;;; Hey, emacs (1), this is -*- mode:tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Montserrat Marimon ;;; IULA - UPF ;;; ;;; labels.tdl: node labels for the SRG ;;; These label definitions are used by the LKB to put ;;; labels on the nodes of the trees it displays. They ;;; are solely for the convenience of the grammar developer ;;; and do not carry theoretical significance. Accordingly, ;;; though they are provided as part of the Matrix distribution, ;;; users should customize them without hesitation. ;;; NB: This is one tdl file in which order matters. ;;; The LKB will choose the first label it encounters (in the ;;; order below) which is consistent with the node it is ;;; labeling. If two labels are consistent with each other, ;;; the more specific one must appear first in this list, or ;;; it will never get used. ;stem-label := label & ; [ INFLECTED -, ; LABEL-NAME "STEM" ]. ;slash := meta & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, ; VAL [ COMPS < >, ; SUBJ < > ] ], ; NON-LOCAL.SLASH 1-dlist ], ; META-PREFIX "/", ; META-SUFFIX "" ]. slash := meta & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.SLASH 1-dlist, META-PREFIX "/", META-SUFFIX "" ]. conj-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD conj, LABEL-NAME "CONJ" ]. comp-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD comp & [ MOD < > ], VAL.COMPS < [ ], ... > ], LABEL-NAME "COMP" ]. ; prdp ???? ; named entity ne-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.KEY named_rel ], VAL.SPR < [ ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PRONTYPE not_pron ], LABEL-NAME "NE" ]. ;n-label := label & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel ], ; VAL.SPR < [ ] > ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PRONTYPE not_pron ], ; LABEL-NAME "N" ]. ;pper-label := label & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ CASE nom ], ; VAL.SPR < [ ] > ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PRONTYPE real_pron ], ; LABEL-NAME "PPER" ]. n-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL.SPR < [ ] > ] ], LABEL-NAME "N" ]. np-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL.SPR < > ] ], LABEL-NAME "NP" ]. ;ppart-label := label & ; [ INFLECTED +, ; SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & ; [ VFORM part, ; VOICE passive ], ; VAL.COMPS < [ ], ... > ], ; LABEL-NAME "PPART" ]. ; finite verb ;vfin-label := label & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin ], ; VAL.COMPS < [ ], ... > ], ; LABEL-NAME "VFIN" ]. v-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL.COMPS < [ ], ... > ], LABEL-NAME "V" ]. v_lex-label := label & [ SYNSEM [ LIGHT +, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL [ COMPS < >, SUBJ < [ ] > ] ] ], LABEL-NAME "V" ]. ;vppart-label := label & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & ; [ VFORM part, ; VOICE passive ], ; VAL [ COMPS < >, ; SUBJ < [ ] > ]], ; LABEL-NAME "VPPART" ]. vp-label := label & [ SYNSEM [ LIGHT -, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL [ COMPS < >, SUBJ < [ ] > ] ] ], LABEL-NAME "VP" ]. rc-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] > ], VAL [ COMPS < >, SUBJ < > ] ], LABEL-NAME "RC"]. s-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL [ COMPS < >, SUBJ < > ] ], LABEL-NAME "S"]. p-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adp, VAL.COMPS < [ ], ... > ], LABEL-NAME "P" ]. pp-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adp & [ KEYS.KEY independent_rel ], VAL.COMPS < > ], LABEL-NAME "PP" ]. mrkdnp-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adp & [ KEYS.KEY selected_prep_rel ], VAL.COMPS < > ], LABEL-NAME "-PP" ]. cp-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD comp & [ MOD < > ], VAL.COMPS < > ], LABEL-NAME "S-COMP"]. card-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD det, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY card_q_rel ] > ], LABEL-NAME "CARD"]. det-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD det ], LABEL-NAME "D"]. ap-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adj, VAL.COMPS < > ], LABEL-NAME "AP" ]. a-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adj, VAL.COMPS < [ ], ... > ], LABEL-NAME "A" ]. advp-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL.SPR < > ], LABEL-NAME "ADVP" ]. adv-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL.SPR < [ ] > ], LABEL-NAME "ADV" ]. adv_2-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD modnp, VAL.COMPS < > ], LABEL-NAME "PP" ]. num-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD num, LABEL-NAME "NUM" ]. ;num-label := label & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD num, ; VAL.COMPS < [ ], ... > ], ; LABEL-NAME "NUM" ]. ;numbar-label := label & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD num, ; VAL [ COMPS < >, ; SPR < [ ] > ]], ; LABEL-NAME "NUM-BAR" ]. ;nump-label := label & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD num, ; VAL [ COMPS < >, ; SPR < > ]], ; LABEL-NAME "NUMP" ]. aff-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD affix, LABEL-NAME "PRON" ]. punct-label := label & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD head-punct, LABEL-NAME "PNCT" ].