;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: TSDB -*- ;;; ;;; [incr tsdb()] --- Competence and Performance Profiling Environment ;;; Copyright (c) 1996 -- 2005 Stephan Oepen (oe@csli.stanford.edu) ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License for more details. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: ;;; module: ;;; version: ;;; written by: ;;; last update: ;;; updated by: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; author | date | modification ;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------ ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "TSDB") (defun retrieve (&optional condition (data *tsdb-data*) &key mrs (output (not *tsdb-ignore-output-p*)) (stream *tsdb-io*) (verbose t) meter) (initialize-tsdb) (when meter (status :text (format nil "retrieving `~a' data ..." data))) (let* ((imeter (if output (madjust * meter 0.5) meter)) (ometer (when output (madjust + (madjust * meter 0.5) (mduration imeter)))) (granularity (profile-granularity data)) (fields '("i-id" "i-wf" "i-length" "i-input" "i-comment")) (fields (if (< granularity 201011) fields (cons "i-tokens" fields))) (types '(:integer :integer :integer :string :string)) (types (if (< granularity 201011) types (cons :string types))) (items (select fields types "item" (unless mrs condition) data :unique nil :sort :i-id :meter imeter)) (outputs (when output (select '("i-id" "o-ignore" "o-surface" "o-wf" "o-gc" "o-edges") '(:integer :string :string :integer :integer :integer) "output" (unless mrs condition) data :unique nil :sort :i-id :meter ometer))) (condition (if mrs (if (or (null condition) (equal condition "")) "readings >= 1" (format nil "(~a) && (readings >= 1)" condition)) condition)) (results (when mrs (select '("i-id" "parse-id" "result-id" "derivation" "mrs") '(:integer :integer :integer :string :string) '("parse" "result") condition mrs :unique nil :sort :i-id))) (all (loop for item in items for iid = (get-field :i-id item) for length = (get-field+ :i-length item 0) for ogc = -2 for oedges = -2 for matches = (when output (loop for record in (member iid outputs :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :i-id foo))) while (= (get-field :i-id record) iid) do (setf ogc (max ogc (get-field+ :o-gc record -1))) (setf oedges (max oedges (get-field+ :o-edges record -1))) collect record)) do (let* ((tokens (get-field :i-tokens item)) (n (when (stringp tokens) (- (length tokens) 1)))) (when (and n (< 3 n) (char= (schar tokens 0) #\() (char= (schar tokens 1) #\() (char= (schar tokens (- n 1)) #\)) (char= (schar tokens n) #\))) (let ((tokens (ignore-errors (read-from-string tokens)))) (when tokens (set-field :i-tokens tokens item))))) (let* ((comment (get-field :i-comment item)) (n (when (stringp comment) (- (length comment) 1)))) (when (and n (< 3 n) (char= (schar comment 0) #\() (char= (schar comment 1) #\() (char= (schar comment (- n 1)) #\)) (char= (schar comment n) #\))) (let ((comment (ignore-errors (read-from-string comment)))) (nconc item comment)))) (nconc item (pairlis '(:o-gc :o-edges :outputs) (list (and (> ogc -2) ogc) (and (> oedges 2) oedges) matches))) when (> length 0) collect item))) (when results (setf all (loop for item in all for key = (get-field :i-id item) for matches = (when (eql key (get-field :i-id (first results))) (loop for result = (first results) while (and result (eql key (get-field :i-id result))) collect (pop results))) when matches collect (nconc item (pairlis '(:parse-id :results) (list (get-field :parse-id (first matches)) matches))))) (setf all (sort all #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :parse-id foo)))) (rank-items items :gold mrs :sloppyp t)) (when verbose (format stream "~&retrieve(): found ~a item~:p (~a output specification~:p).