;;; Hey, emacs(1), this is -*- Mode: TDL; Coding: utf-8; -*- got it? e-post_n := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_e-post_n_rel", ARG1 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_email_n_1_rel" ] > ]. egen_by+itself_n := monotonic_mtr & [ CONTEXT.RELS < [PRED _a_q_rel, ARG0 #x2 ] >, INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egen_a_rel", LBL #h0, ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x2 ] >, OUTPUT [ RELS < [ PRED _by_p_rel, LBL #h0, ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x4 ], [ PRED pron_rel, LBL #h5, ARG0 #x4 ], [ PRED pronoun_q_rel, ARG0 #x4, RSTR #h6 ] >, HCONS < qeq & [ HARG #h6, LARG #h5 ] > ] ]. egen_j := relational_adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egen_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_own_a_1_rel" ] > ]. egentlig_real_j := adjective_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egentlig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_real_a_1_rel" ] > ]. egentlig_really_a := intersective_scopal_adverb_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egentlig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_really_a_1_rel" ] > ]. egentlig_true_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egentlig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_true_a_of_rel" ] > ]. egg_egg_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egg-egg_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egg_n_1_rel" ] > ]. egg_edge_1 := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egg-edge_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_edge_n_of_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "1", COUNT "4", AUTHOR "bscw", DATE "13-12-2006" ] ]. egg_crest_2 := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egg-edge_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_crest_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "2", COUNT "4", AUTHOR "bscw", DATE "13-12-2006" ] ]. egg_ridge_0 := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egg-edge_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ridge_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "4", AUTHOR "bscw", DATE "13-12-2006" ] ]. egne-suit_refl_for_v := arg1+pp_arg12_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egne-suit_refl_v_rel"], [ PRED "_for_p_rel"] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_suit_v_1_rel" ] > ]. egne-suit_refl_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egne-suit_refl_v_rel"] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_suitable_a_for-as_rel" ] > ]. ;;; ;;; _fix_me ;;; This one does not work. Problems both with Norwegian analysis and a ;;; mismatch with ERG nominalization. (10-sep-06; jtl) ;;; #| egne-suit*til_refl_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egne-suit*til_refl_v_rel"] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_suitable_a_for-as_rel" ] > ]. |# egne_bait_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egne-bait_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_bait_v_1_rel" ] > ]. ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; maybe also include `_egnet_j' --> `_suited_j', but unlike `_suitable_j' the ;;; latter is not relational in the ERG; investigate. (22-jul-04; oe) ;;; egnet_j := relational_adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_egnet_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_suitable_a_for-as_rel" ] > ]. eie_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eie_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_own_v_1_rel" ] > ]. eksempel_example_n := relational_noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eksempel_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_example_n_of_rel" ] > ]. eksempel_illustration_n := relational_noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eksempel_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_illustration_n_of_rel" ] > ]. eksempelvis_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eksempelvis_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_for+example_a_1_rel" ] > ]. ekstra_particularly_x := degree_specifier_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ekstra_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_particularly_x_deg_rel" ] > ]. ekstra_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ekstra_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_extra_x_rel" ] > ]. eldorado_n := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eldorado_n_rel", ARG1 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_paradise_n_1_rel" ] > ]. ellers_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ellers_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_otherwise_a_1_rel" ] > ]. elske_love_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_elske_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_love_v_1_rel" ] > ]. elske_adore_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_elske_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_adore_v_1_rel" ] > ]. enda_still_a := intersective_adverb_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_enda_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_still_a_1_rel" ] > ]. enda_even_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_enda_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_even_a_1_rel" ] > ]. enda_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_enda_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_even_x_deg_rel" ] > ]. endatil_besides_a := intersective_scopal_adverb_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_endatil_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_besides_a_1_rel" ] > ]. endatil_even_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_endatil_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_even_a_1_rel" ] > ]. ende*opp+med_v := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h0, PRED "_ende*opp+med_v_rel", ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x3 ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h0, PRED "_end_v_up_rel", ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #e4 ], [ LBL #h0, PRED _with_p_rel, ARG0 #e4 & e_untensed, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x3 ] > ]. ende*med_v := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h0, PRED "_ende*med_v_rel", ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x3 ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h0, PRED "_end_v_up_rel", ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #e4 ], [ LBL #h0, PRED _with_p_rel, ARG0 #e4 & e_untensed, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x3 ] > ]. ende*på_v := arg12_arg1+pp_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ende*på_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_end_v_1_rel" ], [ PRED _in_p_rel ] > ]. ende_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ende_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_end_v_1_rel" ] > ]. en-del_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_en-del_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_somewhat_x_deg_rel" ] > ]. endelig_r := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_endelig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_final_a_1_rel" ] > ]. endog_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_endog_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_even_a_1_rel" ] > ]. engang_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_engang_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_even_a_1_rel" ] > ]. engelsk_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_engelsk_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_english_a_1_rel" ] > ]. ene_a := adjective_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ene_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED card_rel, CARG "1" ] > ]. ene_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ene_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_single_a_1_rel" ] > ]. eneste_j := adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eneste_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_only_a_1_rel" ] > ]. enig_a_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_enig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_agree_v_1_rel" ] > ]. enkelt_j := adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_enkelt_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_individual_a_1_rel" ] > ]. ennå_r := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ennå_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_still_a_1_rel" ] > ]. enten_c := subordination_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_enten_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_whether_x_rel" ] > ]. erobre_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_erobre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_conquer_v_1_rel" ] > ]. erodere_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_erodere_v_rel", ARG1 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_erode_v_1_rel" ] > ]. erodere_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_erodere_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_erode_v_cause_rel" ] > ]. etablere_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_etablere_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_establish_v_1_rel" ] > ]. etablere_refl_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_etablere_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_settle_v_1_rel" ] > ]. etappe_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_etappe_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_lap_n_1_rel" ] > ]. ete_devour_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ete_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_devour_v_1_rel" ] > ]. ete_eat_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ete_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eat_v_1_rel" ] > ]. etter+at_c := subordination_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_etter-at_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_after_x_h_rel" ] > ]. etter+hvert_r := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_etter+hvert_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eventual_a_1_rel" ] > ]. etter+hvert+som_c := subordination_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_etter+hvert+som_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_while_x_rel" ] > ]. etter+som_c := subordination_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_etter+som_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_as_x_subord_rel" ] > ]. ettersom_c := subordination_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ettersom_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_because_x_rel" ] > ]. ettermiddag_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ettermiddag_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_afternoon_n_of_rel" ] > ]. etterhånden_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_etterhånden_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eventual_a_1_rel" ] > ]. etterpå_r := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_etterpå_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED _afterwards_p_rel ] > ]. ettervinter_n := n_adj+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ettervinter_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_late_a_for_rel" ], [ PRED season_rel, CARG "winter" ] > ]. eventuell_possible_j := adjective_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eventuell_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_possible_a_for_rel" ] > ]. eventuell_prospective_j := adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eventuell_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_prospective_a_1_rel" ] > ]. eventuelt_a := scopal_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_eventuelt_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_perhaps_a_1_rel" ] > ]. exist_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_exist_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED _be_v_there_rel ] > ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; faktisk_real_r := intersective_scopal_adverb_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_faktisk_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_really_a_1_rel" ] > ]. faktisk_actual_r := intersective_scopal_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_faktisk_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_actual_a_1_rel" ] > ]. falle*av_v := arg1_arg1+pp_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_falle*av_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fall_v_1_rel" ], [ PRED _off_p_rel ]> ]. falle*bort_v := pred_adj_psp_participle_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_falle*bort_v_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_discontinue_v_1_rel" ], ... > ]. falle*fra_v := arg1_arg1+pp_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_falle*fra_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fall_v_1_rel" ], [ PRED _away_p_rel ]> ]. falle*igjennom_v := arg1_arg1+pp_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_falle*igjennom_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fall_v_1_rel" ], [ PRED _through_p_rel ]> ]. falle*sammen_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_falle*sammen_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_collapse_v_1_rel" ] > ]. falle_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_falle_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fall_v_1_rel" ] > ]. familievennlig := a_n+a_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_familievennlig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_family_n_of_rel" ], [ PRED "_friendly_a_1_rel" ] > ]. fangst_n := n_nominalization_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fangst_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hunt_v_1_rel" ], ... > ]. fauna_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fauna_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fauna_n_1_rel" ] > ]. fare_danger_n := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fare_n_rel", ARG1 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_danger_n_1_rel" ] > ]. fare_risk_n := relational_noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fare_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_risk_n_of_rel" ] > ]. fare_travel_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fare_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_travel_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fascinere_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fascinere_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fascinate_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fastslå_contend_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fastslå_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_contend_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fastslå_state_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fastslå_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_state_v_1_rel" ] > ]. feiring_n_celebration_0 := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_feiring_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_celebration_n_of_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "1", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. femårsperiode_a := n_adj+n+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_femårsperiode_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED card_rel, ARG1 [ NUM pl ], CARG "5" ], [ PRED "_year_n_1_rel" ], [ PRED "_period_n_of_rel" ] > ]. ferdamann_n_traveler_1 := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ferdamann_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_traveler_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "1", COUNT "2", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. ferdamann_n_wanderer_0 := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ferdamann_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_wanderer_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "2", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. ferdes_travel_v := arg1_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ferdes_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_travel_v_1_rel" ] > ]. ferdes_roam_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ferdes_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_roam_v_1_rel" ] > ]. feste_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_feste_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fasten_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fete*opp_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fete*opp_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fatten_v_cause_rel" ] > ]. fin_nice_j := adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fin_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_nice_a_for_rel" ] > ]. fin_beautiful_j := adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fin_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_beautiful_a_1_rel" ] > ]. finansiere_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_finansiere_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_finance_v_1_rel" ] > ]. finne*i_refl_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_finne*i_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_accept_v_1_rel" ] > ]. finne*seg_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_finne_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_find_v_1_rel" ] > ]. finne_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_finne_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_find_v_1_rel" ] > ]. finnes_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_finnes_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED _be_v_there_rel ] > ]. fiske_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fiske_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fish_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fiske*etter_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fiske*etter_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fish_v_for_rel" ] > ]. fisker_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fisker_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fisherman_n_1_rel" ] > ]. fisking_n_fishing_0 := n_nominalization_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fisking_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fish_v_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "1", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. fjell_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fjell_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_mountain_n_1_rel" ] > ]. fjellvant_a := adj_reladj+np_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fjellvant_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_familiar_a_with_rel" ], [ PRED def_q_rel ], [ PRED "_mountain_n_1_rel", ARG0 [ GRIND - ] ] > ]. fjellvant_a := adj_reladj+np_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fjellvant_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_used_a_to_rel" ], [ PRED def_q_rel ], [ PRED "_mountain_n_1_rel", ARG0 [ GRIND - ] ] > ]. fjerne_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fjerne_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_remove_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fjord_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fjord_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fjord_n_1_rel" ] > ]. flate*ut_refl_flatten_out_v := arg1_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flate*ut_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flatten_v_out_rel" ] > ]. flate*ut_refl_level_out_v := arg1_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flate*ut_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_level_v_out_rel" ] > ]. flate*ut_refl_level_off_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flate*ut_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_level_v_off_rel" ] > ]. flott_beautiful_j := adjective_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flott_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_beautiful_a_1_rel" ] > ]. flott_great_j := adjective_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flott_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_great_a_1_rel" ] > ]. flott_grand_j := adjective_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flott_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grand_a_1_rel" ] > ]. flott_lovely_j := adjective_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flott_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_lovely_a_1_rel" ] > ]. flott_fine_j := adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flott_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fine_a_for_rel" ] > ]. fluks_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fluks_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_immediate_a_1_rel" ] > ]. fluksens_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fluksens_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_immediate_a_1_rel" ] > ]. flytte_v := arg1_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flytte_v_rel" , ARG2 a] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_move_v_1_rel" ] > ]. flytte_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flytte_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_move_v_cause_rel" ] > ]. flytte*på_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flytte*på_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_move_v_cause_rel" ] > ]. flytte*på_refl_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_flytte*på_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_move_v_1_rel" ] > ]. folde_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_folde_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fold_v_cause_rel" ] > ]. foldning_n_fold_0 := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_foldning_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fold_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "1", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. folk_sg_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_folk_n_rel", ARG0 #x & [ NUM sg ] ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_people_n_of_rel", ARG0 #x & [ NUM pl ] ] > ]. folk_pl_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_folk_n_rel" , ARG0 [ NUM pl ]] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_people_n_of_rel" ] > ]. folkevandring_n_teutonic+migration_0 := n_adj+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_folkevandring_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_teutonic_a_1_rel" ], [ PRED "_migration_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "1", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. folksom_j := adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_folksom_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_crowded_a_1_rel" ] > ]. for_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_for_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED comp_too_rel ] > ]. for+alvor_r := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_for+alvor_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_serious_a_1_rel" ] > ]. for-at_c := subordination_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_for-at_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_such+that_x_rel" ] > ]. for+eksempel_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_for+eksempel_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_for+example_a_1_rel" ] > ]. ;; This is adverb_pp_mtr,but with an added adjective. (27-may-06; jtl) for+lenge+siden_a := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h1,PRED "_for+lenge+siden_a_rel", ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #e2 ] >, OUTPUT [ RELS < [ LBL #h1, PRED _ago_p_rel, ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #e2, ARG2 #x3 ], [ PRED udef_q_rel, ARG0 #x3 & [ PERS 3, GRIND - ], RSTR #h4 ], [ LBL #h5, PRED "_time_n_of_rel", ARG0 #x3 ], [ LBL #h5, PRED "_long_a_1_rel", ARG1 #x3]>, HCONS < qeq & [ HARG #h4, LARG #h5 ] > ] ]. for+øvrig_besides_a := intersective_scopal_adverb_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_for+øvrig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_besides_a_1_rel" ] > ]. for+øvrig_by+the+way_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_for+øvrig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_by+the+way_a_1_rel" ] > ]. for-å_c := subordination_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_for-å_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_in+order+to_x_rel" ] > ]. forandre_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forandre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_change_v_cause_rel" ] > ]. forandre_refl_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forandre_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_change_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forberede_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forberede_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_prepare_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forberedelse_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forberedelse_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_preparation_n_1_rel" ] > ]. forbli_remain_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forbli_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_remain_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forbli_stay_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forbli_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_stay_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forbløffende_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forbløffende_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_surprising_a_1_rel" ] > ]. forblåst_j := adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forblåst_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_windswept_a_1_rel" ] > ]. forbudt_predicative_a := pred_adj_psp_participle_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forbudt_a_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forbid_v_1_rel" ], ... > ]. forbudt_attributive_a := attr_adj_psp_participle_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forbudt_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forbid_v_1_rel" ], ... > ]. forby_ban_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forby_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ban_v_from_rel" ] > ]. forby_forbid_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forby_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forbid_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forby_prohibit_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forby_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_prohibit_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fordele_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fordele_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_distribute_v_to_rel" ] > ]. fordi_c := subordination_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fordi_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_because_x_rel" ] > ]. ;;; ;;; This is adverb_pp_mtr, but with an added adjective. It is a problem to ;;; propose translation to words like these; not in JH; KF translation not in ;;; ERG. (27-may-06; jtl) ;;; fordum_a := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h1,PRED "_fordum_a_rel", ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #e2 ] >, OUTPUT [ RELS < [ LBL #h1, PRED _in_p_rel, ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #e2, ARG2 #x3 ], [ PRED udef_q_rel, ARG0 #x3 & [ PERS 3, NUM sg, GRIND - ], RSTR #h4 ], [ LBL #h5, PRED "_time_n_of_rel", ARG0 #x3 ], [ LBL #h5, PRED "_long_a_1_rel", ARG1 #x3]>, HCONS < qeq & [ HARG #h4, LARG #h5 ] > ] ]. forebygge_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forebygge_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_prevent_v_1_rel" ] > ]. foregå_happen_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_foregå_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_happen_v_1_rel" ] > ]. foregå_go_on_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_foregå_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_go_v_on_rel" ] > ]. forekomme_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forekomme_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_occur_v_to_rel" ] > ]. foreslå_propose_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_foreslå_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_propose_v_1_rel" ] > ]. foreslå_suggest_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_foreslå_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_suggest_v_to_rel" ] > ]. forestille_refl_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forestille_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_imagine_v_1_rel" ] > ]. foreta_undertake_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_foreta_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_undertake_v_1_rel" ] > ]. foreta_carry_out_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_foreta_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_carry_v_out_rel" ] > ]. foretrekke_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_foretrekke_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_prefer_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forfedre_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forfedre_n_rel", ARG0 #x ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ancestor_n_1_rel", ARG0 #x & [ NUM pl ] ] > ]. forferdelig_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forferdelig_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_terribly_x_deg_rel" ] > ]. forfølge_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forfølge_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_pursue_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forgylle_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forgylle_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gild_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forhaste_hurry_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forhaste_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hurry_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forhaste_rush_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forhaste_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_rush_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forhindre_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forhindre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_prevent_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forhindre*fra_v := arg123_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forhindre*fra_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_prevent_v_from_rel" ] > ]. forhold_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forhold_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_condition_n_1_rel" ] > ]. forholdsvis_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forholdsvis_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_relatively_x_deg_rel" ] > ]. forhåpentlig_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forhåpentlig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hopeful_a_1_rel" ] > ]. forhåpentligvis_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forhåpentligvis_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hopeful_a_1_rel" ] > ]. forklare_v := arg123_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forklare_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_explain_v_to_rel" ] > ]. forlate_leave_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forlate_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_leave_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forlate_abandon_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forlate_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_abandon_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forme_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forme_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_shape_v_1_rel" ] > ]. form_shape_n := relational_noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_form_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_shape_n_1_rel" ] > ]. form_form_n := relational_noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_form_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_form_n_of_rel" ] > ]. formodentlig_a := scopal_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_formodentlig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_probable_a_1_rel" ] > ]. fornye_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fornye_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_renew_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fornøyd_pleased_j := adjective_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fornøyd_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_pleased_a_with_rel" ] > ]. fornøyd_satisfied_j := adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fornøyd_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_satisfied_a_1_rel" ] > ]. forpakte_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forpakte_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_rent_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forpakte*bort_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forpakte*bort_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_rent_v_out_rel" ] > ]. forresten_r := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forresten_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_by+the+way_a_1_rel" ] > ]. forreven_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forreven_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_jagged_a_1_rel" ] > ]. forrige_j := adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forrige_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_last_a_1_rel" ] > ]. forsommer_n := n_adj+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsommer_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_early_a_1_rel" ], [ PRED season_rel, CARG "summer" ] > ]. forsikre_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsikre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_insure_v_for_rel" ] > ]. forsikre_v := arg123_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsikre*om_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_assure_v_of_rel" ] > ]. forsikre*om_v := arg123_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsikre*om_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_assure_v_of_rel" ] > ]. forsikre*om_refl_v := arg12refl_arg12pron3_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsikre*om_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_assure_v_of_rel" ] > ]. forsiktighet_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsiktighet_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_caution_n_1_rel" ] > ]. forsiktig_j := relational_adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsiktig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_careful_a_with-about-of_rel" ] > ]. forsiktig_r := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsiktig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_careful_a_with-about-of_rel" ] > ]. forsker_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsker_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_researcher_n_of_rel" ] > ]. forslag_suggestion_1 := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forslag_n_rel", ARG1 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_suggestion_n_of_rel" ]> ]. forslag_proposal_0 := relational_noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forslag_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_proposal_n_1_rel" ] > ]. forspise_refl_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forspise_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_overeat_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forstyrre_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forstyrre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_disturb_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forstå_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forstå_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_understand_v_by_rel" ] > ]. forsvar_military_n := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsvar_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_military_n_1_rel", ARG0 [ NUM pl ] ] > ]. forsvar_defence_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsvar_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_defence_n_1_rel" ] > ]. forsvinne_disappear_v := arg1_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsvinne_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_disappear_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forsvinne_vanish_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsvinne_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_vanish_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forsøke_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsøke_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_try_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forsøksvis_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forsøksvis_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_tentative_a_1_rel" ] > ]. fort_fast_3 := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fort_a_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fast_a_1_rel" ], ... >]. fortrinnsvis_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortrinnsvis_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_preferable_a_1_rel" ] > ]. fortsatt_r := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortsatt_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_still_a_1_rel" ] > ]. fortelle_tell_v := arg123_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortelle_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_tell_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fortelle_indicate_v := arg123_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortelle_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_indicate_v_1_rel" ] > ]. #| fortelle*om_reveal_v := arg123_arg13+pp_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortelle*om_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_reveal_v_1_rel" ], [ PRED _about_p_rel ] > ]. |# fortelle*om_tell*about_v := arg123_arg132_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortelle*om_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_tell_v_about_rel" ] > ]. fortjene_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortjene_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_deserve_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fortopp_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortopp_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_promontory_n_1_rel" ] > ]. fortsette*med_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortsette*med_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_continue_v_2_rel" ] > ]. fortsette*på_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortsette*på_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_continue_v_2_rel" ] > ]. fortsette_1_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortsette_v_rel", ARG2 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_continue_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fortsette_2_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortsette_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_continue_v_2_rel" ] > ]. fortvile_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fortvile_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_despair_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forurensing_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forurensing_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_pollution_n_of_rel" ] > ]. forutsette_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forutsette_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_presuppose_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forvalter_n := relational_noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forvalter_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_manager_n_of_rel" ] > ]. forvandle_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forvandle_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_transform_v_into_rel" ] > ]. forvandle_refl_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forvandle_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_transform_v_into_rel" ] > ]. forvandle*til_v := arg123_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forvandle*til_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_transform_v_into_rel" ] > ]. forære_give_v := arg123_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forære_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_give_v_1_rel" ] > ]. forære_donate_v := arg123_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forære_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_donate_v_to_rel" ] > ]. forårsake_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forårsake_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_cause_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fosterdatter_n_foster+daughter_0 := n_adj+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fosterdatter_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_foster_a_1_rel" ], [ PRED "_daughter_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "1", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. fot_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fot_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_foot_n_1_rel" ] > ]. fotografere_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fotografere_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_photograph_v_1_rel" ] > ]. frakte_carry_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_frakte_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_carry_v_1_rel" ] > ]. frakte_transport_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_frakte_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_transport_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fraflytte_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fraflytte_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_abandon_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fransk_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fransk_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_french_a_1_rel" ] > ]. fredløs_predicative_a := pred_adj_psp_participle_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fredløs_a_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_outlaw_v_1_rel" ], ... > ]. fredløs_attributive_a := attr_adj_psp_participle_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fredløs_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_outlaw_v_1_rel" ], ... > ]. frem+og+tilbake_r := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_frem+og+tilbake_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_back+and+forth_a_1_rel" ] > ]. frem_r := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_frem_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED _forwards_p_rel ] > ]. fremdeles := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fremdeles_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_still_a_1_rel" ] > ]. fremheve_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fremheve_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_emphasize_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fremre_a_close_1 := intersective_attribute_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fremre_a_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_close_a_to_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "1", COUNT "2", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "1-12-2006" ] ]. fremre_a_near_0 := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fremre_a_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_near_a_to_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "2", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "1-12-2006" ] ]. friluftsområde_n := n_n+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_friluftsområde_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_recreation_n_1_rel" ], [ PRED "_area_n_of_rel" ] > ]. friste_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_friste_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_tempt_v_1_rel" ] > ]. frykte_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_frykte_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fear_v_1_rel" ] > ]. frykte*for_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_frykte*for_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fear_v_for_rel" ] > ]. fryse_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fryse_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_freeze_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fuglefjell_n := n_n+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fuglefjell_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_bird_n_1_rel" ], [ PRED "_cliff_n_1_rel" ] > ]. fullføre_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fullføre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_complete_v_2_rel" ] > ]. fullrose_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fullrose_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_praise_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fullt_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fullt_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_full_a_of_rel" ] > ]. fylle_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fylle_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fill_v_cause_rel" ] > ]. fylle_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fylle_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_celebrate_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fyre*i_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fyre*i_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fire_v_up_rel" ] > ]. fyre*opp_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fyre*opp_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fire_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fyre*opp*i_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fyre*opp*i_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fire_v_up_rel" ] > ]. fyre_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fyre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fire_v_1_rel" ] > ]. fø_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fø_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_feed_v_1_rel" ] > ]. føde_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føde_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_deliver_v_to_rel" ] > ]. føle_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føle_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_feel_v_1_rel" ] > ]. følge*etter_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_følge*etter_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_follow_v_1_rel" ] > ]. følge*med_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_følge*med_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_follow_v_1_rel" ] > ]. følge*opp_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_følge*opp_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_follow_v_up_rel" ] > ]. følge_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_følge_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_follow_v_1_rel" ] > ]. følgelig_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_følgelig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_consequent_a_1_rel" ] > ]. før_c := subordination_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_før_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_before_x_h_rel" ] > ]. før_r := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_før_a_rel", LBL #h0, ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #e2 ] >, OUTPUT [ RELS < [ PRED unspec_loc_rel, LBL #h0, ARG0 e_untensed, ARG1 #e2, ARG2 #x3 ], [ PRED def_explicit_q_rel, ARG0 #x3 & [ PERS 3, NUM sg, GRIND - ], RSTR #h4 ], [ PRED "_early_a_1_rel", LBL #h5, ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x3 ], [ PRED comp_rel, LBL #h5, ARG1 #x3 ], [ PRED time_n_rel, LBL #h5, ARG0 #x3 ] >, HCONS < qeq & [ HARG #h4, LARG #h5 ] > ] ]. føre*inn_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føre*opp_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_enter_v_1_rel" ] > ]. føre*opp_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føre*opp_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_register_v_1_rel" ] > ]. føre*med_refl_carry_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føre*med_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_carry_v_1_rel" ] > ]. føre*med_result*in_refl_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føre*med_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_result_v_in_rel" ] > ]. føre*til_result_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føre*til_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_result_v_in_rel" ] > ]. føre_drive_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_drive_v_1_rel" ] > ]. føre_guide_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_guide_v_to_rel" ] > ]. føre_lead_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_lead_v_to_rel" ] > ]. føre_trace_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_trace_v_1_rel" ] > ]. føre_trace_back_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_trace_v_back_rel" ] > ]. ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; most likely, there is a nominalization type for this by now; go through all ;;; the `monotonic_mtr' instances one day and check. (17-jul-04; oe) ;;; føring_n := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_føring_n_rel", LBL #h1, ARG0 #x2 ] >, OUTPUT [ RELS < [ PRED nominalization_rel, LBL #h1, ARG0 #x2, ARG1 #h3 ], [ PRED prpstn_m_rel, LBL #h3, ARG0 #e6, MARG #h4 ], [ PRED "_guide_v_to_rel", LBl #h5, ARG0 e_untensed & #e6 & [ PROG + ], ARG1 u, ARG2 u ] >, HCONS < qeq & [ HARG #h4, LARG #h5 ] > ] ]. først_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_først_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_first_a_1_rel" ] > ]. først_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_først_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_only_x_deg_rel" ] > ]. først+og+fremst_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_først+og+fremst_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_primary_a_1_rel" ] > ]. få_j := adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_få_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_few_a_1_rel" ] > ]. få_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_få_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_get_v_1_rel" ] > ]. få_v_2 := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_få_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_get_v_to_rel" ] > ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; g_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_g_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED named_rel, CARG "g", ARG0 [GRIND -] ] > ]. gammel_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gammel_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_old_a_1_rel" ] > ]. gang_time_n := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gang_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_time_n_of_rel" ] > ]. gang_walk_n := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gang_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_walk_n_1_rel" ] > ]. gang_course_n := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gang_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_course_n_of_rel" ] > ]. gang_occasion := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gang_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_occasion_n_1_rel" ] > ]. ganske_quite_x := degree_specifier_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ganske_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_quite_x_rel" ] > ]. ganske_rather_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ganske_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_rather_x_rel" ] > ]. gaupe_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gaupe_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_lynx_n_1_rel" ] > ]. generøs_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_generøs_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_generous_a_1_rel" ] > ]. ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; there is probably more to `give' in both languages. (22-jul-04; oe) ;;; ;;; in particular `gi seg selv' -> `be obvious', but not today (23-sep-05; jtl) ;;; gi*bort_v := arg12_arg12+pp_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gi*bort_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_give_v_1_rel" ], [ PRED _away_p_rel ] > ]. gi*etter_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gi*etter_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_give_v_in_rel" ] > ]. gi*opp_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gi*opp_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_give_v_up_rel" ] > ]. gi*seg+selv_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gi*seg+selv_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_obvious_a_to_rel" ] > ]. gi*vekk_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gi*vekk_v_rel", ARG3 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_yield_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gi*vekk_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gi*vekk_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_offer_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gi_refl_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gi_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_give_v_in_rel" ] > ]. gi_give_v := arg123_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gi_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_give_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gi_provide_v := arg123_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gi_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_provide_v_1_rel" ] > ]. givetvis_certain_a := intersective_scopal_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_givetvis_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_certain_a_1_rel" ] > ]. gjelde_apply+to_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjelde_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_apply_v_to_rel" ] > ]. gjelde_true+of_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjelde_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_true_a_of_rel" ] > ]. gjendeflue_n := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h1, PRED "_gjendeflue_n_rel", ARG0 #x2 ] >, OUTPUT [ RELS < [ LBL #h3, PRED named_rel, CARG "gjende", ARG0 #x4 ], [ LBL #h1, PRED "_fly_n_1_rel", ARG0 #x2 ], [ PRED compound_rel, LBL #h1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x4 ], [ PRED proper_q_rel, ARG0 #x4 & [ PERS 3, NUM sg, GRIND - ], RSTR #h5 ] >, HCONS < qeq & [ HARG #h5, LARG #h3 ] > ] ]. gjengi_report_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjengi_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_report_v_to_rel" ] > ]. gjengi_summarize_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjengi_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_summarize_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gjengi_reproduce_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjengi_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_reproduce_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gjennomføre_accomplish_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjennomføre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_accomplish_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gjennomføre_complete_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjennomføre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_complete_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gjennomføre_carry_out_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjennomføre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_carry_v_out_rel" ] > ]. gjennomleve_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjennomleve_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_experience_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gjenoppta_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjenoppta_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_resume_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gjenskape_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjenskape_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_replicate_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gjeste_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjeste_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_visit_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gjerne_gladly_a := intersective_adverb_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjerne_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_glad_a_1_rel" ] > ]. gjerne_well_a := intersective_adverb_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjerne_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_well_a_1_rel" ] > ]. gjerne_usually_a := intersective_scopal_adverb_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjerne_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_usual_a_1_rel" ] > ]. gjerne_preferably_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjerne_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_preferable_a_1_rel" ] > ]. gjø_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjø_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_bark_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gjødsle_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjødsle_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fertilize_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gjøre*til_v := arg123_arg132_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjøre*til_v_rel", ARG3 x & #x6] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_make_v_1_rel" ] >, FLAGS.EQUAL < #x6 > ]. gjøre_do_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjøre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_do_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gjøre_make_2_v := arg13_arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjøre_v_rel", ARG3 x & #x6] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_make_v_1_rel" ] >, FLAGS.EQUAL < #x6 > ]. gjøre_make_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gjøre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_make_v_1_rel" ] > ]. glad_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_glad_a_rel", ARG3 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_like_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gladelig_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gladelig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_happy_a_with_rel" ] > ]. glede_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_glede_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_please_v_1_rel" ] > ]. glede*over_refl_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_glede*over_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_enjoy_v_1_rel" ] > ]. glede_refl_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_glede_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_happy_a_with_rel" ] > ]. glede*til_refl_v := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h0, PRED "_glede*til_refl_v_rel", ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x3 ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h0, PRED "_look_v_1_rel", ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x2 ], [ LBL #h0, PRED _forward_p_rel, ARG0 e_untensed, ARG1 #e1 ], [ LBL #h0, PRED _to_p_rel, ARG0 e_untensed, ARG1 #e1, ARG2 #x3 ] > ]. glemme_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_glemme_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_forget_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gnisse_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gnisse_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_rub_v_1_rel" ] > ]. god_j := relational_adjective_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_god_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_good_a_at-for_rel" ] > ]. god_r := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_god_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_well_a_1_rel" ] > ]. godt_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_godt_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_well_x_deg_rel" ] > ]. gradering_n_ranking_0 := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gradering_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ranking_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "1", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. gradvis_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gradvis_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gradual_a_1_rel" ] > ]. grav_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grav_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grave_n_1_rel" ] > ]. grave_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grave_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_dig_v_1_rel" ] > ]. greie_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_greie_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_manage_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gren_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gren_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_branch_n_of_rel" ] > ]. gro_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gro_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grow_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gro*igjen_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gro*igjen_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grow_v_over_rel" ] > ]. grunn_decomposed := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "grunn_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED reason_rel ] > ]. grunn_cause_1 := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grunn_n_rel", ARG1 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_cause_n_of_rel" ] > ]. grunn_ground_2 := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grunn_n_rel", ARG1 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ground_n_1_rel" ] > ]. grunn_soil_3 := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grunn_n_rel", ARG1 a] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_soil_n_1_rel" ] > ]. grunn_reason_0 := relational_noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grunn_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_reason_n_for_rel" ], ... > ]. grunne_found_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grunne-found_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_found_v_1_rel" ] > ]. grunne*over_wonder+about_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grunne-ponder*over_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_wonder_v_about_rel" ] > ]. grunne*på_wonder+about_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grunne-ponder*på_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_wonder_v_about_rel" ] > ]. grunne*ut_wonder+about_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grunne-ponder*ut_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_wonder_v_about_rel" ] > ]. grunne*opp_make+shallow_v := monotonic_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h1, PRED "_grunne*opp_v_rel", ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x1, ARG2 #x2 ] >, OUTPUT [RELS < [ LBL #h1, PRED "_make_v_cause_rel", ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x1, ARG2 #h4 ], [ LBL #h4, PRED prpstn_m_rel, ARG0 #e5, MARG #h6 ], [ LBL #h7, PRED "_shallow_a_1_rel", ARG0 #e5, ARG1 #x2 ] >, HCONS < qeq & [ HARG #h6, LARG #h7 ] > ] ]. grunne_shallow_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grunne-shallow_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_shallow_a_1_rel" ] > ]. grus := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grus_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gravel_n_1_rel" ] > ]. gråaktig_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gråaktig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_greyish_a_1_rel" ] > ]. gråhvit_a := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gråhvit_a_rel", LBL #h1, ARG0 #e2, ARG1 #x3 ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_greyish_a_1_rel", LBL #h1, ARG0 #e2, ARG1 #x3 ], [ PRED "_white_a_1_rel",LBL #h1, ARG1 #x3 ]> ]. gråne_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gråne_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_grey_v_1_rel" ] > ]. guide_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_guide_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_guide_v_to_rel" ] > ]. gulrød_a := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gulrød_a_rel", LBL #h1, ARG0 #e2, ARG1 #x3 ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_yellowish_a_1_rel", LBL #h1, ARG0 #e2, ARG1 #x3 ], [ PRED "_red_a_1_rel",LBL #h1, ARG1 #x3 ]> ]. gyllen_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gyllen_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_golden_a_1_rel" ] > ]. gyselig_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gyselig_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_dreadfully_x_deg_rel" ] > ]. gyte_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gyte_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_spawn_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gå*an_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gå*an_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_possible_a_for_rel" ] > ]. ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; a (potentially) interesting pair: `walk' is optionally transitive, whereas ;;; `go' is strict intransitive (with an oblique directional). maybe the `go' ;;; MTR should try ditching the ARG2? (24-jan-04; oe) ;;; gå_go_v := arg1_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gå_v_rel", ARG2 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_go_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gå_walk_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gå_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_walk_v_1_rel" ] > ]. gående_walking_a := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gående_a_rel", LBL #h1, ARG0 #e2, ARG1 #p3 & p ], [ PRED prpstn_m_rel, LBL #h4, ARG0 #e2, MARG #h5 ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_walk_v_1_rel", LBL #h1, ARG0 #e2, ARG1 #p3 ], [ PRED prpstn_m_rel, LBL #h4, ARG0 #e2 & [ PROG +, MOOD indicative ], MARG #h5 ] > ]. gående_a := adjective_prp_participle_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gående_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_walk_v_1_rel" ], ... > ]. gående_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_gående_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_pedestrian_n_1_rel" ] > ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ha*med_bring_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ha*med_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_bring_v_1_rel" ] > ]. ha*med_carry_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ha*med_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_carry_v_1_rel" ] > ]. ha*med_have_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ha*med_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_have_v_1_rel" ] > ]. ha_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_ha_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_have_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hage_garden_n := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hage_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_garden_n_1_rel" ] > ]. hage_orchard_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hage_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_orchard_n_1_rel" ] > ]. halvveis_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_halvveis_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_halfway_a_1_rel" ] > ]. halvstor_a := adj_unspec+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_halvstor_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_halvstor_n_1_rel" ], ... > ]. halvstor_n := n_n+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_halvstor_n_1_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_medium_n_1_rel" ], [ PRED "_size_n_1_rel" ], ... > ]. handle_refl_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_handle_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_deal_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hedmarking_pl_n := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h1, PRED "_hedmarking_n_rel", ARG0 #x2 & [ NUM pl ] ] >, OUTPUT [ RELS < [ LBL #h3, PRED named_rel, CARG "hedmark", ARG0 #x4 ], [ LBL #h1, PRED "_people_n_of_rel", ARG0 #x2 ], [ PRED compound_rel, LBL #h1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x4 ], [ PRED udef_q_rel, ARG0 #x4 & [ PERS 3, NUM sg, GRIND - ], RSTR #h5 ] >, HCONS < qeq & [ HARG #h5, LARG #h3 ] > ] ]. hedmarking_sg_male_n := monotonic_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h1, PRED "_hedmarking_n_rel", ARG0 #x2 & [ NUM sg ] ] >, OUTPUT [ RELS < [ LBL #h3, PRED named_rel, CARG "hedmark", ARG0 #x4 ], [ LBL #h1, PRED "_man_n_1_rel", ARG0 #x2 ], [ PRED compound_rel, LBL #h1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x4 ], [ PRED proper_q_rel, ARG0 #x4 & [ PERS 3, NUM sg, GRIND - ], RSTR #h5 ] >, HCONS < qeq & [ HARG #h5, LARG #h3 ] > ] ]. hedmarking_sg_female_n := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h1, PRED "_hedmarking_n_rel", ARG0 #x2 & [ NUM sg ] ] >, OUTPUT [ RELS < [ LBL #h3, PRED named_rel, CARG "hedmark", ARG0 #x4 ], [ LBL #h1, PRED "_woman_n_1_rel", ARG0 #x2 ], [ PRED compound_rel, LBL #h1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x4 ], [ PRED proper_q_rel, ARG0 #x4 & [ PERS 3, NUM sg, GRIND - ], RSTR #h5 ] >, HCONS < qeq & [ HARG #h5, LARG #h3 ] > ] ]. hefte_booklet_n := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hefte_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_booklet_n_of_rel" ] > ]. hefte_delay_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hefte_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_delay_n_1_rel" ] > ]. hefte-delay*bort_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hefte-delay*bort_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_delay_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hefte*for_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hefte*for_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_liable_a_for_rel" ] > ]. hefte*sammen_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hefte*sammen_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_attach_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hefte*ved_refl_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hefte*ved_refl_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_notice_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hefte-delay_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hefte-delay_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_delay_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hefte-stick_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hefte-stick_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_stick_v_1_rel" ] > ]. heise_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_heise_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_raise_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hekke_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hekke_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_nest_v_1_rel" ] > ]. heldigvis_a := intersective_scopal_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_heldigvis_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_lucky_a_1_rel" ] > ]. heller_n_shelter_1 := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_heller_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_shelter_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "1", COUNT "2", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. heller_n_rocky+overhang_0 := n_adj+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_heller_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_rocky_a_1_rel" ], [ PRED "_overhang_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "2", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. heller_actually_r := intersective_scopal_adverb_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_heller_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_actual_a_1_rel" ] > ]. heller_rather_r := intersective_scopal_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_heller_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_rather_a_1_rel" ] > ]. hele_all_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hele_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_all_x_deg_rel" ] > ]. helst_usually_a := intersective_scopal_adverb_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_helst_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_usual_a_1_rel" ] > ]. helst_preferably_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_helst_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_preferable_a_1_rel" ] > ]. helt_totally_x := degree_specifier_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_helt_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_total_a_1_rel" ] > ]. helt_really_x := degree_specifier_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_helt_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_really_a_1_rel" ] > ]. helt_all+the+way_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_helt_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_all+the+way_x_deg_rel" ] > ]. henge_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_henge_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hang_v_1_rel" ] > ]. henge_caus_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_henge_v_caus_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hang_v_cause_rel" ] > ]. ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; The two grammars handle the content differently. (23-nov-05; jtl) ;;; henimot_x := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_henimot_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_approximately_x_rel" ] > ]. hensyn_respect_n := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hensyn_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_respect_n_for_rel" ] > ]. hensyn_consideration_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hensyn_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_consideration_n_of_rel" ] > ]. hente_fetch_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hente_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fetch_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hente_pick_up_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hente_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_pick_v_up_rel" ] > ]. herav_a := adverb_pp_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_herav_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED _from_p_rel, ARG0 e_untensed ], [ PRED _this_q_dem_rel ], [ PRED generic_entity_rel, ARG0 [ NUM sg ] ] > ]. heretter_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_heretter_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_thereafter_a_1_rel" ] > ]. ;;; ;;; cf. 'kalle' (07-nov-05; jtl) ;;; hest_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hest_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_horse_n_1_rel" ] > ]. hete_v := monotonic_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hete_v_rel", LBL #h0, ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x3 ], [ PRED #pred, LBL #h5, ARG0 #e1, MARG #h6 & h, TPC #u ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_name_v_1_rel", LBL #h0, ARG0 #e1, ARG2 #x3, ARG3 #x2 & x ], [ PRED #pred, LBL #h5, ARG0 #e1, MARG #h6, TPC #u, PSV #x2 ] >, FLAGS.EQUAL < #h6 >]. hevde_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hevde_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_maintain_v_1_rel" ] > ]. heve_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_heve_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_lift_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hindre_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hindre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_prevent_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hipp+som+happ_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hipp+som+happ_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_the+same_a_1_rel" ] > ]. hjelm_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hjelm_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_helmet_n_1_rel" ] > ]. hjelpe_v := arg123_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hjelpe_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_help_v_to_rel" ] > ]. hjertelig_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hjertelig_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_warm_a_1_rel" ] > ]. hjemover_a := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hjemover_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_homeward_a_1_rel" ] > ]. hjemover_p := intersective_adverb_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hjemover_p_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_homeward_a_1_rel" ] > ]. ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; the NorGram `holde_v' does not take a predicative complement; thus, we need ;;; to go to the ERG two-place `keep_v_unspec', and attach the oblique as a ;;; modifier. this does not quite feel right. (14-mar-04; oe) ;;; holde_predicative_v := arg123_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_holde_v_rel", ARG3 #h1 & h ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_keep_v_prd_rel" ] >, FLAGS.EQUAL < #h1 > ]. holde_stay_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_holde_v_rel", ARG2 a, ARG3 a ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_stay_v_1_rel" ] > ]. holde_keep_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_holde_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_keep_v_unspec_rel" ] > ]. holde*på_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_holde*på_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_busy_a_1_rel" ] > ]. hoppe_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hoppe_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_jump_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hopper_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hopper_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_jumper_n_1_rel" ] > ]. hovedhus_n_main+building_0 := n_adj+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hovedhus_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_main_a_1_rel" ], [ PRED "_building_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "1", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. hovedrute_n_main+route_0 := n_adj+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hovedrute_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_main_a_1_rel" ], [ PRED "_route_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "1", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. hovedmåltid_n_main+course_0 := n_adj+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hovedmåltid_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_main_a_1_rel" ], [ PRED "_course_n_of_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "1", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. hugge_cut_v := arg12_v_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hugge_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_cut_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hugge_fell_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hugge_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_fell_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hund_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hund_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_dog_n_1_rel" ] > ]. hus_house_n := noun_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hus_n_rel"] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_house_n_1_rel"] >]. hus_building_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hus_n_rel"] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_building_n_1_rel"] >]. huse_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_huse_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_house_v_1_rel" ] > ]. huske_rememb_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_huske-rememb_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_remember_v_1_rel" ] > ]. huske_rememb*på_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_huske-rememb*på_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_remember_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hvelve_v := arg1_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hvelve_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_arch_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hvis-så_c := subordination_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hvis-så_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_if_x_then_rel" ] > ]. hvile_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hvile_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_rest_v_1_rel" ] > ]. hytte_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hytte_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_cabin_n_1_rel" ] > ]. hæl_n_heel_0 := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hæl_n_rel" ], ... >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_heel_n_1_rel" ], ... >, FLAGS [ RANK "0", COUNT "1", AUTHOR "gnats", DATE "6-12-2006" ] ]. hø_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hø_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hill_n_1_rel" ] > ]. høre_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_høre_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hear_v_1_rel" ] > ]. høre*på_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_høre*på_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_listen_v_to_rel" ] > ]. høre*til_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_høre*til_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_belong_v_to_rel" ] > ]. høy_high_a := intersective_attribute_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_høy_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_high_a_1_rel" ] > ]. høy_tall_a := adjective_omtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_høy_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_tall_a_1_rel" ] > ]. høy_loud_a := intersective_attribute_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_høy_a_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_loud_a_1_rel" ] > ]. høyde_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_høyde_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_height_n_of_rel" ] > ]. høyst_x := degree_specifier_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_høyst_x_deg_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_at+most_x_deg_rel" ] > ]. høyre_n := noun_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_høyre_n_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_right_n_1_rel" ] > ]. håndstående_a := adj+n_n+n_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_håndstående_a_rel" ], [ PRED #u ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_handstand_n_1_rel" ], [ PRED #u ] > ]. håpe_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_håpe_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hope_v_1_rel" ] > ]. håpe*på_v := arg12_v_mtr & [ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_håpe*på_v_rel" ] >, OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_hope_v_for_rel" ] > ].