;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: LKB -*-
;;; Copyright (c) 2000--2002
;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen, Ben Waldron;
;;; see `LICENSE' for conditions.
(in-package :lkb)
;; (bmw) where is this code called from?
(defun preprocess-for-pet (string &optional tagger)
(if (and tagger (consp tagger) (keywordp (first tagger)))
(multiple-value-bind (tokens length)
(case (first tagger)
(preprocessor:preprocess string :format :list :verbose nil)
(rest tagger))))
for (id start end form surface . tags) in tokens
for token = (format
"(~d, ~d, ~d, 1, \"~a\" \"~a\", 0, \"null\",~
~{ ~s ~,4f~})"
id start end
(preprocessor:x-escape-string form) (preprocessor:x-escape-string surface) tags)
collect token into tokens
(return (values (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" tokens) length))))
(preprocessor:preprocess string :format :pet :verbose nil)))
(defparameter *tagger-application*
'((:tnt "tnt -z100 /user/oe/src/tnt/models/wsj -")))
(defun tag-tnt (tokens &optional run &key (n 1))
(labels ((commentp (string)
(and (>= (length string) 2)
(characterp (char string 0)) (char= (char string 0) #\%)
(characterp (char string 1)) (char= (char string 1) #\%))))
(let* ((run (or run
for run in *tagger-application*
when (eq (first run) :tnt)
return (first (rest run)))
"tnt -z100 /user/oe/src/tnt/models/wsj -"))
(command (format nil "exec ~a" run))
(input (format nil "/tmp/.tnt.in.~a" (current-user)))
(output (format nil "/tmp/.tnt.out.~a" (current-user)))
(length 0) analyses)
(with-open-file (stream input :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
with i = -1
for token in tokens
for start = (second token)
unless (= i start) do
(setf i start)
(incf length)
(format stream "~a~%" (fifth token))
finally (format stream "~%~%")))
command :wait t
:input input :output output :if-output-exists :supersede
:error-output "/dev/null" :if-error-output-exists :append)
(with-open-file (stream output :direction :input)
with buffer = (make-array 512
:element-type 'character
:adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)
with i = 0
for string = (read-line stream nil nil)
while (and string (not (zerop (length string))))
unless (commentp string) do
(incf i)
with foo = nil
with n = 0
initially (setf (fill-pointer buffer) 0)
for c across string
when (char= c #\tab) do
(when (not (zerop (fill-pointer buffer)))
(push (if (and (evenp n) (not (zerop n)))
(read-from-string (copy-seq buffer))
(copy-seq buffer))
(setf (fill-pointer buffer) 0)
(incf n))
else do
(vector-push c buffer)
(when (not (zerop (fill-pointer buffer)))
(push (read-from-string (copy-seq buffer)) foo))
(when foo
(push (nreverse foo) analyses)))))
with tags = (make-array (length analyses))
for analysis in (nreverse analyses)
for i from 0
do (setf (aref tags i) (rest analysis))
for token in tokens
for analysis = (aref tags (second token))
do (nconc token (loop
with n = (* 2 n)
for foo in analysis
while (< 0 n)
collect foo do (decf n)))))
(values tokens length))))
;;(defvar saf:*gmap*)
(defvar saf:*config*)
(defvar *saf-v* -1)
(defvar *HIDDEN-smaf-id-to-edge-id* nil) ;; MUST reset when initializing tchart
(defvar *smaf-id-to-edge-id* nil) ;; MUST reset when initializing tchart
(defvar *chart-node* -1) ;; MUST reset when initializing tchart
(defvar *smaf-node-to-chart-node* nil) ;; MUST reset when initializing tchart
;; hack: passes fallback edges from SAF-tchart construction function
;; to parse function
(defvar *fallback-medges* nil)
;; SAF -> tchart
(defun saf-setup-morphs (saf)
(saf-to-tchart saf))
(defun xml-saf-to-tchart (xml)
(saf-to-tchart (smaf:xml-to-saf-object xml)))
(defun new-tchart ()
(setf *tchart* (make-array (list *chart-limit* 2) :initial-element nil))
(setf *tchart-max* 0)
(setf *fallback-medges* nil)
(setf *smaf-id-to-edge-id* nil)
(setf *HIDDEN-smaf-id-to-edge-id* nil)
(defun get-edge-by-id (id &optional (tchart *tchart*))
(find id (get-edges tchart) :key #'edge-id :test #'=))
;; used in test for duplicate chart/tchart edges
(defun dup-edge= (x y)
;; token edges
((and (typep x 'token-edge)
(typep y 'token-edge))
(token-edge= x y))
;; morph edges
((and (typep x 'morpho-stem-edge)
(typep y 'morpho-stem-edge))
;; chart edges
((and (typep x 'edge)
(typep y 'edge))
;; different edge types
(error "edges expected"))))
(defun clean-tchart (&optional (tchart *tchart*))
