;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: MAKE -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: allegro-patches.lisp ;;; module: PAGE patches to Allegro CL ;;; version: 2.0 -- 4-jun-1994 ;;; written by: bernd kiefer, dfki saarbruecken ;;; last update: 2-jun-00 ;;; updated by: oe, coli saarbruecken ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; author | date | modification ;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------ ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package :common-lisp-user) ;;; ;;; correct some deficiencies in lispish self-consciousness ;;; #+:allegro-v4.1 (pushnew :clim1 *features*) #+:allegro-v4.2 (pushnew :cltl2 *features*) #+:ansi-cl (pushnew :cltl2 *features*) #+(and (or :linux86 :linux86-64) (not :linux)) (pushnew :linux *features*) ;;; ;;; on Windoze, Allegro CL fails to respect *default-pathname-defaults* :-{. ;;; #+:windows (excl:chdir (make-pathname :device (pathname-device *load-truename*) :directory '(:absolute))) ;;; ;;; load the portable defsystem() from CMU ;;; #-:mk-defsystem (load (make-pathname :directory general-dir :name "defsystem")) (in-package :make) (defvar %binary-dir-name% (or #+(and (version>= 10 0) :linux86-64 :clim) ".l0c4" #+(and (version>= 10 0) :linux86-64 (not :clim)) ".l0s4" #+(and (version>= 10 0) :linux86 :clim) ".l0cl" #+(and (version>= 10 0) :linux86 (not :clim)) ".l0sl" #+(and (version>= 8 2) :linux86-64 :clim) ".l2c4" #+(and (version>= 8 2) :linux86-64 (not :clim)) ".l2s4" #+(and (version>= 8 2) :linux86 :clim) ".l2cl" #+(and (version>= 8 2) :linux86 (not :clim)) ".l2sl" #+(and (version>= 8 2) :sparc :clim) ".s2cl" #+(and (version>= 8 2) :sparc (not :clim)) ".s2sl" #+(and (version>= 8 2) :mswindows :clim) "w2cl" #+(and (version>= 8 2) :mswindows (not :clim)) "w2sl" #+(and (version>= 8 2) :macosx :clim) ".m2cl" #+(and (version>= 8 2) :macosx (not :clim)) ".m2sl" #+(and (version>= 8 1) :linux86-64 :clim) ".l1c4" #+(and (version>= 8 1) :linux86-64 (not :clim)) ".l1s4" #+(and (version>= 8 1) :linux86 :clim) ".l1cl" #+(and (version>= 8 1) :linux86 (not :clim)) ".l1sl" #+(and (version>= 8 1) :sparc :clim) ".s1cl" #+(and (version>= 8 1) :sparc (not :clim)) ".s1sl" #+(and (version>= 8 1) :mswindows :clim) "w1cl" #+(and (version>= 8 1) :mswindows (not :clim)) "w1sl" #+(and (version>= 8 1) :macosx :clim) ".m1cl" #+(and (version>= 8 1) :macosx (not :clim)) ".m1sl" #+(and (version>= 8 0) :linux86-64 :clim) ".l8c4" #+(and (version>= 8 0) :linux86-64 (not :clim)) ".l8s4" #+(and (version>= 8 0) :linux86 :clim) ".l8cl" #+(and (version>= 8 0) :linux86 (not :clim)) ".l8sl" #+(and (version>= 8 0) :sparc :clim) ".s8cl" #+(and (version>= 8 0) :sparc (not :clim)) ".s8sl" #+(and (version>= 8 0) :mswindows :clim) "w8cl" #+(and (version>= 8 0) :mswindows (not :clim)) "w8sl" #+(and (version>= 8 0) :macosx :clim) ".m8cl" #+(and (version>= 8 0) :macosx (not :clim)) ".m8sl" #+(and (version>= 7 0) :linux86-64 :clim) ".l7c4" #+(and (version>= 7 0) :linux86-64 (not :clim)) ".l7s4" #+(and (version>= 7 0) :linux86 :clim) ".l7cl" #+(and (version>= 7 0) :linux86 (not :clim)) ".l7sl" #+(and (version>= 6 0) :linux86 :clim) ".l6cl" #+(and (version>= 6 0) :linux86 (not :clim)) ".l6sl" #+(and (version>= 7 0) :sparc :clim) ".s7cl" #+(and (version>= 7 0) :sparc (not :clim)) ".s7sl" #+(and (version>= 6 0) :sparc :clim) ".s6cl" #+(and (version>= 6 0) :sparc (not :clim)) ".s6sl" #+(and (version>= 7 0) :mswindows :clim) "w7cl" #+(and (version>= 7 0) :mswindows (not :clim)) "w7sl" #+(and (version>= 6 0) :mswindows :clim) "w6cl" #+(and (version>= 6 0) :mswindows (not :clim)) "w6sl" #+(and (version>= 7 0) :macosx :clim) ".m7cl" #+(and (version>= 7 0) :macosx (not :clim)) ".m7sl" #+(and :sparc :clim) ".sacl" #+(and :sparc (not :clim)) ".sasl" #+(and :linux86 :clim) ".lacl" #+(and :linux86 (not :clim)) ".lasl" #+(and :alpha :clim) ".aacl" #+(and :alpha (not :clim)) ".aasl" #+(and :mswindows :clim) "wacl" #+(and :mswindows (not :clim)) "wasl" (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (or (alphanumericp x) (member x '(#\- #\_ #-:mswindows #\.)))) (substitute #\_ #\space (concatenate 'string #-:mswindows "." (or (machine-type) "") "-" (or (software-type) "") "-" (or (lisp-implementation-version) "")))))) ;;; ;;; determine the system type (in terms of hardware and os) in order to set ;;; `bin-dir' (the location of external platform-specific executables) ;;; accordingly (6-feb-96 -- oe@csli) ;;; (defvar %system-binaries% #+:prism "hppa" #+:linux86 "linux.x86.32" #+:linux86-64 "linux.x86.64" #+:sunos4 "sunos" #+(and :sun :svr4) "solaris" #+:alpha "osf" #+:mswindows "windows" #+(and :macosx :powerpc) "macos.ppc.32" #-(or :prism :linux86 :linux86-64 :sunos4 (and :sun :svr4) :alpha :mswindows (and :macosx :powerpc)) (error "~&loadup: unable to determine system type; see file ~ `allegro-patches.lisp'.~%")) ;; ;; for a transition period, suppress compile-time warnings generated by the new ;; SMP API in 8.1. ;; #+(and (version= 8 1) :smp-macros) (setf excl::warn-smp-usage nil) (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel) (let ((excl:*enable-package-locked-errors* nil)) (shadowing-import '(make::defsystem make::undefsystem make::load-system make::compile-system make::clean-system make::find-system) :excl))) (defun run-process (&rest arguments) (apply #'excl:run-shell-command arguments)) (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel) (setf (symbol-function 'getenv) (symbol-function 'system:getenv)) (setf (symbol-function 'user-name) (symbol-function 'system:user-name))) (in-package :mp) (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel) (export 'run-function) (setf (symbol-function 'run-function) (symbol-function 'process-run-function)))