ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT -1 ROOT ROOT involves involve VBZ VB 11 involves involve VBZ VB 11 verb_arg12 ARG1 activation activation NN NN 7 involves involve VBZ VB 11 verb_arg12 ARG2 phosphorylation phosphorylation NN NN 12 the the DT DT 28 det_arg1 ARG1 gene gene NN NN 30 B b NN NN 18 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 19 c-rel c-rel JJ JJ 29 adj_arg1 ARG1 gene gene NN NN 30 I i NN NN 16 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 19 kappa kappa NN NN 17 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 19 I i CD CD 5 adj_arg1 ARG1 activation activation NN NN 7 Tax tax NN NN 6 noun_arg1 ARG1 activation activation NN NN 7 RelA rela NN NN 21 noun_arg1 ARG1 induction induction NN NN 26 Human human JJ JJ 0 adj_arg1 ARG1 activation activation NN NN 7 -mediated -mediated JJ JJ 25 adj_arg1 ARG1 induction induction NN NN 26 T-cell t-cell NN NN 1 noun_arg1 ARG1 activation activation NN NN 7 virus virus NN NN 3 noun_arg1 ARG1 activation activation NN NN 7 type type NN NN 4 noun_arg1 ARG1 activation activation NN NN 7 NF-kappa nf-kappa NN NN 9 noun_arg1 ARG1 B/Rel b-SLASH-rel NN NN 10 leukemia leukemia NN NN 2 noun_arg1 ARG1 activation activation NN NN 7 of of IN IN 27 prep_arg12 ARG1 induction induction NN NN 26 of of IN IN 27 prep_arg12 ARG2 gene gene NN NN 30 of of IN IN 15 prep_arg12 ARG1 phosphorylation phosphorylation NN NN 12 of of IN IN 15 prep_arg12 ARG2 alpha alpha NN NN 19 and and CC CC 20 coord_arg12 ARG1 phosphorylation phosphorylation NN NN 12 and and CC CC 20 coord_arg12 ARG2 induction induction NN NN 26 of of IN IN 8 prep_arg12 ARG1 activation activation NN NN 7 of of IN IN 8 prep_arg12 ARG2 B/Rel b-SLASH-rel NN NN 10 and and CC CC 13 coord_arg12 ARG1 phosphorylation phosphorylation NN NN 12 and and CC CC 13 coord_arg12 ARG2 degradation degradation NN NN 14 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 22 lparen_arg123 ARG1 RelA rela NN NN 21 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 22 lparen_arg123 ARG2 p65 p-NUMBER- NN NN 23 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 22 lparen_arg123 ARG3 ) -RRB- ) -RRB- 24 ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT -1 ROOT ROOT is be VBZ VB 14 is be VBZ VB 14 verb_arg12 ARG1 product product NN NN 3 is be VBZ VB 14 verb_arg12 ARG2 activator activator NN NN 18 I i CD CD 10 adj_arg1 ARG1 type type NN NN 9 The the DT DT 0 det_arg1 ARG1 product product NN NN 3 a a DT DT 15 det_arg1 ARG1 activator activator NN NN 18 human human JJ JJ 5 adj_arg1 ARG1 type type NN NN 9 tax tax NN NN 1 noun_arg1 ARG1 product product NN NN 3 T-cell t-cell NN NN 6 noun_arg1 ARG1 type type NN NN 9 virus virus NN NN 8 noun_arg1 ARG1 type type NN NN 9 potent potent JJ JJ 16 adj_arg1 ARG1 activator activator NN NN 18 that that WDT WDT 19 relative_arg1 ARG1 activator activator NN NN 18 an an DT DT 27 det_arg1 ARG1 array array NN NN 28 T-cell t-cell NN NN 34 noun_arg1 ARG1 growth growth NN NN 35 gene gene NN NN 2 noun_arg1 ARG1 product product NN NN 3 leukemia leukemia NN NN 7 noun_arg1 ARG1 type type NN NN 9 viral viral JJ JJ 22 adj_arg1 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 24 cellular cellular JJ JJ 30 adj_arg1 ARG1 genes gene NNS NN 31 gene gene NN NN 23 noun_arg1 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 24 transcriptional transcriptional JJ JJ 17 adj_arg1 ARG1 activator activator NN NN 18 of of IN IN 4 prep_arg12 ARG1 product product NN NN 3 of of IN IN 4 prep_arg12 ARG2 type type NN NN 9 activates activate VBZ VB 26 verb_arg12 ARG1 activator activator NN NN 18 activates activate VBZ VB 26 verb_arg12 ARG2 array array NN NN 28 involved involve VBN VB 32 verb_arg12 ARG1 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN -1 involved involve VBN VB 32 verb_arg12 ARG2 genes gene NNS NN 31 of of IN IN 29 prep_arg12 ARG1 array array NN NN 28 of of IN IN 29 prep_arg12 ARG2 genes gene NNS NN 31 stimulates stimulate VBZ VB 21 verb_arg12 ARG1 activator activator NN NN 18 stimulates stimulate VBZ VB 21 verb_arg12 ARG2 expression expression NN NN 24 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 11 lparen_arg123 ARG1 type type NN NN 9 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 11 lparen_arg123 ARG2 HTLV-I htlv-i NN NN 12 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 11 lparen_arg123 ARG3 ) -RRB- ) -RRB- 13 both both CC CC 20 conj_arg1 ARG1 stimulates stimulate VBZ VB 21 in in IN IN 33 prep_arg12 ARG1 involved involve VBN VB 32 in in IN IN 33 prep_arg12 ARG2 growth growth NN NN 35 and and CC CC 25 coord_arg12 ARG1 stimulates stimulate VBZ VB 21 and and CC CC 25 coord_arg12 ARG2 activates activate VBZ VB 26 ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT -1 ROOT ROOT acts act VBZ VB 1 acts act VBZ VB 1 verb_arg1 ARG1 Tax tax NN NN 0 the the DT DT 7 det_arg1 ARG1 action action NN NN 8 the the DT DT 18 det_arg1 ARG1 family family NN NN 21 NF-kappa nf-kappa NN NN 19 noun_arg1 ARG1 family family NN NN 21 B/Rel b-SLASH-rel NN NN 20 noun_arg1 ARG1 family family NN NN 21 host host NN NN 11 noun_arg1 ARG1 factors factor NNS NN 13 various various JJ JJ 10 adj_arg1 ARG1 factors factor NNS NN 13 , -COMMA- , -COMMA- 14 punct_arg1 ARG1 factors factor NNS NN 13 indirectly indirectly RB RB 2 adj_arg1 ARG1 acts act VBZ VB 1 inducing induce VBG VB 4 verb_arg12 ARG1 Tax tax NN NN 0 inducing induce VBG VB 4 verb_arg12 ARG2 action action NN NN 8 modifying modify VBG VB 6 verb_arg12 ARG1 Tax tax NN NN 0 modifying modify VBG VB 6 verb_arg12 ARG2 action action NN NN 8 transcription transcription NN NN 12 noun_arg1 ARG1 factors factor NNS NN 13 enhancer-binding enhancer-binding JJ JJ 23 adj_arg1 ARG1 proteins protein NNS NN 24 of of IN IN 9 prep_arg12 ARG1 action action NN NN 8 of of IN IN 9 prep_arg12 ARG2 factors factor NNS NN 13 of of IN IN 17 prep_arg12 ARG1 members member NNS NN 16 of of IN IN 17 prep_arg12 ARG2 family family NN NN 21 of of IN IN 22 prep_arg12 ARG1 family family NN NN 21 of of IN IN 22 prep_arg12 ARG2 proteins protein NNS NN 24 including include VBG VB 15 prep_arg12 ARG1 factors factor NNS NN 13 including include VBG VB 15 prep_arg12 ARG2 members member NNS NN 16 by by IN IN 3 prep_arg12 ARG1 acts act VBZ VB 1 by by IN IN 3 prep_arg12 ARG2 inducing induce VBG VB 4 or or CC CC 5 coord_arg12 ARG1 inducing induce VBG VB 4 or or CC CC 5 coord_arg12 ARG2 modifying modify VBG VB 6 ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT -1 ROOT ROOT sequestered sequester VBN VB 12 sequestered sequester VBN VB 12 verb_arg12 ARG1 proteins protein NNS NN 20 sequestered sequester VBN VB 12 verb_arg12 ARG2 many many JJ JJ 5 the the DT DT 14 det_arg1 ARG1 cytoplasm cytoplasm NN NN 15 B b NN NN 25 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 26 I i NN NN 23 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 26 these these DT DT 7 det_arg1 ARG1 factors factor NNS NN 10 T t NN NN 2 noun_arg1 ARG1 cells cell NNS NN 3 kappa kappa NN NN 24 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 26 by by IN IN 16 lgs_arg2 ARG2 proteins protein NNS NN 20 various various JJ JJ 17 adj_arg1 ARG1 proteins protein NNS NN 20 , -COMMA- , -COMMA- 21 punct_arg1 ARG1 proteins protein NNS NN 20 NF-kappa nf-kappa NN NN 8 noun_arg1 ARG1 factors factor NNS NN 10 B/Rel b-SLASH-rel NN NN 9 noun_arg1 ARG1 factors factor NNS NN 10 resting rest VBG VB 1 verb_arg1 ARG1 cells cell NNS NN 3 ankyrin-rich ankyrin-rich JJ JJ 18 adj_arg1 ARG1 proteins protein NNS NN 20 inhibitory inhibitory JJ JJ 19 adj_arg1 ARG1 proteins protein NNS NN 20 of of IN IN 6 prep_arg12 ARG1 many many JJ JJ 5 of of IN IN 6 prep_arg12 ARG2 factors factor NNS NN 10 including include VBG VB 22 prep_arg12 ARG1 proteins protein NNS NN 20 including include VBG VB 22 prep_arg12 ARG2 alpha alpha NN NN 26 , -COMMA- , -COMMA- 4 punct_arg1 ARG1 sequestered sequester VBN VB 12 are be VBP VB 11 aux_arg12 ARG1 many many JJ JJ 5 are be VBP VB 11 aux_arg12 ARG2 sequestered sequester VBN VB 12 In in IN IN 0 prep_arg12 ARG1 sequestered sequester VBN VB 12 In in IN IN 0 prep_arg12 ARG2 cells cell NNS NN 3 in in IN IN 13 prep_arg12 ARG1 sequestered sequester VBN VB 12 in in IN IN 13 prep_arg12 ARG2 cytoplasm cytoplasm NN NN 15 ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT -1 ROOT ROOT leads lead VBZ VB 3 leads lead VBZ VB 3 verb_arg1 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 2 active active JJ JJ 11 adj_arg1 ARG1 B b NN NN 13 the the DT DT 20 det_arg1 ARG1 mechanism mechanism NN NN 22 the the DT DT 5 det_arg1 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 8 this this DT DT 27 det_arg1 ARG1 response response NN NN 28 NF-kappa nf-kappa NN NN 12 noun_arg1 ARG1 B b NN NN 13 Tax tax NN NN 1 noun_arg1 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 2 c-Rel c-rel NN NN 15 noun_arg1 ARG1 complexes complex NNS NN 16 nuclear nuclear JJ JJ 7 adj_arg1 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 8 biochemical biochemical JJ JJ 21 adj_arg1 ARG1 mechanism mechanism NN NN 22 constitutive constitutive JJ JJ 6 adj_arg1 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 8 understood understand VBN VB 31 verb_arg12 ARG1 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN -1 understood understand VBN VB 31 verb_arg12 ARG2 mechanism mechanism NN NN 22 and and CC CC 14 coord_arg12 ARG1 B b NN NN 13 and and CC CC 14 coord_arg12 ARG2 complexes complex NNS NN 16 of of IN IN 9 prep_arg12 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 8 of of IN IN 9 prep_arg12 ARG2 B b NN NN 13 biologically biologically RB RB 10 adj_arg1 ARG1 active active JJ JJ 11 HTLV-I htlv-i NN NN 0 noun_arg1 ARG1 Tax tax NN NN 1 underlying underlie VBG VB 26 verb_arg12 ARG1 mechanism mechanism NN NN 22 underlying underlie VBG VB 26 verb_arg12 ARG2 response response NN NN 28 poorly poorly RB RB 30 adj_arg1 ARG1 understood understand VBN VB 31 however however RB RB 18 adj_arg1 ARG1 understood understand VBN VB 31 , -COMMA- , -COMMA- 19 punct_arg1 ARG1 understood understand VBN VB 31 remains remain VBZ VB 29 aux_arg12 ARG1 mechanism mechanism NN NN 22 remains remain VBZ VB 29 aux_arg12 ARG2 understood understand VBN VB 31 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 23 lparen_arg123 ARG1 mechanism mechanism NN NN 22 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 23 lparen_arg123 ARG2 s s NNS NN 24 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 23 lparen_arg123 ARG3 ) -RRB- ) -RRB- 25 to to TO TO 4 prep_arg12 ARG1 leads lead VBZ VB 3 to to TO TO 4 prep_arg12 ARG2 expression expression NN NN 8 ; -SEMICOLON- : -COLON- 17 coord_arg12 ARG1 leads lead VBZ VB 3 ; -SEMICOLON- : -COLON- 17 coord_arg12 ARG2 understood understand VBN VB 31 ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT -1 ROOT ROOT demonstrate demonstrate VBP VB 5 demonstrate demonstrate VBP VB 5 verb_arg12 ARG1 we we PRP PRP 4 demonstrate demonstrate VBP VB 5 verb_arg12 ARG2 associated associate VBN VB 22 associated associate VBN VB 22 verb_arg12 ARG1 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN -1 associated associate VBN VB 22 verb_arg12 ARG2 expression expression NN NN 9 this this DT DT 1 det_arg1 ARG1 study study NN NN 2 both both CC CC 14 conj_arg1 ARG1 cells cell NNS NN 20 T t NN NN 19 noun_arg1 ARG1 cells cell NNS NN 20 NF-kappa nf-kappa NN NN 11 noun_arg1 ARG1 B b NN NN 12 human human JJ JJ 18 adj_arg1 ARG1 cells cell NNS NN 20 nuclear nuclear JJ JJ 8 adj_arg1 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 9 HTLV-I-infected htlv-i-infected JJ JJ 15 adj_arg1 ARG1 cells cell NNS NN 20 Tax-transfected tax-transfected JJ JJ 17 adj_arg1 ARG1 cells cell NNS NN 20 Tax-stimulated tax-stimulated JJ JJ 7 adj_arg1 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 9 B b NN NN 33 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 34 I i NN NN 31 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 34 kappa kappa NN NN 32 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 34 the the DT DT 24 det_arg1 ARG1 phosphorylation phosphorylation NN NN 25 proteolytic proteolytic JJ JJ 28 adj_arg1 ARG1 degradation