(let ((dups (get-duplicate-edge-sets tchart)))
(replace-dup-children dups)
(replace-dup-edges dups tchart)
(defun replace-dup-edges (dups &optional (tchart *tchart*))
for i from 0 upto (1- *chart-limit*)
(setf (aref tchart i 0)
for e in (aref tchart i 0)
if (member e dups :key #'car)
collect e))
(setf (aref tchart i 1)
for e in (aref tchart i 1)
if (member e dups :key #'car)
collect e))))
(defun replace-dup-children (dups)
for dup in dups
for e = (car dup)
for children = (edge-children e)
for new-children =
for child in children
for new-child = (get-dup-edge child dups)
;; do (unless (eq child new-child)
;; (format t "~&; Warning: altering edge ~a (replacing child ~a by duplicate edge ~a)" e child new-child))
collect new-child)
(setf (edge-children e) new-children)))
(defun get-dup-edge (e dups)
(car (get-dup-set e dups)))
(defun get-dup-set (e dups)
(find e dups :test #'dup-edge= :key #'car))
(defun get-duplicate-edge-sets (&optional (tchart *tchart*))
with dups
for e in (reverse (get-edges tchart))
for dup = (get-dup-set e dups)
;; duplicate
(format t "~&WARNING: pruning duplicate edge ~a" e)
(setf (cdr (last dup)) (list e))
(push (list e) dups)))
finally (return dups)))
;; generate sentence strings for all token paths through tchart
(defun tchart-to-sentence-strings nil
with edge-paths = (get-edge-paths-x2y 0 *tchart-max*)
for edge-path in edge-paths
(with-output-to-string (s)
(princ (edge-string (pop edge-path)) s)
for edge in edge-path
for string = (edge-string edge)
(princ #\Space s)
(princ string s)))))
;; generate sentence strings for all token paths through S(M)AF XML input
(defun xml-to-sentence-strings (xml &optional (stream t))
(if (lxml:xml-whitespace-p xml)
(return-from xml-to-sentence-strings))
(if (null xml)
(return-from xml-to-sentence-strings))
(let ((len (length xml)))
(when (string= "" (subseq xml (1- len) len))
(setf xml (subseq xml 0 (1- len)))))
(when xml
(let* ((saf (saf:xml-to-saf-object xml))
(id (saf:saf-id saf)))
(saf-to-tchart saf)
for sent in (tchart-to-sentence-strings)
for str = (format nil "~%;~a~%~a" id sent)
(princ str stream)
;collect str
;; read file containing one S(M)AF XML per line, and generate set sentence test items
;; (for itsdb)
(defun file-to-sentence-strings (filename)
(with-open-file (s filename :external-format :utf-8)
(with-open-file (s-out (format nil "~a.items" filename)
:direction :output :if-exists :supersede :external-format :utf-8)
for line = (read-line s nil nil)
while line
(xml-to-sentence-strings line s-out)
(EXCL:INTERRUPT-SIGNAL () (error "Interrupt-Signal"))
(error (condition)
(format t "~&Error: ~A~%whilst processing ~a~%" condition line))
;; use to process set of files containing SAF XML segments into sentences
(defun file-pattern-to-sentence-strings (pattern)
(require :osi)
for filename in
(excl.osi:command-output (format nil "ls ~a" pattern))
(format t "~%; [processing file ~a]" filename)
(file-to-sentence-strings filename)
;; if set, perform cleanup operations after converting
;; SAF to tchart
(defvar *clean-tchart-p* nil)
(defun saf-to-tchart (saf &key (filter #'identity))
(initialize-smaf-node-to-chart-node saf)
(saf-lattice-to-tchart (smaf:saf-lattice saf)
:filter filter
:addressing (smaf:saf-meta-addressing (smaf:saf-meta saf)))
(if *clean-tchart-p*
(clean-tchart *tchart*)) ;; FIXME! disabled until bug fixed in clean-tchart
;; init=0 ... final=latticeSize
(defun initialize-smaf-node-to-chart-node (saf)
(let* ((lattice (smaf:saf-lattice saf))
(init (and lattice (smaf:saf-lattice-start-node lattice)))
(final (and lattice (smaf:saf-lattice-end-node lattice)))
(edges (and lattice (smaf:saf-lattice-edges lattice)))
(meta (smaf:saf-meta saf))
(addressing (smaf:saf-meta-addressing meta))
(setf *chart-node* -1)
(setf *smaf-node-to-chart-node* nil)
(when lattice
(if init
(and (push (cons init 0) *smaf-node-to-chart-node*)
(setf *chart-node* 0))
(format t "~%WARNING: no init node in SMAF lattice"))
(if final
(push (cons final (smaf:get-smaf-lattice-size saf)) *smaf-node-to-chart-node*)
(format t "~%WARNING: no final node in SMAF lattice"))
;; create nicely ordered mapping into chart nodes
for e in (smaf:sort-edges-by-from edges :addressing addressing)
for source = (smaf:saf-edge-source e)
for target = (smaf:saf-edge-target e)
(smaf-node-to-chart-node source)
(smaf-node-to-chart-node target))
;(print *smaf-node-to-chart-node*)
;; token edge -> t1 ...
