# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Natural Language Toolkit: Interface to the Stanford NER-tagger # # Copyright (C) 2001-2012 NLTK Project # Author: Nitin Madnani # Rami Al-Rfou' # URL: # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT """ A module for interfacing with the Stanford taggers. """ import os import tempfile from subprocess import PIPE from nltk.internals import find_file, find_jar, config_java, java, _java_options from nltk.tag.api import TaggerI _stanford_url = 'http://nlp.stanford.edu/software' class StanfordTagger(TaggerI): """ An interface to Stanford taggers. Subclasses must define: - ``_cmd`` property: A property that returns the command that will be executed. - ``_SEPARATOR``: Class constant that represents that character that is used to separate the tokens from their tags. - ``_JAR`` file: Class constant that represents the jar file name. """ _SEPARATOR = '' _JAR = '' def __init__(self, path_to_model, path_to_jar=None, encoding=None, verbose=False, java_options='-mx1000m'): self._stanford_jar = find_jar( self._JAR, path_to_jar, searchpath=(), url=_stanford_url, verbose=verbose) self._stanford_model = find_file(path_to_model, env_vars=('STANFORD_MODELS'), verbose=verbose) self._encoding = encoding self.java_options = java_options @property def _cmd(self): raise NotImplementedError def tag(self, tokens): return self.batch_tag([tokens])[0] def batch_tag(self, sentences): encoding = self._encoding default_options = ' '.join(_java_options) config_java(options=self.java_options, verbose=False) # Create a temporary input file _input_fh, self._input_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True) if encoding: self._cmd.extend(['-encoding', encoding]) # Write the actual sentences to the temporary input file _input_fh = os.fdopen(_input_fh, 'w') _input = '\n'.join((' '.join(x) for x in sentences)) if isinstance(_input, unicode) and encoding: _input = _input.encode(encoding) _input_fh.write(_input) _input_fh.close() # Run the tagger and get the output stanpos_output, _stderr = java(self._cmd,classpath=self._stanford_jar, \ stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) if encoding: stanpos_output = stanpos_output.decode(encoding) # Delete the temporary file os.unlink(self._input_file_path) # Return java configurations to their default values config_java(options=default_options, verbose=False) return self.parse_output(stanpos_output) def parse_output(self, text): # Output the tagged sentences tagged_sentences = [] for tagged_sentence in text.strip().split("\n"): sentence = [] for tagged_word in tagged_sentence.strip().split(): word_tags = tagged_word.strip().split(self._SEPARATOR) sentence.append((''.join(word_tags[:-1]), word_tags[-1])) tagged_sentences.append(sentence) return tagged_sentences class POSTagger(StanfordTagger): """ A class for pos tagging with Stanford Tagger. The input is the paths to: - a model trained on training data - (optionally) the path to the stanford tagger jar file. If not specified here, then this jar file must be specified in the CLASSPATH envinroment variable. - (optionally) the encoding of the training data (default: ASCII) Example: .. doctest:: :options: +SKIP >>> from nltk.tag.stanford import POSTagger >>> st = POSTagger('/usr/share/stanford-postagger/models/english-bidirectional-distsim.tagger', ... '/usr/share/stanford-postagger/stanford-postagger.jar') >>> st.tag('What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow ?'.split()) [('What', 'WP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('airspeed', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('an', 'DT'), ('unladen', 'JJ'), ('swallow', 'VB'), ('?', '.')] """ _SEPARATOR = '_' _JAR = 'stanford-postagger.jar' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(POSTagger, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _cmd(self): return ['edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.MaxentTagger', \ '-model', self._stanford_model, '-textFile', \ self._input_file_path, '-tokenize', 'false'] class NERTagger(StanfordTagger): """ A class for ner tagging with Stanford Tagger. The input is the paths to: - a model trained on training data - (optionally) the path to the stanford tagger jar file. If not specified here, then this jar file must be specified in the CLASSPATH envinroment variable. - (optionally) the encoding of the training data (default: ASCII) Example: .. doctest:: :options: +SKIP >>> from nltk.tag.stanford import NERTagger >>> st = NERTagger('/usr/share/stanford-ner/classifiers/all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz', ... '/usr/share/stanford-ner/stanford-ner.jar') >>> st.tag('Rami Eid is studying at Stony Brook University in NY'.split()) [('Rami', 'PERSON'), ('Eid', 'PERSON'), ('is', 'O'), ('studying', 'O'), ('at', 'O'), ('Stony', 'ORGANIZATION'), ('Brook', 'ORGANIZATION'), ('University', 'ORGANIZATION'), ('in', 'O'), ('NY', 'LOCATION')] """ _SEPARATOR = '/' _JAR = 'stanford-ner.jar' _FORMAT = 'slashTags' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NERTagger, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _cmd(self): return ['edu.stanford.nlp.ie.crf.CRFClassifier', \ '-loadClassifier', self._stanford_model, '-textFile', \ self._input_file_path, '-outputFormat', self._FORMAT] def parse_output(self, text): if self._FORMAT == 'slashTags': return super(NERTagger, self).parse_output(text) raise NotImplementedError if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod(optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE)