-*- text -*- A document to summarizing which API's of the different implementations are associated with 'Step 1'. Interface to be implemented in step 1: - socket-connect - socket-close - get-host-by-address - get-hosts-by-name (and something to do with errors; maybe move this to step 1a?) SBCL ==== sockets: - socket-bind - make-instance 'inet-socket - socket-make-stream - socket-connect (ip vector-quad) port - socket-close DNS name resolution: - get-host-by-name - get-host-by-address - ::host-ent-addresses - host-ent-name CMUCL ===== sockets: - ext:connect-to-inet-socket (ip integer) port - sys:make-fd-stream - ext:close-socket DNS name resolution: - ext:host-entry-name - ext::lookup-host-entry - ext:host-entry-addr-list - ext:lookup-host-entry ABCL ==== sockets - ext:socket-connect (hostname string) port - ext:get-socket-stream - ext:socket-close clisp ===== sockets - socket-connect port (hostname string) - close (socket) Allegro ======= sockets - make-socket - socket-connect - close DNS resolution - lookup-hostname - ipaddr-to-hostname