;; morph edge -> m1 ...
(defun initialize-smaf-id-to-edge-id-from-tchart nil
(setf *smaf-id-to-edge-id* nil)
;; tedges
for tedge in (get-tedges)
for id = (edge-id tedge)
(push (cons (format nil "t~a" id) id) *smaf-id-to-edge-id*))
;; medges
for medge in (get-medges)
for id = (edge-id medge)
(push (cons (format nil "m~a" id) id) *smaf-id-to-edge-id*))
(defun saf-lattice-to-tchart (saf-lattice &key (filter #'identity) addressing)
for e in
(loop for f in (and saf-lattice (smaf:saf-lattice-edges saf-lattice))
when (funcall filter f)
collect f)
if (string= (saf:l-edgeType e) "tok")
collect e into toks
else if (string= (saf:l-edgeType e) "tok+morph")
collect e into tokMorphs
else if (string= (saf:l-edgeType e) "morph")
collect e into morphs
else do (format t "~&WARNING: SMAF edge ~a has unknown edgeType '~a' (allowed values: 'tok' 'tok+morph' 'morph')" (smaf:saf-edge-id e) (saf:l-edgeType e))
(loop for e in toks
(augment-tchart-from-saf-edge e
(loop for e in tokMorphs
(augment-tchart-from-saf-edge e
(augment-tchart-from-saf-edge e
(loop for e in morphs
(augment-tchart-from-saf-edge e
(defun next-tchart-edge-id (&optional (tchart *tchart*))
(let ((edges (get-edges tchart)))
(if edges
(apply #'max (mapcar #'edge-id edges))
;; to do: replace global *tchart* + *tchart-max* + ??? with objects
(defun augment-tchart-from-saf-edge (saf-edge fn addressing)
with edges = (funcall fn saf-edge addressing)
for edge in edges
if (smaf:saf-fs-feature-value2
(smaf:saf-edge-l-content saf-edge) :|fallback|)
;; fallback edges are stored and resurrected during parsing if
;; lexical lookup fails
(push edge *fallback-medges*)
(augment-tchart-from-saf-edge-aux edge)))
(defun augment-tchart-from-saf-edge-aux (edge)
(let ((from (edge-from edge))
(to (edge-to edge)))
(unless (and (integerp from) (integerp to))
(format t "~&WARNING: ignoring malformed chart edge '~a' (from='~a', to='~a')"
(edge-id edge) from to)
(return-from augment-tchart-from-saf-edge-aux))
(push edge (aref *tchart* to 0))
(push edge (aref *tchart* from 1))
(when (> to *tchart-max*)
;; (format t "~%WARNING: increasing *tchart-max* to ~a" to)
(setf *tchart-max* to)))
;; [bmw] very basic unknown word mechanism (doesn't require SMAF XML input)
;; set to grammar type for unknown words
;; (must also set *fallback-pos-p* to T)
(defvar smaf:*unknown-word-type* nil)
;; generate fallback edges, then add them to tchart
(defun augment-tchart-with-fallback-morphop nil
for medge in (get-fallback-morphop-edges)
for children = (edge-children medge)
;; for grammar-type =
;; (dag-type
;; (tdfs-indef
;; (lex-entry-full-fs
;; (slot-value medge 'l-content))))
(format t "~&;;; WARNING: adding fallback edge ~a for unknown token ~a"
(edge-id medge) children)
(add-edge-to-tchart medge)))
;; generate fallback edges
(defun get-fallback-morphop-edges nil
(and smaf:*unknown-word-type*
;; very basic mechanism, same for all unknown words
for tedge in (get-unanalysed-and-unspanned-tedges)
for e-from = (edge-from tedge)
for e-to = (edge-to tedge)
for children = (list tedge)
for leaf-edges = children
for children-words =
(loop for l in leaf-edges
collect (token-edge-string l))
for cfrom = (edge-cfrom tedge)
for cto = (edge-cto tedge)
for form = (str-list-2-str children-words)
for stem = (string-upcase form)
for dummy-entry =
:unifs (list (cons :|type| (2-str smaf:*unknown-word-type*)))
:gmap '((:|type| NIL :sym)))
:id (next-edge)
:children children
:leaves (loop for x in leaf-edges collect (edge-string x))
:from e-from
:to e-to
:cfrom cfrom
:cto cto
:string form
:word (string-upcase form)
:current (string-upcase form)
:stem stem
:partial-tree nil
:l-content (cons :full dummy-entry)
(and t
;; more sophisticated mechanism
;; (eg. map POS tags into grammar types)
