;;; Copyright (c) 1991-2018 John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen, Benjamin Waldron ;;; see LICENSE for conditions ;;; modifications by bmw (dec-03) ;;; - internal reworking of cdb-lex-database + cdb-leaf-database classes ;;; and associated script functions ;;; modified for defaults 1995 ;;; (in-package :lkb) ;;; removed read-checked-type-file ;;; display-setting stuff is currently commented out ;;; Input from type files ;;; New - anything following a / is default ;;; Type specifications have the following syntax (in BNF): ;;; ;;; Type specification -> typename Parents Constraint DefConstraint* . | ;;; typename Parents DefConstraint* . | ;;; Comment ;;; Comment -> ; anything eol ;;; Parents -> ( Typename_list ) | ( ) ;;; Typename_list -> typename | typename Typename_list ;;; DefConstraint -> / persistence Constraint ;;; Constraint -> Path_spec_list ;;; Path_spec_list -> Path_spec | Path_spec Path_spec_list ;;; Path_spec -> EPath = Typevalue | Path = Path ;;; Typevalue -> typename | ( typename+ ) ;;; Epath -> Path | <> ;;; Path -> < Type_F_pair_list > ;;; Type_F_pair_list -> Type_Feature_pair | ;;; Type_Feature_pair : Type_F_pair_list ;;; Type_Feature_pair -> typename feature | feature ;;; ;;; ;;; typename and feature are terminal symbols (Lisp atoms) ;;; so is persistence ;;; other symbols are < > ( ) = : . / ;;; (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (proclaim '(special *DISPLAY-SETTINGS-FILE*))) ;;; to avoid warnings with tty version (defun make-path-notation-break-table nil (define-break-characters '(#\; #\< #\> #\= #\: #\. #\/))) (defvar *type-file-list* nil) (defvar *leaf-type-file-list* nil) (defun clear-type-load-files nil (setf *type-file-list* nil) (setf *leaf-type-file-list* nil)) (defparameter *amend-error* nil "boolean that is set to t if an error in amending a type is detected") (defun read-type-file nil (let* ((file-name (ask-user-for-existing-pathname "Type file?")) (settings-file (or *display-settings-file* (ask-user-for-existing-pathname "Display settings file? (Cancel if none)")))) (when file-name (if (eql *lkb-system-version* :page) (read-tdl-type-file-aux file-name settings-file) (read-type-file-aux file-name settings-file))))) (defun read-type-files nil (let* ((file-names (ask-user-for-existing-pathnames "Type file? (Cancel to finish)")) (settings-file (or *display-settings-file* (ask-user-for-existing-pathname "Display settings file? (Cancel if none)")))) (when file-names (if (eql *lkb-system-version* :page) (read-tdl-type-files-aux file-names settings-file) (read-type-files-aux file-names settings-file))))) (defun read-type-file-aux (file-name &optional settings-file) (read-type-files-aux (list file-name) settings-file)) (defun read-type-files-aux (file-names &optional settings-file) (setf *type-file-list* file-names) (clear-types) (let ((*readtable* (make-path-notation-break-table))) (loop for file-name in file-names do (format t "~%Reading in type file ~A" (pathname-name file-name)) (force-output) (with-open-file (istream file-name :direction :input) (read-type-stream istream)))) ;; check-type-table is in checktypes.lsp (when (check-type-table) (canonicalise-feature-order) (when settings-file (set-up-display-settings settings-file)) (set-up-type-interactions) t)) (defun read-leaf-type-file nil (let* ((file-name (ask-user-for-existing-pathname "Leaf type file?"))) (when file-name (read-GENERAL-leaf-type-files-aux file-name)))) (defun read-GENERAL-leaf-type-files-aux (filenames) (unless (listp filenames) (setf filenames (list filenames))) (close-leaf-db *leaf-types*) (set-temporary-lexicon-filenames) (open-leaf-db *leaf-types* *leaf-temp-file*) (open-write *leaf-types*) (mapc #'read-GENERAL-leaf-type-file-aux-internal filenames) (open-read *leaf-types*)) ;; takes open *leaf-types* obj (defmethod read-GENERAL-leaf-type-file-aux-internal (filename) (unless (open-write-p *leaf-types*) (error "leaf db ~a not open for writing" *leaf-types*)) (pushnew filename *leaf-type-file-list* :test #'equal) (let ((*readtable* (make-tdl-break-table)) (*leaf-type-addition* t)) (with-open-file (istream filename :direction :input) (format t "~%Reading in leaf type file ~A" (pathname-name filename)) (if (eql *lkb-system-version* :page) (read-tdl-type-stream istream) (read-type-stream istream))))) (defun read-leaf-type-file-aux (filenames) (read-GENERAL-leaf-type-files-aux filenames)) (defun read-leaf-type-file-aux-internal (filename) (read-GENERAL-leaf-type-file-aux-internal filename)) (defun read-cached-leaf-types-if-available (filenames) (unless (listp filenames) (setf filenames (list filenames))) (setf *leaf-type-file-list* filenames) (cond ((null filenames) (error "no file names supplied")) ((not (check-load-names filenames 'leaf-type)) (cerror "Continue with script" "Leaf type file not found") (close-leaf-db *leaf-types*) (set-temporary-lexicon-filenames) (open-leaf-db *leaf-types* *leaf-temp-file*) (open-read *leaf-types*)) (t (close-leaf-db *leaf-types*) (set-temporary-lexicon-filenames) (open-leaf-db *leaf-types* *leaf-temp-file*) (unless (read-cached-leaf-types *leaf-types* filenames) (read-GENERAL-leaf-type-files-aux filenames))))) (defun reload-leaf-files nil (let ((filenames *leaf-type-file-list*)) (setf *syntax-error* nil) (when (check-load-names filenames 'leaf-type) (clear-leaf-types *leaf-types*) (read-GENERAL-leaf-type-files-aux filenames)) (format t "~%Reload complete"))) ;(defun read-type-patch-files nil ; (setf *syntax-error* nil) ; (when (check-load-names *type-file-list* 'type) ; (unless (eql *lkb-system-version* :page) ; (error "~%Patching currently only available for TDL syntax")) ; (clear-types-for-patching-constraints) ; (read-tdl-patch-files-aux *type-file-list*) ; (format t "~%Reload complete"))) ;;; All the above functions eventually call the following (defun read-type-stream (istream) (loop (let ((next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (when (eql next-char 'eof) (return)) (if (eql next-char #\;) (read-line istream) (read-type-entry istream))))) (defun read-type-entry (istream) (let* ((name (lkb-read istream nil)) (parents (read-parent-list istream name)) (comment nil) (next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (when (and (symbolp name) (eql (schar (symbol-name name) 0) #\%)) (error "Illegal type name ~A - names starting with '%' are reserved ~ for instance types" name)) (push name *ordered-type-list*) (when (eql next-char #\") (setf comment (read istream)) (setf next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (cond ((eql next-char 'eof) (cerror "Continue" "~%Unexpected end of file at type ~A Possibly a missing ." name)) ((char= next-char #\.) (read-char istream) (add-type-from-file name parents nil nil comment)) ((char= next-char #\/) (let ((def-constraint (read-defaults istream name nil))) (add-type-from-file name parents nil def-constraint comment)) (check-for #\. istream name)) ((char= next-char #\<) (let* ((constraint (read-path-spec-list istream name)) (next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (if (char= next-char #\/) (let ((def-constraint (read-defaults istream name nil))) (add-type-from-file name parents constraint def-constraint comment)) (add-type-from-file name parents constraint nil comment))) (check-for #\. istream name)) (t (if (eql name '>) (error "~%Badly formed type specification - probably a period occurred before the end of a unification specialisation") (error "~%Badly formed type specification for ~A" name)))))) (defun read-parent-list (istream name) (let ((parents (read istream))) (unless (listp parents) (error "~%Parents of ~A are ~A: should be a list" name parents)) (if (every #'symbolp parents) parents (loop for parent in parents collect (if (symbolp parent) parent (convert-to-lkb-symbol parent)))))) (defun read-defaults (istream name defaults-so-far) ;;; keeps reading while next stuff begins with a slash ;;; returns an a-list of persistence atom cons ;;; with the results from read-path-spec-list (check-for #\/ istream name) (let ((next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (when (char= next-char #\<) (error "Missing persistence label in ~A" name)) (let ((persistence (lkb-read istream nil))) (push (cons persistence (read-path-spec-list istream name)) defaults-so-far) (setf next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof)) (if (char= next-char #\/) (read-defaults istream name defaults-so-far) defaults-so-far)))) (defun read-path-spec-list (istream name) ;;; Path_spec_list -> Path_spec | Path_spec Path_spec_list ;;; Path_spec -> Path = typename | Path = Path ;;; Path -> < Type_F_pair_list > ;;; Type_F_pair_list -> Type_Feature_pair | ;;; Type_Feature_pair : Type_F_pair_list ;;; Type_Feature_pair -> typename feature | feature ;;; ;;; read a list of path specs ;;; finishes when . or / is found (let ((path-spec-list nil)) (loop (let ((next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (when (eql next-char 'eof) (error "~%Unexpected eof when reading ~A" name)) (when (or (char= next-char #\.) (char= next-char #\/) (char= next-char #\-)) (return)) (if (or (eql next-char #\;) (eql next-char #\%)) ; % is for Bernie's stuff in morphology files (read-line istream) (let ((item (read-path-spec istream name))) (push item path-spec-list))))) (reverse path-spec-list))) (defun read-path-spec (istream name) (let ((lhs (read-real-path istream name))) (check-for #\= istream name) (make-unification :lhs lhs :rhs (read-path istream name)))) (defun read-real-path (istream name) (check-for #\< istream name) (read-typed-path istream name)) (defun read-path (istream name) (let ((next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (cond ((eq next-char #\<) (read-char istream) (read-typed-path istream name)) (t (let ((value (lkb-read istream t))) (make-u-value :type value)))))) (defun read-typed-path (istream name) (let ((typed-feature-list nil)) (loop (let ((next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (when (eql next-char 'eof) (error "~%Unexpected eof when reading ~A" name)) (when (char= next-char #\>) (read-char istream) (return)) (push (read-type-feature-pair istream name) typed-feature-list))) (make-typed-path :typed-feature-list (nreverse typed-feature-list)))) (defun read-type-feature-pair (istream name) ; the seperating : has to be delimited by spaces at the moment (unless *toptype* (error "No top type has been defined")) (let* ((token (lkb-read istream nil)) (next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (cond ((eql next-char 'eof) (error "~%Unexpected eof when reading ~A" name)) ((char= next-char #\>) (make-type-feature-pair :type *toptype* :feature token)) ((char= next-char #\:) (read-char istream) (make-type-feature-pair :type *toptype* :feature token)) (t (let* ((feature (lkb-read istream nil)) (end-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (cond ((eql end-char 'eof) (error "~%Unexpected eof when reading ~A" name)) ((char= end-char #\>) (make-type-feature-pair :type token :feature feature)) ((char= end-char #\:) (read-char istream) (make-type-feature-pair :type token :feature feature)) (t (error "~%Incorrect path spec in ~A" name))))))))