;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: LKB -*- ;; bmw20@hf.ntnu.no ;; (based in part on oe's SPPP implementation) ;; code to invoke external SAF preprocessor at runtime ;; configure with ;; ;; (setf saf::*e-application* "~/lkb/src/preprocess/external-smaf.sh") ;; ;; initialize with ;; ;; (saf::e-initialize) ;; ;; now sentence text will be sent thru external SAF preprocessor ;; ;; PROTOCOL: ;; (-> external processor) sentence text terminated with #\newline \#page #\newline ;; (<- external processor) SMAF XML terminated with #\newline \#page #\newline ;; ;; shutdown with ;; ;; (saf::e-shutdown) ;; ;; to see debugging messages: ;; ;; (setf smaf::*e-debug-p* t) ;; (in-package :saf) (defvar *e-pid* nil) (defvar *e-stream* nil) (defvar *e-application* nil) (defparameter *e-input-buffer* (make-array 2048 :element-type 'character :adjustable nil :fill-pointer 0)) (defvar *e-debug-p* nil) ;; INITIALIZATION (defun e-initialize () (unless *e-application* (error "*e-application* unset") (return-from e-initialize)) (e-shutdown) (let (foo) (when *e-debug-p* (format t "~%[smaf] starting up external processor...")) (multiple-value-setq (*e-stream* foo *e-pid*) (lkb::run-process *e-application* :wait nil :output :stream :input :stream :error-output nil)) (when *e-debug-p* (format t " (~a)" *e-pid*)) (when foo (setf foo foo)))) ;; SHUTDOWN (defun e-shutdown () (when *e-stream* (when *e-debug-p* (format t "~%[smaf] shutting down stream to external processor")) (close *e-stream*) (setf *e-stream* nil)) (when *e-pid* (when *e-debug-p* (format t "~%[smaf] shutting down external process (~a)" *e-pid*)) (lkb::run-process (format nil "kill -KILL ~d" *e-pid*) :wait t) #+:allegro (sys:os-wait nil *e-pid*) (setf *e-pid* nil) )) ;; PROCESS DATA (defun e (text &key (stream *e-stream*)) (unless (streamp stream) (error "[smaf] no external processor running")) (unless (output-stream-p stream) (error "[smaf] no output stream to external processor")) #+:allegro (setf (stream-external-format stream) (excl:find-external-format :utf-8)) (when *e-debug-p* (format t "~&SENT: ~a" text)) (format stream "~a~% ~%" text) (force-output stream) #+:allegro (setf (stream-external-format stream) (excl:find-external-format :utf-8)) (loop with size = (array-dimension *e-input-buffer* 0) initially (setf (fill-pointer *e-input-buffer*) 0) for n from 1 for c = (read-char stream nil nil) when (null c) do (format t "sppp(): premature end of file (after ~a characters)~%" n) (return) when (= n size) do (incf size size) (setf *e-input-buffer* (adjust-array *e-input-buffer* size)) when (char= c #\page) do (progn (when *e-debug-p* (format t "~&RETURNED: ~a" *e-input-buffer*)) (when (and (numberp n) (> n 1)) (return (xml-to-saf-object *e-input-buffer*)))) while c do (vector-push c *e-input-buffer*)))