""" Register YAML tags in the NLTK namespace with the YAML loader, by telling it what module and class to look for. NLTK uses simple '!' tags to mark the types of objects, but the fully-qualified "tag:nltk.org,2011:" prefix is also accepted in case anyone ends up using it. """ import yaml def custom_import(name): components = name.split('.') module_path = '.'.join(components[:-1]) mod = __import__(module_path) for comp in components[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, comp) return mod def metaloader(classpath): def loader(*args, **kwds): classref = custom_import(classpath) return classref.from_yaml(*args, **kwds) return loader def register_tag(tag, classpath): yaml.add_constructor(u'!'+tag, metaloader(classpath)) yaml.add_constructor(u'tag:nltk.org,2011:'+tag, metaloader(classpath)) register_tag(u'tag.Unigram', 'nltk.tag.unigram.Unigram') register_tag(u'tag.Brill', 'nltk.tag.brill.Brill') __all__ = ['custom_import', 'metaloader', 'register_tag']