~%" (length all) (length outputs))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) (when meter (status :text (format nil "retrieving `~a' data ... done" data))) all)) (defun tsdb-do-vocabulary (language &key condition (load :warn) (stream *tsdb-io*) meter interrupt) (initialize-tsdb) (let* ((*tsdb-gc-message-p* nil) (condition (if (equal condition "") nil condition)) (loadp (not (member load (list nil :off :no :none)))) (whitespace '(#\Space #\Newline #\Tab)) (garbage (append whitespace (loop for string in *tsdb-tokens-to-ignore* when (and (stringp string) (= (length string) 1)) collect (schar string 0) else when (characterp string) collect string))) (imeter (madjust * meter 0.1)) (wmeter (madjust + (madjust * meter 0.9) (mduration imeter))) (items (retrieve condition language)) (strings (loop for item in items for i-input = (get-field :i-input item) for p-input = (call-hook *tsdb-preprocessing-hook* i-input) collect (or p-input i-input))) (frequencies (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (lexicon (make-hash-table :test #'equal )) (lstasks (make-hash-table :test #'equal )) (maximal-frequency 0) (message (format nil "retrieving `~a' vocabulary ..." language)) words unknown-words) (when meter (status :text message) (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (when (eq load :collect) (setf %tsdb-lexical-preterminals% nil)) (when strings (format stream "~%") (dolist (string strings words) (do* ((i (position-if #'(lambda (c) (member c whitespace)) string) (position-if #'(lambda (c) (member c whitespace)) string)) (word (when i (subseq string 0 i)) (when i (subseq string 0 i))) (word (string-downcase (string-trim garbage word)) (string-downcase (string-trim garbage word))) (n (gethash word frequencies) (gethash word frequencies)) (string (if i (subseq string i) string) (if i (subseq string i) string)) (string (string-left-trim whitespace string) (string-left-trim whitespace string))) ((not i) (let* ((word (string-downcase (string-trim garbage string))) (n (gethash word frequencies))) (when (and word (> (length word) 0)) (setf (gethash word frequencies) (+ (or n 0) 1)) (setf (gethash word lexicon) 0) (setf (gethash word lstasks) 0) (setf maximal-frequency (max maximal-frequency (+ (or n 0) 1))) (pushnew word words :test #'equal)))) (when (and word (> (length word) 0)) (setf (gethash word frequencies) (+ (or n 0) 1)) (setf (gethash word lexicon) 0) (setf (gethash word lstasks) 0) (setf maximal-frequency (max maximal-frequency (+ (or n 0) 1))) (pushnew word words :test #'equal)))) (let* ((width (apply #'max (map 'list #'length words))) (tabulation (format nil "~~~d,0t| ~~~dd" (+ width 2 1) (length (format nil "~d" maximal-frequency)))) (increment (when wmeter (/ (mduration wmeter) (length words))))) (do* ((words (sort (copy-seq words) #'string-lessp) (rest words)) (word (first words) (first words))) ((null words) unknown-words) (when (and interrupt (probe-file interrupt)) (delete-file interrupt) (format stream "do-vocabulary(): received external interrupt signal.~%") (when meter (status :text (format nil "~a interrupt" message) :duration 5)) (return-from tsdb-do-vocabulary)) (when (and loadp (not (member word *tsdb-tokens-to-ignore* :test #'string-equal))) (let ((entries (parse-word word :load load))) (setf (gethash word lexicon) (get-field :words entries)) (setf (gethash word lstasks) (get-field :l-stasks entries)) (unless entries (push word unknown-words))) (format stream "~& ~a ~@? reference(s)~:[~; | [~d + ~d] lexical entrie(s)~];~%" word tabulation (gethash word frequencies) loadp (or (gethash word lexicon) -1) (or (gethash word lstasks) -1))) (when increment (meter-advance increment))))) (format stream "~&~%") (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter)) (status :text (format nil "~a done" message) :duration 5)) (length items))) (defun tsdb (&optional action argument &key condition run skeleton load gold host task wait quantum (file nil filep) (reset nil resetp) count target error) (unless (and action (keywordp action) (let ((action (string