mrs) (declare (ignore semi mrs))) (defun print-semi (&optional (semi (first *semis*)) &key (format :concise) (predicates nil predicatesp) filter (stream t)) (if (stringp stream) (with-open-file (stream stream :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (print-semi semi :format format :predicates predicates :filter filter :stream stream)) (labels ((print-predicate (predicate stream) (if mrs::*normalize-predicates-p* (format stream " ~(~a~) " predicate) (format stream " ~(~s~) " predicate))) (print-roles (ep stream) (loop with last = (first (last (ep-roles ep))) for role in (ep-roles ep) for value = (role-value role) when (variable-p value) do (let ((properties (variable-properties value)) (optionality (variable-optionality value))) (format stream "~@[~*[ ~]~:@(~a~) ~(~a~)" optionality (role-name role) (variable-type value) optionality (eq role last)) (when properties (format stream " { ")) (loop with last = (first (last properties)) for property in properties do (format stream "~@:(~a~) ~(~a~)~:[, ~; }~]" (property-name property) (property-value property) (eq property last))) (format stream "~@[~* ]~]~:[, ~;.~]" optionality (eq role last))) else do (format stream "~:@(~a~) |~a|~:[, ~;.~]" (role-name role) (constant-value value) (eq role last)))) (print-forms (forms stream &optional bracketp) (when forms (when bracketp (format stream " [")) (loop for (tag . strings) in forms do (format stream "~:[, ~;~]~(~a~): ~{|~a|~^ ~}" (eq tag (first (first forms))) tag strings)) (when bracketp (format stream "]"))))) (let* ((predicates (or predicates (loop for pred being each hash-key in (semi-predicates semi) collect pred))) (predicates (sort predicates #'string<))) (format stream "predicates:~%~%") (loop for pred in predicates for sps = (lookup-predicate pred semi) when (eq format :concise) do (loop with *package* = (find-package :lkb) for spe in (sps-spes sps) for id = (spe-id spe) for type = (spe-type spe) for index = (spe-index spe) for stem = (spe-stem spe) do (print-predicate pred stream) (format stream ": ") (print-roles (spe-ep spe) stream) (format stream " { #~d in ~(~a~)~@[ [~(~a~)]~] |~@[~a~]| }" index id type stem) #+:null (print-forms (spe-forms spe) stream t) (format stream "~%")) when (and (eq format :compact) (or (null filter) (ppcre:scan filter pred))) do (loop with *package* = (find-package :lkb) for synopsis in (sps-synopses sps) do (print-predicate pred stream) #+:null (when (sps-parents sps) (loop initially (format stream "< ") with parents = (sps-parents sps) with last = (first (last parents)) for parent in parents do (format stream "~(~a~)~:[ & ~;~]" (sps-predicate parent) (eq parent last))) (format stream " ")) (format stream ": ") (print-roles synopsis stream) (format stream "~%")) when (eq format :forms) do (let ((*package* (find-package :lkb))) (print-predicate pred stream) (format stream ": ") (print-forms (sps-forms sps) stream) (format stream "~%")) when (eq format :hierarchy) do (let ((parents (sps-parents sps))) (when (or parents predicatesp) (print-predicate pred stream) (when parents (loop initially (format stream "< ") with last = (first (last parents)) for parent in parents do (format stream "~(~a~)~:[ & ~;~]" (sps-predicate parent) (eq parent last)))) (format stream ".~%")))))))) (defun generalize-types (type1 type2) (or (and (string-equal type1 type2) (values type1 nil)) (and (string-equal type1 *semi-u-type*) (values *semi-u-type* :forward)) (and (string-equal type1 *semi-i-type*) (or (string-equal type2 *semi-e-type*) (string-equal type2 *semi-x-type*)) (values *semi-i-type* :forward)) (and (string-equal type1 *semi-p-type*) (or (string-equal type2 *semi-h-type*) (string-equal type2 *semi-x-type*)) (values *semi-p-type* :forward)) (and (string-equal type2 *semi-u-type*) (values *semi-u-type* :backward)) (and (string-equal type2 *semi-i-type*) (or (string-equal type1 *semi-e-type*) (string-equal type1 *semi-x-type*)) (values *semi-i-type* :backward)) (and (string-equal type2 *semi-p-type*) (or (string-equal type1 *semi-h-type*) (string-equal type1 *semi-x-type*)) (values *semi-p-type* :backward)))) (defun generalize-properties (properties1 properties2) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; provide an actual implementation one day; for now, we fail to generalize ;; anything, i.e. end up with more distinct outputs than absolutely needed. ;; (26-sep-06; oe) (unless (= (length properties1) (length properties2)) (return-from generalize-properties :fail)) (loop for property1 in properties1 for name1 = (property-name property1) for value1 = (property-value property1) for match = (find name1 properties2 :key #'property-name) when (and match (equal value1 (property-value match))) collect (make-property :name name1 :value value1) else return :fail)) (defun generalize-ep (ep) (let ((roles (loop for role in (ep-roles ep) for name = (role-name role) for value = (role-value role) unless (member name *semi-ignore-roles* :test #'eq) collect (make-role :name name :value (if (variable-p value) (make-variable :type (variable-type value) :optionality (variable-optionality value) :properties (variable-properties value)) (make-constant :value (constant-value value))))))) (make-ep :roles roles))) (defun generalize-eps (ep1 ep2) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; for the time