with tedges = (get-unanalysed-and-unspanned-tedges)
for medge in *fallback-medges*
for children = (edge-children medge)
when (intersection children tedges)
;; eg. any children are unanalysed
collect medge))))
;; and slot edge into *tchart* from/to array
(defun add-edge-to-tchart (edge)
(let ((from (edge-from edge))
(to (edge-to edge)))
(push edge (aref *tchart* to 0))
(push edge (aref *tchart* from 1))
(when (> to *tchart-max*)
;; (format t "~%WARNING: increasing *tchart-max* to ~a" to)
(setf *tchart-max* to)))
;; input: edge of type 'tok' or 'tok+morph'
(defun saf-edge-to-tedge (saf-edge addressing)
(unless (or (string= "tok" (saf:l-edgeType saf-edge))
(string= "tok+morph" (saf:l-edgeType saf-edge)))
(error "edgeType='tok' expected (got '~a')" (saf:l-edgeType saf-edge)))
(with-slots (smaf:id smaf:source smaf:target smaf:from smaf:to smaf:l-content) saf-edge
(let* ((tokenStr (smaf:saf-fs-feature-value2 smaf:l-content :|tokenStr|))
(e-id (if (string= "tok" (saf:l-edgeType saf-edge))
(smaf-id-to-edge-id smaf:id)
(HIDDEN-smaf-id-to-edge-id smaf:id :token)))
:id e-id
:from (smaf-node-to-chart-node smaf:source)
:to (smaf-node-to-chart-node smaf:target)
:string tokenStr
:cfrom (smaf:point-to-char-point smaf:from addressing)
:cto (smaf:point-to-char-point smaf:to addressing)
:word (string-upcase tokenStr)
:leaves (list tokenStr))))
(list tedge))))
(defun HIDDEN-smaf-id-to-edge-id (smaf-id hidden)
(let* ((h-str
(case hidden
(:token "T")
(t (error "expected :token, got ~S" hidden))))
(id (concatenate 'string h-str smaf-id))
(match (cdr (assoc id *HIDDEN-smaf-id-to-edge-id* :test #'string=))))
(if match
(return-from HIDDEN-smaf-id-to-edge-id match))
;; new edge id
(push (cons id (incf *edge-id*)) *HIDDEN-smaf-id-to-edge-id*)
(defun smaf-id-to-edge-id (smaf-id)
(let ((match (cdr (assoc smaf-id *smaf-id-to-edge-id* :test #'string=))))
(if match
(return-from smaf-id-to-edge-id match))
;; new edge id
(push (cons smaf-id (incf *edge-id*)) *smaf-id-to-edge-id*)
(defun edge-id-to-smaf-id (edge-id)
(let ((match (car (rassoc edge-id *smaf-id-to-edge-id* :test #'equalp))))
(if match
(return-from edge-id-to-smaf-id match))))
;; init/final dealt with via correct initialization of mapping
(defun smaf-node-to-chart-node (smaf-node)
(let ((match (cdr (assoc smaf-node *smaf-node-to-chart-node* :test #'string=))))
(if match
(return-from smaf-node-to-chart-node match))
;; new chart node
(push (cons smaf-node (incf *chart-node*)) *smaf-node-to-chart-node*)
;; id: first char ignored, rest gives integer
(defun id-to-int (id &key (generate t))
(let ((i (if id (parse-integer (subseq id 1)))))
(if i
(and (setf *edge-id* (max i *edge-id*))
(if generate
(- (incf *edge-id*)))))
(error (condition)
(error "unable to convert malformed id `~a': ~a" id condition))))
;; input: saf edge of type 'tok' or 'tok+morph'
(defun saf-edge-to-medge (saf-edge addressing)
(unless (or (string= "morph" (saf:l-edgeType saf-edge))
(string= "tok+morph" (saf:l-edgeType saf-edge)))
(error "'morph' edge expected (got '~a')" (saf:l-edgeType saf-edge)))
;; assumes tedges already in chart
(with-slots (smaf:id smaf:source smaf:target smaf:deps smaf:l-content smaf:from smaf:to) saf-edge
(let* ((children
((string= "tok+morph" (saf:l-edgeType saf-edge))
;; find hidden 'tok' edge
(let ((child (smaf-id-to-token-edge smaf:id (get-tedges *tchart*)
:hidden :token)))
(if child
(list child))))
;; derive child edges from saf deps
(loop for d in smaf:deps
for tedge = (smaf-id-to-token-edge d (get-tedges *tchart*))
if tedge
collect tedge
do (format t "~&WARNING: missing SMAF edge '~a' (child of '~a')" d smaf:id)))))
(leaf-edges children) ;;fix me
(loop for l in leaf-edges
collect (token-edge-string l)))