action))) (string-equal "ini" (subseq action 0 (min (length action) 3))))) (initialize-tsdb)) (if (stringp action) (let* ((result (call-tsdb action (or argument *tsdb-data*)))) (when (and result (not (zerop (length result)))) (format *tsdb-io* "~&~%~a~%" result))) (let ((action (string action))) (case (intern (subseq action 0 (min (length action) 3)) :keyword) ((:initialize :ini) (setf *tsdb-initialized-p* nil) (initialize-tsdb argument :pattern load :background run) (tsdb :info) (format *tsdb-io* "~&~%")) ((:podium :pod :po) (init-podium) (when argument (load-cache :pattern load :background t))) ((:cpus :cpu :cpu :cp) (format *tsdb-io* "~&~%") (cond ((null argument) (tsdb-do-cpus :action :active :host host :task task :stream *tsdb-io*)) ((member argument '(:active :list :kill :shutdown)) (tsdb-do-cpus :action argument :host host :task task :stream *tsdb-io*)) (t (let ((clients (cond ((and filep resetp) (initialize-cpus :classes argument :count count :wait wait :host host :task task :quantum quantum :file file :reset reset :stream *tsdb-io* :prefix " ")) (filep (initialize-cpus :classes argument :count count :wait wait :host host :task task :quantum quantum :file file :stream *tsdb-io* :prefix " ")) (resetp (initialize-cpus :classes argument :count count :wait wait :host host :task task :quantum quantum :reset reset :stream *tsdb-io* :prefix " ")) (t (initialize-cpus :classes argument :count count :wait wait :host host :task task :quantum quantum :stream *tsdb-io* :prefix " "))))) (when (and (eq error :exit) (< (length clients) (or count 1))) #+:allegro (excl:exit 0 :no-unwind t) #+:lispworks (lw:quit :ignore-errors-p t) #-(or :allegro :lispworks) (error "no known mechanism to shutdown Lisp (see `commands.lisp'"))))) (format *tsdb-io* "~&~%")) ((:info :inf) (tsdb-do-status :all :stream *tsdb-io*)) ((:home :hom :ho) (if (stringp argument) (tsdb-do-set (quote *tsdb-home*) argument) (tsdb-do-status :home :stream *tsdb-io*))) ((:default :def :de :d) (if (stringp argument) (tsdb-do-set (quote *tsdb-data*) argument) (tsdb-do-status :default :stream *tsdb-io*))) ((:list :lis :li :l) (tsdb-do-list (or argument *tsdb-home*))) ((:skeletons :ske :sk :s) (cond ((stringp argument) (tsdb-do-set (quote *tsdb-skeleton-directory*) argument) (tsdb-do-skeletons nil :format :short)) (t (format *tsdb-io* "~&~%") (tsdb-do-skeletons nil)))) ((:create :cre :cr :c) (format *tsdb-io* "~&~%") (tsdb-do-create argument (or skeleton *tsdb-default-skeleton*)) (format *tsdb-io* "~&~%")) ((:process :pro :pr) (format *tsdb-io* "~&~%") (tsdb-do-process (if (or (null argument) (member argument (list nil t ""))) *tsdb-data* argument) :condition condition :gold gold :run-id run :overwrite t)) ((:vocabulary :voc :vo :v) (format *tsdb-io* "~&~%") (tsdb-do-vocabulary (if (or (null argument) (member argument (list nil t ""))) *tsdb-data* argument) :condition condition :load (or load :quiet))) ((:compress :com :co) (format *tsdb-io* "~&~%") (tsdb-do-compress (if (or (null argument) (member argument (list nil t ""))) *tsdb-data* argument) target)) ((:help :hel :he) (format *tsdb-io* "~&~%") (tsdb-do-help (if argument (intern (subseq (string argument) 0 3) :keyword) :all))) (t (format *tsdb-io* "~&~% tsdb(): invalid or ambiguous command `~(~:a~)'; ~ try `(tsdb :help)'.~%~%" action)))))) (defun tsdb-do-set (variable value) (format *tsdb-io* "~%") (let ((value (case variable ((*tsdb-home* *tsdb-skeleton-directory*) (namestring (make-pathname :directory value))) (t value)))) (set variable value))) (defun tsdb-do-status (name &key (stream *tsdb-io*) (prefix " ")) (format stream "~&~%") (when (member name (list :all)) (format stream "~atsdb(1) application: `~a';~%" prefix *tsdb-application*)) (when (member name (list :all :home)) (format stream "~atsdb(1) database root: `~a';~%" prefix *tsdb-home*)) (when (member name (list :all :default)) (format stream "~adefault test suite database `~a'~%" prefix *tsdb-data*)) (when (member name (list :all)) (format stream "~askeletons directory: `~a';~%" prefix *tsdb-skeleton-directory*) (format stream "~adefault test suite skeleton `~a';~%" prefix *tsdb-default-skeleton*)) (when (member name (list :all)) (format stream "~awrite run: ~:[no~;yes~]; write parse: ~:[no~;yes~]; ~ write result: ~:[no~;yes~];~%" prefix *tsdb-write-run-p* *tsdb-write-parse-p* *tsdb-write-result-p*)) (when (member name (list :all)) (format stream "~awrite output: ~:[no~;yes~];~%" prefix *tsdb-write-output-p*)) (when (member name (list :all)) (format stream "~acache database writes ~:[no~;yes~]; flush cache threshold ~a~%" prefix *tsdb-cache-database-writes-p* *tsdb-flush-cache-threshold*)) (when (member name (list :all)) (format stream "~atrees hook: ~:[none~;`~(~a~)()'~];~%~ ~asemantix hook: ~:[none~;`~(~a~)()'~];~%" prefix *tsdb-trees-hook* *tsdb-trees-hook* prefix *tsdb-semantix-hook* *tsdb-semantix-hook*)) (when (member name (list :all)) (format stream "~aexhaustive search: ~:[no~;yes~]; ~ maximal number of edges ~a; item factor: ~a.~%" prefix *tsdb-exhaustive-p* *tsdb-maximal-number-of-edges* *tsdb-edge-factor*)) (format stream "~%")) (defun find-tsdb-directories (&optional (home *tsdb-home*) &key name pattern trace meter) (declare (ignore trace)) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (let* ((prefix (length *tsdb-home*)) (length (length home)) (absolute (not (equal home *tsdb-home*))) (directories (subdirectories home)) (directories (loop for directory in directories for suffix = (if (and (<= prefix length) (string= *tsdb-home* directory :end2 prefix)) (subseq directory prefix) directory) when (and suffix (not (search "/.svn" suffix)) (not (search "/.cvs" suffix)) (or (null name) (string= name suffix)) (or (null pattern) (ppcre::scan pattern suffix))) collect suffix)) (increment (when (and directories meter) (/ (mduration meter) (+ (length directories) 1)))) (databases (loop initially (when increment (meter-advance increment)) for directory in directories for status = (verify-tsdb-directory directory :absolute absolute) when status collect status when increment do (meter-advance increment)))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) databases)) (defun tsdb-do-list (home &key (stream *tsdb-io*) (prefix " ") (format :ascii) (indentation 0) name pattern meter index) (when stream (format stream "~%")) (loop with dbs = (sort (find-tsdb-directories home :name name :pattern pattern :meter (madjust * meter 0.95)) #'string< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :database foo))) with result = nil initially (case format (:html (format stream "~v,0t~%~ ~v,0t ~ ~ ~ ~%" indentation indentation))) for i from 0 for db in dbs do (case format (:ascii (format stream "~a`~a'~@[ (~(~a~))~]: ~a items; ~a parses;~%" prefix (get-field :database db) (get-field :status db) (get-field :items db) (get-field :parses db))) (:tcl (format stream "set test_suites(~d) {~s \"~(~a~)\" ~d ~d ~ ~:[0~;1~] ~:[0~;1~] ~:[0~;1~] ~:[0~;1~] ~:[0~;1~] ~:[0~;1~]};~%" (if index (+ index i) i) (get-field :database db) (get-field :status db) (get-field :items db) (get-field :parses db) (get-field :resultp db) (get-field :edgep db) (get-field :rulep db) (get-field :treep db) (get-field :scorep db) (get-field :fcp db))) (:list (push (format nil "{~s \"~(~a~)\" ~d ~d ~ ~:[0~;1~] ~:[0~;1~] ~:[0~;1~] ~:[0~;1~] ~:[0~;1~] ~:[0~;1~]}" (get-field :database db) (get-field :status db) (get-field :items db) (get-field :parses db) (get-field :resultp db) (get-field :edgep db) (get-field :rulep db) (get-field :treep db) (get-field :scorep db) (get-field :fcp db)) result)) (:html (format stream "~v,0t ~%~ ~v,0t ~%~ ~v,0t ~ ~%~ ~v,0t ~%" indentation indentation (get-field :database db) indentation (get-field :database db) (get-field :items db) (get-field :parses db) (if (get-field :resultp db) "r" "-") (if (get-field :rulep db) "r" "-") (if (get-field :edgep db) "e" "-") (if (get-field :treep db) "t" "-") (if (get-field :scorep db) "s" "-") (if (get-field :fcp db) "f" "-") indentation))) finally (case format (:html (format stream "~v,0t
