;;; ;;; local patches ;;; ;;; (in-package :lkb) (defmethod create-unnormalized-missing-lex-keys ((lex su-psql-lex-database)) (loop for rec in (get-raw-records lex (format nil (create-unnormalized-missing-lex-keys3-FSQL lex) (orth-field lex))) for orth-list = (string-2-str-list (second rec)) if (= 1 (length orth-list)) collect rec else append (loop for word in orth-list collect (list (first rec) word)))) #+:tsdb (in-package :tsdb) ;; (lkb::lkb-load-lisp "/home/bond/delphin/grammars/japanese/lkb/" "patches.lsp") ;; (tsdb::export-htmls tsdb::*tsdb-data* :condition "i-id < 100" :path "/tmp") ;; ;; ToDo: ;; get features working ;; links to text (ala HoG)? ;; links to derivation trees (ala Rebecca) ;; set encoding dynamically (or even better, always convert to utf-8) ;; ;; create an index.html ;; copy lkb.css lkb.js to the directory (from delphin/lkb/src/www) ;; #+:tsdb (defun export-htmls (data &key (condition *statistics-select-condition*) path prefix interrupt meter ;(compressor "gzip -c -9") (suffix "html.gz") (compressor "cat") (suffix "html") (stream *tsdb-io*)) (loop ;#+(and :allegro-version>= (version>= 6 0)) ;(setf (stream-external-format stream) (excl:find-external-format :utf-8)) with offset = 0 with target = (format nil "~a/~a" (or path "/lingo/oe/tmp") (directory2file data)) with lkb::*chart-packing-p* = nil with *reconstruct-cache* = (make-hash-table :test #'eql) with items = (analyze data :thorough '(:derivation :mrs) :condition condition :commentp t) with increment = (when (and meter items) (/ (- (get-field :end meter) (get-field :start meter)) (length items) 1)) with gc-strategy = (install-gc-strategy nil :tenure *tsdb-tenure-p* :burst t :verbose t) initially #+:allegro (ignore-errors (mkdir target)) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) for item in items for i-wf = (get-field :i-wf item) for input = (or (get-field :o-input item) (get-field :i-input item)) for i-comment = (get-field :i-comment item) for parse-id = (get-field :parse-id item) for results = (let ((results (get-field :results item))) (sort (copy-list results) #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :result-id foo)))) for trees = (select '("t-active" "t-version") '(:integer :integer) "tree" (format nil "parse-id == ~a" parse-id) data) for version = (when trees (loop for tree in trees maximize (get-field :t-version tree))) for active = (when version (let ((foo (select '("result-id") '(:integer) "preference" (format nil "parse-id == ~a && t-version == ~d" parse-id version) data))) (loop for bar in foo collect (get-field :result-id bar)))) for file = (format nil "~a/~@[~a.~]~d~@[.~a~]" target prefix (+ parse-id offset) suffix) when results do (format stream "[~a] export-htmls(): [~a] ~a active tree~:[~;s~] (of ~d) ~S.~%" (current-time :long :short) (+ parse-id offset) (if version (length active) "all") (or (null version) (> (length active) 1)) (length results) input) (clrhash *reconstruct-cache*) #+:allegro (multiple-value-bind (stream foo pid) (run-process compressor :wait nil :input :stream :output file :if-output-exists :supersede :error-output nil) (declare (ignore foo #-:allegro pid)) (format stream "~%") (format stream "~%~%") (format stream "~%") (format stream "~%") (format stream "~%") (format stream "~%") (format stream "~%") (format stream "~a: ~a~%~%" (+ parse-id offset) input) (format stream "~%") (format stream "

~d: ~a ~@[(~a)~]

~%" (+ parse-id offset) input i-comment) (format stream "

(~a of ~d) {~d}~%" (if version (length active) "all") (length results) i-wf) (export-html item active :offset offset :stream stream) (unless *redwoods-thinning-export-p* (export-html item active :complementp t :offset offset :stream stream)) (format stream "
