;;; Hey, emacs (1), this is -*- mode:tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Montserrat Marimon ;;; IULA - UPF ;;; ;;; srtypes.tdl: phrase structure and construction types for the SRG ; --- 1. Basic phrase structure & construction types ; --- Phrase structure types ; Headed phrases must obey the Head Feature Principle and the Revised ; Marking Principle. They do not all obey the NLFP with respect to ; QUE, but it appears that all CLAUSE phrases account for QUE on ; mother and non-head-dtr. Hence moved the QUE coreference to ; NON-CLAUSE. Headed phrases also identify the value of AGR on ; mother and head daughter, unlike e.g. the coordination schemata ; which identify HEAD but not AGR. ;headed-phrase := phrase & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD head & #head, ; AGR #agr ], ; HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL local & [ CAT.HEAD #head, ; AGR #agr ] ]. ; LOCAL.AGR of mother and LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX to permit ad-sensum ; agreement with partitive constructions where the verb may agree with ; the head or its coplement, even when it's not there ; (algunos (de nosotros) lloraremos) headed-phrase := phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD -, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, CAT.HEAD head & #head, AGR #agr ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL local & [ COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, CAT.HEAD #head, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #agr ] ]. non-headed-phrase := phrase. ; Most but not all phrases have SYNSEM phr-synsem; head-complement ; constructions have their SYNSEM type determined by the head-dtr. phrasal := phrase & [ SYNSEM phr-synsem ]. ; --- All phrase types for Spanish are either unary or binary. ; C-CONT is the semantic contribution of the phrase itself. The hook ; of the phrase is identified with the hook of C-CONT (which is ; possibly but not necessarily identified with the hook of one of ; the daughters. The rels and hcons of the phrase result from appending the ; rels and hcons of C-CONT and the rels and hcons of the daughters. ; Head-compositional phrases identify the syntactic head daughter as ; the semantic head. head-compositional := headed-phrase & [ C-CONT.HOOK #hook, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK #hook ]. basic-unary-phrase := phrase & [ STEM #stem, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT [ RELS [ LIST #first, LAST #last ], HCONS [ LIST #scfirst, LAST #sclast ] ], C-CONT [ RELS [ LIST #first, LAST #middle ], HCONS [ LIST #scfirst, LAST #scmiddle ] ], ARGS < sign & [ STEM #stem, SYNSEM.LOCAL local & [ CONT [ RELS [ LIST #middle, LAST #last ], HCONS [ LIST #scmiddle, LAST #sclast ] ] ] ] > ]. norm-unary-phrase := basic-unary-phrase & [ SYNSEM.PUNCT #punct, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.PUNCT #punct ] > ]. unary-phrase := norm-unary-phrase & [ INFLECTED +, ARGS < [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. very-basic-binary-phrase := phrase & [ ARGS < sign, sign >, NON-HEAD-DTR sign ]. basic-binary-phrase := very-basic-binary-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT [ RELS [ LIST #first, LAST #last ], HCONS [ LIST #scfirst, LAST #sclast ] ], C-CONT [ RELS [ LIST #first, LAST #middle1 ], HCONS [ LIST #scfirst, LAST #scmiddle1 ] ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL local & [ CONT [ RELS [ LIST #middle1, LAST #middle2 ], HCONS [ LIST #scmiddle1, LAST #scmiddle2 ] ] ] ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL local & [ CONT [ RELS [ LIST #middle2, LAST #last ], HCONS [ LIST #scmiddle2, LAST #sclast ] ] ] ] > ]. explt-binary-phrase := very-basic-binary-phrase & [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ PUNCT [ LPUNCT #lpunct, RPUNCT #rpunct ], LOCAL.CONT [ RELS [ LIST #first, LAST #last ], HCONS [ LIST #scfirst, LAST #sclast ] ] ], C-CONT [ RELS [ LIST #first, LAST #middle ], HCONS [ LIST #scfirst, LAST #scmiddle ] ], ARGS < [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM.PUNCT.LPUNCT #lpunct ], [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ PUNCT.RPUNCT #rpunct, LOCAL local & [ CONT [ RELS [ LIST #middle, LAST #last ], HCONS [ LIST #scmiddle, LAST #sclast ] ] ] ] ] > ]. binary-punct-phrase := basic-binary-phrase & [ SYNSEM.PUNCT [ LPUNCT #lpunct, RPUNCT #rpunct ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM.PUNCT.LPUNCT #lpunct ], [ SYNSEM.PUNCT.RPUNCT #rpunct ] > ]. binary-phrase := binary-punct-phrase & [ INFLECTED +, ARGS < [ INFLECTED + ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. basic-binary-headed-phrase := headed-phrase & basic-binary-phrase. binary-headed-phrase := basic-binary-headed-phrase & binary-phrase. ; For more efficient parsing, designate one argument or the other ; as the KEY-ARG: that which should be unified with first. binary-rule-left-to-right := rule & [ ARGS < [ KEY-ARG + ] , [ KEY-ARG bool ] > ]. binary-rule-right-to-left := rule & [ ARGS < [ KEY-ARG bool ], [ KEY-ARG + ] > ]. head-only := unary-phrase & headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADED solely, HEAD-DTR #head & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING solely ], ARGS < #head > ]. head-initial := binary-headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADED left, HEAD-DTR #head & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING left ], NON-HEAD-DTR #non-head, ARGS < #head, #non-head > ]. non_str-head-initial := binary-headed-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR #head, NON-HEAD-DTR #non-head, ARGS < #head, #non-head > ]. basic-head-final := basic-binary-headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADED right, HEAD-DTR #head & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING right ], NON-HEAD-DTR #non-head, ARGS < #non-head, #head > ]. head-final := basic-head-final & binary-headed-phrase. ; --- Phrase types dealing with non-local features. ; head/nexus phrases pass up the REL and QUE values of the head daughter ; (which has amalgamated the REL and QUE values of its arguments (Sag 1997) ; to the mother. head-nexus-rel-phrase := headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.REL #rel, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.REL #rel ]. head-nexus-que-phrase := headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE #que, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE #que ]. head-nexus-phrase := head-nexus-rel-phrase & head-nexus-que-phrase. ; In a head/local dependent phrase, the SLASH feature of the mother ; is token-identical to that of the head daughter, which has already ; amalgamated the SLASH values of its arguments. head-valence-phrase := head-nexus-phrase & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.SLASH #slash, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.SLASH #slash ]. ; --- clause types ; Clauses have message types as values and empty QUE value, non-clauses ; have the value no-msg. ; Later versions of the Matrix might have clause v. non-clause as ; an independent dimension from headed v. non-headed phrase, as in ; Ginzburg & Sag 2000. The phrase types are meant to cross-classify ; with the clause types to give e.g., decl-head-subj from decl-clause ; and head-subj-phrase. non-clause := head-nexus-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.MSG no-msg ]. ;clause := phrasal & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD +vc, ; VAL.COMPS olist ] ]. clause := phrasal & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD +vc ] ]. mc-fillhead-phrase := headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.MC +, CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ]. ; The immediate subtypes of clause are now relative-clause and ; non_rel_clause. The latter groups together decl, imp, and (wh_)interrog, ; which are similar in that they can't serve as modifiers and have empty REL ; values. ; Relative clauses are propositions, but depending on the analysis ; of the construction, the message may actually come from the ; daughter. ; relative-clause := clause. relative-clause := clause & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective-mod & [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ] ] > ], POSTHEAD +, MC na ], CONT.MSG no-msg ] ] ]. ; This type does not constrain the length of the C-CONT..RELS ; in order to allow for clause types which insert two messages ; (e.g., interrogatives, which need to add both a question_m_rel ; and the embedded proposition_m_rel), or which some other ; constructional content in addition to the message. ; The MARG isn't related to anything in this type. There are ; two canonical possibilities: either the MARG qeqs the LTOP of ; the head daughter, or it is equal to the LBL of another message ; (again, the case of interrogatives, if there is one construction ; which introduces both messages). non-rel-phrase := head-nexus-rel-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.MSG message & #msg & [ LBL #mhand, ARG0 #ind ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind, NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ], C-CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #mhand, INDEX #ind ], RELS.LIST < #msg, ... > ] ]. basic-non-rel-clause := non-rel-phrase & clause. ; For non-interrogative non-rel clauses, hook up MARG to head ; daughter's LTOP. Subtypes will need to constrain length of ; HCONS and RELS. non-rel-clause := basic-non-rel-clause & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.MSG.MARG #marg, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, C-CONT.HCONS.LIST.FIRST qeq & [ HARG #marg, LARG #ltop ] ]. ; Make these inherit from non-rel-clause instead of just clause, ; so that something does the work of putting the message on the ; RELS list. declarative-clause := non-rel-clause & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.MSG.PRED proposition_m_rel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. interrogative-clause := basic-non-rel-clause & [ SYNSEM [ PUNCT.RPUNCT qm_cl_punct, LOCAL.CONT.MSG.PRED prop-or-ques_m_rel, NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] ]. imperative-clause := non-rel-clause & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.MSG.PRED command_m_rel ]. ; --- basic phrase types ; --- head-punct-phrase types basic-head-punct-phrase := head-valence-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LIGHT +, LOCAL [ COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, COORD-REL #crel, CAT #cat, CONT #cont] ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LIGHT +, LOCAL [ COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, COORD-REL #crel, STR.HEADED solely, CAT #cat, CONT #cont ] ] ]. head-punct-phrase := basic-head-punct-phrase & basic-binary-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.STR.HEADED left, PUNCT [ LPUNCT #lpunct, RPUNCT #rpunct ] ], HEAD-DTR #head & [ SYNSEM [ PUNCT.LPUNCT #lpunct, LOCAL [ STR.HEADING left, CAT.HEAD +nvjrdm ] ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR #non-head & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION basic_punct_mark & #rpunct ], ARGS < #head, #non-head > ]. punct-head-phrase := basic-head-punct-phrase & basic-binary-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.STR.HEADED right, PUNCT [ LPUNCT #lpunct, RPUNCT #rpunct ] ], HEAD-DTR #head & [ SYNSEM [ PUNCT.RPUNCT #rpunct, LOCAL.STR.HEADING right ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR #non-head & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION #lpunct & lpunct ], ARGS < #non-head, #head > ]. ; --- head-subj-phrase types ; ; Rule canceling the subj-list and percolating the other val features. ; In anticipation of this type being cross-classified with decl-clause, ; it does not inherit from head-compositional, nor constrain the length ; of its C-CONT.RELS and C-CONT.HCONS lists. Subtypes of this type ; should inherit from either a clause-type or from head-compositional, ; and ensure that the length of these lists is specified appropriately. basic-head-subj-phrase := head-valence-phrase & binary-headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD +, VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS #comps, SPR #spr, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clit ] ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #synsem >, COMPS #comps, SPR #spr, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clit ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM #synsem & canonical-synsem & [ NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] ]. ; In languages which do realize all COMPS before the SUBJ, the head-subj-phrase should allow ; [COMPS olist] on the head daughter but constrain the mother to be [COMPS < >]. subj-head-phrase := basic-head-subj-phrase & head-final & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR.HEADING right_or_no, CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ INV -, VFORM fin ], VAL [ COMPS olist, CLTS < > ] ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & [ KEYS.ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel ] ]. v_subj-head-phrase := basic-head-subj-phrase & head-final & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR.HEADING right_or_no, CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ INV -, VFORM fin ], VAL [ COMPS olist, CLTS < > ] ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ]. head-subj-phrase := basic-head-subj-phrase & head-initial & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.INV +, NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] ]. ; NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel ]. rc-head-subj-phrase := basic-head-subj-phrase & head-initial & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VOICE active, NON-LOCAL.SLASH 1-dlist ] ]. ; --- head-comp-phrase types basic-head-comp-or-marker-phrase := head-valence-phrase & head-compositional & binary-headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM canonical-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC #mc, VAL [ SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps, SPR #spr, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clit ] ], CONT.MSG #hmsg ], MODIFIED #modif ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD -, CAT [ MC #mc, VAL [ SUBJ #subj, COMPS < #synsem . #comps >, SPR #spr, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clit ] ], CONT.MSG #hmsg ], MODIFIED #modif ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM canonical-synsem & #synsem ]. basic-head-comp-phrase := basic-head-comp-or-marker-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD #ph, LIGHT - ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD.KEYS.KEY independent_rel ] ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. head-comp-phrase := basic-head-comp-phrase & head-initial. ;& [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.INV - ]. head-nv_comp-phrase := head-comp-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAl.CONT.MSG no-msg ]. head-v_comp-phrase := head-comp-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING right_or_no, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAl [ CAT.HEAD +vpc, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX event, MSG message ] ] ]. comp-head-phrase := basic-head-comp-phrase & head-final & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING right_or_no, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.INV +, VAL.CLTS < > ] ]. head-marker-phrase := basic-head-comp-or-marker-phrase & head-initial & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ STR.HEADING no, CAT [ HC-LIGHT #hclight, VAL.COMPS < > ] ], NON-LOCAL #nonlocal, LIGHT #light ], HEAD-DTR word-or-lexrule & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adp & [ KEYS.KEY selected_rel ], VAL.CLTS < > ] ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HC-LIGHT #hclight, NON-LOCAL #nonlocal, LIGHT #light ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. ; --- head-spec-phrase types ; agreement features are percolated from HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX ; where NUMBER is not checked in 'ad sensum agreement' basic-head-spec-phrase := head-valence-phrase & phrasal & very-basic-binary-phrase & [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD -, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, AGR #agr, CAT [ POSTHEAD #hdph, HEAD #head, VAL [ SUBJ #subj, COMPS #spcomps, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clit ] ], CONT.MSG #msg ], MODIFIED #modif ], HEAD-DTR [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD -, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, CAT [ POSTHEAD #hdph, HEAD #head, VAL [ SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps & < >, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clit & < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK #hdhook & [ INDEX #agr ], MSG #msg ] ], MODIFIED #hmodif ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD -, CAT [ VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps, CONT.HOOK #hdhook ], MODIFIED #hmodif ] >, COMPS #spcomps ] ] ], MODIFIED #modif ] ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. norm-basic-head-spec-phrase := basic-head-spec-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD #head, VAL.SPR < #synsem > ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM #synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD #head ] > ] ]. spec-head-phrase := norm-basic-head-spec-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADED right, NON-HEAD-DTR #non-head-dtr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD - ], HEAD-DTR #head-dtr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING right ], ARGS < #non-head-dtr, #head-dtr > ]. ; for specifiers following nouns n_head-spec-phrase := norm-basic-head-spec-phrase & binary-headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR [ HEADING right_or_no, HEADED left ], CAT.VAL.SPR #spr ], NON-HEAD-DTR #non-head-dtr & [ SYNSEM #synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD +, HEAD det ], CONT.HOOK #hook ] ] ], HEAD-DTR #head-dtr & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ STR.HEADING left, CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR < #synsem . #spr >, COMPS < > ] ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] ], ARGS < #head-dtr, #non-head-dtr >, C-CONT.HOOK #hook ]. ; for specifiers of nouns spec-n_head-phrase := spec-head-phrase & binary-headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR.HEADING right_or_no, CAT.VAL.SPR #spr ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR < #synsem . #spr >, COMPS < > ] ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM #synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD det & [ KEYS.KEY quant_or_wh_rel ], CONT.HOOK #hook ] ], C-CONT.HOOK #hook ]. ; for "cuyo" cuyo_spec-n_head-phrase := spec-head-phrase & binary-headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR.HEADING right_or_no, CAT.VAL.SPR #spr ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR < #synsem . #spr >, COMPS < > ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM #synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD det, CONT.HOOK #hook ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist ], C-CONT.HOOK #hook ]. ; for specifiers of relative pronouns spec-rp_head-phrase := spec-head-phrase & explt-binary-phrase & [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ PUNCT [ LPUNCT #lpunct, RPUNCT #rpunct ], LOCAL [ STR.HEADING right_or_no, CAT.VAL.SPR #spr ] ], HEAD-DTR [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ PUNCT.LPUNCT #lpunct, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR < #synsem . #spr >, COMPS < > ] ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM #synsem & [ PUNCT.RPUNCT #rpunct, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD det, CONT.HOOK #hook ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] ], C-CONT.HOOK #hook ]. ; for specifiers of free relative pronouns spec-frp_head-phrase := basic-head-spec-phrase & explt-binary-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR [ HEADING right_or_no, HEADED right ], CAT.VAL.SPR #spr & < > ], HEAD-DTR #head-dtr & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ STR.HEADING right, CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.ALTKEY semi-free_relative_q_rel ], VAL [ SPR < synsem . #spr >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED semi-free_relative_q_rel ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR #non-head-dtr & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD det, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY art_def_q_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK #hook ] ] ], C-CONT.HOOK #hook, ARGS < #non-head-dtr, #head-dtr > ]. ; for specifiers of determiners (e.g. todos los, casi todos los, sólo los,...) spec-d_head-phrase := spec-head-phrase & head-final & head-compositional & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR.HEADING right_or_no, CAT.VAL.SPR #spr ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT [ HEAD det, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR #agr ] >, COMPS < > ] ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD det, VAL.SPR #spr ] ]. ; for degree specifiers spec-head-av_phrase := spec-head-phrase & head-final & head-compositional & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR #spr, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD -, COORD-STRAT zero, COORD-REL.PRED null_coord_rel ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY degree_rel, VAL.SPR #spr ] ]. ; --- head-mod-phrase types ; Allow modifiers to attach to things with non-empty comps lists. The ; head-mod-phrase will pass up the COMPS requirement, whatever it was. head-mod-phrase := head-nexus-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR #spr, SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clit ], CONT.MSG #hmsg ], MODIFIED hasmod ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR #spr, SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clit ], CONT.MSG #hmsg ], NON-LOCAL [ REL 0-dlist ] ] ]. basic-head-mod-phrase-simple := head-mod-phrase & binary-headed-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.MC #mc, NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #first, LAST #last ], REL 0-dlist ] ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM #synsem & [ NON-LOCAL.SLASH [ LIST #middle, LAST #last ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD -, CAT [ MC #mc, HEAD.MOD < #synsem >, VAL.COMPS < > ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #first, LAST #middle ], QUE 0-dlist & [ LIST null ] ] ], C-CONT.RELS ]. head-mod-phrase-simple := basic-head-mod-phrase-simple & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #htop, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #htop ] > ]. adj-head-phrase := basic-head-mod-phrase-simple & head-final & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ STR.HEADING not_left, CAT.POSTHEAD #ph ], MODIFIED lmod & [ PERIPH #periph ], LIGHT #light ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, VAL [ COMPS < >, CLTS < > ] ], LIGHT #light ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, MODIFIED.PERIPH #periph, NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] ]. basic-head-adj-phrase := basic-head-mod-phrase-simple & phrasal & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD #ph, MODIFIED rmod & [ PERIPH #periph ] ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD #ph, MODIFIED notmod-or-rmod & [ PERIPH #periph ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD +, NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ] ]. head-adj-phrase := basic-head-adj-phrase & head-initial. non_str-head-adj-phrase := basic-head-adj-phrase & non_str-head-initial. ; We split head-adj-phrase and adj-head-phrase into two each, ; one for intersective modifiers and one for scopal modifiers, in ; order to get desired results for recursive modification as in ; "apparently difficult problem" (cf. Kasper '98). This split is also ; used in generation, where we delay construction of intersective ; modification, but not scopal. ; scopal-mod-phrase := head-mod-phrase-simple & ; [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL scopal-mod & ; [ CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] ] >, ; CONT.HOOK #hook & [ XARG #xarg ] ], ; C-CONT [ HOOK #hook, ; HCONS ] ]. scopal-mod-phrase := head-mod-phrase-simple & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL scopal-mod ] >, CONT.HOOK #hook ], C-CONT [ HOOK #hook, HCONS ] ]. isect-mod-phrase := head-mod-phrase-simple & head-compositional & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL intersective-mod ] >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand ], C-CONT.HCONS ]. adj-head-int-phrase := adj-head-phrase & isect-mod-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD - ]. adj-head-scop-phrase := adj-head-phrase & scopal-mod-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD - ]. head-adj-int-phrase := head-adj-phrase & isect-mod-phrase. head-adj-scop-phrase := head-adj-phrase & scopal-mod-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ]. ; --- intersective adjunct + head adj-nonverb_head-int-phrase := adj-head-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +njrp ]. #| tmpp_adj-verb_head-int-phrase := adj-head-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adp & [ KEYS [ KEY prep_mod_rel, ALTKEY time_n_rel ] ] ]. p_adj-verb_head-int-phrase := adj-head-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adp & [ KEYS [ KEY prep_mod_rel, ALTKEY modable_rel ] ] ]. |# p_adj-verb_head-int-phrase := adj-head-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adp & [ KEYS.ALT2KEY non_free_relative_q_rel ] ]. r_adj-verb_head-int-phrase := adj-head-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv & [ KEYS.KEY adv_rel ] ]. modnp_adj-verb_head-int-phrase := adj-head-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD modnp & [ KEYS.KEY prep_mod_rel ], CONT.RELS.LIST.REST.FIRST.PRED modable_rel ] ]. tmpn_adj-verb_head-int-phrase := adj-head-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD modnp & [ KEYS.KEY prep_mod_rel ], CONT.RELS.LIST.REST.FIRST.PRED non_free_relative_q_rel ] ]. ; - for free RCs, to avoid subjects preceding them rc_adj-verb_head-int-phrase := adj-head-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL.SUBJ < > ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD modnp & [ KEYS.KEY prep_mod_rel ], CONT.RELS.LIST.REST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_q_rel ] ]. rp_adj-verb_head-int-phrase := adj-head-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL.SUBJ < > ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adp & [ KEYS.ALT2KEY free_relative_q_rel ] ]. ; --- head + scopal adjunct head-v_adj-scop-phrase := head-adj-scop-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD adp, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX event, MSG message ] ] ]. head-p_adj-scop-phrase := head-adj-scop-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD adp, CONT.MSG no-msg ] ]. head-r_adj-scop-phrase := head-adj-scop-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +nr ]. head-a_adj-scop-phrase := head-adj-scop-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj ]. ; --- head + intersective adjunct ahd-adj-int-phrase := head-adj-int-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING not_right, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ] ]. phd-adj-int-phrase := head-adj-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adp & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective-mod ] > ] ]. rhd-adj-int-phrase := head-adj-int-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING not_right, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ]. ; -- verbal adjuncts vhd-adj-int-phrase := head-adj-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ] ]. vhd-vadj-int-phrase := vhd-adj-int-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING not_left, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAl [ CAT.HEAD adp, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX event, MSG message ] ] ]. vhd-padj-int-phrase := vhd-adj-int-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAl [ CAT.HEAD adp, CONT.MSG no-msg ] ]. vhd-radj-int-phrase := vhd-adj-int-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAl.CAT.HEAD adv & [ KEYS.KEY basic_adv_rel ] ]. vhd-modnpadj-int-phrase := vhd-adj-int-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAl [ CAT.HEAD modnp & [ KEYS.KEY prep_mod_rel ], CONT.RELS.LIST.REST.FIRST.PRED modable_rel ] ]. vhd-tmpnadj-int-phrase := vhd-adj-int-phrase & [ NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAl [ CAT.HEAD modnp & [ KEYS.KEY prep_mod_rel ], CONT.RELS.LIST.REST.FIRST.PRED non_free_relative_q_rel ] ]. ; - for free RC, which can't be separated from the head-dtr by a comma vhd-rcadj-int-phrase := vhd-adj-int-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.PUNCT.RPUNCT no_punct, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD modnp & [ KEYS.KEY prep_mod_rel ], CONT.RELS.LIST.REST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_q_rel ] ]. ; -- nominal adjuncts ; adjuncts occurring at first position nhd-ppartadj-int-phrase := head-adj-int-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.PSTN postn, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ PSTN first, HEAD noun, VAL.COMPS < > ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ PRD non-predicative ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] ]. nhd-aadj-int-phrase := head-adj-int-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.PSTN postn, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ PSTN first, HEAD noun, VAL.COMPS < > ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj, NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], QUE 0-dlist ] ] ]. ; adjunct