(form (str-list-2-str children-words))
(stem (string-upcase
(or (smaf:saf-fs-feature-value2 smaf:l-content :|stem|)
(partialTree (smaf:saf-fs-feature-value2 smaf:l-content :|partialTree|))
(partialTree2 (smaf:saf-fs-feature-value2 smaf:l-content :|+partialTree|))
(gmap-unifs (smaf:get-gmap-unifs smaf:l-content))
(get-dummy-unexpanded-lex-entry form
:unifs gmap-unifs
:gmap (saf:config-gmap saf:*config*)
:rmrs (smaf:saf-fs-feature-value2 smaf:l-content :|rmrs|)
(inject (get-inject gmap-unifs (saf:config-gmap saf:*config*)))
(if (smaf:saf-fs-feature-value2
(smaf:saf-edge-l-content saf-edge) :|inject|)
(and inject (cons :inject inject))
(and dummy-entry (cons :full dummy-entry))))
(e-from (smaf-node-to-chart-node smaf:source))
(e-to (smaf-node-to-chart-node smaf:target))
(cfrom (or (smaf:point-to-char-point smaf:from addressing)
(get-min-edge-cfrom children)))
(cto (or (smaf:point-to-char-point smaf:to addressing)
(get-max-edge-cto children)))
(or (smaf:saf-fs-partial-tree-2-list-partial-tree partialTree)
(saf-plus-2-list-partial-tree partialTree2)
err-flag medges medge
(unless leaf-edges
(format t "~&ERROR: no leaf-edges for SMAF edge '~a'" smaf:id)
(return-from saf-edge-to-medge))
(unless (or stem dummy-entry)
(format t "~&WARNING: no stem/gType for SMAF edge '~a'" smaf:id)
(setf err-flag t))
(unless (integerp e-from)
(format t "~&WARNING: missing source for SMAF edge '~a'" smaf:id)
(setf err-flag t))
(unless (integerp e-to)
(format t "~&WARNING: missing target for SMAF edge '~a'" smaf:id)
(setf err-flag t))
(when (and (integerp e-from)
(integerp e-to)
(not (= e-from (leaf-edges-from leaf-edges))))
(format t "~&WARNING: source mismatch between SMAF edge '~a' and it's daughters" smaf:id)
(setf err-flag t))
(when (and (integerp e-from)
(integerp e-to)
(not (= e-to (leaf-edges-to leaf-edges))))
(format t "~&WARNING: target mismatch between SMAF edge '~a' and it's daughters" smaf:id)
(setf err-flag t))
(unless err-flag
(setf medge
:id (smaf-id-to-edge-id smaf:id)
:children children
:leaves (loop for x in leaf-edges collect (edge-string x))
:from e-from
:to e-to
:cfrom cfrom
:cto cto
:string form
:word (string-upcase form)
:current (string-upcase form)
:stem stem
:partial-tree partial-tree
:l-content l-content
(when (smaf:saf-fs-feature-value2
(smaf:saf-edge-l-content saf-edge) :|analyseMorph|)
with morph-analyses = (get-morph-analyses (string-upcase form))
for (stem . partial-tree) in morph-analyses
when partial-tree
:id (next-edge)
:children (list medge)
:leaves (loop for x in leaf-edges collect (edge-string x))
:from e-from
:to e-to
:cfrom cfrom
:cto cto
:string form
:word (string-upcase form)
:current stem
:stem stem
:partial-tree partial-tree
:l-content l-content
(defun get-inject (unifs gmap)
for (feat . val) in unifs
for (feat2 path2 type) = (find feat gmap :key #'first)
for path = ;;HACK! *ersatz-carg-path* overrides :|carg| path
(or (and (eq feat :|carg|)
for decoded-val = (if (eq type :sym)
(intern val)
(setf feat2 feat2) ;; hack to get rid of compiler warning
unless (and (eq feat :|carg|) (null saf:*ersatz-carg-path*)) ;;HACK! see above
:lhs (make-path :typed-feature-list path)
:rhs (make-u-value :type decoded-val))))
(defun smaf-id-to-token-edge (id tedges &key hidden)
(if hidden
(find (HIDDEN-smaf-id-to-edge-id id hidden) tedges :key #'token-edge-id :test #'=)
(find (smaf-id-to-edge-id id) tedges :key #'token-edge-id :test #'=)))
(defun str-2-int (str)
(if str (parse-integer str)))
;; ;
(defun mps-str (x)
(or (encode-mixed-as-str x) ""))
(defvar mrs::*main-semantics-path*)
; :UNIFS ((:|carg| . "bmw[Li+].CC(C)[N-]C(C)C") (:|pred|)
; (:|type| . "n_proper_nale"))
; (:|pred| (SYNSEM LKEYS KEYREL PRED) :SYM) (:|type| NIL :SYM)))
;; mixed up code: unifs shadowing unifs!
