;;; Hey, emacs(1), this is -*- Mode: Common-Lisp; Package: MRS; -*- got it? ;;; Copyright (c) 1998--2018 ;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen; ;;; see `LICENSE' for conditions. (in-package :lkb) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (export '(edge-dag follow-pointers existing-dag-at-end-of dag-p type-of-fs tdfs-p tdfs-indef lex-entry-id lex-entry-full-fs dag-arcs subtype-p extend-typed-path path-p typed-path-p path-typed-feature-list typed-path-typed-feature-list type-feature-pair-p type-feature-pair-feature type-feature-pair-type *parse-record* *toptype* ;; for vitrification *ordered-mrs-rule-list* make-funny-unification funny-unification-rhs funny-unification-lhs funny-unification-p mrs-rule-sexp-p mrs-rule-sexp-value mrs-rule-predicate-p mrs-rule-predicate-value mrs-rule-constant-p mrs-rule-constant-value ;; for lexlookup make-pv-unif construct-tdfs create-wffs process-unifications yadu))) #-(or :excl :acl-compat) (defpackage "EXCL") #-:lkb (defun define-break-characters (char-list) (let ((temporary-readtable (copy-readtable *readtable*))) (dolist (break-char char-list) (set-macro-character break-char #'(lambda (stream x) (declare (ignore stream)) x) nil temporary-readtable)) temporary-readtable)) (in-package :mrs) (defconstant *mrs-package* :lkb) (let ((vsym-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (defun vsym (str) ;; allow mrsglobals files to be system independent ;; implemented as a memo function since it is called a lot ;; use an equal test rather than the weaker case-insensitive equalp, since it is faster ;; and the overall behaviour is no different ;; *mrs-package* is a constant - since it can't change we don't need to worry about ;; the cache contents ever becoming invalid (or (gethash str vsym-cache) (setf (gethash str vsym-cache) (intern (string-upcase str) *mrs-package*)))) ) ;;; ;;; the following functions are basically accessors for those parts of feature ;;; structures that are used in constructing an MRS from a parse result; also, ;;; the functions interfacing to the type system are used in various places, ;;; including the equivalence test on MRSs and the munging machinery. (defun get-parse-fs (edge) ;; ;; given a parse result (i.e. whatever structure the parser returns _after_ ;; unpacking), extract the feature structure (DAG) that includes the MRS. ;; (let* ((tdfs (edge-dag edge)) (fs (and (tdfs-p tdfs) (tdfs-indef tdfs)))) fs)) (defun deref (fs) ;; ;; given a feature structure, dereference it (i.e. follow pointer, if need ;; be). ;; _fix_me_ ;; probably, this should not be exposed through the interface but called by ;; all fs-manipulating routines in the interface instead. (24-aug-03; oe) ;; (follow-pointers fs)) (defun path-value (fs path) ;; ;; given a feature structure and a list of symbols naming features, extract ;; the feature structure under the specified path. ;; (existing-dag-at-end-of fs path)) (defun is-valid-fs (fs) ;; ;; given a feature structure, test its validity. ;; (dag-p fs)) (defun fs-arcs (fs) ;; ;; given a feature structure, return an association list containing feature ;; -- value (aka feature structure) pairs, e.g. ;; ;; ((LBL . #D[handle ...]) (WLINK . #D[*cons* ...]) (PRED . #D[*top* ...]) ;; (ARG0 . #D[event ...]) (ARG1 . #D[ref-ind ...])) ;; ;; where features are symbols and values whatever representation is used for ;; feature structures in the interface (i.e. integers for PET). ;; (dag-arcs fs)) (let ((specialist-user-p :unset)) (defun fs-type (fs) ;; ;; given a feature structure, extract