co-occurring in middle position nhd-radj-int-phrase := head-adj-int-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.PSTN middle, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ PSTN postn, HEAD noun, VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ]. nhd-padj-int-phrase := head-adj-int-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.PSTN middle, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ PSTN postn, HEAD noun, VAL.COMPS < > ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ STR.HEADED left, CAT.HEAD adp ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], QUE 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ] ] ]. nhd-nadj-int-phrase := head-adj-int-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.PSTN middle, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ PSTN postn, HEAD noun, VAL.COMPS < > ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL.SPR < [ ] > ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], QUE 0-dlist ] ] ]. ; adjuncts co-ocurring at last positions nhd-rc_padj-int-phrase := head-adj-int-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.PSTN last, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ PSTN postn, HEAD noun, VAL.COMPS < > ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adp, NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 1-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] ]. nhd-rc_adj-int-phrase := head-adj-int-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.PSTN last, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ PSTN postn, HEAD noun, VAL.COMPS < > ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ MOD < [ PUNCT.RPUNCT no_punct ] > ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], QUE 0-dlist, REL 1-dlist ] ] ]. ; - non-restrictive RCs head-appos_adj-int-phrase := non_str-head-adj-phrase & isect-mod-phrase. nhd-explrc_adj-int-phrase := head-appos_adj-int-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.PSTN last, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ PSTN postn, HEAD noun, VAL.COMPS < > ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ MOD < [ PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_punct ] > ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], QUE 0-dlist, REL 1-dlist ] ] ]. ; --- Appositive types basic-appos-phrase := head-valence-phrase & head-compositional & non_str-head-initial & [ SYNSEM phr-synsem & [ PUNCT.LPUNCT #lpunct, LOCAL.CAT.VAL #valence ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM canonical-synsem & [ PUNCT [ LPUNCT #lpunct & no_punct, RPUNCT comma_or_no_punct ], LOCAL [ COORD -, AGR.PNG #png, CAT [ PSTN postn, HEAD noun & [ KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ], VAL #valence & [ SPR < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #hind & ref-ind & [ SORT #sort, PRONTYPE not_pron ], XARG #ltop ], MSG no-msg ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM canonical-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG #png, COORD -, CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY non_modable_rel, ALTKEY appos-able_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #modind & [ SORT #sort, PRONTYPE not_pron ], MSG no-msg ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], QUE 0-dlist ] ], C-CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST prep-relation & [ LBL #ltop, PRED appos_rel, ARG1 #hind, ARG2 #modind ] ]. common_hd-appos-np-phrase := basic-appos-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. pname_hd-appos-np-phrase := basic-appos-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_punct, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY named_rel ] ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. ; --- unary phrase types for optionality ; For "pro-drop" of subjects. Hypothesizing that null instantiation ; of subjects is always definite null instantiation. This rule is ; constrained to apply after all complements are discharged. ; In anticipation of this type being cross-classified with ; decl-clause in at least some languages, it does not inherit from ; head-compositional, nor constrain the length of its C-CONT.RELS and ; C-CONT.HCONS lists. Subtypes of this type should inherit from either ; a clause-type or from head-compositional, and ensure that the length ; of these lists is specified appropriately. ; -- optional subject basic-head-opt-subj-phrase := head-valence-phrase & head-only & head-compositional & [ INFLECTED #infl, SYNSEM [ MODIFIED #mod, LOCAL [ STR.HEADING not_left, COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #cstrat, CAT [ MC #mc, POSTHEAD #ph, VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS #comps, SPR #spr, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clit ] ] ], NON-LOCAL #nlocal ], HEAD-DTR [ INFLECTED #infl & +, SYNSEM [ MODIFIED #mod, LOCAL [ COORD #coord & -, COORD-STRAT #cstrat & zero, CAT [ MC #mc, POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD verb & [ INV - ], VAL [ SUBJ < [ OPT +, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.DEF +, NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] >, COMPS #comps & < >, SPR #spr, SPEC #spec & < >, CLTS #clit & < > ] ] ], NON-LOCAL #nlocal ] ] ]. ; -- optional complement ; The feature DEF-OPT allows the head to specify whether the optional ; complement is interpreted as definite (+), indefinite (-), or ; either (underspecified). basic-head-opt-comp-phrase copies this ; information into the index of the unexpressed argument. ; Need to decide what to do about LIGHT here. basic-head-opt-comp-phrase := head-valence-phrase & head-only & head-compositional & [ INFLECTED #infl, SYNSEM canonical-synsem & [ MODIFIED #mod, LIGHT -, LOCAL [ COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #cstrat, CAT [ MC #mc, VAL [ SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps, SPR #spr, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clit ] ], CONT.MSG #msg ], NON-LOCAL #nlocal ], HEAD-DTR [ INFLECTED #infl & +, SYNSEM [ MODIFIED #mod & notmod, LOCAL [ COORD #coord & -, COORD-STRAT #cstrat & zero, CAT [ MC #mc, VAL [ SUBJ #subj, SPR #spr, SPEC #spec, COMPS < [ OPT +, DEF-OPT #def, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.DEF #def, NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] . #comps >, CLTS #clit ] ], CONT.MSG #msg ], NON-LOCAL #nlocal ] ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. verb-head-opt-comp-phrase := basic-head-opt-comp-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD verb, VAL.SUBJ < [ ] > ] ]. nom-head-opt-comp-phrase := basic-head-opt-comp-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD noun ] ]. adj-head-opt-comp-phrase := basic-head-opt-comp-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD bool, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD +, HEAD adj ] ]. ; -- optional specifier basic-head-opt-spec-phrase := head-valence-phrase & non-clause & head-only & head-compositional & [ INFLECTED #infl, SYNSEM [ MODIFIED #mod, LIGHT -, LOCAL [ COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #cstrat, CAT [ MC #mc, POSTHEAD #ph, VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps, SPEC #spec ] ] ] ], HEAD-DTR [ INFLECTED #infl & +, SYNSEM [ MODIFIED #mod, LOCAL [ COORD #coord& -, COORD-STRAT #cstrat & zero, CAT [ MC #mc, POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR < [ OPT + ] >, SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps & < >, SPEC #spec ] ] ] ] ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. ; --- unary phrase types for bare Ns ; (distinguished by the INDEX feature [ DIVISIBLE + ]) basic-bare-np-phrase := unary-phrase & [ SYNSEM synsem & [ LIGHT -, LOCAL [ COORD #coord & -, AGR ref-ind, STR [ HEADING no, HEADED solely ], CAT [ MC na, HEAD #head, VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS #comps, SPR < > ] ], CONT.MSG #msg & no-msg ], NON-LOCAL #nonloc ], C-CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #index, XARG #nhand ], RELS , HCONS ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD #coord, STR.HEADING solely, CAT [ HEAD #head & noun, VAL [ SUBJ olist, COMPS #comps & < >, SPR < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST < relation >, NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #nhand, MSG #msg ] ], NON-LOCAL #nonloc ] ] > ]. bare-np-phrase := basic-bare-np-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR [ PNG #png, DIVISIBLE + ], CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY implicit_q_rel ], MODIFIED #modif ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ MODIFIED #modif, LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT zero, AGR [ PNG #png, DIVISIBLE + ], CAT.VAL.SPR < unexpressed & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY abstr_def_or_udef_q_rel ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] ] >, C-CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS ] ]. bare-coord_np-phrase := basic-bare-np-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #index & [ PNG [ PN plur, GEN #gender ], DIVISIBLE + ] ], MODIFIED #modif ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT one, AGR [ PNG.GEN #gender, DIVISIBLE + ], CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel, VAL.SPR < unexpressed & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY abstr_def_or_udef_q_rel ] > ] ], MODIFIED #modif ] ] >, C-CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS ] ]. proper-np-phrase := basic-bare-np-phrase & [ INFLECTED #infl, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG #png, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY proper_q_rel ], MODIFIED #modif ], ARGS < [ INFLECTED #infl, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR [ DIVISIBLE -, PNG #png ], CAT [ HEAD.KEYS [ KEY named_rel, ALTKEY quant_or_wh_rel ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS.LIST < named-relation,... > ] ], MODIFIED #modif ] ] >, C-CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS ] ]. #| pcomp-np-phrase := basic-bare-np-phrase & [ INFLECTED #infl, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr & [ DIVISIBLE - ], CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY impl_nondiv_q_rel ], MODIFIED #modif ], ARGS < [ INFLECTED #infl, SYNSEM [ MODIFIED #modif, LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY common_nom_rel, ALTKEY quant_or_wh_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] ] >, C-CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS ] ]. |# relative-np-phrase := unary-phrase & [ INFLECTED #infl, SYNSEM synsem & [ MODIFIED #modif, LOCAL [ AGR #agr & ref-ind & [ PNG #png ], CAT [ MC na, HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY que_pron_rel, ALTKEY proper_q_rel ], INV #inv, VFORM #vform, CASE #case, VOICE #voice, TAM #tam, PRD #prd, MOD #mod ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS #comps, SPR < > ] ], CONT.MSG #msg & no-msg ], NON-LOCAL #nonloc ], C-CONT [ HOOK #hook, RELS , HCONS ], ARGS < [ INFLECTED #infl, SYNSEM [ MODIFIED #modif, LOCAL [ AGR #agr & [ PNG #png ], CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY que_pron_rel, ALTKEY def_q_rel ], INV #inv, VFORM #vform, CASE #case, VOICE #voice, TAM #tam, PRD #prd, MOD #mod ], VAL [ SUBJ olist, COMPS #comps & < >, SPR < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST < relation >, NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] > ]], CONT [ HOOK #hook, MSG #msg ] ], NON-LOCAL #nonloc & [ REL 1-dlist ] ] ] > ]. ; --- unary phrase types for adverbial-NP modifiers npadv_mod_phrase := basic-unary-phrase & phrasal & [ SYNSEM [ PUNCT #punct, LOCAL [ COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, COORD-REL #crel, CAT [ POSTHEAD #posthd, HEAD modnp & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective-mod & [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ AUX - ], VAL.COMPS < >, MC #mc ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #ind, LTOP #ltop ] ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] >, TAM #tam, CASE #case & obl, KEYS [ KEY prep_mod_rel, ALTKEY #argkey ], PRD #prd ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < >, COMPS #comps ], MC #mc ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #ind, INDEX [ SORT #sort ] ], MSG no-msg ], CTXT #ctxt, AGR #ind ], NON-LOCAL #nonloc ], ARGS < [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ PUNCT #punct, LOCAL [ COORD #coord & -, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, COORD-REL #crel, CAT [ POSTHEAD #posthd, HEAD noun & [ KEYS.KEY modable_rel & #argkey, PRD #prd, CASE #case ], VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS #comps & < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index & [ SORT #sort & mod ], CTXT #ctxt ], NON-LOCAL #nonloc ] ] >, C-CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #khand, INDEX #arg0 ], RELS , HCONS ], INFLECTED + ]. ; --- unary phrase types adding the article to finite completive clauses ; e.g. "El que haya dicho esto no me importa" basic_np_cp_phrase := unary-phrase & phrasal & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MOD < >, KEYS.KEY nominalization_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY art_def_q_rel ] >, COMPS < >, SPEC < >, CLTS < > ], MC na ], AGR.PNG.PN 3sg ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM fin, TAM.MOOD ind_or_sub_mood ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ], MC - ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, XARG ref-ind ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ], LIGHT - ] ] >, C-CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index & ref-ind & [ PNG.PN 3sg ], RELS ] ]. ; --- Basic Construction types head-punct-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & head-punct-phrase. punct-head-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & punct-head-phrase. ; --- hsubj subj-head-decl-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & subj-head-phrase & declarative-clause & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ]. v_subj-head-decl-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & v_subj-head-phrase & declarative-clause & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ]. head-subj-decl-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & head-subj-phrase & declarative-clause & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ]. head-rel_subj-decl-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & rc-head-subj-phrase & declarative-clause & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist, NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ]. opt-subj-decl-rule := rule & basic-head-opt-subj-phrase & declarative-clause. ; --- hcomp head-mark-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & head-marker-phrase. head-comp-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & head-nv_comp-phrase. head-v_comp-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & head-v_comp-phrase. comp-head-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & comp-head-phrase. adj-opt-comp-rule := rule & adj-head-opt-comp-phrase. nom-opt-comp-rule := rule & nom-head-opt-comp-phrase. verb-opt-comp-rule := rule & verb-head-opt-comp-phrase. ; --- hspr head-spr-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & n_head-spec-phrase. spr-head-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & spec-n_head-phrase. cuyo_spr-head-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & cuyo_spec-n_head-phrase. ;tanto_spr-head-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & n_head-tanto_spec-phrase. spr-rp_head-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & spec-rp_head-phrase. spr-frp_head-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & spec-frp_head-phrase. spr-d_head-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & spec-d_head-phrase. av_spr-head-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & spec-head-av_phrase. opt-spr-rule := rule & basic-head-opt-spec-phrase. bare-np-rule := rule & bare-np-phrase. bare-coord_np-rule := rule & bare-coord_np-phrase. ;pcomp-np-rule := rule & pcomp-np-phrase. proper-np-rule := rule & proper-np-phrase. relative-np-rule := rule & relative-np-phrase. ; --- hadj adj-head-s-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & adj-head-scop-phrase. ;adj-head-i-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & adj-head-int-phrase. adj-nv_head-i-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & adj-nonverb_head-int-phrase. p_adj-v_head-i-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & p_adj-verb_head-int-phrase. r_adj-v_head-i-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & r_adj-verb_head-int-phrase. modnp_adj-v_head-i-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & modnp_adj-verb_head-int-phrase. tmpn_adj-v_head-i-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & tmpn_adj-verb_head-int-phrase. rc_adj-v_head-i-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & rc_adj-verb_head-int-phrase. pr_adj-v_head-i-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & rp_adj-verb_head-int-phrase. hd-v_adj-s-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & head-v_adj-scop-phrase. hd-p_adj-s-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & head-p_adj-scop-phrase. hd-r_adj-s-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & head-r_adj-scop-phrase. hd-j_adj-s-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & head-a_adj-scop-phrase. a_hd-adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & ahd-adj-int-phrase. p_hd-adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & phd-adj-int-phrase. r_hd-adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & rhd-adj-int-phrase. v_hd-v_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & vhd-vadj-int-phrase. v_hd-p_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & vhd-padj-int-phrase. v_hd-r_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & vhd-radj-int-phrase. v_hd-modnp_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & vhd-modnpadj-int-phrase. v_hd-tmpn_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & vhd-tmpnadj-int-phrase. v_hd-rc_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & vhd-rcadj-int-phrase. n_hd-ppart_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & nhd-ppartadj-int-phrase. n_hd-a_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & nhd-aadj-int-phrase. n_hd-p_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & nhd-padj-int-phrase. n_hd-n_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & nhd-nadj-int-phrase. n_hd-r_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & nhd-radj-int-phrase. n_hd-rc_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & nhd-rc_adj-int-phrase. n_hd-erc_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & nhd-explrc_adj-int-phrase. n_hd-rcp_adj-i-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & nhd-rc_padj-int-phrase. cn_appos-np-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & common_hd-appos-np-phrase. pn_appos-np-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & pname_hd-appos-np-phrase. np_adv-mod-rule := rule & npadv_mod_phrase. np-cp-rule := rule & basic_np_cp_phrase. ; ---- 2. phrase structure for unbounded dependencies ; --- head-filler-phrase types basic-filler-phrase := binary-phrase & phrasal & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < >, CLTS #clit ] ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ], ARGS < [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL #slash & local & [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ olist, COMPS olist, CLTS #clit & < > ], CTXT.ACTIVATED + ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] ], [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL.COMPS < > ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 1-dlist & [ LIST [ FIRST #slash, REST < > & #last ], LAST #last ], REL 0-dlist ] ] ] > ]. basic-head-filler-phrase := basic-filler-phrase & headed-phrase. head-filler-phrase := basic-filler-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ #subj, SPR < > ], NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ] , ARGS < [ INFLECTED + ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ #subj ] > ]. filler-phrase-fin := binary-phrase & phrasal & [ ARGS < [ INFLECTED + ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM fin, TAM.MOOD ind_or_sub_mood ], VAL.SUBJ < > ] ] > ]. filler-phrase-inf := binary-phrase & phrasal & [ ARGS < [ INFLECTED + ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf, VAL.SUBJ < [ OPT +, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind, NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] > ] ] > ]. ; --- 3.1. Relative Clauses ; head-filler-phrase-rel := head-filler-phrase & relative-clause & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #modkey ] >, ; ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY #modkey ], ... > ]. head-filler-phrase-rel := head-filler-phrase & relative-clause & [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ STR [ HEADED right, HEADING no ], CAT.HEAD verb & [ VFORM #vform, TAM #tam, AUX #aux, INV #inv, PRD non-predicative, KEYS.KEY #key, MOD < [ LOCAL intersective-mod & [ AGR #ind, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #rhand, INDEX #ind, XARG #rhand ] ] ] > ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ LTOP #rhand, XARG #rhand ] > ] ] ] ], [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ STR.HEADING right, CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM #vform, TAM #tam, AUX #aux, INV #inv, KEYS.KEY #key ], MC - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event ], MSG #msg & message & [ PRED proposition_m_rel ] ] ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] ] >, C-CONT [ MSG #msg, HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event ], RELS , HCONS ] ]. ; --- 3.1.1. Restrictive RCs ; e.g. la casa tenía [dos [habitaciones [que daban al parque]]] ; - Tiempo/modo: ; - admiten las construcciones de infinitivo (hallamos el camino por donde escapar) ; y subjuntivo (no he conocido jugador que quiera perder) ; - Pronombre relativo: ; - "el cual" y "quien" sólo pueden aparecer cuando actúan como término de preposición ; e.g. el periodista a quien se le atribuye.../*el periodista quien dio la noticia..., ; donó la pluma con la cual solía escribir/*llevó a reparar la pluma la cual no escribía ; - "que" puede aparecer como término de ciertas preposiciones sin la concurrencia del artículo ; e.g. donó la pluma con que solía escribir. ; - Antecedente: ; - no pueden tener un antecedente oracional ni preposicional, pero si adverbial ; (iremos allá donde tú digas) o pronominal no personal (aquellos en los que aparecían ; afirmaciones polémicas han sido retocados) ; - no modifican un SN cuyo núcleo denote por sí solo entidades referenciales (pron. ; personales, nombres propios (excepto si van acompañados de determinantes)) ; e.g. *Él/Luis que estaba en desacuerdo fue destituido fulminantemente ; El Luís que más me gusta es el que sabe sobreponerse a cualquier dificultad ; - el antecedente no puede llevar un posesivo prenominal (*su libro con el que estudiamos ; está un tanto desfasado ; - pueden concurrir con antecedentes inespecíficos (no ha venido ningún inspector/nadie ; que lo haya autorizado ; - !!! con antecedente coordinado, los determinantes han de ser de la misma clase ; e.g. *el dragaminas y una corbeta que cruzaron el estrecho se dirigieron... ; - !!! en las que modifican un SN indeterminado que ejerce la función de sujeto u objeto, ; se puede interpolar entra la cl. relativa y su antecedente material que no corresponda ; a la subordinada, sino a la principal, siempre que el antecedente ocupe la posición posverbal. ; e.g. le entregué una lista a María que contenía los nombres de todos los inscritos ; de repente, apareció en la sala un individuo que parecía sacado de una película de terror. head-filler-phrase-spec-rel := head-filler-phrase-rel & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, STR.HEADING no, CAT.HEAD [ VFORM fin_or_inf, MOD < [ PUNCT.RPUNCT no_punct, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun & [ KEYS.KEY nonpro_rel ] ] ] > ] ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ ] > ] ], [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct, LOCAL [ COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat ] ] ] > ]. ; -- for RCs modifying nouns ; - np filler (for subject and DO RC) (e.g. la casa tenía dos habitaciones que daban al parque) n_head-np_filler-phrase-spec-rel := head-filler-phrase-spec-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL [ CONT.RELS ] ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG #png, SORT #sort ] ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.ALTKEY proper_q_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX [ PNG #png, SORT #sort ] ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. n_head-np_filler-rel-rule-fin := n_head-np_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-fin. n_head-np_filler-rel-rule-inf := n_head-np_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-inf & [ ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE acc ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. ; - adv filler (for lcomp/adjunct RC) (e.g. recuerdo el modo como llegó, la ciudad donde creció) n_head-modnp_filler-phrase-spec-rel := head-filler-phrase-spec-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] > ] ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD modnp ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. n_head-modnp_filler-rel-rule-fin := n_head-modnp_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-fin. n_head-modnp_filler-rel-rule-inf := n_head-modnp_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-inf. ; - pp filler (for lcomp/adjunct RC) (e.g. la ciudad en la que creció, el país hacia el que partió) n_head-pp_filler-phrase-spec-rel := head-filler-phrase-spec-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT #sort ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adp & [ KEYS [ KEY independent_rel, ALT2KEY def_q_rel ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX.SORT #sort ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. n_head-pp_filler-rel-rule-fin := n_head-pp_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-fin. n_head-pp_filler-rel-rule-inf := n_head-pp_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-inf. ; - pp filler (for pcomp) n_head-mrkdn_filler-phrase-spec-rel := head-filler-phrase-spec-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT #sort ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adp & [ KEYS.KEY selected_rel ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX.SORT #sort ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. n_head-mrkdn_filler-rel-rule-fin := n_head-mrkdn_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-fin. n_head-mrkdn_filler-rel-rule-inf := n_head-mrkdn_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-inf. ; - prep+donde filler (e.g. la ciudad en donde) n_head-padv_filler-phrase-spec-rel := head-filler-phrase-spec-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] > ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD adp, CONT.RELS.LIST.REST.FIRST.PRED state_loc_rel ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX.SORT mod ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. n_head-padv_filler-rel-rule-fin := n_head-padv_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-fin. n_head-padv_filler-rel-rule-inf := n_head-padv_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-inf. ; -- for RCs modifying temporal nouns tmp-n_head-phrase-spec-rel := head-filler-phrase-spec-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT tmp ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ ] > ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. ; e.g. el día que dimitió tmp-n_head-np_filler-rel-rule := tmp-n_head-phrase-spec-rel & [ ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.ALTKEY proper_q_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. tmp-n_head-np_filler-rel-rule-fin := tmp-n_head-np_filler-rel-rule & filler-phrase-fin. tmp-n_head-np_filler-rel-rule-inf := tmp-n_head-np_filler-rel-rule & filler-phrase-inf. ; e.g. el día cuando dimitió tmp-n_head-modnp_filler-rel-rule := tmp-n_head-phrase-spec-rel & [ ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD modnp ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. tmp-n_head-modnp_filler-rel-rule-fin := tmp-n_head-modnp_filler-rel-rule & filler-phrase-fin. tmp-n_head-modnp_filler-rel-rule-inf := tmp-n_head-modnp_filler-rel-rule & filler-phrase-inf. ; -- for RCs modifying pronouns p_head-np_filler-phrase-spec-rel := head-filler-phrase-spec-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS [ KEY non_modable_rel, ALTKEY def_or_udef_q_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.RELS ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.ALTKEY proper_q_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. p_head-np_filler-rel-rule-fin := p_head-np_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-fin. p_head-np_filler-rel-rule-inf := p_head-np_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-inf & [ ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE acc ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. p_head-pp_filler-phrase-spec-rel := head-filler-phrase-spec-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.RELS ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep_or_modnp ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. p_head-pp_filler-rel-rule-fin := p_head-pp_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-fin. p_head-pp_filler-rel-rule-inf := p_head-pp_filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-inf. ; -- for RCs modifying deictic adverbs (only donde (allá donde estés tú estaré yo)) av_head-pp_filler-phrase-spec-rel-fin := head-filler-phrase-spec-rel & filler-phrase-fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY modable_rel, VAL.SPR < > ] , CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep_or_modnp, NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX #ind & [ SORT loc-mod ] ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. av_head-pp_filler-rel-rule-fin := av_head-pp_filler-phrase-spec-rel-fin. ; --- 3.1.2. Non-restrictive relative clauses ; e.g. La casa tenía [[dos habitaciones],[que daban al parque]] ; - vform and mood ; - rechazan las construcciones de infinitivo, y, sólo muy esporádicamente, admiten el subjuntivo ; e.g. *hallamos el camino, por donde escapar ; - Relative pronouns ; - "el cual" y "quien" pueden aparecer sin restricción alguna. ; e.g. el periodista, quien dio la noticia, lleva tres días desaparecido ; llevó a reparar la pluma, la cual no escribía bien. ; - "que" debe puede concurrir con el artículo cuando aparece como término de ciertas preposiciones ; e.g. *donó la pluma, con que solía escribir/donó la pluma, con la que solía escribir ; - antecedent: ; - pueden modificar un SN cuyo núcleo denote por sí solo entidades referenciales (pron. ; personales tónico, nombres propios) ; e.g. Él/Luis, que estaba en desacuerdo, fue destituido fulminantemente ; - el antecedente puede llevar un posesivo prenominal ; e.g. su libro, con el que estudiamos, está un tanto desfasado ; - no pueden concurrir con antecedentes inespecíficos ; e.g. *no ha venido nadie, que lo haya autorizado ; - pueden tener PPs como antecedentes en oraciones en las que la subordinada aparece introducida ; por un relativo adverbial (como, cuando, donde) ; e.g. iremos de vacaciones en la primavera, cuando haya terminado este capítulo ; - !!! pueden tener un antecedente oracional (un SN con valor proposicional), en la subordinada el ; verbo debe seleccionar una completiva. Si la oración subordinada no lleva un verbo copulativo, es ; necesario el artículo neutro ; e.g. finalmente, abandonó la reunión, que fue lo más prudente ; presentó el recuso fuera de plazo, *(lo) que provocó que no fuera admitido ; - !!! con antecedente coordinado, los determinantes puden ser de distinta clase, ; e.g. el dragaminas y una corbeta, que cruzaron el estrecho, se dirigieron... ; - !!! extraposición de la cláusula de relativo: la subordinada debe tener un inciso parentético, ; el elemento interpuesto no puede ser confundido con el antecedente ; e.g. me llamó tu primo ayer, que --por cierto-- no sabía que era tu cumpleaños head-filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel := binary-phrase & relative-clause & [ SYNSEM phr-synsem & [ LOCAL [ STR [ HEADED right, HEADING no ], CAT [ POSTHEAD +, MC na, HEAD verb & [ VFORM #vform, TAM #tam, AUX #aux, INV #inv, PRD non-predicative, KEYS [ KEY #key, ALTKEY appos-able_rel ], MOD < [ PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_punct, LOCAL intersective-mod & [ AGR #ind, CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #rhand, INDEX #ind ] ] ] > ], VAL [ SUBJ #subj, SPR < >, COMPS < >, CLTS #clit ] ], CONT.MSG no-msg ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 1-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL #slash & local & [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ olist, COMPS olist, CLTS #clit & < > ], CTXT.ACTIVATED + ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist, REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ LTOP #rhand ] > ] ] ] ], [ SYNSEM [ PUNCT.LPUNCT comma_or_clause_or_no_punct, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM #vform & fin, TAM #tam & [ MOOD ind_or_sub_mood ], AUX #aux, INV #inv, KEYS.KEY #key ], VAL.SUBJ #subj & < >, MC - ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, MSG message & [ PRED proposition_m_rel ] ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 1-dlist & [ LIST [ FIRST #slash, REST < > & #last ], LAST #last ], QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] ] >, C-CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS ] ]. non_restrict-rel-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & head-filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel. n_head-nom_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel := head-filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG #png, SORT #sort ] ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX [ PNG #png, SORT #sort ] ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. ; e.g. La casa tenía [[dos habitaciones],[que daban al parque]] np_head-n_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel := n_head-nom_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY def_q_rel ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY non_modable_rel, ALTKEY proper_q_rel ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. np_head-np_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel := n_head-nom_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY def_q_rel ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & [ CASE nom, KEYS [ KEY non_que_pron_rel, ALTKEY def_q_rel ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. ; e.g. Él/Luis, que estaba en desacuerdo, fue destituido fulminantemente n_head-n_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel := n_head-nom_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY proper_q_rel ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY non_modable_rel, ALTKEY proper_q_rel ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. n_head-np_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel := n_head-nom_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY proper_q_rel ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & [ CASE nom, KEYS [ KEY non_que_pron_rel, ALTKEY def_q_rel ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. ; e.g. donó la pluma, con la que solía escribir n_head-p_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel := head-filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY non_modable_rel, ALTKEY def_q_rel ] ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT #sort ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adp & [ KEYS [ KEY independent_rel, ALT2KEY def_q_rel ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX.SORT #sort ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. n_head-mrkdn_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel := head-filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY non_modable_rel, ALTKEY def_q_rel ] ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT #sort ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adp & [ KEYS.KEY selected_rel ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX.SORT #sort ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. ; e.g. fue hallada en la casa de Comillas, donde vivió en su juventud n_head-modnp_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel := head-filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY non_modable_rel, ALTKEY def_q_rel ] ], VAL.SPR < > ] ] > , ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD modnp, NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. ; e.g. lo hice [discretamente/con precaución], como me había recomendado p_head-modnp_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel := head-filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD +rp, VAL.SPR < [ ] > ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD modnp, NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. ; e.g. lo hice así, como me había recomendado; recuerdo ese día, cuando dimitió av_head-modnp_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel := head-filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD modnp & [ KEYS.KEY modable_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] ] >, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD modnp, NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX #ind & [ SORT mod ] ] > ] ] ], [ INFLECTED + ] > ]. ; e.g. vivía sola, como siempre había deseado np_hd-n_fil-non_restrict-rel-rule := non_restrict-rel-rule & np_head-n_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel. np_hd-np_fil-non_restrict-rel-rule := non_restrict-rel-rule & np_head-np_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel. n_hd-n_fil-non_restrict-rel-rule := non_restrict-rel-rule & n_head-n_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel. n_hd-np_fil-non_restrict-rel-rule := non_restrict-rel-rule & n_head-np_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel. n_hd-p_fil-non_restrict-rel-rule := non_restrict-rel-rule & n_head-p_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel. n_hd-mrkdn_fil-non_restrict-rel-rule := non_restrict-rel-rule & n_head-mrkdn_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel. n_hd-av_fil-non_restrict-rel-rule := non_restrict-rel-rule & n_head-modnp_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel. p_hd-av_fil-non_restrict-rel-rule := non_restrict-rel-rule & p_head-modnp_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel. av_hd-av_fil-non_restrict-rel-rule := non_restrict-rel-rule & av_head-modnp_filler-phrase-non_restrict-rel. ; --- 3.1.3. relativas semilibres (modifican un elemento que no tiene realización fonética) ; e.g. el/aquel que te dijo eso no conoce las raíces del conflicto ; - la presencia del artículo determinado, o pron. demostrativo, informa de los rasgos de género y número ; del antecedente elíptico ; - "quien", "el cual", "cuyo" y los relativos adverbiales no pueden aparecer nunca en r.semilibres ; - "el + que" puede aparecer siempre que no vaya precedido de preposición. Una rel. semilibre sólo ; puede aparecer encabezada por preposición cuando esta toma como término al relativo, cuando es ; el verbo de la subordinada el que la selecciona (e.g. aquella de (la) que te hablé era espectacular). ; Pero si el determinante del antecedente es el artículo, tales casos son siempre agramaticales ; (e.g. *la de (la) que te hablé era espectacular). basic-semi-free-rel-phrase := binary-phrase & phrasal & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, AGR #agr, CAT [ MC na, VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPR #spr ] ], CONT [ HOOK #hook & [ INDEX ref-ind & #agr ], MSG no-msg ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ], LIGHT - ], ARGS < [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY #key, VAL [ COMPS < >, SUBJ < > , SPR #spr & < [ ] > ] ], CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED semi-free_relative_q_rel ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 1-dlist & , SLASH 1-dlist & ] ] ], [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin_or_inf, INV - ], VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS < > ], MC - ], CONT [ MSG message ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 1-dlist & , SPR < >, SUBJ < > ] ] !>, QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] ] >, C-CONT [ HOOK #hook, RELS , HCONS ] ]. semi-free-rel-phrase := basic-semi-free-rel-phrase & head-initial & filler-phrase-fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.AGR #agr, HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ ALTKEY #altkey ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 1-dlist & ] ]. semi-free-rel-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & semi-free-rel-phrase. ; --- 3.1.4. free relative clauses (es el propio pronombre relativo el que delimita, en virtud de sus propios ; rasgos léxicos, el valor del antecedente). El valor de tales construcciones es el de proyecciones ; sintagmáticas infraoracionales (SN, SP, SAdv) ; e.g. [quien te dijo eso] no conoce las raíces del conflicto, [con quien me quiero casar] vive aquí, ; [donde vive tu hermano] es demasiado lejos para ir de vacaciones (NPs) ; he soñado [con quien soñé ayer], ayer vi [a quien le compraste el piso] (PPs) ; este traje lo llevaba [cuando se casó] (SAdv) ; - sólo con "quien" y relativos adverbiales. ; - admiten como máximo una preposición ante el pronombre o adverbio que las encabeza: ; - esté doblemente seleccionada: e.g. he soñado con quien soñé ayer, ayer vi a quien se lo compraste ; - si la preposición corresponde al antecedente elíptico, la construcción es gramatical: ; e.g. luchó contra quienes se le opusieron ; - si la preposición está dentro de la relativa: si la relativa forma parte del sujeto ; preverbal de la oración principal, la construcción es gramatical (e.g. con quien me quiero ; casar vive a la vuelta); si desempeña cualquier otra función, es agramatical, excepto si es el OD ; (e.g. no tiene con quien salir). Este tipo de r. libres se construyen en infinitivo. ; ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CONT.HOOK.XARG #hand ] ], ; [ INFLECTED +, ; SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #hand ] ] ] >. basic-free-rel-phrase := binary-phrase & phrasal & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, AGR #agr, STR.HEADING no, CAT [ MC na, VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK #hook & [ INDEX ref-ind & #agr ], MSG no-msg ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ], LIGHT - ], ARGS < [ INFLECTED + , SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY #key, VAL [ COMPS < >, SUBJ < > ] ], CONT.RELS.LIST < relation, [ LBL #ltop ], ... > ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 1-dlist & , SLASH 1-dlist & ] ] ], [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD #coord, COORD-STRAT #coord-strat, CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin_or_inf, INV - ], VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS < > ], MC - ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, MSG message & [ PRED proposition_m_rel ] ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 1-dlist & , SPR < >, SUBJ < > ] ] !>, QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] ] >, C-CONT [ HOOK #hook, RELS , HCONS ] ]. ; -- argumental free RC ; - quien claudica claudica, tengo quien claudica, abogo por quien claudicó, abogo por quien abogo np_arg-free-rel-phrase := basic-free-rel-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT.HEAD #head ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT.HEAD #head & [ KEYS.ALTKEY #altkey ], CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_q_rel ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH ] ], [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.SLASH 1-dlist & ] > ]. arg-free-rel-fin-rule := np_arg-free-rel-phrase & filler-phrase-fin & binary-rule-left-to-right. arg-free-rel-inf-rule := np_arg-free-rel-phrase & filler-phrase-inf & binary-rule-left-to-right. ; - tengo por quien abogar, por quien abogo llora parg_np-free-rel-phrase := basic-free-rel-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & [ MOD < >, KEYS [ KEY #altkey, ALTKEY free_relative_q_rel ] ] ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD adp & [ MOD < >, KEYS.ALTKEY #altkey ], CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_q_rel ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH ] ], [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.SLASH 1-dlist & ] > ]. ; - tengo por quien abogar parg_np-free-rel-inf-rule := parg_np-free-rel-phrase & filler-phrase-inf & binary-rule-left-to-right & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE acc ]. ; - por quien abogo llora parg_np-free-rel-fin-rule := parg_np-free-rel-phrase & filler-phrase-fin & binary-rule-left-to-right & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3sg, CAT.HEAD.CASE nom ] ]. ; -- adjuncts mod-free-rel-phrase := basic-free-rel-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD #head, ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD #head & adp, CONT.RELS.LIST.REST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_q_rel ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH ] ], [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.SLASH 1-dlist & , PRD #prd, TAM #tam, CASE #case, VOICE #voice, KEYS #keys & [ KEY independent_rel ] ], VAL #val ], CONT #cont, AGR #agr, CTXT #ctxt ] !