(in-package :lkb) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) (require :process) (require :aserve) (require :xml-rpc) (set (intern "*DEFAULT-ASERVE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT*" :net.aserve) (excl:crlf-base-ef :utf-8))) (defparameter *rpc-port* 4713) (defparameter *rpc-debug-p* nil) (defparameter *rpc-server* nil) (defparameter %rpc-object-counter% 0) (defparameter %rpc-attic% (make-array 512 :initial-element nil)) (defparameter %rpc-free-list% nil) (defstruct rpcc id edges) (defun rpc-shutdown () (when *rpc-server* (net.xml-rpc:disable-xml-rpc-server *rpc-server*) (setf *rpc-server* nil) (net.aserve:shutdown))) (defun rpc-initialize (&key (port *rpc-port*)) (when *rpc-server* (rpc-shutdown)) (setf %rpc-object-counter% 0) (setf %rpc-attic% (make-array 512 :initial-element nil)) (setf %rpc-free-list% nil) (setf *rpc-server* (net.xml-rpc:make-xml-rpc-server :name "LKB" :start nil :publish '(:path "/") :enable t :introspect t)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; add chart.root() and grammar.instantiate-lexical-type(), though maybe ;; leave the latter undocumented. (27-oct-10; oe) ;; (net.xml-rpc:export-xml-rpc-method *rpc-server* '("grammar.instantiate-lexical-entry" rpc-grammar-instantiate-lexical-entry) :int :int :string :string) (net.xml-rpc:export-xml-rpc-method *rpc-server* '("grammar.instantiate-lexical-entry" rpc-grammar-instantiate-lexical-entry) :int :int :string :string :array) (net.xml-rpc:export-xml-rpc-method *rpc-server* '("grammar.instantiate-rule" rpc-grammar-instantiate-rule) :int :int :string) (net.xml-rpc:export-xml-rpc-method *rpc-server* '("grammar.instantiate-type" rpc-grammar-instantiate-type) :int :int :string) (net.xml-rpc:export-xml-rpc-method *rpc-server* '("chart.create" rpc-chart-create) :int) (net.xml-rpc:export-xml-rpc-method *rpc-server* '("chart.release" rpc-chart-release) :int :int) (net.xml-rpc:export-xml-rpc-method *rpc-server* '("chart.combine" rpc-chart-combine) :int :int :int :int :int) (net.xml-rpc:export-xml-rpc-method *rpc-server* '("chart.root" rpc-chart-root) :int :int :int :string) (net.aserve:start :port port :external-format (excl:crlf-base-ef :utf-8)) (net.xml-rpc:enable-xml-rpc-server *rpc-server*) (setf (sys:gsgc-parameter :auto-step) nil) (excl:gc :tenure)) (defun rpc-grammar-instantiate-lexical-entry (id form instance &optional tokens) (let* ((*package* *lkb-package*) (*edge-registry* nil) (chart (rpc-retrieve-object nil id)) (name (intern (string-upcase instance) *lkb-package*)) (instance (ignore-errors (get-lex-entry-from-id name))) (result (when instance (copy-tdfs-completely (lex-entry-full-fs instance))))) (when (or (null chart) (not (rpcc-p chart))) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-instantiate-lexical-entry(): invalid chart handle #~a.~%" id)) (return-from rpc-grammar-instantiate-lexical-entry -1)) (when (null instance) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-instantiate-lexical-entry(): invalid instance `~(~a~)'.~%" name)) (return-from rpc-grammar-instantiate-lexical-entry -2)) (compress-dag (tdfs-indef (lex-entry-full-fs instance))) (forget-psort *lexicon* (lex-entry-id instance)) (when (and tokens *lexicon-tokens-path* *lexicon-last-token-path*) (with-unification-context (foo) (loop for token in tokens for path = *lexicon-tokens-path* then (append path *list-tail*) for i from 0 while result do (setf result (yadu! result token (append path *list-head*))) finally (when result (let ((token (first (last tokens)))) (setf result (yadu! result token *lexicon-last-token-path*))) (when result (setf result (copy-tdfs-elements result)))))) (when (null result) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-instantiate-lexical-entry(): ~ tokens unification failure in `~(~a~)'.~%" name)) (return-from rpc-grammar-instantiate-lexical-entry -2))) (let* ((ids (list (lex-entry-id instance))) (edge (make-edge :dag result :category (indef-type-of-tdfs result) :rule form :leaves (list form) :lex-ids ids)) (id (rpc-store-object (rpcc-id chart) edge))) (setf (edge-id edge) id) (push edge (rpcc-edges chart)) id))) (defun rpc-grammar-instantiate-rule (id instance) (let* ((*package* *lkb-package*) (*edge-registry* nil) (chart (rpc-retrieve-object nil id)) (name (intern (string-upcase instance) *lkb-package*)) (instance (ignore-errors (or (get-lex-rule-entry name) (get-grammar-rule-entry name))))) (when (or (null chart) (not (rpcc-p chart))) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-instantiate-lexical-entry(): invalid chart handle #~a.~%" id)) (return-from rpc-grammar-instantiate-rule -1)) (when (null instance) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-instantiate-rule(): invalid instance `~(~a~)'.~%" name)) (return-from rpc-grammar-instantiate-rule -2)) (let* ((result (copy-tdfs-completely (rule-full-fs instance))) (edge (make-edge :dag result :category (indef-type-of-tdfs result) :rule instance :leaves nil :lex-ids nil :children nil)) (id (rpc-store-object (rpcc-id chart) edge))) (setf (edge-id edge) id) (push edge (rpcc-edges chart)) (compress-dag (tdfs-indef (rule-full-fs instance))) id))) (defun rpc-grammar-instantiate-type (id instance) (let* ((*package* *lkb-package*) (*edge-registry* nil) (chart (rpc-retrieve-object nil id)) (name (intern (string-upcase instance) *lkb-package*)) (instance (ignore-errors (eval-possible-leaf-type *leaf-types* name) (get-type-entry name))) (result (when instance (copy-tdfs-completely (ltype-tdfs instance))))) (when (or (null chart) (not (rpcc-p chart))) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-instantiate-type(): invalid chart handle #~a.~%" id)) (return-from rpc-grammar-instantiate-type -1)) (when (null instance) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-instantiate-type(): invalid instance `~(~a~)'.~%" name)) (return-from rpc-grammar-instantiate-type -2)) (let* ((edge (make-edge :dag result :category (indef-type-of-tdfs result) :rule name :leaves (list name))) (id (rpc-store-object (rpcc-id chart) edge))) (setf (edge-id edge) id) (push edge (rpcc-edges chart)) id))) (defun rpc-chart-create () (let* ((*package* *lkb-package*) (chart (make-rpcc)) (id (rpc-store-object nil chart))) (setf (rpcc-id chart) id) id)) (defun rpc-chart-release (id) (let* ((*package* *lkb-package*) (chart (rpc-retrieve-object nil id))) (when (or (null chart) (not (rpcc-p chart))) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-chart-release(): invalid chart handle #~a.~%" id)) (return-from rpc-chart-release -1)) (loop for edge in (rpcc-edges chart) do (rpc-forget-object id (edge-id edge))) (rpc-forget-object nil id) (purge-edge-registry) (invalidate-marks) (invalidate-visit-marks) #+:pooling (reset-pools :compressp t) (excl:gc)) 0) (defun rpc-chart-combine (id mother child index) (let* ((*package* *lkb-package*) (*edge-registry* nil) (chart (rpc-retrieve-object nil id))) (when (or (null chart) (not (rpcc-p chart))) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-chart-combine(): invalid chart handle #~a.~%" id)) (return-from rpc-chart-combine -1)) (let* ((id (rpcc-id chart)) (medge (rpc-retrieve-object id mother)) (cedge (rpc-retrieve-object id child))) (when (null medge) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-instantiate-rule(): invalid mother edge handle #~a.~%" mother)) (return-from rpc-chart-combine -2)) (when (null cedge) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-instantiate-rule(): invalid child edge handle #~a.~%" child)) (return-from rpc-chart-combine -3)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; should also check .index. against arity of the rule. (26-oct-10; oe) ;; (with-unification-context (ignore) (let* ((path (loop for i from 1 to index append *list-tail*)) (path (append *args-path* path *list-head*)) (mtdfs (edge-dag medge)) (ctdfs (edge-dag cedge)) (result (yadu! mtdfs ctdfs path)) (*deleted-daughter-features* nil) (result (and result (copy-tdfs-elements result))) (edge (when result (make-edge :dag result :category (indef-type-of-tdfs result) :rule (edge-rule medge) :children (cons cedge (edge-children medge))))) (id (if edge (rpc-store-object(rpcc-id chart) edge) 0))) (when edge (setf (edge-id edge) id) (push edge (rpcc-edges chart))) id))))) (defun rpc-chart-root (id edge instance) (let* ((*package* *lkb-package*) (chart (rpc-retrieve-object nil id))) (when (or (null chart) (not (rpcc-p chart))) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-chart-root(): invalid chart handle #~a.~%" id)) (return-from rpc-chart-root -1)) (let* ((id (rpcc-id chart)) (name (intern (string-upcase instance) *lkb-package*)) (root (get-tdfs-given-id name)) (foo (rpc-retrieve-object id edge))) (when (null foo) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-chart-root(): invalid edge handle #~a.~%" edge)) (return-from rpc-chart-root -2)) (when (null root) (when *rpc-debug-p* (format *error-output* "rpc-chart-root(): invalid instance `~(~a~)'.~%" name)) (return-from rpc-chart-root -3)) (setf edge foo) (let ((tdfs (edge-dag edge))) (if (and (yaduablep root tdfs) (or (null *additional-root-condition*) (funcall *additional-root-condition* tdfs))) 1 0))))) (let ((lock (mp:make-process-lock))) (defun rpc-store-object (id object &key globalp) (mp:with-process-lock (lock) (let ((n (or (pop %rpc-free-list%) (incf %rpc-object-counter%)))) (when (>= %rpc-object-counter% (array-total-size %rpc-attic%)) (setf %rpc-attic% (adjust-array %rpc-attic% (* %rpc-object-counter% 2) :initial-element nil))) (setf (aref %rpc-attic% n) (cons (if globalp -1 id) object)) n))) (defun rpc-retrieve-object (id n) (mp:with-process-lock (lock) (when (and (numberp n) (>= n 0) (< n (array-total-size %rpc-attic%))) (let ((bucket (aref %rpc-attic% n))) (when (or (equal (first bucket) -1) (equal (first bucket) id)) (rest bucket)))))) (defun rpc-forget-object (id n) (mp:with-process-lock (lock) (when (and (numberp n) (>= n 0) (< n (array-total-size %rpc-attic%))) (let ((bucket (aref %rpc-attic% n))) (when (or (equal (first bucket) -1) (equal (first bucket) id)) (setf (aref %rpc-attic% n) nil) (push n %rpc-free-list%)))))))