 Test Suite InstanceItemsParsesOptions
~%" indentation))) (when (and stream dbs) (format stream "~%")) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) (return result))) (defun find-skeleton (name) (let* ((name (if (keywordp name) (string-downcase name) name))) (loop with agenda = (copy-list *tsdb-skeletons*) for skeleton = (pop agenda) while skeleton when (and (equal (get-field :path skeleton) name) (null (get-field :daughters skeleton))) return skeleton do (loop for daughter in (get-field :daughters skeleton) do (push daughter agenda))))) (defun find-skeleton-directory (skeleton) (let* ((path (if (consp skeleton) (get-field :path skeleton) skeleton)) (folder (when (consp skeleton) (get-field :folder skeleton))) (path (dir-append (namestring *tsdb-skeleton-directory*) (cons :relative (append folder (list path)))))) (namestring path))) (defun read-skeleton-index (&optional folder) (let* ((base (if (pathnamep *tsdb-skeleton-directory*) (pathname-directory *tsdb-skeleton-directory*) (pathname-directory (make-pathname :directory *tsdb-skeleton-directory*)))) (base (append base folder)) (file (make-pathname :directory base :name *tsdb-skeleton-index*)) (skeletons (when (probe-file file) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input) (read stream nil nil))))) (loop for skeleton in skeletons for path = (get-field :path skeleton) for file = (make-pathname :directory (append base (list path)) :name *tsdb-skeleton-index*) for daughters = (when (probe-file file) (read-skeleton-index (append folder (list path)))) when daughters do (nconc skeleton (acons :daughters daughters nil)) when folder do (nconc skeleton (acons :folder folder nil))) (sort skeletons #'(lambda (foo bar) (let* ((fdaughters (get-field :daughters foo)) (bdaughters (get-field :daughters bar)) (fpath (get-field :path foo)) (bpath (get-field :path bar))) (or (and fdaughters (not bdaughters)) (and (or (and fdaughters bdaughters) (and (not fdaughters) (not bdaughters))) fpath bpath (string< fpath bpath)))))))) (defun count-skeletons (&optional (skeletons *tsdb-skeletons*)) (loop for skeleton in skeletons for daughters = (get-field :daughters skeleton) when daughters sum (count-skeletons daughters) else sum 1)) (defun tsdb-do-skeletons (source &key (stream *tsdb-io*) (prefix " ") (format :ascii) (index 0) meter) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (setf *tsdb-skeletons* (read-skeleton-index)) (let* ((directory (if (pathnamep *tsdb-skeleton-directory*) (pathname-directory *tsdb-skeleton-directory*) (pathname-directory (make-pathname :directory *tsdb-skeleton-directory*)))) (increment (when (and meter *tsdb-skeletons*) (/ (mduration meter) (length *tsdb-skeletons*))))) (labels ((print-skeleton (skeleton prefix) (let ((daughters (get-field :daughters skeleton)) (content (get-field :content skeleton)) (path (get-field :path skeleton))) (if daughters (loop initially (case format (:ascii (format stream "~a~a (`~a'): ~a skeleton~p:~%" prefix content path (length daughters) (length daughters))) (:tcl (format stream "set skeletons(~a) {0 \"~{~a~^.~}\" ~s ~s ~d};~%" index (get-field :folder skeleton) path content (length daughters)))) (incf index) with indentation = (format nil "~a| " prefix) for daughter in daughters do (print-skeleton daughter indentation)) (let* ((suffix (append (get-field :folder skeleton) (list path))) (name (make-pathname :directory (append directory suffix))) (name (namestring name)) (status (verify-tsdb-directory name :absolute t :skeletonp t)) (items (get-field :items status))) (when status (nconc skeleton (acons :items items nil)) (case format (:ascii (format stream "~a~a (`~a'): ~a item~p;~%" prefix content path items items)) (:tcl (format stream "set skeletons(~a) {1 \"~{~a~^.