;;;; Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Henrik Hjelte ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; See the file LICENSE for terms of use and distribution. (in-package :json) (defvar *class-registry* nil "A list of anonymous fluid classes, one member for every distinct combination of direct superclasses.") (defmacro with-local-class-registry ((&key inherit) &body body) "Run BODY in a dynamic environment where *CLASS-REGISTRY* is a temporary local list. If :INHERIT is non-null, the local registry shall initially have the same content as the exterior *CLASS-REGISTRY*, otherwise it shall be NIL." `(let ((*class-registry* ,(if inherit `(copy-alist ,(if (eql inherit t) '*class-registry* inherit))))) ,@body)) (defun clear-class-registry () "Reset the *CLASS-REGISTRY* to NIL." (setq *class-registry* nil)) (defun find-class* (class-designator) "Like FIND-CLASS, but allow self-designating classes for the argument, and assert that the resulting class is a STANDARD-CLASS." (let ((class (if (typep class-designator 'class) class-designator (or (find-class class-designator nil) (error 'cell-error :name 'class-designator))))) (check-type class standard-class) class)) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) (defclass fluid-class (standard-class) () (:documentation "A class to whose instances arbitrary new slots may be added on the fly."))) (defmethod add-direct-subclass ((superclass class) (subclass fluid-class)) "Fluid classes are thought to be anonymous, and so should not be registered in the superclass." (declare (ignore superclass subclass)) (values)) (defmethod remove-direct-subclass ((superclass class) (subclass fluid-class)) "Fluid classes are thought to be anonymous, and so should not be registered in the superclass." (declare (ignore superclass subclass)) (values)) (defmethod validate-superclass ((class fluid-class) (superclass standard-class)) "Any fluid class is also a standard class." t) (finalize-inheritance (defclass fluid-object (standard-object) () (:documentation "Any instance of a fluid class.") (:metaclass fluid-class))) (defmethod compute-class-precedence-list ((class fluid-class)) "Objects of fluid classes are fluid objects." (loop for c in (call-next-method) with standard = (find-class 'standard-object) and fluid = (find-class 'fluid-object) if (eq c fluid) do (setq fluid nil) else if (and (eq c standard) fluid) collect fluid collect c)) (defmethod slot-missing ((class fluid-class) (object fluid-object) name (op (eql 'slot-boundp)) &optional new-value) "A missing slot in a fluid class is considered unbound." (declare (ignore class object name op new-value)) nil) (defmethod slot-missing ((class fluid-class) (object fluid-object) name (op (eql 'slot-makunbound)) &optional new-value) "A missing slot in a fluid class is considered unbound." (declare (ignore class name op new-value)) object) (defmethod slot-missing ((class fluid-class) (object fluid-object) name (op (eql 'slot-value)) &optional new-value) "On attempting to get the value of a missing slot, raise a slot-unbound error." (declare (ignore op new-value)) (slot-unbound class object name)) (defmethod slot-missing ((class fluid-class) (object fluid-object) name (op (eql 'setf)) &optional new-value) "On attempting to set a missing slot, add the slot to the class, then repeat SETF." (reinitialize-instance class :direct-superclasses (class-direct-superclasses class) :direct-slots (let ((extant-slots (class-direct-slots class))) (if (null extant-slots) `((:name ,name)) (loop for slots on extant-slots for slot-name = (slot-definition-name (car slots)) if (endp (cdr slots)) collect `(:name ,slot-name) and collect `(:name ,name) else collect `(:name ,slot-name))))) (make-instances-obsolete class) (setf (slot-value object name) new-value)) (defun ensure-fluid-class-with-slots (slots superclasses &optional extant-class) "Create or update a fluid class, ensuring that it has (at least) all the given SLOTS and SUPERCLASSES." (flet ((extant-slot-p (name) (lambda (class) (loop for slot in (class-slots class) thereis (eq (slot-definition-name slot) name)))) (slot-init (name) `(:name ,name))) (if extant-class (let* ((extant-superclasses (class-direct-superclasses extant-class)) (new-superclasses (remove-if (lambda (class) (find class extant-superclasses)) superclasses)) (extant-slots (mapcar #'slot-definition-name (class-direct-slots extant-class))) (new-slots (remove-if (lambda (name) (let ((containing (extant-slot-p name))) (or (funcall containing extant-class) (some containing superclasses)))) slots))) (if (or new-superclasses new-slots) (make-instances-obsolete (reinitialize-instance extant-class :direct-superclasses (append extant-superclasses new-superclasses) :direct-slots (mapcar #'slot-init (nconc extant-slots new-slots))))) extant-class) (make-instance 'fluid-class ;; CMUCL's PCL implementation tries to perform (SETF ;; KERNEL::FIND-CLASS) on dynamically created fluid classes ;; which leads to an error if the class has a NIL name. :name #-cmu nil #+cmu (gensym "FLUID") :direct-superclasses superclasses :direct-slots (loop for slot in slots unless (some (extant-slot-p slot) superclasses) collect (slot-init slot)))))) (defun make-and-populate-instance (class bindings) "Make an instance of the given CLASS, and set its slots to given values. BINDINGS must be a list of pairs whose CARs are slot names and CDRs are the respective values. If no slot of a given name is defined in the CLASS, the corresponding value is discarded." (let ((object (make-instance class))) (if (typep class 'fluid-class) (loop for slot in (class-direct-slots class) for slot-name = (slot-definition-name slot) if (and (slot-boundp object slot-name) (null (slot-value object slot-name))) do (slot-makunbound object slot-name))) (loop for (slot . value) in bindings if (slot-exists-p object slot) do (setf (slot-value object slot) value)) object)) (defgeneric make-object (bindings class &optional superclasses) (:documentation "If CLASS is not NIL, create an instance of that class. Otherwise, create a fluid object whose class has the given SUPERCLASSES (null list by default). In either case, populate the resulting object using BINDINGS (an alist of slot names and values).")) (defmethod make-object (bindings (class (eql nil)) &optional (superclasses nil)) "Create a FLUID-OBJECT with the slots given by BINDINGS and whose class has all the given SUPERCLASSES. If the current *CLASS-REGISTRY* has a member with exactly the same direct superclasses, it is updated to include all the given slots. Otherwise, a new FLUID-CLASS is allocated and added to the *CLASS-REGISTRY*." (let* ((superclasses (mapcar #'find-class* (if (find-if (lambda (c) (subtypep c 'fluid-object)) superclasses) superclasses (append superclasses (list 'fluid-object))))) (extant-class-etc (member superclasses *class-registry* :test #'equal :key #'class-direct-superclasses)) (extant-class (car extant-class-etc)) (updated-class (ensure-fluid-class-with-slots (mapcar #'car bindings) superclasses extant-class))) (if extant-class (if (not (eq extant-class updated-class)) (setf (car extant-class-etc) updated-class)) (push updated-class *class-registry*)) (make-and-populate-instance updated-class bindings))) (defmethod make-object (bindings class &optional superclasses) "If the CLASS is explicitly specified, just create and populate an instance, discarding any of the BINDINGS which do not correspond to the slots of that CLASS." (declare (ignore superclasses)) (let ((class (find-class* class))) (make-and-populate-instance class bindings))) (defmethod make-object (bindings (class (eql (find-class 'cons))) &optional superclasses) "If the CLASS is given as 'CONS, return the BINDINGS as alist." (declare (ignore superclasses)) (copy-seq bindings)) (defmethod make-object (bindings (class (eql (find-class 'list))) &optional superclasses) "If the CLASS is given as 'LIST, return the BINDINGS as plist." (declare (ignore superclasses)) (loop for (key . value) in bindings collect key collect value)) (defmethod make-object (bindings (class (eql (find-class 'hash-table))) &optional superclasses) "If the CLASS is given as 'HASH-TABLE, return the BINDINGS as hash table." (declare (ignore superclasses)) (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (loop for (key . value) in bindings do (setf (gethash key table) value)) table)) (defmethod make-object (bindings (class symbol) &optional superclasses) "If the CLASS is given as a symbol, find it and resort to the usual procedure." (declare (ignore superclasses)) (make-object bindings (find-class class))) (defun max-package (symbols &key ((:initial-value package) (find-package '#:common-lisp))) "Try to find a package P such that the names of the given SYMBOLS, when interned in P, yield the same symbols. If no such package exists, return an unspecific value and issue a warning." (labels ((symbol-in-package-p (symbol) (eq (find-symbol (symbol-name symbol) package) symbol)) (update-package-for-symbol (symbol) (if (not (symbol-in-package-p symbol)) (setq package (symbol-package symbol)))) (check-symbol (symbol) (if (not (symbol-in-package-p symbol)) (warn "Symbol ~S cannot be found in apparent package ~S." symbol package)))) (mapc #'update-package-for-symbol symbols) (mapc #'check-symbol symbols) package)) (defun package-name* (package) "Same as PACKAGE-NAME, but ensure that the result is a symbol." (let ((name (package-name package))) (if (stringp name) (make-symbol name) name))) (defvar *prototype-name* 'prototype "The key of the prototype field in a JSON Object, and the name of a slot in a Lisp object which accepts its prototype.") (defclass prototype () ((lisp-class :initarg :lisp-class :reader lisp-class) (lisp-superclasses :initarg :lisp-superclasses :reader lisp-superclasses) (lisp-package :initarg :lisp-package :reader lisp-package)) (:default-initargs :lisp-class nil :lisp-superclasses nil :lisp-package nil) (:documentation "A PROTOTYPE contains metadata for an object's class in a format easily serializable to JSON: either the name of the class as a string or (if it is anonymous) the names of the superclasses as a list of strings; and the name of the Lisp package into which the names of the class's slots and the name of the class / superclasses are to be interned.")) (defmethod make-load-form ((prototype prototype) &optional environment) (declare (ignore environment)) `(make-instance 'prototype ,@(if (slot-boundp prototype 'lisp-class) `(:lisp-class ,(lisp-class prototype))) ,@(if (slot-boundp prototype 'lisp-superclasses) `(:lisp-superclasses ,(lisp-superclasses prototype))) ,@(if (slot-boundp prototype 'lisp-package) `(:lisp-package ,(lisp-package prototype))))) (defgeneric make-object-prototype (object &optional slot-names) (:documentation "Return a PROTOTYPE describing the OBJECT's class or superclasses, and the package into which the names of the class / superclasses and of the OBJECT's slots are to be interned.")) (defmethod make-object-prototype (object &optional slot-names) "Return a PROTOTYPE describing the OBJECT's class or superclasses, and the package into which the names of the class / superclasses and of the OBJECT's slots are to be interned." (let* ((class (class-of object)) (class-name (if class (class-name class))) (superclass-names (if (not class-name) (set-difference (mapcar #'class-name (class-direct-superclasses class)) '(standard-object fluid-object)))) (package (max-package (append superclass-names slot-names) :initial-value (if class-name (symbol-package class-name) (find-package '#:common-lisp))))) (make-instance 'prototype :lisp-class class-name :lisp-superclasses superclass-names :lisp-package (package-name* package)))) (defmethod make-object-prototype ((class-name symbol) &optional slot-names) "Return a PROTOTYPE of an object of the class named by CLASS-NAME." (let ((package (max-package slot-names :initial-value (symbol-package class-name)))) (make-instance 'prototype :lisp-class class-name :lisp-package (package-name* package)))) (defmethod make-object-prototype ((object prototype) &optional slot-names) "Prototypes are not to be given their own prototypes, otherwise we would proceed ad malinfinitum." (declare (ignore object slot-names)) nil) (defun maybe-add-prototype (object prototype) "If the PROTOTYPE is not NIL, and the OBJECT has a slot to accept it, do set it. Return OBJECT." (if (and prototype (slot-exists-p object *prototype-name*)) (setf (slot-value object *prototype-name*) prototype)) object) (defun map-slots (function object) "Call FUNCTION on the name and value of every bound slot in OBJECT." (loop for slot in (class-slots (class-of object)) for slot-name = (slot-definition-name slot) if (slot-boundp object slot-name) do (funcall function slot-name (slot-value object slot-name))))