;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: LKB -*- ;;; Copyright (c) 2003--2017 ;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen; ;;; see `LICENSE' for conditions. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: lsp.lsp ;;; module: LKB server protocol ;;; version: 0.0 (17-may-03) ;;; written by: oe, csli stanford ;;; last update: ;;; updated by: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; author | date | modification ;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------ ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #+:allegro (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) (require :process) (require :socket)) (in-package :lkb) (defconstant %lsp-ok% 0) (defconstant %lsp-invalid-module% 1) (defconstant %lsp-invalid-command% 2) (defconstant %lsp-invalid-subcommand% 3) (defconstant %lsp-invalid-asynchronous-command% 4) (defconstant %lsp-syntax-error% 5) (defconstant %lsp-invalid-format% 6) (defconstant %lsp-mysterious-error% 42) (defparameter *lsp-port* 4712) (defparameter *lsp-debug-p* nil) (defparameter %lsp-socket% nil) (defparameter %lsp-server% nil) (defparameter %lsp-clients% nil) (defparameter %lsp-object-counter% 0) (defparameter %lsp-attic% (make-array 512 :initial-element nil)) (defparameter %lsp-free-list% nil) (defstruct client id socket stream process (display #+:clim clim:*default-server-path* #-:clim nil)) (defstruct lspb id context input tchart chart edge dag mrs eds children) #+(or :allegro :ccl :acl-compat) (defun lsp-initialize () (lsp-shutdown) (setf %lsp-socket% (socket:make-socket :connect :passive :local-port *lsp-port*)) (setf %lsp-object-counter% 0) (setf %lsp-attic% (make-array 512 :initial-element nil)) (setf %lsp-free-list% nil) %lsp-socket%) #+(or :allegro :ccl :acl-compat) (defun lsp-shutdown () (loop for client in %lsp-clients% do (lsp-shutdown-client client)) (when %lsp-socket% (when *lsp-debug-p* (format t "~&lsp-shutdown(): shutting down server socket.~%")) (unless (eq mp:*current-process* %lsp-server%) (let ((process %lsp-server%)) (setf %lsp-server% nil) (ignore-errors (mp:process-kill process)))) #-:acl-compat (ignore-errors (socket:shutdown %lsp-socket% :output)) #-:acl-compat (ignore-errors (socket:shutdown %lsp-socket% :input)) (ignore-errors (close %lsp-socket%))) (setf %lsp-socket% nil)) (defun lsp-shutdown-client (client) #+(or :allegro :ccl :acl-compat) (cond ((numberp client) (loop for match in %lsp-clients% when (= client (client-id match)) do (lsp-shutdown-client match))) ((client-p client) (setf %lsp-clients% (delete client %lsp-clients%)) (let ((process (client-process client))) (unless (eq mp:*current-process* process) (mp:process-kill process)) (when *lsp-debug-p* (format t "~&lsp-shutdown(): shutting down client # ~a~%" (client-id client)) (ignore-errors (force-output (client-stream client)) (ignore-errors (close (client-stream client))))))))) #+(or :allegro :ccl :acl-compat) (defun lsp-server (&key wait) (if wait (unwind-protect (loop initially (lsp-initialize) while %lsp-socket% for i from 0 for stream = (socket:accept-connection %lsp-socket% :wait t) when *lsp-debug-p* do (let* ((address (socket:remote-host stream)) (host (socket:ipaddr-to-hostname address)) (port (socket:remote-port stream))) (format t "~&lsp-server(): remote connection from `~a:~a' [~a]~%" host port i)) do (let ((client (make-client :id i :socket %lsp-socket% :stream stream))) (setf (client-process client) (mp:run-function (format nil "LSP Client # ~a" i) #'lsp-loop i stream)) (push client %lsp-clients%))) (lsp-shutdown)) (setf %lsp-server% (mp:run-function "LSP Server" #'lsp-server :wait t)))) (defun lsp-loop (id stream) (loop with *package* = (find-package :lkb) with size = 2048 with buffer = (make-array size :element-type 'character :adjustable nil :fill-pointer 0) while (streamp stream) for n = (loop initially (setf (fill-pointer buffer) 0) for n from 1 for c = (read-char stream nil nil) when (null c) do (format t "~&[~a] lsp-loop(): premature end of file ~ (read ~a characters)~%" id n) (lsp-shutdown-client id) (return) when (= n size) do (incf size size) (setf buffer (adjust-array buffer size)) when (char= c #\page) do (return n) while c do (vector-push c buffer)) when (and (numberp n) (> n 1)) do (lsp-process-event id buffer stream) else do (ignore-errors (close stream)) (return))) (defun lsp-read (id stream) (loop with *package* = (find-package :lkb) with size = 2048 with buffer = (make-array size :element-type 'character :adjustable nil :fill-pointer 0) for n from 1 for c = (read-char stream nil nil) when (null c) do (format t "~&[~a] lsp-read(): premature end of file (read ~a characters)~%" id n) (return) when (= n size) do (incf size size) (setf buffer (adjust-array buffer size)) when (char= c #\page) do (return buffer) while c do (vector-push c buffer))) (defun lsp-process-event (id event stream) #+:lui (declare (special %lui-stream% %lui-eoc%)) #+:debug (setf %id id %event event %stream stream) (let* ((client (loop for client in %lsp-clients% when (= (client-id client) id) return client)) #+:clim (display clim:*default-server-path*) #+:clim (clim:*default-server-path* (if client (client-display client) display)) (command (lsp-parse-command id event)) (waitp (eq (first command) 'wait)) (return %lsp-ok%)) (when (null command) (format stream "~a~c~%" %lsp-syntax-error% #\page) (force-output stream) (return-from lsp-process-event)) (when waitp (pop command)) (when *lsp-debug-p* (format t "~&[~a] lsp-process-event(): received: `~(~a~)'~@[ (wait)~].~%" id command waitp)) (unless (or waitp (null id)) (format stream "~a~c~%" return #\page) (force-output stream)) (multiple-value-bind (foo condition) (ignore-errors (case (pop command) (tsdb (if (find-package :tsdb) (let* ((symbol (find-symbol "LSP-PROCESS-EVENT" :tsdb)) (function (when (fboundp symbol) (symbol-function symbol)))) (if function (setf return (funcall function id command (when waitp stream))) (setf return %lsp-invalid-module%))) (setf return %lsp-invalid-module%))) (mrs (if (find-package :mrs) (let* ((symbol (find-symbol "LSP-PROCESS-EVENT" :mrs)) (function (when (fboundp symbol) (symbol-function symbol)))) (if function (setf return (funcall function id command (when waitp stream))) (setf return %lsp-invalid-module%))) (setf return %lsp-invalid-module%))) (display (when client (setf (client-display client) (if (and (stringp (first command)) (> (length (first command)) 0)) (list (first (client-display client)) :display (first command)) #+:clim display)) (when *lsp-debug-p* (format t "~&[~d] lsp-process-event(): new DISPLAY is `~a'.~%" id (or (third (client-display client)) "local"))))) (grammar (let ((script (pop command))) (when (probe-file script) #+:lui (unless id (format %lui-stream% "status loading~a~%" %lui-eoc%)) (read-script-file-aux script))) #+:lui (unless id (format %lui-stream% "status ready~a~%" %lui-eoc%))) (parse (let* ((input (pop command)) (set (let ((foo (pop command))) (and foo (intern (string foo) :keyword)))) (format (let ((foo (pop command))) (and foo (intern (string foo) :keyword)))) (view (let ((foo (pop command))) (and foo (intern (string foo) :keyword))))) (when (stringp input) (setf *sentence* input) (unless id #+:lui (lui-status (format nil "parsing `~a' ..." input))) (parse (split-into-words (preprocess-sentence-string (string-trim '(#\space #\tab #\newline) input))) nil) (when *parse-record* (setf *parse-record* (nreverse *parse-record*)) (let ((edges (if (eq set :best) (list (first *parse-record*)) *parse-record*))) (unless id #+:lui (lui-status (format nil " done (~d tree~p; ~,2f seconds)~%" (length *parse-record*) (length *parse-record*) (/ (first *parse-times*) 100000)))) (if (eq view :browse) (show-parse edges) (when waitp (lsp-return id stream edges format))))) (when waitp (format stream " ~a" (length *parse-record*)))))) (browse (let* ((context (lsp-retrieve-object id (pop command))) (location (pop command)) (format (let ((foo (pop command))) (and foo (intern (string foo) :keyword)))) (view (let ((foo (pop command))) (and foo (intern (string foo) :keyword)))) (object (lsp-retrieve-object id location))) (when (and object (member format '(:avm :edge :edges :chart :tree :entity :generate :rephrase :mrs :dependencies))) (lsp-browse id context object format view)))) (type (let* ((name (pop command)) (type (and name (get-type-entry name))) (action (pop command))) (if type (case action (hierarchy (display-type-in-tree name)) (skeleton (show-type-spec-aux name type)) (expansion (show-type-aux name type)) #+(or :allegro :mcclim) (source (edit-source name)) (t (format t "~&[~d] lsp-process-event(): invalid type action `~a'~%" id action) (setf return %lsp-invalid-subcommand%))) (format t "~&[~d] lsp-process-event(): invalid type identifier `~a'~%" id name)))) #+:lui (unify (let* ((tdfs1 (let ((n (pop command))) (when (numberp n) (let ((lspb (lsp-retrieve-object id n))) (when (lspb-p lspb) (or (lspb-dag lspb) (edge-dag (lspb-edge lspb)))))))) (path1 (pop command)) (tdfs2 (let ((n (pop command))) (when (numberp n) (let ((lspb (lsp-retrieve-object id n))) (when (lspb-p lspb) (lspb-dag lspb)))))) (path2 (pop command))) (if (and (tdfs-p tdfs1) (tdfs-p tdfs2)) (let* ((tdfs (tdfs-at-end-of path1 (with-unification-context (ignore) (copy-tdfs-elements tdfs1)))) (%failures% nil) (result (debug-yadu! tdfs2 tdfs path2)) (failures %failures%)) (lui-display-fs result (if failures (format nil "Unification Failure~p (~a)" (length failures) (length failures)) "Unification Result") 42 failures)) (format t "~&[~d] lsp-process-event(): invalid unify arguments~%" id)))) ((forget tree avm text chart) (let* ((n (pop command)) (action (let ((foo (pop command))) (and foo (intern (string foo) :keyword))))) (when (or (null action) (eq action :forget)) (lsp-forget-object nil n)))) (quit #+:lui (lui-shutdown)) (t (setf return %lsp-invalid-command%)))) (declare (ignore foo)) (when condition (when *lsp-debug-p* (format t "~&[~d] lsp-process-event(): ~a~%" id condition)) (setf return %lsp-mysterious-error%))) (when waitp (format stream " ~a~c~%" return #\page)) (force-output stream))) (defun lsp-parse-command (id string) (handler-case (loop with *package* = (find-package :lkb) with *readtable* = (lsp-make-readtable) with stream = (make-string-input-stream string) for form = (read stream nil :eof) while (not (eq form :eof)) collect form) (error () (when *lsp-debug-p* (format t "~&[~a] lsp-parse-command(): parse error in `~a'~%" id string))))) (labels ((|[|-reader (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) (read-delimited-list #\] stream t))) (defun lsp-make-readtable () (let ((readtable (copy-readtable))) (set-macro-character #\[ #'|[|-reader nil readtable) (set-macro-character #\] (get-macro-character #\)) nil readtable) readtable))) (defun lsp-find-client (id) (loop for client in %lsp-clients% when (equal id (client-id client)) return client)) (defun lsp-store-object (id object &key globalp) (let ((n (or (pop %lsp-free-list%) (incf %lsp-object-counter%)))) (when (>= %lsp-object-counter% (array-total-size %lsp-attic%)) (setf %lsp-attic% (adjust-array %lsp-attic% (* %lsp-object-counter% 2) :initial-element nil))) (setf (aref %lsp-attic% n) (cons (if globalp -1 id) object)) (when (and (lspb-p object) (null (lspb-id object))) (setf (lspb-id object) n)) n)) (defun lsp-retrieve-object (id n) (when (and (numberp n) (>= n 0) (< n (array-total-size %lsp-attic%))) (let ((bucket (aref %lsp-attic% n))) (when (or (equal (first bucket) -1) (equal (first bucket) id)) (rest bucket))))) (defun lsp-forget-object (id n) (when (and (numberp n) (>= n 0) (< n (array-total-size %lsp-attic%))) (let ((bucket (aref %lsp-attic% n))) (when (and (or (equal (first bucket) -1) (equal (first bucket) id)) (lspb-p (rest bucket))) (loop for child in (lspb-children (rest bucket)) do (lsp-forget-object id child)) (setf (aref %lsp-attic% n) nil) (push n %lsp-free-list%))))) (defun lsp-browse (id context object format view &key title) (declare (ignore context)) #+:debug (setf %context context %object object %format format %view view) (let ((title (or title (format nil "`~a'~@[ [LSP # ~a]~]" (lspb-input object) id)))) (case format (:tree (if (and (lspb-p object) (edge-p (lspb-edge object))) (show-parse (list (lspb-edge object)) title) (show-parse object title))) (:avm (if (eq view :local) (when (edge-p (lspb-edge object)) (display-fs (edge-dag (lspb-edge object)) title)) (display-fs (cond ((tdfs-p (lspb-dag object)) (lspb-dag object)) ((edge-p (lspb-edge object)) (edge-dag (lspb-edge object)))) title))) #+:lui ((:chart :edges) (when (and (lspb-tchart object) (lspb-chart object)) (let ((*tchart* (lspb-tchart object)) (*chart* (lspb-chart object)) (id (show-chart))) (when (numberp id) (lui-chart-event id format object))))) (:entity (when (and (lspb-p object) (edge-p (lspb-edge object))) (let ((edge (lspb-edge object))) (if (rule-p (edge-rule edge)) (display-fs (rule-full-fs (edge-rule edge)) (format nil "Grammar Rule `~(~a~)'" (rule-id (edge-rule edge)))) (let* ((id (first (edge-lex-ids edge))) (entry (get-lex-entry-from-id id))) (when entry (display-fs (lex-entry-full-fs entry) (format nil "Lexical Entry `~(~a~)'" id)))))))) (:generate (let* ((dag (cond ((tdfs-p (lspb-dag object)) (tdfs-indef (lspb-dag object))) ((edge-p (lspb-edge object)) (tdfs-indef (edge-dag (lspb-edge object)))))) (mrs (and dag (mrs::extract-mrs-from-fs dag)))) (when (and mrs (mrs::psoa-p mrs)) (close-existing-chart-windows) (generate-from-mrs mrs) (show-gen-result)))) (:rephrase (when (edge-p (lspb-edge object)) (let ((symbol (when (find-package :mt) (find-symbol "REPHRASE" :mt)))) (when (and symbol (fboundp symbol)) (funcall symbol (lspb-edge object)))))) ((:mrs :dependencies) (let* ((dag (cond ((edge-p (lspb-edge object)) (tdfs-indef (edge-dag (lspb-edge object)))) ((tdfs-p (lspb-dag object)) (tdfs-indef (lspb-dag object))))) (mrs (or (when (edge-p (lspb-edge object)) (edge-mrs (lspb-edge object))) (when dag (mrs::extract-mrs-from-fs dag))))) (mrs::display-mrs nil mrs title (or view :dependencies))))))) (defun lsp-return (id stream edges format) (loop with *package* = (find-package :lkb) for edge in edges when (null edge) do (format t "~&[~a] lsp-return(): null edge (~(~a~))~%" id format) else do (case format (:avm (let* ((dag (tdfs-indef (edge-dag edge))) (string (with-output-to-string (stream) (display-dag1 dag 'compact stream)))) (format stream " ~s" string))) (:tree (let* ((*package* (find-package :lkb)) (string (with-standard-io-syntax (write-to-string (parse-tree-structure edge))))) (format stream " ~s" string) )) ((:mrs :simple :indexed :prolog :scoped :rmrs :dependencies) (when (eq format :mrs) (setf format :simple)) (let* ((device (intern (string format) :mrs)) (mrs (mrs::extract-mrs edge)) (string (with-output-to-string (stream) (mrs::output-mrs1 mrs device stream)))) (format stream " ~s" string)))))) (defun convert-path (symbol) (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)) (*package* (find-package :lkb))) (set-syntax-from-char #\. #\space *readtable*) (read-from-string (if (stringp symbol) symbol (format nil "(~a)" symbol)))))