degradation NN NN 29 of of IN IN 10 prep_arg12 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 9 of of IN IN 10 prep_arg12 ARG2 B b NN NN 12 in in IN IN 13 prep_arg12 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 9 in in IN IN 13 prep_arg12 ARG2 cells cell NNS NN 20 that that IN IN 6 comp_arg1 ARG1 associated associate VBN VB 22 is be VBZ VB 21 aux_arg12 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 9 is be VBZ VB 21 aux_arg12 ARG2 associated associate VBN VB 22 of of IN IN 30 prep_arg12 ARG1 phosphorylation phosphorylation NN NN 25 of of IN IN 30 prep_arg12 ARG2 alpha alpha NN NN 34 and and CC CC 26 coord_arg12 ARG1 phosphorylation phosphorylation NN NN 25 and and CC CC 26 coord_arg12 ARG2 degradation degradation NN NN 29 rapid rapid JJ JJ 27 adj_arg1 ARG1 proteolytic proteolytic JJ JJ 28 and and CC CC 16 coord_arg12 ARG1 HTLV-I-infected htlv-i-infected JJ JJ 15 and and CC CC 16 coord_arg12 ARG2 Tax-transfected tax-transfected JJ JJ 17 with with IN IN 23 prep_arg12 ARG1 associated associate VBN VB 22 with with IN IN 23 prep_arg12 ARG2 phosphorylation phosphorylation NN NN 25 , -COMMA- , -COMMA- 3 punct_arg1 ARG1 demonstrate demonstrate VBP VB 5 In in IN IN 0 prep_arg12 ARG1 demonstrate demonstrate VBP VB 5 In in IN IN 0 prep_arg12 ARG2 study study NN NN 2 ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT -1 ROOT ROOT associated associate VBN VB 23 associated associate VBN VB 23 verb_arg12 ARG1 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN -1 associated associate VBN VB 23 verb_arg12 ARG2 fraction fraction NN NN 11 the the DT DT 13 det_arg1 ARG1 form form NN NN 15 a a DT DT 10 det_arg1 ARG1 fraction fraction NN NN 11 B b NN NN 19 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 20 I i NN NN 17 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 20 least little JJS JJ 9 adj_arg1 ARG1 fraction fraction NN NN 11 kappa kappa NN NN 18 noun_arg1 ARG1 alpha alpha NN NN 20 vitro vitro FW FW 5 adj_arg1 ARG1 studies study NNS NN 6 subject subject JJ JJ 33 adj_arg1 ARG1 fraction fraction NN NN 11 phosphorylated phosphorylated JJ JJ 14 adj_arg1 ARG1 form form NN NN 15 the the DT DT 25 det_arg1 ARG1 complex complex NN NN 28 the the DT DT 44 det_arg1 ARG1 complex complex NN NN 48 B b NN NN 27 noun_arg1 ARG1 complex complex NN NN 28 B b NN NN 47 noun_arg1 ARG1 complex complex NN NN 48 active active JJ JJ 45 adj_arg1 ARG1 complex complex NN NN 48 the the DT DT 40 det_arg1 ARG1 translocation translocation NN NN 42 rapid rapid JJ JJ 35 adj_arg1 ARG1 degradation degradation NN NN 36 NF-kappa nf-kappa NN NN 26 noun_arg1 ARG1 complex complex NN NN 28 NF-kappa nf-kappa NN NN 46 noun_arg1 ARG1 complex complex NN NN 48 at at IN IN 8 adj_arg1 ARG1 least little JJS JJ 9 of of IN IN 16 prep_arg12 ARG1 form form NN NN 15 of of IN IN 16 prep_arg12 ARG2 alpha alpha NN NN 20 of of IN IN 12 prep_arg12 ARG1 fraction fraction NN NN 11 of of IN IN 12 prep_arg12 ARG2 form form NN NN 15 in in FW FW 4 noun_arg1 ARG1 vitro vitro FW FW 5 prior prior