;; Copyright (c) 1987-2002 Franz Inc, Berkeley, Ca. ;; ;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, ;; modify, and distribute this software, and to distribute modified ;; versions, provided that this complete copyright and permission notice is ;; maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting documentation. ;; ;; Franz Incorporated provides this software "as is" without ;; express or implied warranty. ;; $Id: fi-changes.el,v 2007/11/15 04:11:47 layer Exp $ ;; ;; Support for changed definitions (defvar fi:change-definitions-since-default 'last-compile-or-eval "*The value of this variable is used as the default SINCE argument to the changed-definition commands. The value must be one of the symbols file-first-read, buffer-save or last-compile-or-eval, which correspond to SINCE arguments of 1, 2 and 3. The meaning of each of the values are: file-first-read - the changes since the file was first read by emacs are used, buffer-save - the changes since the last buffer save are used, and last-compile-or-eval - the changes since the last compile or eval changed definition command was issued.") (defun fi::change-definition-convert-prefix-argument () (list (if (null current-prefix-arg) fi:change-definitions-since-default (cond ((eq 1 current-prefix-arg) 'file-first-read) ((eq 2 current-prefix-arg) 'buffer-save) ((eq 3 current-prefix-arg) 'last-compile-or-eval) ((eq 4 current-prefix-arg) 'comma-zero) (t (error "prefix argument should be between 1 and 4")))))) (defun fi:list-buffer-changed-definitions (since) "List the definitions in the current buffer which have been added, deleted or changed. See the documentation for the variable fi:change-definitions-since-default for information on the behavior of SINCE." (interactive (fi::change-definition-convert-prefix-argument)) (fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions ':list since)) (defun fi:list-changed-definitions (since) "List the definitions in all buffers which have been added, deleted or changed. See the documentation for the variable fi:change-definitions-since-default for information on the behavior of SINCE." (interactive (fi::change-definition-convert-prefix-argument)) (fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions ':list since t)) (defun fi:eval-buffer-changed-definitions (since) "Eval the definitions in the current buffer which have been added or changed. See the documentation for the variable fi:change-definitions-since-default for information on the behavior of SINCE." (interactive (fi::change-definition-convert-prefix-argument)) (fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions ':eval since)) (defun fi:eval-changed-definitions (since) "Eval the definitions in all buffers which have been added or changed. See the documentation for the variable fi:change-definitions-since-default for information on the behavior of SINCE." (interactive (fi::change-definition-convert-prefix-argument)) (fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions ':eval since t)) (defun fi:compile-buffer-changed-definitions (since) "Compile the definitions in the current buffer which have been added or changed. See the documentation for the variable fi:change-definitions-since-default for information on the behavior of SINCE." (interactive (fi::change-definition-convert-prefix-argument)) (fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions ':compile since)) (defun fi:compile-changed-definitions (since) "Compile the definitions in all buffers which have been added or changed. See the documentation for the variable fi:change-definitions-since-default for information on the behavior of SINCE." (interactive (fi::change-definition-convert-prefix-argument)) (fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions ':compile since t)) (defun fi:copy-buffer-changed-definitions (since) "Copy into the kill ring the definitions in the current buffer which have been added or changed. See the documentation for the variable fi:change-definitions-since-default for information on the behavior of SINCE." (interactive (fi::change-definition-convert-prefix-argument)) (fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions ':copy since)) (defun fi:copy-changed-definitions (since) "Copy into the kill ring the definitions in all buffers which have been added or changed. See the documentation for the variable fi:change-definitions-since-default for information on the behavior of SINCE." (interactive (fi::change-definition-convert-prefix-argument)) (fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions ':copy since t)) (defun fi:compare-source-files (new-file old-file) "Compare two files, NEW-FILE and OLD-FILE, listing the definitions in the in NEW-FILE which have been added, deleted or changed with respect to OLD-FILE." (interactive "fNew file: \nfOld file: ") (find-file new-file) (let ((actual-file (buffer-file-name (find-buffer-visiting new-file))) (xpackage (fi::package))) (fi::make-request (scm::list-changed-definitions :transaction-directory fi:emacs-to-lisp-transaction-directory :operation ':list :actual-file actual-file :old-file old-file :new-file new-file) ((xpackage) (changes) (if changes (fi::show-changes changes nil xpackage) (message "There are no changes."))) (() (error) (error "Cannnot list changed definitions: %s" error))))) ;;; The guts of the problem (defun fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions (operation since &optional all-buffers) (message "Computing changes...") (let ((copy-file-name (and (eq operation ':copy) (format "%s/%s.cl" fi:emacs-to-lisp-transaction-directory (make-temp-name "EtoL"))))) (if all-buffers (let ((args nil)) (save-excursion (dolist (buffer (buffer-list)) (set-buffer buffer) (if (fi::check-buffer-for-changes-p since) (push (fi::compute-file-changed-values-for-current-buffer since) args)))) (if args (apply (function fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions-1) operation since copy-file-name (fi::transpose-list args)) (message "There are no changes."))) (if (fi::check-buffer-for-changes-p since) (apply (function fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions-1) operation since copy-file-name (fi::compute-file-changed-values-for-current-buffer since)) (message "There are no changes."))))) (defvar fi::unlock-file-suffix ",0") (defun fi::check-buffer-for-changes-p (since) "Decide whether this buffer is worth checking for changes." (and (eq major-mode 'fi:common-lisp-mode) (buffer-file-name) (ecase since (comma-zero (file-exists-p (concat (buffer-file-name) fi::unlock-file-suffix))) (file-first-read (or (buffer-modified-p) buffer-backed-up)) (buffer-save (buffer-modified-p)) (last-compile-or-eval ;; Its like this buffer needs an every-modified-flag t)))) (defun fi::compute-file-changed-values-for-current-buffer (since) (let ((actual-file (buffer-file-name)) (old-file (case since (comma-zero (concat (buffer-file-name) fi::unlock-file-suffix)) (t (if (and (not (eq since 'buffer-save)) buffer-backed-up) (car (fi::find-most-recent-backup-file-name (buffer-file-name))) (buffer-file-name)))))) (list actual-file old-file actual-file))) (defun fi::do-buffer-changed-definitions-1 (operation since copy-file-name actual-file old-file new-file) (fi::make-request (scm::list-changed-definitions :operation operation :copy-file-name copy-file-name :actual-file actual-file :old-file old-file :new-file new-file :since since) ((operation copy-file-name) (changes) (if changes (progn (if (eq operation ':copy) (fi::insert-file-contents-into-kill-ring copy-file-name)) (fi::show-changes changes)) (message "There are no changes."))) ((operation) (error) (error (ecase operation (:copy "copy changed definitions: %s") (:list "Cannnot list changed definitions: %s") (:eval "Cannnot evaluate changed definitions: %s") (:compile "Cannnot compile changed definitions: %s")) error)))) (defun fi::show-changes (changes &optional buffer-name xpackage) (lep:display-some-definitions (or xpackage (fi::package)) changes (list 'lep::find-buffer-definition) (or buffer-name "*changes*")))