Redwoods export of `~a' (~a@~a, ~a)
~%" data (current-user) (current-host) (current-time :long :pretty)) (format stream "~%~%") (force-output stream) (close stream) (sys:os-wait nil pid)) (when increment (meter-advance increment)) when (interrupt-p interrupt) do (format stream "[~a] export-htmls(): external interrupt signal~%" (current-time :long :short)) (force-output stream) (return) finally (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) (when gc-strategy (restore-gc-strategy gc-strategy)))) #+:tsdb (defun export-html (item active &key complementp (offset 0) (stream *tsdb-io*)) #+:debug (setf %item% item %active% active) (loop with *package* = (find-package :lkb) with lkb::*deleted-daughter-features* = (if (or (eq *redwoods-export-values* :all) (smember :avm *redwoods-export-values*)) nil lkb::*deleted-daughter-features*) with i-input = (get-field :i-input item) with i-id = (get-field :i-id item) for input = (or (get-field :o-input item) (get-field :i-input item)) with i-comment = (get-field :i-comment item) with parse-id = (get-field :parse-id item) with results = (get-field :results item) for i from 1 for result in results for result-id = (get-field :result-id result) for derivation = (when (if complementp (not (member result-id active :test #'eql)) (member result-id active :test #'eql)) (get-field :derivation result)) for edge = (and derivation (reconstruct derivation)) for tree = (when (and edge (or (eq *redwoods-export-values* :all) (smember :tree *redwoods-export-values*))) (let ((tree (ignore-errors (lkb::parse-tree-structure edge)))) (unless tree (format stream "[~a] export-htmls(): [~a] ~ error() labeling tree # ~a.~%" (current-time :long :short) (+ parse-id offset) result-id)) tree)) for dag = (and edge (let ((tdfs (lkb::edge-dag edge))) (and (lkb::tdfs-p tdfs) (lkb::tdfs-indef tdfs)))) for mrs = (or (get-field :mrs result) (and edge (mrs::extract-mrs edge))) for ident = (format nil "~a @ ~a~@[ @ ~a~]" i-id result-id i-comment) when (zerop (mod i 100)) do (clrhash *reconstruct-cache*) when (or dag mrs) do (format stream "

[~d:~d] ~:[(active)~;(inactive)~]

~%" (+ parse-id offset) result-id complementp) (setf lkb::*cached-category-abbs* nil) ;; ;; HTML ;; ;; Caption (format stream "" input) ;; Tree ;(format stream "~%") ;(format stream "~%") ;; MRS (format stream "~%") (format stream "
~%") ;(lkb::html-tree edge :stream stream :indentation 4) ;(format stream "~%") ;(format stream "~%") (mrs::output-mrs1 mrs 'mrs::html stream) (format stream "~%") (format stream "
~%") ;; Derivation (when (or (eq *redwoods-export-values* :all) (smember :derivation *redwoods-export-values*)) (let ((*package* (find-package :tsdb))) (format stream "
            (format stream "~s~%~%~%" derivation)
	    (format stream "
~%"))) ;; Dependency (when (or (eq *redwoods-export-values* :all) (smember :dependencies *redwoods-export-values*)) (ignore-errors (format stream "
			 (mrs::ed-output-psoa mrs :stream stream)
			 (format stream "
~%"))) )) ;;; ;;; make finding equivalences more efficient ;;; (defun semantic-equivalence (data &key condition (file "/tmp/equivalences")) (loop with stream = (open file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) with lkb::*chart-packing-p* = nil with *reconstruct-cache* = (make-hash-table :test #'eql) with items = (analyze data :thorough '(:derivation) :condition condition :readerp nil) for item in items for i-id = (get-field :i-id item) for input = (or (get-field :o-input item) (get-field :i-input item)) for results = (nreverse (copy-list (get-field :results item))) do (clrhash *reconstruct-cache*) (format t "~a: [~a] `~a'~%" i-id (length results) input) (format stream "~a: [~a] `~a'~%" i-id (length results) input) (loop with *package* = (find-package :lkb) for result in results for derivation = (get-field :derivation result) for edge = (when derivation (reconstruct derivation)) for id = (when edge (lkb::edge-id edge)) for mrs = (when edge (mrs::extract-mrs edge)) do (nconc result (pairlis '(:id :mrs) (list id mrs)))) (loop for result = (pop results) for id1 = (get-field :id result) ;;; unless id1 found for mrs1 = (get-field :mrs result) while result do (format stream "~a:"id1) (loop for foo in results for id2 = (get-field :id foo) for mrs2 = (get-field :mrs foo) ;do (format t "Compare ~a : ~a~%" id1 id2) when (apply #'mrs::mrs-equalp mrs1 mrs2 '(t nil)) do ;;; remove the identical result ; (pprint results) (delete foo results) ; (pprint results) (format stream " ~a" id2) ; (format t "~a == ~a~%" id1 id2) ) (format stream "~%")) (format stream "~a~%" #\page) finally (close stream))) ;;; ;;; parse selection with a model ;;; ;; (in-package :lkb) ;; #+:tsdb ;; (defun tsdb::parse-item (string ;; &key id exhaustive nanalyses trace ;; edges derivations semantix-hook trees-hook ;; filter burst (nresults 0)) ;; (declare (ignore id derivations filter)) ;; (let* ((*package* *lkb-package*) ;; (*chasen-debug-p* nil) ;; (*maximum-number-of-edges* (if (or (null edges) (zerop edges)) ;; *maximum-number-of-edges* ;; edges)) ;; (*first-only-p* (if (or exhaustive *chart-packing-p*) ;; nil ;; (if (integerp nanalyses) ;; (or (zerop nanalyses) nanalyses) ;; (if (integerp *first-only-p*) *first-only-p* 1)))) ;; (*do-something-with-parse* nil)) ;; (declare (special *chasen-debug-p*)) ;; (multiple-value-bind (return condition) ;; (#-:debug ignore-errors #+:debug progn ;; (let* ((sent ;; (split-into-words (preprocess-sentence-string string))) ;; (str (make-string-output-stream)) ; capture any warning messages ;; (*standard-output* ;; (if trace ;; (make-broadcast-stream *standard-output* str) ;; str)) ;; tgc tcpu treal conses symbols others) ;; ;; ;; ;; this really ought to be done in the parser ... (30-aug-99 - oe) ;; ;; ;; (setf *sentence* string) ;; (reset-statistics) ;; (multiple-value-bind (e-tasks s-tasks c-tasks f-tasks m-tasks) ;; (tsdb::time-a-funcall ;; #'(lambda () (parse-tsdb-sentence sent trace)) ;; #'(lambda (tgcu tgcs tu ts tr scons ssym sother &rest ignore) ;; (declare (ignore ignore)) ;; (setq tgc (+ tgcu tgcs) tcpu (+ tu ts) treal tr ;; conses (* scons 8) symbols (* ssym 24) others sother))) ;; (declare (ignore m-tasks)) ;; (let* ((*print-pretty* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-length* nil) ;; (packingp *chart-packing-p*) ;; (output (get-output-stream-string str)) ;; (unifications (statistics-unifications *statistics*)) ;; (copies (statistics-copies *statistics*)) ;; utcpu ;; utgc ;; uspace ;; (readings (if packingp ;; (tsdb::time-a-funcall ;; #'(lambda () ;; ;; ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; ;; this should really go into the parser, but ;; ;; just now patch things up for francis, so ;; ;; he can submit something to TMI. ;; ;; (11-may-07; oe) ;; (setf *parse-record* ;; (selectively-unpack-edges ;; *parse-record* nanalyses)) ;; (length *parse-record*)) ;; #'(lambda (tgcu tgcs tu ts tr scons ssym sother ;; &rest ignore) ;; (declare (ignore tr ignore)) ;; (setf utcpu (- (+ tu ts) (+ tgcu tgcs))) ;; (setf utgc (+ tgcu tgcs)) ;; (setf uspace ;; (+ (* scons 8) (* ssym 24) sother)))) ;; (length *parse-record*))) ;; (readings (if (or (equal output "") (> readings 0)) ;; readings ;; -1)) ;; (best-first-p (> (length *parse-times*) 2)) ;; (end (pop *parse-times*)) ;; (times (nreverse *parse-times*)) ;; (start (pop times)) ;; (total (round (* (- end start) 1000) ;; internal-time-units-per-second)) ;; (first (if best-first-p ;; (round (* (- (first times) start) 1000) ;; internal-time-units-per-second) ;; (if (> readings 0) total -1))) ;; #+:pooling ;; (pool (and (find-symbol "*DAG-POOL*") ;; (boundp (find-symbol "*DAG-POOL*")) ;; (symbol-value (find-symbol "*DAG-POOL*")))) ;; #+:pooling ;; (position (when pool ;; (funcall ;; (symbol-function (find-symbol "POOL-POSITION")) ;; pool))) ;; #+:pooling ;; (garbage (when pool ;; (funcall ;; (symbol-function (find-symbol "POOL-GARBAGE")) ;; pool))) ;; (comment ;; #+:pooling ;; (format nil "(:pool . ~d) (:garbage . ~d)" position garbage) ;; #-:pooling ;; "") ;; (comment ;; (if packingp ;; (format ;; nil ;; "(:utcpu . ~d) (:utgc . ~d) (:uspace . ~d) ;; (:subsumptions . ~d) (:equivalence . ~d) ~ ;; (:proactive . ~d) (:retroactive . ~d) ~ ;; (:trees . ~d) (:frozen . ~d) (:failures . ~d) ~a" ;; utcpu utgc uspace ;; (statistics-subsumptions *statistics*) ;; (statistics-equivalent *statistics*) ;; (statistics-proactive *statistics*) ;; (statistics-retroactive *statistics*) ;; (length *parse-record*) ;; (statistics-frozen *statistics*) ;; (statistics-failures *statistics*) ;; comment) ;; comment)) ;; (summary (summarize-chart :derivationp (< nresults 0)))) ;; (multiple-value-bind (l-s-tasks redges words) ;; (parse-tsdb-count-lrules-edges-morphs) ;; (declare (ignore l-s-tasks words)) ;; `((:others . ,others) (:symbols . ,symbols) ;; (:conses . ,conses) ;; (:treal . ,treal) (:tcpu . ,tcpu) ;; (:tgc . ,tgc) ;; (:rpedges . ,redges) ;; (:pedges . ,(rest (assoc :pedges summary))) ;; (:aedges . ,(rest (assoc :aedges summary))) ;; (:p-stasks . ,s-tasks) (:p-etasks . ,e-tasks) ;; (:p-ftasks . ,f-tasks) (:p-ctasks . ,c-tasks) ;; (:l-stasks . ,(rest (assoc :l-stasks summary))) ;; (:words . ,(rest (assoc :words summary))) ;; (:total . ,total) (:first . ,first) ;; (:unifications . ,unifications) (:copies . ,copies) ;; (:readings . ,readings) ;; (:error . ,(pprint-error output)) ;; (:comment . ,comment) ;; (:results . ;; ,(append ;; (unless (and packingp nil) ;; (loop ;; with *package* = *lkb-package* ;; with nresults = (if (<= nresults 0) ;; (length *parse-record*) ;; nresults) ;; for i from 0 ;; for parse in (reverse *parse-record*) ;; for time = (if (integerp (first times)) ;; (round (* (- (pop times) start) 1000) ;; internal-time-units-per-second ) ;; total) ;; for derivation = (with-standard-io-syntax ;; (let ((*package* *lkb-package*)) ;; (write-to-string ;; (compute-derivation-tree parse) ;; :case :downcase))) ;; for r-redges = (length ;; (parse-tsdb-distinct-edges parse nil)) ;; for size = (parse-tsdb-count-nodes parse) ;; for tree = (tsdb::call-hook trees-hook parse) ;; for mrs = (tsdb::call-hook semantix-hook parse) ;; while (>= (decf nresults) 0) collect ;; (pairlis '(:result-id :mrs :tree ;; :derivation :r-redges :size ;; :r-stasks :r-etasks ;; :r-ftasks :r-ctasks ;; :time) ;; (list i mrs tree ;; derivation r-redges size ;; -1 -1 ;; -1 -1 ;; time)))) ;; (when (< nresults 0) ;; (loop ;; for i from (- (length *parse-record*) 1) ;; for derivation in (rest (assoc :derivations summary)) ;; for string = (with-standard-io-syntax ;; (let ((*package* *lkb-package*)) ;; (write-to-string ;; derivation :case :downcase))) ;; collect (pairlis '(:result-id :derivation) ;; (list i string)))))))))))) ;; (unless trace (release-temporary-storage)) ;; (append ;; (when condition ;; (let* ((error (tsdb::normalize-string ;; (format nil "~a" condition))) ;; (error (pprint-error error))) ;; (pairlis '(:readings :condition :error) ;; (list -1 (unless burst condition) error)))) ;; return))))