JJ JJ 3 adj_arg1 ARG1 vitro vitro FW FW 5 to to TO TO 2 prep_arg12 ARG1 contrast contrast NN NN 1 to to TO TO 2 prep_arg12 ARG2 studies study NNS NN 6 is be VBZ VB 32 verb_arg12 ARG1 fraction fraction NN NN 11 is be VBZ VB 32 verb_arg12 ARG2 subject subject JJ JJ 33 nuclear nuclear JJ JJ 41 adj_arg1 ARG1 translocation translocation NN NN 42 vivo vivo FW FW 30 adj_arg1 ARG1 associated associate VBN VB 23 physically physically RB RB 22 adj_arg1 ARG1 associated associate VBN VB 23 , -COMMA- , -COMMA- 7 punct_arg1 ARG1 associated associate VBN VB 23 remains remain VBZ VB 21 aux_arg12 ARG1 fraction fraction NN NN 11 remains remain VBZ VB 21 aux_arg12 ARG2 associated associate VBN VB 23 to to TO TO 34 prep_arg12 ARG1 subject subject JJ JJ 33 to to TO TO 34 prep_arg12 ARG2 degradation degradation NN NN 36 of of IN IN 43 prep_arg12 ARG1 translocation translocation NN NN 42 of of IN IN 43 prep_arg12 ARG2 complex complex NN NN 48 in in FW FW 29 noun_arg1 ARG1 vivo vivo FW FW 30 , -COMMA- , -COMMA- 37 punct_arg1 ARG1 is be VBZ VB 32 In in IN IN 0 prep_arg12 ARG1 associated associate VBN VB 23 In in IN IN 0 prep_arg12 ARG2 contrast contrast NN NN 1 with with IN IN 24 prep_arg12 ARG1 associated associate VBN VB 23 with with IN IN 24 prep_arg12 ARG2 complex complex NN NN 28 promoting promote VBG VB 39 verb_mod_arg12 MOD is be VBZ VB 32 promoting promote VBG VB 39 verb_mod_arg12 ARG1 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN -1 promoting promote VBG VB 39 verb_mod_arg12 ARG2 translocation translocation NN NN 42 but but CC CC 31 coord_arg12 ARG1 associated associate VBN VB 23 but but CC CC 31 coord_arg12 ARG2 is be VBZ VB 32 thereby thereby RB RB 38 adj_arg1 ARG1 promoting promote VBG VB 39 ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT -1 ROOT ROOT demonstrate demonstrate VBP VB 2 demonstrate demonstrate VBP VB 2 verb_arg12 ARG1 We we PRP PRP 0 demonstrate demonstrate VBP VB 2 verb_arg12 ARG2 activated activate VBN VB 11 activated activate VBN VB 11 verb_arg12 ARG1 subunit subunit NN NN 18 activated activate VBN VB 11 verb_arg12 ARG2 induction induction NN NN 5 by by IN IN 12 lgs_arg2 ARG2 subunit subunit NN NN 18 RelA rela NN NN 14 noun_arg1 ARG1 subunit subunit NN NN 18 Tax tax NN NN 4 noun_arg1 ARG1 induction induction NN NN 5 NF-kappa nf-kappa NN NN 20 noun_arg1 ARG1 B b NN NN 21 which which WDT WDT 23 relative_arg1 ARG1 subunit subunit NN NN 18 the the DT DT 27 det_arg1 ARG1 gene gene NN NN 29 an an DT DT 31 det_arg1 ARG1 element element NN NN 36 c-rel c-rel JJ JJ 28 adj_arg1 ARG1 gene gene NN NN 29 B b NN NN 34 noun_arg1 ARG1 element element NN NN 36 kappa kappa NN NN 33 noun_arg1 ARG1 element element NN NN 36 intrinsic intrinsic JJ JJ 32 adj_arg1 ARG1 element element NN NN 36 , -COMMA- , -COMMA- 22 punct_arg1 ARG1 subunit subunit NN NN 18 c-Rel c-rel NN NN 8 noun_arg1 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 9 enhancer enhancer NN NN 35 noun_arg1 ARG1 element element NN NN 36 nuclear nuclear JJ JJ 7 adj_arg1 ARG1 expression