> ] > ]. mod-free-rel-inf-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & mod-free-rel-phrase & filler-phrase-inf. mod-free-rel-fin-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & mod-free-rel-phrase & filler-phrase-fin. pmod_np-free-rel-phrase := basic-free-rel-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & [ MOD < >, KEYS [ KEY #altkey, ALTKEY undef_quant_q_rel ] ] ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD adp & [ MOD < [ ] >, KEYS.ALTKEY #altkey ], CONT.RELS.LIST.REST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_q_rel ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH ] ], [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.SLASH 1-dlist & ] !> ] > ]. pmod_np-free-rel-inf-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & pmod_np-free-rel-phrase & filler-phrase-inf & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE acc ]. pmod_np-free-rel-fin-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & pmod_np-free-rel-phrase & filler-phrase-fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3sg, CAT.HEAD.CASE nom ] ]. ; --- 3.1.5. relativas predicativas (la cláusula de relativo funciona como predicado y no como ; modificador del antecedente, desempeña funciones de complemento predicativo del OD o ; del sujeto, o bien de atributo) ; e.g. Luis es quien tiene la culpa de todo ; - pueden tener antecedentes nombres propios y pronominales (átonos o tónicos), pero no oracionales, ; e.g. los había que habían preferido irse al campo ; - contextos en que las relativas parecen concurrir en función de complemento predicativo: ; - con el predicado existencial "haber", con la función de complemento predicativo del OD, ; e.g. hay días que se hacen interminables, los hay que se hacen interminables ; - con predicados intensionales (querer, buscar, necesitar). La subordinada debe aparecer ; en subjuntivo o infinitivo. No todos los predicados aceptan este tipo de relativas (desear) ; e.g. quiere un médico que conozca la medicina china (lo quiere que ...) ; - con verbos de percepción sensorial (ver, oír), e.g. la vi que salía de casa. ; - con predicaciones secundarias encabezadas por la prep. con ; e.g. con maría que se presenta cada dos por tres, resulta imposible concentrarse ; - con v. transitivos que admiten un c. predicativo del objeto que expresa es estado ; de este al producirse el acontecimiento descrito por el v. principal. ; e.g. Lo dejaron que no lo hubiera reconocido ni su padre. ; - con predicados que admiten la concurrencia de un c. predicativo de sujeto ; e.g. salió de la reunión que no quiso hablar con nadie, nació que parecía un príncipe ; - rel. predicativas en función de atributo (con verbos de aspecto perfectivo, expresando ; cualidades episódica y no permanentes) ; e.g. el café está que arde, se quedó que parecía famélico. ; - !!! entre el antecedente y la relativa puede interponerse otro material de la oración principal, ; pero sólo cuando la relativa aparece detrás del antecedente. ; e.g. hay ocasiones en la vida cotidiada en las que uno no sabe cómo actuar. ; --- 3.1.6. relativas yustapuestas (la cláusula de relativo aparece aislada de su antecedente como ; enunciado independiente en yuxtaposición) ; e.g. También faltó a la reunión Luís. Al cual, por cierto, le han impuesto una fuerte multa por eso. ; Se deshizo en excusas. Que nadie había pedido, por cierto. ; Le gustaría trasladarse a Sitges. Donde, por otra parte, vive ahora Luisa. ; --- 3.2. wh-interrogative clauses (interrogativas parciales) filler-head-wh-phrase := head-filler-phrase & mc-fillhead-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ KEYS [ ALTKEY question_m_rel, ALT2KEY question_m_rel ], MOD < > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. wh-int-clause := interrogative-clause & head-final & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD verb, CONT.MSG message & [ PARAMS ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 1-dlist & [ LIST < #que > ] ]. wh-interrog-fin := wh-int-clause & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM fin, TAM.MOOD ind_or_sub_mood ], VAL.SUBJ < > ] ]. wh-interrog-inf := wh-int-clause & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf, VAL.SUBJ < [ OPT +, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind, NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] > ] ]. filler-head-wh-phrase-inf := filler-head-wh-phrase & wh-interrog-inf. filler-head-wh-phrase-fin := filler-head-wh-phrase & wh-interrog-fin. ; --- preguntas eco ; - el elemento interrogativo permanece in situ; e.g. ¿Lo viste dónde?, ¿María visitó a quién? subjh-wh-insitu-phrase := subj-head-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CONT [ HOOK.XARG #ltop, MSG message & #msg & [ PARAMS ] ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin, TAM.MOOD ind_or_sub_mood ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ] ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 1-dlist & [ LIST < #que > ], REL 0-dlist, SLASH 0-dlist ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist, C-CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #mhand, INDEX #ind ], RELS , HCONS ] ]. ; --- 3.3. topicalized constructions filler-head-non_wh-phrase := head-filler-phrase & mc-fillhead-phrase & head-final & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.MSG #msg, HEAD-DTR [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD verb & [ INV - ], CONT.MSG #msg ], NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ] ], NON-HEAD-DTR [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. filler-head-non_wh-rule-fin := filler-head-non_wh-phrase & rule & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM fin, TAM.MOOD ind_or_sub_mood ], VAL.SUBJ < > ] ]. ;filler-head-non_wh-rule-inf := filler-head-non_wh-phrase & rule & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf, ; VAL.SUBJ < [ OPT +, ; LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind, ; NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, ; REL 0-dlist, ; QUE 0-dlist ] ] > ] ]. ; --- 3.4. Unary phrase types for extraction basic-extracted-arg-phrase := head-valence-phrase & head-only & [ SYNSEM.LIGHT - ]. basic-extracted-subj-phrase := basic-extracted-arg-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < >, COMPS < > & #comps, CLTS #clts ] ], CONT #cont ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL [ SUBJ < gap & [ LOCAL #local ] >, COMPS #comps, CLTS #clts & < > ], MC na ], CONT #cont ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH.LIST < #local > ] ]. extracted-vfin-subj-phrase := basic-extracted-subj-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin ] ]. ; - el sujeto de las cláusulas de particio absoluto puede ser relativizado. En estas construcciones, ; que a menudo adoptan la forma de r. yuxtapuestas, el participio debe aparecer delante del pron. relativo ; e.g. dicho lo cual, el orador recibió un emocionado aplauso ; extracted-abs_part-subj-phrase basic-extracted-comp-phrase := basic-extracted-arg-phrase & head-compositional & [ SYNSEM canonical-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SUBJ #subj, SPR #spr, COMPS #comps, CLTS #clts ], MC #mc ], CONT #cont ] ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SUBJ #subj, SPR #spr, COMPS < gap & [ NON-LOCAL.SLASH #slash ] . #comps >, CLTS #clts & < > ], MC #mc ], CONT #cont ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH #slash ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. extracted-verb-comp-phrase := basic-extracted-comp-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ]. extracted-adj-comp-phrase := basic-extracted-comp-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj ]. ; -- extracción de complementos nominales ; - si aparecen realizados simultáneamente un genitivo subjetivo y otro objetivo, no es ; posible la relativización de este último (e.g. *al asesino, cuya descripción de María...) ; a menos que el subjetivo aparezca como compl. agente (e.g. al asesino, cuya descripción ; por parte de María...). ; - cuando el elemento poseído es indeterminado debe expresarse con un SP_de ; e.g. esa novela, de la que acaban de salir varias traducciones, ha tenido un gran éxito undef-extracted-noun-comp-phrase := basic-extracted-comp-phrase & [ HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.ALTKEY undef_quant_q_rel ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel ] > ] , CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-temp ] ]. ; - con SNs determinados sólo puede aparecer "cuyo". Las codas de los partitivos no pueden ; ser relativizadas a través de cuyo ; e.g. esa novela, cuyas traducciones acaban de salir, ha tenido un gran éxito (subj) ; tu amigo, cuyas padres conozco perfectamente, es un cretino (DO) ; en un lugar de la Mancha de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme... (PPcomp) def-extracted-noun-comp-phrase := head-only & head-compositional & [ SYNSEM [ LIGHT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY impl_or_proper_q_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD det, CONT.RELS.LIST < quant-relation, prep-relation & [ ARG2 #ind ], ... > ], NON-LOCAL.REL #rel ] >, SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps, CLTS #clts ], MC #mc ], CONT #cont ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH #slash, QUE 0-dlist, REL #rel ] ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC #mc, HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST < relation > ] >, SUBJ #subj, COMPS < expressed-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH #slash ] . #comps >, CLTS #clts & < > ] ], CONT #cont & [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-temp, RELS.LIST < noun-relation,... > ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH #slash, QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. ; ERB 2004-05-05 Allow modifiers to attach to things with non-empty comps lists. ; The head-mod-phrase will pass up the COMPS requirement, whatever it was. basic-extracted-adj-phrase := head-mod-phrase & head-only & phrasal. extracted-adj-phrase := basic-extracted-adj-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, MC #mc ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 1-dlist & , VAL [ SUBJ olist, COMPS olist ] ] ] !> ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD #head, VAL #val & [ CLTS < > ], POSTHEAD #ph, MC #mc ], CONT.HOOK #hook, CTXT #ctxt ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ], C-CONT [ HOOK #hook, RELS , HCONS ] ]. extracted-verb-adj-phrase := extracted-adj-phrase & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.SLASH , HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL [ SUBJ < [ NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] >, COMPS < > ] ] ] ]. ; --- possessives ; - cuando el elemento poseído es indeterminado debe expresarse con un SP_de ; e.g. el vecino del que guardo algunos objetos vendrá mañana. extracted-noun-adj-phrase := extracted-adj-phrase & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.SLASH , HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & [ KEYS.ALTKEY undef_quant_q_rel ] ]. ext-vfin-subj-rule := rule & extracted-vfin-subj-phrase. ext-verb-comp-rule := rule & extracted-verb-comp-phrase. ext-verb-adj-rule := rule & extracted-verb-adj-phrase. ext-adj-comp-rule := rule & extracted-adj-comp-phrase. undef-ext-noun-comp-rule := rule & undef-extracted-noun-comp-phrase. def-ext-noun-comp-rule := rule & def-extracted-noun-comp-phrase. ext-noun-adj-rule := rule & extracted-noun-adj-phrase. filler-head-wh-fin-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & filler-head-wh-phrase-fin. filler-head-wh-inf-rule := binary-rule-left-to-right & filler-head-wh-phrase-inf. subjh-wh-insitu-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & subjh-wh-insitu-phrase & clause. ; --- Rules for clitic cancelation head-clit-phrase := head-valence-phrase & head-compositional & head-final & [ SYNSEM canonical-synsem & [ LIGHT -, LOCAL [ STR.HEADING not_left, CAT [ MC #mc, VAL [ SUBJ #subj, SPR #spr, COMPS #comps, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clts ] ] ], MODIFIED #modif ], HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC #mc, HEAD verb & [ TAM.MOOD ind_or_sub_mood ], VAL [ SUBJ #subj, SPR #spr, SPEC #spec, COMPS #comps & < >, CLTS < #synsem . #clts > ] ], MODIFIED #modif ], NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM affix-synsem & #synsem & [ LOCAL [ CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind ] ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. head-clit-rule := binary-rule-right-to-left & head-clit-phrase. ;; ;; Coordination phrases and rules ;; coord-phrase := binary-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LIGHT -, LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT #cstrat, CAT [ HEAD [ CASE #case, KEYS #keys, MOD #mod ], VAL [ SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clts ] ] ], NON-LOCAL #nlocal ], LCOORD-DTR #ldtr & sign & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ CASE #case ], VAL [ SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clts ] ], NON-LOCAL #nlocal ] ], RCOORD-DTR #rdtr & sign & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT #cstrat, CAT [ HEAD [ CASE #case, KEYS #keys, MOD #mod ], VAL [ SUBJ #subj, COMPS #comps, SPEC #spec, CLTS #clts ] ] ], NON-LOCAL #nlocal ] ], ARGS < #ldtr, #rdtr > ]. topormid-coord-phrase := coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT one, LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONT.HOOK.INDEX #lind ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-REL [ LBL #lbl, C-ARG #carg, L-INDEX #lind, R-INDEX #rind ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #rind ], C-CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #carg ] ]. top-coord-rule := topormid-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD - ]. mid-coord-rule := topormid-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD +, COORD-REL implicit-coord-rel ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero ]. bottom-coord-phrase := phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LIGHT -, NON-LOCAL #nlocal ], CONJ-DTR