its type. ;; (when (eq specialist-user-p :unset) ;; memo-ise specialist-user-p, since we shouldn't be calling getenv repeatedly (let ((user (make:getenv "USER"))) (setq specialist-user-p (member user '("aac" "dan" "danf") :test #'equal)))) (let ((fs-type (type-of-fs fs))) (when (and specialist-user-p (> (length (string fs-type)) (length "GLBTYPE")) (string= (string fs-type) "GLBTYPE" :end1 (length "GLBTYPE"))) ;; this is a glbtype and the user is expected to care, so be annoying (dotimes (n 5) (lkb::lkb-beep) (format t "~%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")) (format t "~%GLBTYPE ~A in MRS" fs-type) (dotimes (n 5) (format t "~%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"))) fs-type)) ) (defun is-valid-type (type) ;; ;; given a type, test its validity. ;; (lkb::is-valid-type type)) (defun is-top-type (type) ;; ;; given a type, return true if it is the top (i.e. most general) type. ;; (eql lkb::*toptype* type)) (defun equal-or-subtype (type1 type2) ;; ;; given two types, return true if .type1. is equal to .type2. or is one of ;; its descendants. ;; (lkb::subtype-or-equal type1 type2)) (defun compatible-types (type1 type2) ;; ;; given two types, return true if .type1. and .type2. are either identical ;; or have a greatest lower bound (common descendant). ;; (and type1 type2 (lkb::greatest-common-subtype type1 type2))) ;;; ;;; convert PSOA to LKB dag representation; enables use of DAG browsing tools ;;; for MRS viewing (specifically the emerging LUI AVM browser, while LUI ;;; does not include a specialized MRS browser). (10-jul-03; oe) ;;; (defun lui-dagify-mrs (mrs &key (stream t)) (declare (special *rel-handel-path*)) (let ((cache (make-hash-table))) (labels ((dagify-variable (variable) (if (var-p variable) (if (gethash variable cache) (format stream "<~(~s~)>" (var-string variable)) (loop initially (format stream "<~(~s~)>=~:[~;#D[~]~(~a~)" (var-string variable) (var-extra variable) (var-type variable)) for extra in (var-extra variable) for feature = (extrapair-feature extra) for value = (extrapair-value extra) do (format stream " ~a: ~(\"~a\"~)" feature value) finally (when (var-extra variable) (format stream "]")) (setf (gethash variable cache) variable))) (format stream "?")))) (format stream "#D[mrs") (when *rel-handel-path* (format stream " LTOP: ") (dagify-variable (psoa-top-h mrs))) (when (psoa-index mrs) (format stream " INDEX: ") (dagify-variable (psoa-index mrs))) (when (psoa-liszt mrs) (loop with cons = lkb::*non-empty-list-type* with null = lkb::*empty-list-type* with first = (first lkb::*list-head*) with rest = (first lkb::*list-tail*) with n = 0 initially (format stream " RELS:") for ep in (psoa-liszt mrs) for label = (rel-handel ep) for pred = (rel-pred ep) for lnk = (output-lnk (rel-lnk ep) :stream nil) do (format stream " #D[~(~s~) ~a: #D[\"~(~a~)~@[~a~]\"" cons first pred lnk) (when label (format stream " LBL: ") (dagify-variable label)) (loop for role in (rel-flist ep) for feature = (fvpair-feature role) for value = (fvpair-value role) when (var-p value) do (format stream " ~a: " feature) (dagify-variable value) else do (format stream " ~a: ~s" feature value)) (format stream "] ~a:" rest) (incf n) finally (format stream " ~(~a~)" null) (loop for i from 1 to n do (format stream "]")))) (when (psoa-h-cons mrs) (loop with cons = lkb::*non-empty-list-type* with null = lkb::*empty-list-type* with first = (first lkb::*list-head*) with rest = (first lkb::*list-tail*) with n = 0 initially (format stream " HCONS:") for hcons in (psoa-h-cons mrs) for type = (hcons-relation hcons) for hi = (hcons-scarg hcons) for lo = (hcons-outscpd hcons) do (format stream " #D[~(~a~) ~a: #D[~(~a~) HARG: " cons first type) (dagify-variable hi) (format stream " LARG: ") (dagify-variable lo) (format stream "] ~a:" rest) (incf n) finally (format stream " ~(~a~)" null) (loop for i from 1 to n do (format stream "]")))) (when (psoa-icons mrs) (loop with cons = lkb::*non-empty-list-type* with null = lkb::*empty-list-type* with first = (first lkb::*list-head*) with rest = (first lkb::*list-tail*) with n = 0 initially (format stream " ICONS:") for icons in (psoa-icons mrs) for type = (icons-relation icons) for le = (icons-iarg1 icons) for ri = (icons-iarg2 icons) do (format stream " #D[~(~a~) ~a: #D[~(~a~) LARG: " cons first type) (dagify-variable le) (format stream " RARG: ") (dagify-variable ri) (format stream "] ~a:" rest) (incf n) finally (format stream " ~(~a~)" null) (loop for i from 1 to n do (format stream "]")))) (format stream "]")))) (defun lui-indexed-mrs (mrs &key (stream t)) (let ((attic (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (id 0)) (labels ((newp (object) (not (gethash object attic))) (record (object) (or (gethash object attic) (let ((n id)) (setf (gethash object attic) n) (incf id) n))) (output (variable stream &optional (newp t)) (when (var-p variable) (format stream "\"~(~a~)\"" (var-string variable)) (when (and newp (var-extra variable)) (format stream " \"{\"") (loop for extra in (var-extra variable) do (format stream " \" ~(~a~)\"" (extrapair-value extra))) (format stream " \" }\""))))) (format stream "#X[~a " (record (psoa-top-h mrs))) (output (psoa-top-h mrs) stream) (format stream " \" \" ~a " (record (psoa-index mrs))) (output (psoa-index mrs) stream) (format stream " newline~%\"{ \" #X[") (loop with eps = (psoa-liszt mrs) with last = (first (last eps)) for ep in eps for label = (rel-handel ep) for pred = (rel-pred ep) for lnk = (output-lnk (rel-lnk ep) :stream nil) do (format stream "#X[~a " (record label)) (output label stream) (format stream " \":~(~a~)~@[~a~](\"" pred lnk) (loop for role in (rel-flist ep) for value = (fvpair-value role) unless (eq role (first (rel-flist ep))) do (format stream " \", \"") when (var-p value) do (let ((newp (newp value))) (format stream " ~a " (record value)) (output value stream newp)) else do (format stream "\"~a\"" value)) (format stream " \")\" ]~@[ newline~]~% " (not (eq ep last)))) (format stream "] \" }\" newline~% \"{ \" #X[") (loop for hcons in (psoa-h-cons mrs) for type = (string (hcons-relation hcons)) for hi = (hcons-scarg hcons) for lo = (hcons-outscpd hcons) do (format stream "#X[~a " (record hi)) (output hi stream) (format stream " \" ~(~a~) \" " (cond ((not (stringp type)) "=?") ((string-equal type "qeq") "=q") ((string-equal type "leq") "q") (t "=?"))) (format stream "~a " (record lo)) (output lo stream) (format stream "] \" \" wrap~%")) (format stream "] \" }\" newline~% \"{ \" #X[") (loop for icons in (psoa-icons mrs) for type = (string (icons-relation icons)) for le = (icons-iarg1 icons) for ri = (icons-iarg2 icons) do (format stream "#X[~a " (record le)) (output le stream nil) (format stream " \" ~(~a~) \" " (cond ((not (stringp type)) (string-downcase type)) ((string-equal type "topic") ">t") ((string-equal type "non-topic") "!t") ((string-equal type "focus") ">f") ((string-equal type "non-focus") "!f") (t (string-downcase type)))) (format stream "~a " (record ri)) (output ri stream nil) (format stream "] \" \" wrap~%")) (format stream "] \"}\" ]"))))