being, we are only looking at arity, argument types, and ;; optionality; we should be doing something about surprising properties ;; (e.g. pluralia tante) at some point. (26-jan-06; oe) ;; ;; (e x x x) & (e x x) --> (e x x [x]) ;; (e x h) & (e x x) --> (e x p) ;; (e x) & (e h) --> (e p) ;; (e [x] x) & (e x [x]) --> fail ;; (loop with ep = (make-ep) with used with direction with roles1 = (loop for role in (ep-roles ep1) for name = (role-name role) unless (member name *semi-ignore-roles* :test #'eq) collect role) with roles2 = (loop for role in (ep-roles ep2) for name = (role-name role) unless (member name *semi-ignore-roles* :test #'eq) collect role) for role1 in roles1 for name1 = (role-name role1) for value1 = (role-value role1) for role2 = (loop for role in roles2 when (eq (role-name role) name1) return role) for value2 = (and role2 (role-value role2)) for role = (make-role :name name1) when (null role2) do (when (eq direction :forward) (return-from generalize-eps)) (setf direction :backward) (setf (role-value role) (if (variable-p value1) (make-variable :type (variable-type value1) :optionality t) (copy-constant value1))) (push role (ep-roles ep)) else do (cond ((and (variable-p value1) (variable-p value2)) (let ((optionality1 (variable-optionality value1)) (optionality2 (variable-optionality value2)) (properties (generalize-properties (variable-properties value1) (variable-properties value2)))) (unless (or (eq optionality1 optionality2) (and optionality1 (not (eq direction :backward))) (and optionality2 (not (eq direction :forward)))) (return-from generalize-eps)) (when (eq properties :fail) (return-from generalize-eps)) (when (and optionality1 (not optionality2)) (setf direction :forward)) (when (and (not optionality1) optionality2) (setf direction :backward)) (multiple-value-bind (type foo) (generalize-types (variable-type value1) (variable-type value2)) (when (or (null type) (and foo direction (not (eq direction foo)))) (return-from generalize-eps)) (when foo (setf direction foo)) (setf (role-value role) (make-variable :type type :optionality (or optionality1 optionality2) :properties properties))))) ((and (constant-p value1) (constant-p value2)) (unless (constant= value1 value2) (return-from generalize-eps)) (setf (role-value role) (make-constant :value (constant-value value1)))) (t (return-from generalize-eps))) (push role (ep-roles ep)) (push role2 used) finally (when (or (= (length roles2) (length used)) (not (eq direction :backward))) ;; ;; make sure to preserve roles that only occur on the second EP, and ;; then force them to be optional. ;; (loop for role2 in roles2 unless (member role2 used :test #'eq) do (unless (variable-p (role-value role2)) (return-from generalize-eps)) (push (make-role :name (role-name role2) :value (make-variable :type (variable-type (role-value role2)) :optionality t)) (ep-roles ep))) (setf (ep-roles ep) (nreverse (ep-roles ep))) (return ep)))) (defun generalize-sps (sps) (loop for spe in (sps-spes sps) for ep1 = (spe-ep spe) for synopses = (list (generalize-ep ep1)) then (loop for rest on synopses for ep2 = (first rest) for generalization = (generalize-eps ep1 ep2) when generalization return (nconc result (list generalization) (rest rest)) else collect ep2 into result finally (return (nconc result (list (generalize-ep ep1))))) finally (setf (sps-synopses sps) synopses)) (loop for spe in (sps-spes sps) for forms = (spe-forms spe) when forms do (loop for (tag . strings) in forms for match = (assoc tag (sps-forms sps)) when match do (loop for string in strings do (pushnew string (rest match) :test #'string=)) else do (push (cons tag strings) (sps-forms sps)) finally (setf (sps-forms sps) (nreverse (sps-forms sps))))) sps) (defun semi-compare-predicates (predicate1 predicate2 &key (type :subsumption) (semi (first *semis*))) (or (when (eq predicate1 predicate2) predicate1) (when (and (stringp predicate1) (stringp predicate2) (string= predicate1 predicate2)) predicate1) (when (or (eq type :subsumption) (eq type :unification)) (let ((sps1 (semi-lookup :semi semi :predicate predicate1 :alias (unless mrs::*normalize-predicates-p* predicate1))) (sps2 (semi-lookup :semi semi :predicate predicate2 :alias (unless mrs::*normalize-predicates-p* predicate2)))) (when (and sps1 sps2) (or (first (member sps1 (sps-descendants sps2) :test #'eq)) (when (eq type :unification) (or (first (member sps2 (sps-descendants sps1) :test #'eq)) (first (intersection (sps-descendants sps1) (sps-descendants sps2) :test #'eq)))))))))) (defun semi-compatible-predicates (predicate &key (semi (first *semis*))) ;; ;; determine ‘compatible’ predicates for use in generation: all predicates ;; that can unify with .predicate. (i.e. subsume it, are subsumbed by it, or ;; have at least one descendant in common with it) need to be considered for ;; initialization of the generator chart. ;; (let ((sps (lookup-predicate predicate semi))) (when sps (or (sps-compatible sps) (setf (sps-compatible sps) (let ((result (list sps))) (loop for descendant in (sps-descendants sps) do (pushnew descendant result :test #'eq) (loop for ancestor in (sps-ancestors descendant) do (pushnew ancestor result :test #'eq))) (loop for ancestor in (sps-ancestors sps) do (pushnew ancestor result :test #'eq)) (loop for sps in result collect (sps-predicate sps))))))))