expression NN NN 9 of of IN IN 6 prep_arg12 ARG1 induction induction NN NN 5 of of IN IN 6 prep_arg12 ARG2 expression expression NN NN 9 the the DT DT 13 det_arg1 ARG1 RelA rela NN NN 14 of of IN IN 19 prep_arg12 ARG1 subunit subunit NN NN 18 of of IN IN 19 prep_arg12 ARG2 B b NN NN 21 of of IN IN 26 prep_arg12 ARG1 transcription transcription NN NN 25 of of IN IN 26 prep_arg12 ARG2 gene gene NN NN 29 that that IN IN 3 comp_arg1 ARG1 activated activate VBN VB 11 is be VBZ VB 10 aux_arg12 ARG1 induction induction NN NN 5 is be VBZ VB 10 aux_arg12 ARG2 activated activate VBN VB 11 activates activate VBZ VB 24 verb_arg12 ARG1 subunit subunit NN NN 18 activates activate VBZ VB 24 verb_arg12 ARG2 transcription transcription NN NN 25 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 15 lparen_arg123 ARG1 RelA rela NN NN 14 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 15 lparen_arg123 ARG2 p65 p-NUMBER- NN NN 16 ( -LRB- ( -LRB- 15 lparen_arg123 ARG3 ) -RRB- ) -RRB- 17 through through IN IN 30 prep_arg12 ARG1 activates activate VBZ VB 24 through through IN IN 30 prep_arg12 ARG2 element element NN NN 36 further further RB RB 1 adj_arg1 ARG1 demonstrate demonstrate VBP VB 2 ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT -1 ROOT ROOT acts act VBZ VB 10 acts act VBZ VB 10 verb_arg1 ARG1 accumulation accumulation NN NN 6 an an DT DT 22 det_arg1 ARG1 loop loop NN NN 24 the the DT DT 19 det_arg1 ARG1 presence presence NN NN 20 the the DT DT 4 det_arg1 ARG1 accumulation accumulation NN NN 6 own own JJ JJ 14 adj_arg1 ARG1 production production NN NN 16 normal normal JJ JJ 1 adj_arg1 ARG1 cells cell NNS NN 2 nuclear nuclear JJ JJ 8 adj_arg1 ARG1 c-Rel c-rel NN NN 9 its its PRP$ PRP-DOLLAR- 13 det_arg1 ARG1 production production NN NN 16 continued continued JJ JJ 15 adj_arg1 ARG1 production production NN NN 16 autoregulatory autoregulatory JJ JJ 23 adj_arg1 ARG1 loop loop NN NN 24 subsequent subsequent JJ JJ 5 adj_arg1 ARG1 accumulation accumulation NN NN 6 of of IN IN 7 prep_arg12 ARG1 accumulation accumulation NN NN 6 of of IN IN 7 prep_arg12 ARG2 c-Rel c-rel NN NN 9 , -COMMA- , -COMMA- 3 punct_arg1 ARG1 acts act VBZ VB 10 , -COMMA- , -COMMA- 17 punct_arg1 ARG1 acts act VBZ VB 10 inhibit inhibit VB VB 12 verb_arg12 ARG1 accumulation accumulation NN NN 6 inhibit inhibit VB VB 12 verb_arg12 ARG2 production production NN NN 16 of of IN IN 21 prep_arg12 ARG1 presence presence NN NN 20 of of IN IN 21 prep_arg12 ARG2 loop loop NN NN 24 In in IN IN 0 prep_arg12 ARG1 acts act VBZ VB 10 In in IN IN 0 prep_arg12 ARG2 cells cell NNS NN 2 indicating indicate VBG VB 18 verb_mod_arg12 MOD acts act VBZ VB 10 indicating indicate VBG VB 18 verb_mod_arg12 ARG1 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN -1 indicating indicate VBG VB 18 verb_mod_arg12 ARG2 presence presence NN NN 20 to to TO TO 11 aux_mod_arg12 MOD acts act VBZ VB 10 to to TO TO 11 aux_mod_arg12 ARG1 accumulation accumulation NN NN 6 to to TO TO 11 aux_mod_arg12 ARG2 inhibit inhibit VB VB 12