;; ;; REPP tokenization builds on a collection of rule sets, each in a file of its ;; own. these are called modules (or at times just REPPs), and all are loaded ;; into the processor. a specific configuration is then obtained by picking ;; one REPP module as the top-level entry point, and determining which named ;; group calls (to other modules) should be allowed, if called. the following ;; is the global set of available modules. ;; repp-modules := tokenizer xml latex ascii html wiki lgt gml robustness quotes ptb lkb. ;; ;; the REPP module to provide the top-level entry point. ;; repp-tokenizer := tokenizer. ;; ;; REPP modules can be parameterized in terms of external named groups, which ;; conceptually resemble sub-routines and can be activated or deactivated; the ;; following is the default list of groups to activate (and may be overwritten ;; in individual REPP configurations). ;; repp-calls := xml ascii lgt quotes.