~}\" ~s ~s ~d};~%" index (get-field :folder skeleton) path content items))) (incf index))))))) (if source (when (find-skeleton (string-downcase source)) (setf *tsdb-default-skeleton* (string-downcase source))) (loop for skeleton in *tsdb-skeletons* when increment do (meter-advance increment) do (print-skeleton skeleton prefix)))) (when (eq format :short) (let ((n (count-skeletons))) (format stream "~a~a skeleton~p in `~a'." prefix n n (namestring (make-pathname :directory directory))))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) (when (and *tsdb-skeletons* (not (eq format :short))) (format stream "~%")))) (defun tsdb-do-phenomena (&key (stream *tsdb-io*) (prefix " ") (format :tcl)) (declare (ignore prefix) (special *phenomena*)) (do ((phenomena *phenomena* (rest phenomena)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((null phenomena)) (case format (:tcl (format stream "set phenomena(~d) ~s;~%" i (first phenomena)))))) (defun tsdb-do-cpus (&key (action :list) (format :ascii) host task (stream *tsdb-io*) (prefix " ")) (declare (ignore host task)) (case action (:list (loop for cpu in (sort (copy-list *pvm-cpus*) #'string< :key #'(lambda (cpu) (let ((class (cpu-class cpu))) (symbol-name (typecase class (cons (first class)) (t class)))))) for host = (cpu-host cpu) for task = (cpu-task cpu) for spawn = (cpu-spawn cpu) for options = (cpu-options cpu) for class = (cpu-class cpu) do (case format (:ascii (format stream "~&~%~a- `~(~:[~a~;~{~a~^ | ~}~]~)' (`~a') ~ [~(~:[~a~;~{~a~^ | ~}~]~)]~%~ ~a command: `~a';~%~ ~a options: `~{~a~^ ~}';~%~%" prefix (consp class) class host (consp task) task prefix spawn prefix options))))) (:kill (let ((n (length *pvm-clients*))) (format stream "~atsdb(): shutting down ~a client~p ..." prefix n n)) (loop for client in *pvm-clients* do (kill-client client :prefix prefix)) (sleep 1) (setf *pvm-clients* nil) (pvm_quit) (format stream " done; no active PVM clients.~%~%")) (:shutdown (format stream "~atsdb(): performing full PVM reset ..." prefix) (pvm_halt :user (current-user)) (sleep 1) (setf *pvm-clients* nil) (format stream " done; no active PVM clients.~%~%")) (:active (if (null *pvm-clients*) (format stream "~atsdb(): no active PVM clients ~ (you could always try `(tsdb :help :cpu)').~%~%" prefix) (loop for client in (sort (copy-list *pvm-clients*) #'string< :key #'(lambda (client) (cpu-host (client-cpu client)))) for cpu = (client-cpu client) for host = (cpu-host cpu) for spawn = (cpu-spawn cpu) for type = (cpu-task cpu) for task = (client-task client) for tid = (get-field :tid task) for pid = (get-field :pid task) for status = (client-status client) for protocol = (client-protocol client) finally (format t "~%") do (format stream "~&~%~a- `~(~a~)' (pid: ~a --- tid: <~x> [~d]) ~ [~(~:[~a~;~{~a~^ | ~}~]~)]~%~ ~a command: `~a';~%~ ~a status: ~(~a~) --- protocol: ~(~a~);~%" prefix host pid tid tid (consp type) type prefix spawn prefix status protocol)))))) (defun tsdb-do-schema (data &key (stream *tsdb-io*) (format :tcl)) (let* ((schema (read-database-schema data)) (relations (map 'list #'first schema)) (fields (map 'list #'rest schema)) (fields (reduce #'(lambda (foo bar) (union foo bar :key #'first :test #'string=)) fields)) (attributes (map 'list #'first fields))) (case format (:tcl (format stream "set globals(relations) ~a;~%set globals(attributes) ~a;~%" (list2tcl relations) (list2tcl attributes)))))) (defun tsdb-do-create (name skeleton-name &key (stream *tsdb-io*) create meter) (declare (ignore create)) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (if (null name) (if stream (format stream "tsdb(): new database name required as argument for `:create'.~%") 1) (let* ((name (if (equal name t) "" name)) (name (string name)) (new (if (or (equal name "") (equal (elt name (- (length name) 1)) #\/)) (let ((date (current-time :long :usa))) (find-tsdb-directory (format nil "~a~a" name date))) (find-tsdb-directory name))) (skeleton (and skeleton-name (find-skeleton skeleton-name))) (old (when skeleton (find-skeleton-directory skeleton)))) (when (probe-file new) (when stream (format stream "tsdb(): database `~a' already exists.