sign & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD conj ], NONCONJ-DTR sign & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL #nlocal ] ]. binary-bottom-coord-rule := bottom-coord-phrase & binary-phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD +, COORD-REL #crel, COORD-STRAT one, CAT [ HEAD #mod, VAL #val ] ], NON-LOCAL #nlocal ], CONJ-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT one, CAT [ HEAD.LEFT < >, VAL.COMPS < #compl > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #crel ], NONCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM #compl & [ LOCAL [ COORD -, CAT [ HEAD #mod, VAL #val ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #rind ], NON-LOCAL #nlocal ], C-CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #rind, RELS , HCONS ] ]. conj-first-bottom-coord-rule := binary-bottom-coord-rule & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT one, STR [ HEADED left, HEADING right ] ], CONJ-DTR #cdtr, NONCONJ-DTR #ncdtr, ARGS < #cdtr, #ncdtr > ]. ; --- Rules that describe the different kinds of marking strategies used for ; coordination in various languages. ; -- monopoly*: Mandatory monosyndeton with optional polysyndeton. ; This is the familiar Indo-European pattern, in which at least one ; coordinator is mandatory ("A B and C") and more than one is possible ; ("A and B and C"). monopoly-top-coord-rule := top-coord-rule & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADED right, LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD -, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD +, STR.HEADING right ] ]. monopoly-mid-coord-rule := mid-coord-rule & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADED right, LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD -, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD +, STR.HEADING right ] ]. ; -- apoly: These rules handle two coordination strategies: ; ; Asyndeton, in which no coordinators appear: "A B C". ; ; Polysyndeton, in which an N-way coordination is marked with N-1 ; coordinators: ; "A and B and C", not "A B and C" ; ; For both of these, there is NO MID RULE. The difference between ; them is captured in the bottom rule: asyndeton will have a unary ; (and non-inflecting) bottom rule. ; ;apoly-top-coord-rule := top-coord-rule & ; [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD -, ; RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD + ]. ; -- omni: This handles a variety of polysyndeton, called here for ; clarity "omnisyndeton", in which for an N-way coordination, N ; coordinators are required: ; ; "and A and B and C" or "A and B and C and". ; ; This coordination strategy requires a significantly approach than ; the others. Rather than a single kind of bottom rule, there are two ; kinds. The first kind, still called "bottom", handles the single ; lowest (rightmost) coordinand. The other kind, called "left", ; handles all other coordinands (it's called "left" because it is ; always the left daughter of a top- or mid- rule). Because there are ; N coordinators for N coordinands in this strategy, one of the ; conjunctions must contribute *no* coordination relation, or else ; we'd have too many. The bottom rule is the exceptional one: it ; requires that its conjunction daughter be of type nosem-conj-lex. ; ; The mid- and top- rules are also slightly different from the other ; coordination strategies, in that they take the COORD-REL from the ; *left* daughter instead of the right. ; ; We use it for complex conjunctions omni-binary-bottom-coord-rule := bottom-coord-phrase & binary-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD +, COORD-REL null-coord-rel, COORD-STRAT two, CAT [ HEAD #mod, VAL #val ] ], CONJ-DTR [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.LEFT < coord_rel >, CONT.RELS ] ], NONCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD -, COORD-STRAT zero, CAT [ HEAD #mod, VAL #val ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #rind ], C-CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #rind, RELS , HCONS ] ]. omni-conj-first-bottom-coord-rule := omni-binary-bottom-coord-rule & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR [ HEADED left, HEADING right ] ], CONJ-DTR #cdtr, NONCONJ-DTR #ncdtr, ARGS < #cdtr, #ncdtr > ]. omni-left-coord-rule := bottom-coord-phrase. omni-binary-left-coord-rule := omni-left-coord-rule & binary-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD +, COORD-REL #crel, COORD-STRAT two, STR [ HEADED left, HEADING not_right ], CAT [ HEAD [ KEYS #keys, MOD #mod ], VAL #val ] ], CONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CONT.RELS ], NONCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ KEYS #keys, MOD #mod ], VAL #val ], COORD -, COORD-STRAT zero, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #rind ], C-CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #rind, RELS , HCONS ] ]. omni-conj-first-left-coord-rule := omni-binary-left-coord-rule & [ CONJ-DTR #cdtr, NONCONJ-DTR #ncdtr, ARGS < #cdtr, #ncdtr > ]. omni-coord-phrase := coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT two, LCOORD-DTR omni-binary-left-coord-rule & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-REL [ LBL #lbl, C-ARG #carg, L-INDEX #lind, R-INDEX #rind ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #lind ] ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD +, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #rind ], C-CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #carg ] ]. omni-top-coord-rule := omni-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD -, STR.HEADED right ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING right ]. omni-mid-coord-rule := omni-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD +, STR [ HEADED right, HEADING right ] ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING right ]. ;; para que dos categorías puedan coordinarse, deben tener la misma jerarquía sintáctica ;; y deben ser semánticamente compatibles. Sólo se pueden coordinar complementos que ;; cumplan la selección categorial y semántica del núcleo; i.e. no se puede coordinar un objeto ;; con 'a' y otro sin (*mencionaron a Juan y el libro), ni dos argumentos con preposiciones ;; distintas (*hablaron con Miguel y de Darío). ; --- Coordination of nominals nom-coord-phrase := coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ CASE #case, KEYS #keys, PRD #prd, MOD < > ], VAL.SPR #spr ], CONT.MSG no-msg ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MOD #mod, CASE #case, KEYS #keys, PRD #prd ], VAL.SPR #spr ], CONT.MSG no-msg ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun & [ MOD #mod, CASE #case, KEYS #keys, PRD #prd ], CONT.MSG no-msg ] ]. ; -- N Coordination rules ; - cuando se coordinan dos nombres concretos, que comparten el determinante, el ; resultado sólo designa a un objeto con las propiedades designadas por los dos ; sustantivos. La concordancia con el verbo es en singular (el presidente y ; vicesecretario del partido llegó/*llegaron con su escolta) ; - cuando se coordinan dos nombres, los elementos que concuerdan y que van en ; posición prenominal sólo pueden establecer la concordancia con el primer ; coordinando, no con todo el sintagma (*las/la vida y milagros de los santos, ; *las/la supuesta razón y motivo) ; - los SSNN escuetos coordinados pueden aparecer como sujetos y complementos ; (traje papel y lápiz, madre e hijo permanecieron poco tiempo de visita). El SN ; de sujeto siempre se interpreta como definido y el de objeto como indefinido. ; Sólo aparecen en predicados episódicos (madre e hijo estaban en casa, ; *madre e hijo eran altos). n-top-coord-rule := nom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR [ PNG #png, DIVISIBLE + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG #png ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR.HEADED #headed, AGR.PNG #png, CAT.VAL.SPR < [ ] > ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR.HEADED #headed, CAT.VAL.SPR < [ ] > ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. n-middle-coord-rule := nom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-REL #crel, STR.HEADED #headed, AGR [ PNG #png, DIVISIBLE + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG #png ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR.HEADED #headed, AGR.PNG #png, CAT.VAL.SPR < [ ] > ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ STR.HEADED #headed, CAT.VAL.SPR < [ ] > ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. n-bottom-coord-phrase := bottom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR [ PNG #png ], CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST < relation > ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG #png ], NONCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR.PNG #png, CAT.HEAD noun ] ]. n-mono-top-coord-rule := n-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ]. n-mono-mid-coord-rule := n-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. n-mono-bot-coord-rule := n-bottom-coord-phrase & conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. n-mono-top-advers-coord-rule := n-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING not_left, LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED advers_coord_rel ]. ; -- NP Coordination rules ; - !!! mostly, coordinated subjects are in plural, but there may be partial agreement ; with one of the subjects when the verb precedes the subject and when the subject denotes ; an abstract entity (en la corte existía/existían el favoritismo y la corrupción). When ; the coordinated subject includes referential nouns, the verbs must be in plural (el ; presidente y vicesecretario del partido llegaron/*llegó con su escolta). ; - !!! cuando se coordinan categorías nominales de distinta persona, la concordancia del verbo ; se determina según los siguientes criterios: la primera persona se impone a las demás ; (tú y yo vamos, ella y yo vamos) y la segunda se impone a la tercera (tú y él vais). ; - !!! la coordinación de términos preposicionales pronominales han de compartir el caso ; (para mí/*para él y mí/para el y yo). ; - !!! la coordinación de sintagmas que encabezan relativas e interrogativas sólo es posible ; si los pronombres se refieren a complementos no argumentales (ese es el hombre con quien, ; de quien y para el que vive Luis, *un hombre que y al que vio). Se pueden coordinar ; pronombres que representan argumentos y pronombre que representan modificadores ;(¿quién y por qué mató al piloto?) ; - si un adjetivo posnominal sigue a una coordinación de nombres, la concordancia ; adopta dos patrones: si el adjetivo concuerda en plural, éste modifica a todo el ; sintagma ([el pensamiento y la acción] políticos); si sólo modifica a una de las ; partes, debe concordar con esa parte ([el pensamiento y la acció política]). np-top-coord-rule := nom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR [ PNG.PN plur, DIVISIBLE + ], CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel, VAL.SPR < > ] ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel, VAL.SPR < > ], C-CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ], RELS , HCONS ] ]. np-middle-coord-rule := nom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-REL #crel, AGR [ PNG.PN plur, DIVISIBLE + ], CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel, VAL.SPR < > ] ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel, VAL.SPR < > ], COORD-REL [ LBL #lbl, C-ARG #carg ] ], C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. np-bottom-coord-phrase := bottom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ] ], NONCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ]. np-mono-bot-coord-rule := np-bottom-coord-phrase & conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. np-mono-mid-coord-rule := np-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. np-mono-top-coord-rule := np-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ]. np-mono-top-advers-coord-rule := np-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left& [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.STR.HEADING not_left, LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED advers_coord_rel ]. np-omni-top-coord-rule := np-top-coord-rule & omni-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. np-omni-mid-coord-rule := np-middle-coord-rule & omni-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. np-omni-left-coord-rule := np-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-left-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. np-omni-bot-coord-rule := np-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. ; --- Event Coordination rules event-coord-phrase := coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E #tam, LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lhndl, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-REL [ L-HNDL #lhndl, R-HNDL #rhndl, R-INDEX.E #tam ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #rhndl ] ]. ; -- ADJ Coordination rules ; - NOTE that in fact qualitative adjectives may be coordinated without restrictions (e.g. ; el magnífico y único recital, comidas (muy buenas) y (muy baratas), coordination of ; relational adjectives show some restrictions (productos alemanes y suecos, *producto ; alemán y sueco, *el verdadero y alemán espía) adj-coord-phrase := coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD #head & adj, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, MSG no-msg ] ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD #head & [ MOD #mod ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD #head & [ MOD #mod ] ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, MSG no-msg ] ] ]. adj-top-coord-rule := adj-coord-phrase & [ C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. adj-middle-coord-rule := adj-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL #crel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. adj-bottom-coord-phrase := bottom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD adj, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, MSG no-msg ] ], NONCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD adj ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, MSG no-msg ] ] ]. ; - multiple monosyndeton/polysyndeton coordination (guapo, (y) listo y simpático) & ; binary (adversative) coordination (guapo pero antipático) a-mono-bot-coord-rule := adj-bottom-coord-phrase & conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. a-mono-mid-coord-rule := adj-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. a-mono-top-coord-rule := adj-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ]. a-mono-top-advers-coord-rule := adj-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left& [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED advers_coord_rel ]. ; - omnisyndeton coordination (no sólo guapo sino simpático) a-omni-top-coord-rule := adj-top-coord-rule & omni-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. a-omni-mid-coord-rule := adj-middle-coord-rule & omni-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. a-omni-left-coord-rule := adj-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-left-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. a-omni-bot-coord-rule := adj-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. ; -- ADV Coordination rules adv-coord-phrase := event-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD #head & adv, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD #head & [ MOD #mod ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD #head & [ MOD #mod ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] ]. adv-top-coord-rule := adv-coord-phrase & [ C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ]]. adv-middle-coord-rule := adv-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL #crel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ]]. adv-bottom-coord-phrase := bottom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD adv, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], NONCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD adv ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] ]. ; - multiple monosyndeton/polysyndeton coordination & binary (adversative) coordination av-mono-bot-coord-rule := adv-bottom-coord-phrase & conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. av-mono-mid-coord-rule := adv-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. av-mono-top-coord-rule := adv-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ]. av-mono-top-advers-coord-rule := adv-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left& [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED advers_coord_rel ]. ; - omnisyndeton coordination av-omni-top-coord-rule := adv-top-coord-rule & omni-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. av-omni-mid-coord-rule := adv-middle-coord-rule & omni-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. av-omni-left-coord-rule := adv-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-left-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. av-omni-bot-coord-rule := adv-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. ; -- Verbal Coordination rules ; -- S Coordination rules ; - not need to have the same tense and mood (e.g. [Pepa no llegó] y [no pedirá un tinto]) ; - !!! they may share a complement (los Pérez trajeron, y los invitados se comieron, una ; ensalada deliciosa)- always between commas s-coord-phrase := event-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin ], VAL.SUBJ < > ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ MOD #mod ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ MOD #mod ] ]. s-top-coord-rule := s-coord-phrase & [ C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. s-middle-coord-rule := s-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL #crel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. s-bottom-coord-phrase := bottom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin ], VAL.SUBJ < > ], NONCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ]. s-mono-bot-coord-rule := s-bottom-coord-phrase & conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. s-mono-mid-coord-rule := s-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. s-mono-top-coord-rule := s-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ]. s-mono-top-advers-coord-rule := s-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED advers_coord_rel ]. s-omni-top-coord-rule := s-top-coord-rule & omni-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. s-omni-mid-coord-rule := s-middle-coord-rule & omni-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. s-omni-left-coord-rule := s-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-left-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. s-omni-bot-coord-rule := s-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. ; -- VP Coordination rules ; - only with the same tense and mood (e.g. Magdalena casi [se tropezó y se cayó/*se cae]) vp-coord-phrase := event-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ TAM #tam ], VAL.SUBJ < [ ] > ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ MOD #mod, TAM #tam ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ MOD #mod, TAM #tam ] ]. vp-top-coord-rule := vp-coord-phrase & [ C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. vp-middle-coord-rule := vp-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL #crel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ]]. vp-bottom-coord-phrase := bottom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL.SUBJ < [ ] > ], NONCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ]. vp-mono-bot-coord-rule := vp-bottom-coord-phrase & conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. vp-mono-mid-coord-rule := vp-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. vp-mono-top-coord-rule := vp-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ]. vp-mono-top-advers-coord-rule := vp-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED advers_coord_rel ]. vp-omni-top-coord-rule := vp-top-coord-rule & omni-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. vp-omni-mid-coord-rule := vp-middle-coord-rule & omni-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. vp-omni-left-coord-rule := vp-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-left-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. vp-omni-bot-coord-rule := vp-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. ; -- V Coordination rules ; - !!! la coordinación de núcleos verbales es más aceptable en la medida en que los ; dos verbos se interpretan como relacionados semánticamente (trajo y se llevó un ; paquete). ; - !!! se pueden coordinar verbos que llevan cliticos (lo leyó y resumió en un santiamén, ; intentarlo comprar o alquilar) pero (*lee y resúmelo cuanto antes, *lo pensó y dijo). ; - los verbos auxiliaries funcionales (*hemos y han llamado) presentan más restricciones ; que los modales (pueden y quieren salir), los aspectuales (comenzó y terminó de hablar) ; y los prospectivos los modales (quieren y van a seguir viniendo). Pero un elemento ; proclitico (preposición) no puede preceder a la conjunción (*van a y quieren seguir) v-coord-phrase := event-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ AUX -, TAM #tam ], VAL [ SUBJ < [ ] >, COMPS < [ ] > ] ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ MOD #mod, TAM #tam ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ MOD #mod, TAM #tam ] ]. v-top-coord-rule := vp-coord-phrase & [ C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ]]. v-middle-coord-rule := vp-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL #crel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ]]. v-bottom-coord-phrase := bottom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ AUX - ], VAL [ SUBJ < [ ] >, COMPS < [ ] > ] ], NONCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ]. v-mono-bot-coord-rule := v-bottom-coord-phrase & conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. v-mono-mid-coord-rule := v-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. v-mono-top-coord-rule := v-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ]. v-mono-top-advers-coord-rule := v-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left& [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED advers_coord_rel ]. v-omni-top-coord-rule := v-top-coord-rule & omni-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. v-omni-mid-coord-rule := v-middle-coord-rule & omni-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. v-omni-left-coord-rule := v-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-left-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. v-omni-bot-coord-rule := v-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. ; - Coordination of VPinf and completive clauses: ; if they function as subject, the VP must precede the clause (e.g. venir ; Juan y que se quedara dos semanas resultó buena idea); if they function as ; DO the VP may follow the finite clause (e.g. sugirió que hicieran una fiesta ; e invitar a sus amigos) - AGR: singular ; --- Coordination of prepositions ; - !!! coordinación de dos complementos preposicionales con un adjetivo (que cada uno ; disponga [[del espacio y de la tierra] necesarios]). ; - es posible coordinar ciertas preposiciones (todo por, para y sin el pueblo). Las ; preposiciones con menos contenido semántico y menos peso fonológico (a, de, en) ; son menos aceptables en coordinación (viajan *de y a Madrid/desde y hacia Madrid) prep-coord-phrase := coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD adp & [ TAM #tam, PRD #prd ], VAL.SPR #spr ], CONT.MSG #msg ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD adp & [ MOD #mod, TAM #tam, PRD #prd ], VAL.SPR #spr ], CONT.MSG #msg ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD adp & [ MOD #mod, TAM #tam, PRD #prd ], VAL.SPR #spr ], CONT.MSG #msg ] ]. mod-prep-coord-phrase := prep-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY prep_mod_rel, LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY prep_mod_rel, LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY prep_mod_rel ]. mrk-prep-coord-phrase := prep-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_prep_rel, LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_prep_rel, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_prep_rel ]. prep-top-coord-rule := mod-prep-coord-phrase & [ C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. prep-middle-coord-rule := mod-prep-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL #crel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. mrk-prep-top-coord-rule := mrk-prep-coord-phrase & [ C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. mrk-prep-middle-coord-rule := mrk-prep-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL #crel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. prep-bottom-coord-phrase := bottom-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.MSG #msg, NONCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD adp, CONT.MSG #msg ] ]. ; - multiple monosyndeton/polysyndeton coordination & binary (adversative) coordination p-mono-bot-coord-rule := prep-bottom-coord-phrase & conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. p-mono-mid-coord-rule := prep-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. p-mono-top-coord-rule := prep-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ]. p-mono-top-advers-coord-rule := prep-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left& [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED advers_coord_rel ]. mrkp-mono-mid-coord-rule := mrk-prep-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. mrkp-mono-top-coord-rule := mrk-prep-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ]. mrkp-mono-top-advers-coord-rule := mrk-prep-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left& [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED advers_coord_rel ]. ; - omnisyndeton coordination (only PPs) p-omni-top-coord-rule := prep-top-coord-rule & omni-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. p-omni-mid-coord-rule := prep-middle-coord-rule & omni-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. p-omni-left-coord-rule := prep-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-left-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. p-omni-bot-coord-rule := prep-bottom-coord-phrase & omni-conj-first-bottom-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. ; --- Coordination of determiner ; - los demostrativos pueden coordinarse (este y ese participante deben presentarse ; en la oficina) y yo creo qe los artículos también (el y la estudiente desarrollan ; la creatividad, el y la estudiante explore diferentes posibilidades) ; --- Coordination of unlike categories ; -- Finite completive clauses and VPs may be coordinated with eventive nouns ; (e.g. odio las llegadas de Segundino y que Cecilia se niegue a verlo), but not ; with non-event nouns (e.g. *odio a Segundino y que Cecilia se niegue a verlo) ; unless they are interpreted as two separate events (e.g. Qué cosas te gustaron ; más del viaje? El avión y que el piloto nos mostrara las ciudades durante la ruta) ; Agreement: singular #| nom_verb-coord-phrase := coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3per, CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD noun & [ KEYS.KEY nominalization_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ] ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL.SPR < > ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM fin, MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX event ] ]. n_v-top-coord-rule := nom_verb-coord-phrase & [ C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ]]. n_v-middle-coord-rule := nom_verb-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL #crel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. n_v-mono-mid-coord-rule := n_v-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. n_v-mono-top-coord-rule := n_v-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ]. |# ; -- ADV and PPs; si no son complementos, no se rige el criterio de compatibilidad ; semántica y similitud jerárquica (e.g. va al médico frecuentemente y sin pretexto) adv_prep-coord-phrase := event-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD adv, VAL.COMPS < > ] ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv & [ MOD #mod ], RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD adp & [ MOD #mod ] ] ] ]. adv_prep-top-coord-rule := adv_prep-coord-phrase & [ C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. adv_prep-middle-coord-rule := adv_prep-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL #crel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. av_p-mono-mid-coord-rule := adv_prep-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. av_p-mono-top-coord-rule := adv_prep-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ]. ; -- ADJ y ADV (e.g. comimos maravillosa y estupendamente) adj_adv-coord-phrase := event-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD adv, VAL.COMPS < > ] ], LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT [ POSTHEAD #ph, HEAD adv ] ] ]. adj_adv-top-coord-rule := adj_adv-coord-phrase & [ C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ]]. adj_adv-middle-coord-rule := adj_adv-coord-phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL #crel, C-CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. a_av-mono-mid-coord-rule := adj_adv-middle-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left. a_av-mono-top-coord-rule := adj_adv-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & binary-rule-right-to-left & [ LCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero_or_one, RCOORD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL.PRED non_advers_coord_rel ].