(defun get-dummy-unexpanded-lex-entry (orth &key unifs gmap rmrs)
(let* ((unifs2
for (key . val) in unifs
for (c-dummy c-path c-type) = (find key gmap :key #'car)
for val2 = (mps-str (if (eq c-type :sym)
(intern val)
collect (list val2 c-path '(MIXED))
(setf c-dummy c-dummy)))
(lex-entry (get-dummy-unexpanded-lex-entry2 orth :unifs unifs2))
;; need: mrs:s:*semi* and mrs::*meta-semi*
(mrs (and rmrs (mrs::convert-rmrs-to-mrs rmrs)))
(rels (and mrs (mrs::psoa-liszt mrs)))
(and rels (mrs::create-unifs-from-rels2 rels mrs::*main-semantics-path*))))
(when lex-entry
(setf (lex-entry-unifs lex-entry)
(append rels-unifs (lex-entry-unifs lex-entry))))
; ("n_proper_nale" NIL (MIXED))))
;; (val path type)*
(defun get-dummy-unexpanded-lex-entry2 (orth &key unifs)
(when unifs
with dfn =
'((:ID :|name| "" (SYM))
(:ORTH :|orthography| "" (STR-RAWLST))
(:UNIFS :|orthography| "(stem)" (STR-LST)))
with vals = (list "" orth)
with keys = '(:|name| :|orthography|);;!
for (val path type) in unifs
for key from 0
(push (list :unifs key (format nil "~S" path) type) dfn)
(push val vals)
(push key keys)
(return (make-psort-struct2 vals keys :dfn dfn)))))
(defun read-smaf-conf (x)
(format t "~&;;; reading SMAF config file '~a'" x)
(setf saf:*config* (saf:conf-read-file x))
; (saf:get-saf-l-map x)
(defun run-parse-server (&rest rest)
(apply 'saf:run-parse-server rest))
(defun run-fspp-server (&rest rest)
(apply 'saf:run-fspp-server rest))
;; print token counts for all unanalysed tokens
(defun report-unanalysed-tokens nil
(let ((hash (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
for tok in *unanalysed-tokens*
for count = (or (gethash tok hash) 0)
(setf (gethash tok hash)
(1+ count)))
(setf count-toks
for tok being each hash-key in hash
for count = (gethash tok hash)
collect (cons count tok)))
for (count . tok) in (sort count-toks #'> :key #'car)
(format t "~%~a ~a" count tok))))
;; batch processing
(defun process-standoff-sentence-file (filename &key show-parse)
(process-saf-file-sentences filename :show-parse show-parse))
(defun process-saf-file-sentences (filename
&key (show-parse t) reset-unanalysed-tokens
:name (format nil "~a.out" (pathname-name (pathname filename))))
(pathname filename))
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format t "~&;;; Input sentence file: ~a" filename)
(format t "~&;;; Output file: ~a" (namestring ofile))
(saf:read-file-to-string filename)
:dir (pathname-directory (pathname filename)))
:ostream ofile
:show-parse show-parse
:reset-unanalysed-tokens reset-unanalysed-tokens)))
(defun process-saf-sentences (saf &key (ostream t) show-parse reset-unanalysed-tokens pprint)
(let* ((textfilename (saf:saf-meta-document (saf:saf-meta saf)))
(if textfilename
(saf:read-file-to-string textfilename))))
(format t "~&;;; Data file: ~a" (saf:saf-meta-document (saf:saf-meta saf)))
(format ostream "~a"
:addressing :|char|
:document (saf:saf-meta-document (saf:saf-meta saf)))))
(when reset-unanalysed-tokens
(setf *unanalysed-tokens* nil))
for s in
(sort (loop for e in (saf:saf-lattice-edges (saf:saf-lattice saf))
when (eq :|sentence| (saf:saf-edge-type e))
collect e)
:key #'(lambda (x)
(saf:saf-edge-from x) :|char|)
for from = (saf:saf-edge-from s)
for to = (saf:saf-edge-to s)
unless (and from to) do
(format t "~&~%CANNOT PROCESS SENTENCE ~a due to null pointer: from=~a to=~a"
(saf:saf-edge-id s) from to)
when (and from to) do
(format t "~&~%PROCESSING SENTENCE ~a: ~& ~a"
(saf:saf-edge-id s)
(saf:x-span text from to
(saf:saf-meta-addressing (saf:saf-meta saf)))
((saf:saf-meta-document (saf:saf-meta saf))
(let ((*generate-messages-for-all-unanalysed-tokens* t)
;(point-to-char-point (saf-edge-from s) :|char|))
(setf saf:*char-map-add-offset* (saf:point-to-char-point (saf:saf-edge-from s) :|char|))
(x-parse text
(saf:saf-edge-from s)
(saf:saf-edge-to s)
(saf:saf-meta-addressing (saf:saf-meta saf))
:document (saf:saf-meta-document (saf:saf-meta saf))
:char-map #'saf:char-map-add-x
:show-parse show-parse)))
(x-parse (saf:saf-edge-content s)
:document nil
:show-parse show-parse)))
(storage-condition (condition)