~%" (string-trim '(#\/) (string-strip *tsdb-home* new)))) (return-from tsdb-do-create 5)) (mkdir new :parentp t) (cond ((null skeleton-name) ;; ;; create an emtpy (`null') skeleton, typically for capturing mode ;; (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (let ((relations (make-pathname :directory (namestring *tsdb-skeleton-directory*) :name *tsdb-relations-skeleton*)) (target (make-pathname :directory new :name "relations"))) (cp relations target)) (let ((imeter (madjust / meter 2))) (when imeter (meter :value (get-field :end imeter))) (select "i-id" :integer "item" nil new :absolute t) (when (verify-tsdb-directory new :absolute t) (setf *tsdb-data* (string-trim '(#\/) (string-strip *tsdb-home* new))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) (if stream (format stream "tsdb(): `~a' created as new default test suite.~%" *tsdb-data*) 0)))) ((null skeleton) (if stream (format stream "tsdb(): unknown test suite skeleton `~a'.~%" skeleton-name) 2)) ((not (probe-file old)) (if stream (format stream "tsdb(): no skeleton directory `~a'.~%" old) 4)) (t (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (let ((status (ignore-errors (loop with target = (pathname new) for file in (directory (make-pathname :directory old :name :wild)) for name = (pathname-name file) unless (member name '("CVS" "LVS" ".svn") :test #'string=) do (cp file (merge-pathnames target file)) finally (return t))))) (if status (let ((imeter (madjust / meter 2))) (when imeter (meter :value (get-field :end imeter))) (when (select "i-id" :integer "item" nil new :absolute t) (setf *tsdb-data* (string-trim '(#\/) (string-strip *tsdb-home* new))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) (if stream (format stream "tsdb(): `~a' created as new default test suite.~%" *tsdb-data*) 0))) (if stream (format stream "tsdb(): mysterious problems creating database `~a'.~%" (string-trim '(#\/) (string-strip *tsdb-home* new))) 42)))))))) (defun tsdb-do-compress (source target &key (stream *tsdb-io*)) (let* ((source (find-tsdb-directory source)) (cpp target) (target (if target (find-tsdb-directory target) source)) (target (ignore-errors (mkdir target :parentp t)))) (if (pathnamep target) (loop with zipper = "gzip -9 -f" for old in (directory (make-pathname :directory source :name :wild)) for name = (pathname-name old) for type = (pathname-type old) for new = (merge-pathnames target old) unless (directoryp old) do (when cpp (cp old new)) (unless (or (equal name "relations") (zerop (file-size old)) (equal type "gz")) (format stream "tsdb(): compressing `~a'.~%" (string-strip *tsdb-home* (namestring new))) (run-process (format nil "~a '~a'" zipper (namestring new)) :wait t))) (format stream "tsdb(): invalid target directory `~a'.~%" target)))) (defun tsdb-do-help (command) (when (equal command :all) (format *tsdb-io* " The `tsdb' command encapsulates all interaction with the test suite database tsdb(1) and profiling machinery; it has the general synopsis: tsdb _action_ [ _argument_ ] [ :key _option_ ]+ where _action_ can be one of the following:~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :info :inf)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :info display summary of tsdb(1) global parameters and options; see below for commands that query and set individual parameters;~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :home :hom :ho)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :home [ _string_ ] query or set tsdb(1) databases root directory;~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :default :def :de :d)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :default [ _string_ ] query or set tsdb(1) default test suite database;~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :initialize :ini)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :initialize [ _file_ ] [ :load _string_ ] [ :run _bool_ ] reload _file_ argument or `.tsdbrc' (from user home directory) and rescan the test suite skeleton directory; optional :cache argument, loads tsdb(1) profile cache for databases matching _string_; :run t background the cache load; finally, display resulting status;~ ~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :list :lis :li :l)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :list [ _string_ ] search directory _string_ (tsdb(1) home by default) for well-formed tsdb(1) databases; display database status and size;~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :skeletons :ske :sk :s)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :skeletons [ _string_ ] query or set tsdb(1) skeleton root directory;;~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :create :cre :cr)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :create [ _string_ ] [ :skeleton _string_ ] create new database called _string_ (as a subdirectory in the tsdb(1) home directory) from the skeleton database (or the default skeleton if the :skeleton option ist omitted; if the name for the new database has a trailing `/' and is an existing directory, a new name will be generated from the current date;)~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :vocabulary :voc :vo :v)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :vocabulary [_string_ ] [ :condition _string_ ] [ :load _keyword_ ] extract alphabetically sorted list of vocabulary used in database _string_ (use :condition options as with :process below); the :load option determines whether lexical entries are expanded as needed and whether the loading is quiet or verbose; _keyword_ can be one of :off, :quiet (default), or :verbose;~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :process :pro :pr)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :process [ _string_ ] [ :condition _string_ ] [ :run _integer_ ] select test data from database called _string_ (or the default db); use optional (T)SQL condition to constrain the selection (e.g. use `i-wf = 1 && i-length >= 10' for longish grammatical sentences) and number the test run _integer_ (a new unique identifier will be used without the :run option);~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :podium :pod :po)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :podium [ :cache _string_ ] start up tsdb(1) podium (the graphical user interface); see :initialize above for the optional :cache argument;~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :cpus :cpu :cp)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :cpus [ _name_ ] [ :file _string_ ] [ :reset _bool_ ] ~ [ :count _n_ ] list or activate [incr tsdb()] cpus; _keyword_ is a class name (used in the cpu definition) that identifies which client(s) to start; write client output to file _string_ (defaults to `/tmp/pvm.debug.user' --- where `user' is the active account name; `t' as the :file argument means client output goes to standard out); :reset defaults to `t' and shuts down all existing cpus before initialization; :count defaults to `1' and determines the number of instances of the cpu to be started; no _keyword_ argument (or `:active') lists currently active clients; `:list' provides a summary of all available client definitions; and `:kill' shuts down all existing clients.~%~%")) (when (member command (list :all :help :hel :he)) (format *tsdb-io* " - :help [ _keyword_ ] display help on tsdb(1) command _keyword_ or all commands.~%~%")) (when (equal command :all) (format *tsdb-io* " _action_ may be abbreviated as long as the prefix is unambiguous; any of the options can only be specified when all optional arguments are present; option keys cannot be abbreviated.~%~%")))