(format t "~&Memory allocation problem: ~A" condition))
(EXCL:INTERRUPT-SIGNAL () (error "Interrupt-Signal"))
(error (condition)
(format t "~&Error: ~A" condition))
(saf:dump-sentence-analyses s :stream ostream :pprint pprint))
(format ostream "~&")))
(defvar saf:*document* nil)
(defvar *text* nil)
(defun x-parse (text from to addressing &key document
(char-map #'identity)
(show-parse t))
(unless (preprocessor:preprocessor-initialized-p)
(error "please load preprocessor"))
(setf saf:*document* document)
(let ((str
((and from to addressing)
(saf:x-span text from to addressing))
((and (null from) (null to) (null addressing))
(error "from/to/addressing=~a/~a/~a" from to addressing))))
(preprocessor:*local-to-global-point-mapping* char-map)
(*text* text)
(old-x-fspp-global (preprocessor:x-fspp-global preprocessor:*preprocessor*))
(setf *sentence* str)
; (format t "~%~%=.~a.~%~%" preprocessor:*local-to-global-point-mapping*)
(parse (preprocessor:x-preprocess str :format :maf) show-parse)
(setf (preprocessor:x-fspp-global preprocessor:*preprocessor*)
(defvar saf:*morph-rule-map* nil)
;; [for testing purposes]
;(defvar smaf:*morph-rule-map*
; ("M0" . "PLUR_NOUN_ORULE")))
;; support for external morphology built up from separate slots
;; and where external morph names are mapped into grammal rules
(defun saf-plus-2-list-partial-tree (plus-list)
for x2 in plus-list
for x = (or (cdr (assoc x2 saf:*morph-rule-map* :test #'string=))
collect (list (intern x :lkb) nil)))
(defun concatenate-strings (x)
(apply #'concatenate
(cons 'string x)))
(defun split-str-on-spc (str)
(mapcar #'car (split-on-spc str)))
;; return list of (WORD-STRING FROM TO)
;; where FROM, TO are char offsets
(defun split-on-spc (preprocessed-string)
with c-list = (coerce preprocessed-string 'list)
with c-list-word
with from = 0
for c in c-list
for i from 1 to (length c-list)
if (char= c #\Space) collect (list (coerce (nreverse c-list-word) 'string) from (1- i)) into words
and do (setf from i)
and do (setf c-list-word nil)
else do (push c c-list-word)
(return (append words
(list (list (coerce (nreverse c-list-word) 'string)
from i)))))
:key #'car
:test #'string=))
;; XML test suite
(defvar *xml-test-neg* nil)
(defvar *xml-test-pos* nil)
(defun xml-test-initialise nil
(setf *xml-test-neg* nil)
(setf *xml-test-pos* nil))
(defun xml-test-file (filename)
(with-open-file (s filename)
(s-xml:parse-xml s)
(push filename *xml-test-pos*))
(error (condition)
(format t "~&FILENAME: ~a Error: ~A" filename condition)
(push (cons filename condition) *xml-test-neg*))))
(defun xml-test-files (pattern)
for filename in
(excl.osi:command-output (format nil "ls ~a" pattern))
(xml-test-file filename)
(defvar *maf-token-id-counter* 0)
;;; also MAF TOKENS <-> TCHART
(defun tchart-to-maf-tokens (&optional (tchart *tchart*))
(tchart-to-maf tchart :wordforms nil))
;;; tchart -> maf-wordforms.xml
(defun tchart-to-maf-wordforms (&optional (tchart *tchart*))
(tchart-to-maf tchart :wordforms t))
;;; MAF to tchart mapping
(defun leaf-edges-from (leaf-edges)
; (unless leaf-edges
; (error "leaf-edges is null"))
(and leaf-edges
(apply #'min (mapcar #'edge-from leaf-edges))))
(defun leaf-edges-to (leaf-edges)
; (unless leaf-edges
; (error "leaf-edges is null"))
(and leaf-edges
(apply #'max (mapcar #'edge-to leaf-edges))))
;;; tchart to (S)(M)AF mapping
(defun tchart-to-saf (&optional (tchart *tchart*) &key (wordforms t))
(tchart-to-maf tchart :wordforms wordforms :saf t))
(defun tchart-to-maf (&optional (tchart *tchart*) &key (wordforms t) saf)
(let* ((strm (make-string-output-stream))
(tedges (get-tedges tchart))
(medges (if wordforms
(get-medges tchart))))
(format strm "~a" (smaf:saf-header (smaf:make-saf-meta :document nil :addressing :|char|)))
(format strm "~a" (fsm-xml tedges medges :saf saf))
(if saf
(format strm "")
(format strm ""))
(get-output-stream-string strm)))
(defun fsm-xml (tedges medges &key saf)
(let* ((strm (make-string-output-stream))
(v-min (loop for x in tedges minimize (edge-from x)))
(v-max (1+ (loop for x in tedges maximize (edge-from x)))))
(format strm "" v-min v-max)
;; states
for i from v-min to v-max
do (format strm "" i))
;; token edges
for tedge in tedges
do (format strm "~a" (tedge-to-token-xml tedge :saf saf)))
;; wordform edges
for medge in medges
do (format strm "~a" (medge-to-wordform-xml medge :saf saf)))
(format strm "")
(get-output-stream-string strm)))
(defun medge-to-wordform-xml (medge &key saf)
(with-slots (from to string stem partial-tree id) medge
(concatenate 'string
(format nil ""
;(if (caar partial-tree)
; (cl-ppcre:regex-replace "_INFL_RULE$" (string (caar partial-tree)) "")
(edge-id-to-smaf-id id)
(edge-to-tokens-id-str medge)
from to)
(format nil "")
(format nil "~a" (stem-to-fs stem))
(if partial-tree
;(format nil "~a" (partial-tree-to-fs-lazy partial-tree)))
(format nil "~a" (partial-tree-to-fs partial-tree)))
(format nil "")
(format nil "")))
(concatenate 'string
(format nil ""
(edge-to-tokens-id-str medge)
from to)
(format nil "")
(format nil "~a" (stem-to-fs stem))
(if partial-tree
(format nil "~a" (partial-tree-to-fs partial-tree)))
;(format nil "~a" (partial-tree-to-fs-lazy partial-tree)))
(format nil "")
(format nil ""))
;; store as lisp list text
(defun partial-tree-to-fs (p-tree)
(format nil "~a"
(partial-tree-to-fs2 p-tree)))
(defun partial-tree-to-fs2 (p-tree)
(if (null p-tree)
(format nil "~a~a"
(partial-tree-elt-to-fs (car p-tree))
(partial-tree-to-fs2 (cdr p-tree)))))
(defun partial-tree-elt-to-fs (p-tree-elt)
(format nil "~a~a"
(xml-escape (format nil "~a" (first p-tree-elt)))
(xml-escape (format nil "~a" (second p-tree-elt)))))
(defun partial-tree-to-fs-lazy (p-tree)
(concatenate 'string
(format nil "")
(xml-escape (format nil "~S" p-tree))
(format nil "")))
(defun stem-to-fs (stem)
(concatenate 'string
(format nil "")
(xml-escape (format nil "~a" stem))
(format nil "")))
(defun edge-to-leaf-token-edges (edge)
((token-edge-p edge)
(edge-id edge))
with children = (or (edge-children edge)
(edge-tchildren edge)
(error "children or tchildren expected in edge ~a" edge))
with tedges = (extract-descendant-tedges children)
for tedge in tedges
collect tedge))))
(defun edge-to-tokens-id-str (edge)
for tedge in (edge-to-leaf-token-edges edge)
for id = (edge-id tedge)
collect " "
collect (edge-id-to-smaf-id id)))))
(defun extract-descendant-tedges (children)
for child in children
((edge-children child)
(extract-descendant-tedges (edge-children child)))
((edge-tchildren child)
(extract-descendant-tedges (edge-tchildren child)))
(if (token-edge-p child)
(list child)
(error "unexpected non-token-edge leaf edge ~a" child))))))
(defun tedge-to-token-xml (tedge &key saf)
;; use cfrom/cto in place of xfrom/xto
(with-slots (id from to string cfrom cto) tedge
(format nil ""
(xml-escape (format nil "t~a" id))
(xml-escape (2-str (or cfrom "?")))
(xml-escape (2-str (or cto "?")))
(xml-escape string)
(xml-escape (or (2-str from) "?"))
(xml-escape (or (2-str to) "?")))
(format nil ""
(xml-escape (format nil "t~a" id))
(xml-escape (2-str (or cfrom "?")))
(xml-escape (2-str (or cto "?")))
(xml-escape string)
(xml-escape (or (2-str from) "?"))
(xml-escape (or (2-str to) "?")))
;; assume xpoint order is string order for now
(defun x< (x y)
(string< x y))
(defun x> (x y)
(string> x y))
(defun x= (x y)
(string= x y))
(defun char-offset-to-xpoint (i)
(unless (integerp i)
(error "char offset must be integer"))
(format nil "/1/1.~a" i))
(defun xpoint-to-char-offset (xp)
(unless (stringp xp)
(error "expected Xpoint as string"))
(unless (and (>= (length xp) 5)
(string= (subseq xp 0 5) "/1/1."))
;;temporary hack
(return-from xpoint-to-char-offset -1)
(error "unhandled Xpoint ~a (work in progress)" xp))
(read-from-string (subseq xp 5)))
;; assume for now XML root element contains only CDATA
(defun xpoint-range (xml xrange)
(let ((x-from (car xrange))
(x-to (cdr xrange)))
(let* ((p-xml (s-xml:parse-xml-string xml))
(text (second (car (member '|text| p-xml :key #'car))))
(c-from (xpoint-to-char-offset x-from))
(c-to (xpoint-to-char-offset x-to)))
(unless (and (>= c-from 0)
(<= c-to (length text)))
(error "Xpoint out of range"))
(subseq text c-from c-to))))